John Zeigler did a poll, which is a prelude to a documentary he’s preparing called Media Malpractice. After watching this video you’ll see that it’s appropriately named.
Watching that video was actually excruciating for me. It was painful to keep my anger at bay. I knew the bias-left-winged media was lax in reporting the truth about Obama’s associations. I knew the media was negatively slamming Sarah Palin just as SNL was using her to boost their ratings. It’s just that actually seeing proof of the media’s negligence is so horribly disturbing. I mean people actually voted without knowing who controls Congress for Pete’s sake! I’m not a Political genius, but I do know who’s in control of Congress; who our Speaker of the House is; who the Democratic majority leader is; and I know who said what during the damn election.
Why do I know? Not because I watch Fox News. But because I’ve researched and dug and read until my eyes burned. Just because the news said it’s so doesn’t mean it’s so. Don’t get me wrong, I like Fox News and I think they’re pretty fair-however, they are the media and I trust the media only a tad more than I trust the government-which isn’t much.
I’m appalled at how absolutely stupid so many Americans are. They think because MSNBC or NPR reported it it's gospel. What morons! I don’t even watch my local news stations. They describe Breaking News as 100 cats found in a house-Owner being charged with animal cruelty. And that affects me and a million other people how? Heck, even the weather forecast is wrong 80% of the time!
The media’s responsibility is to report information that affects the population. In an election the media is responsible to report all the facts about all the candidates- positive and negative. They are fraudulent distorting a story to favor one candidate over another. And they are negligent if they purposely omit information that is relevant.
It is apparent the media did a damn good job of omitting plenty of information regarding Obama and it’s obvious they were diligent in skewing information about Sarah Palin. It’s evident my fellow Bloggers and I have our work cut out for us. We need to Spread the Truth and OUT (Operation Uphold Truth) the media, because the Left’s mission is to stifle the facts.
So, let’s get going, Bloggers, and OUT the media!
The Art Of Stage Makeup
1 week ago
pam i can understand your frustration. but i am going to put a postive spin on this. why was palin remembered so much. because she, the person, captivated everyone. now this captivation made it easy on the media to go after her, but her "personality" is what drove this. so i hope they can't forget her, because it bodes well for her future.....
ReplyDeleteI agree with that, Pat. As long as the media keeps Palin in their headlines she'll stay in everyone's mind. However, it's the lies that really make me angry and the fact that the majority of the population doesn't even try to find the truth. As Michael Savage says, they're all a bunch of sheeple.
ReplyDeleteThe media’s responsibility is to report information that affects the population. In an election the media is responsible to report all the facts about all the candidates- positive and negative. true hun but the lib media have total control!!
ReplyDeleteThis video made my blood boil, as you probably know. This is why there should be some kind of test before you Vote. No wonder the masses weren't worried about Total Democratic control, they have no idea what Congress is or what it does.