America is in debt by the trillions and yet Obama has signed an executive order to send money to other countries to fund abortions.
Now, wait. Let me get this straight in my head.
We have NO MONEY. Supposedly we have 47 million people in America that don’t have health insurance and we are OUT OF MONEY, yet we’re sending money WE DON’T HAVE to other countries to pay for abortions. This is Obama’s first order of business, besides closing Gitmo; but I will get to that in another blog. I have a problem with this primary order of duty in Obama’s first week of presidency. Our country is in a major financial crisis; we’re in 2 wars; Israel and Palestine are bombing one another; our unemployment rate is skyrocketing; banks need more money; car companies and cities need bailouts and Obama thinks it’s more important to kill babies. Do I need to drink the Kool-Aid to understand his rationale? How in the hell is funding abortions in other countries with money we don’t possess imperative? Okay, let’s say for some idiotic reason that this helps make us look good in the global scheme of things-which by the way shouldn’t matter. Let’s say hypothetically that other countries all hail the great United States for sending them money for abortions. Is funding abortions something we should be worried about right now? I mean isn’t the United States’ current economical situation more important than another county’s population control problem? The Left bashed Bush for funding a war in Iraq that helps save innocent lives and frees people. But it’s okay to fund countries to kill babies? Somehow I’m having a problem with the logic. Even drinking the Kool-Aid, I think anyone would have trouble justifying that logic. Except the Left. They can skew their logic so that it fits their agenda. And their agenda is to grow bigger government and they want the rest of the world along for the ride.
The Art Of Stage Makeup
6 days ago