Last night during Obama’s Address to Congress, I was fearful Pelosi’s smile was surgically enhanced to stay that way-FOREVER. I don’t think I EVER saw her smile as much as I did last night. She’s always reminded me of the Cheshire Cat, especially when she wears purple, and she wears purple a lot. That grin of hers just keeps giving. I wonder: when she left the Chamber, was her smile still hanging around her throne chair. She needs to call her Plastic Surgeon and have an immediate check up. What if that awful Cheshire grin is permanent and every time we see her she’s got that “cat that ate the canary” grin? I realize she’s ecstatic because her Pork Package has been passed into law and now she has a new Puppet President; but she could try some measure of decorum. She's the Speaker of the House for crying out loud. Oh my, I’m asking a Democrat to understand the meaning of respectability. Now I sound nuts. Forgive me, dear readers, I watched Obama’s speech, I guess I haven’t fully recovered.