Lately I’ve been so frustrated. Forget the bailouts, the deficit, the economy and other major issues that plague us. I’m talking about all the finger-pointing that’s going on. The Republicans blame the Democrats for THIS. The Democrats blame the Republicans for THAT. The Left accuses the Right; the Right accuses the Left. The media omits an important part of a clip to manipulate the story for the benefit of THEIR side. If I hear one more time about inheriting a deficit or how more money has been spent with this administration than with all the presidents combined, I think I’ll spit…and trust me, I despise spitting.
I would like…no…exalt BOTH sides if they would get along and accomplish something! Just ONE thing. Is that so much to ask? Is it so much to request that our Congressmen and women and our Senators come together as a team and solve ONE problem? Resolve a problem WITHOUT acting like a bunch of little kids pushing and shoving on a playground. As it stands, when someone gets a black eye, everyone starts yakking at the same time blaming and pointing fingers at everyone else. It’s just so immature. These people are adults, for crying out loud! I feel, at the very least, I should put every one of them in a time out until they learn to play nice. But what I’d really like to do is give each of them a swat on their rear ends!
My fantasy of punishing those on Capitol Hill will stay a desire until we can obtain vengeance on Election Day. Or I have another proposition. I think the American people are more mature, have better ideas and can be more bipartisan than those in Congress. I would like to pick a topic and have us discuss it in a mature manner. I have faith that we Conservatives and Liberals can come up with some really good ideas and possibly a solution to some of the problems that plague our nation. These solutions may never go anywhere other than this blog; but it may make us feel better. At the very least it will prove to me that there is such a thing as Conservatives and Liberals working together toward a common goal.
Our first topic is going to be Health Care. This, as we all know, is a major concern for Americans and our country. Our debate goal will be to resolve the Health Care conundrum. We definitely NEED Health Care reform. I don’t think there is a person out there that will argue with me on that. I’ll post my ideas in the comment section and I look forward to hearing from all of you.