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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama Administration is full of Cowards

In a speech to the Justice Department employees marking Black History Month, Attorney General Eric Holder described the US as a nation of cowards on race relations. He said that most Americans avoided talking about racial issues and that although strides have been made in integrating the workplace, America was still self-segregated on weekends and in their private lives.

Nice statement from the first African-American Attorney General who was appointed by the first African-American President, don’t ya think?

And now another alarming statement from the Justice Department. Except it has to do with Terrorists this time. We aren’t allowed to call them Enemy Combatants anymore.

What are we allowed to call them then? Well, we don’t know. Seems no one in the brilliant Obama Administration knows much of anything. They put the cart before the horse…AGAIN.

The Obama Administration is going to close Guantanamo Bay within a year; however, they have no clue where the detainees are going to go from there. We aren’t allowed to call the terrorists, who want us DEAD, Enemy Combatants anymore; and there’s no announcement from the brilliant Obama team as to what their new title will be.

But rest assured Attorney General Eric Holder is on the case! In his statement to the court outlining Obama’s efforts to close Guantanamo Bay within a year, Holder stated that promptly determining the appropriate disposition of those detained at Guantanamo was a high priority for the president and there could be further refinements as the process continues. Phew! I’m relieved! I’m so glad it’s such a high priority that Obama signed the executive order to close Guantanamo BEFORE he knew where to put the MURDERERS. I’m so relieved to know that the process will be refined as they move along. Maybe these geniuses should’ve REFINED the process BEFORE signing the order.

Then we have Elisa Massimino, Ceo and Executive Director of Human Rights First, who is just thrilled over the news. She tried urging the Bush Administration to use kid gloves on ENEMY COMBATANTS and now states that she’s hopeful this administration will use this opportunity to narrow the authority and make a clean break from the policies from the past. Yes, Elisa, it was so bad during the Bush Administration. We were SAFE from ENEMY COMBATANTS for 7 ½ years. What are you going to do WHEN we are attacked AGAIN? How is it going to be printed in the news?

Yeah, that’s right, we can’t call them terrorists, Muslims, enemy combatants, radical Islamics or anything else that will stereotype or might hurt their feelings or cause discomfort. After all, they only want us D E A D!

These MURDERING ENEMY COMBATANTS don’t deserve human rights, civil rights and definitely not constitutional rights, hence Guantanamo Bay, you moron!

If anyone is cowardly, it’s the Obama Administration. From Janet Napolitano to Eric Holder to organizations like Elisa Massimino’s to Obama himself. This Administration believes Terrorists should have civil, human, constitutional and every other right under the sun. But to hell with the rights of those that lost their lives on September 11, 2001. To hell with the families who mourn those lives every single day. And to hell with the safety of the American people. When America is attacked again, and trust me I’m NOT hoping it is; but I believe it’s inevitable with this incompetent administration. And when it is I think EVERYONE of them should be brought up on treason.


  1. This is a parody blog, right? You have a war mongering priest and I recognize one of your followers as silly little goof that calls herself LTD but just calls others names and runs away. Keep up the good work convincing these right wing fools you're one of them OO.

  2. When will this hypocrisy end?
    Never i suppose. Like this child wearing an Obama mask.
    As I have just blogged on this morning

  3. Truth101, thank you for proving the Right correct, again. When the truth is revealed, Liberals insult rather than provide something constructive.

  4. Cowards?
    Holder is so stupid he couldn't spell "cat" if you spotted him the c and the t.
    And now we have a defender of porno as asst. AG.
    I knew this would be ugly, but I had no idea how ugly.

  5. pammy i am going to say any one on the LEFT is a coward. all they can do is throw stones in some sort of self rightous bigotry. it is sickening....

  6. Thanks to the current administration, I don't have to worry about my mortgage and car payment anymore! Keep giving me circus and bread and I'll support the administration 100%. I am thinking about starting a support group named "Government Now, Government Forever!" I don't want to think for myself, provide for myself, instill any pride in myself, I just want my circus and bread!!!!!

  7. if race relation seem to have gotten worse since November we can only blame Obama

  8. I'm sure you're just joking around, Mr. Stevens. However, there are those out there who truly feel that way and will continue to support this administration because they are being supported by entitlements and handouts. This perpetual cycle of taking from the hardworking to give to the lazy needs to stop.

  9. I have to agree with you on parts of this post. I'll start with the parts that I agree with, where I think you make a ton of sense.

    "What are we allowed to call them then? Well, we don’t know. Seems no one in the brilliant Obama Administration knows much of anything. They put the cart before the horse…AGAIN."

    "The Obama Administration is going to close Guantanamo Bay within a year; however, they have no clue where the detainees are going to go from there. …promptly determining the appropriate disposition of those detained at Guantanamo was a high priority for the president and there could be further refinements as the process continues… it’s such a high priority that Obama signed the executive order to close Guantanamo BEFORE he knew where to put the MURDERERS…”

    The Obama Administration keeps doing things without finishing them, like the housing bill. No one at the banks knows anything about the specifics of the plan that went into effect March 4th. Same with Guantanamo Bay. It’s closing, but where are we putting everyone?

    Now I’ll talk about the parts of your post I disagree with (to be fair).

    Wow. Where to start. I guess I’ll start where you did.

    “Except it has to do with Terrorists this time. We aren’t allowed to call them Enemy Combatants anymore… We aren’t allowed to call the terrorists, who want us DEAD, Enemy Combatants anymore…"

    The reason Obama is doing away with the “Enemy Combatant” label is because of how the previous administration exploited it. Enemy Combatant is a way around the Geneva Conventions because it is not covered. The Bush Administration, coupled with the John Yoo Legal Memos, used that loophole to be able to sidestep any and all legal accountability concerning their power. If you read the memos, the same memos that they used to justify Guantanamo Bay, they give the President power to accuse anyone of being an enemy combatant and hold without formal charge, trial, and can hold them forever, even if they are US citizens. Don’t believe me? Read the John Yoo Memos. Or, look up Jose Padilla. Jose was a US citizen that being questioned for one charge. The Bush Admin decided he might be a terrorist, so they labeled him “enemy combatant” and locked him up without any trial. That is, until the Supreme Court got wind of it. They were going to rule that unconstitutional, which it is, and so the Bush Admin gave him back to the Justice system in order to avoid the Supreme Court ruling that unconstitutional and thereby forever removing that power from the President. Once in the Criminal Justice system, Jose was tried and convicted and sentenced accordingly, like the US Constitution says.

    “Enemy Combatant” is a legal term, and Obama is getting rid of it based on its implications, not its political correctness or lack thereof.

    "BEFORE he knew where to put the MURDERERS…"

    The people being held in Guantanamo Bay are only accused of being enemy combatants or terrorists, without any need of proof. Those in Guantanamo are guilty until proven innocent; except for they are not given any way to prove their innocence.

    "She tried urging the Bush Administration to use kid gloves on ENEMY COMBATANTS and now states that she’s hopeful this administration will use this opportunity to narrow the authority and make a clean break from the policies from the past. Yes, Elisa, it was so bad during the Bush Administration."

    It was terrible under the Bush Administration. We allowed our president to use the war on terror as a pretext to seek unlimited power. Again, look at the memos they used. They gave him power over amendments 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, as well as authority to disregard Congress. Congress (the legislative branch) made a law forbidding torture. Our Constitution says that Congress is the most powerful branch, and Congress, the Executive Branch, and the Supreme Court are all supposed to keep each other in checks and balances. The Bush Admin said “no thanks. We don’t need checks and balances.”

    "We were SAFE from ENEMY COMBATANTS for 7 ½ years. What are you going to do WHEN we are attacked AGAIN?... MEN BLOW UP CITY KILLING THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS….After all, they only want us D E A D!"

    We were not safe from them under Bush. In fact, Bush was warned that Osama was going to attack and ignored the info. And I doubt throwing people into confinement without any charge and denying them human rights made us “safer.”

    "These MURDERING ENEMY COMBATANTS don’t deserve human rights, civil rights and definitely not constitutional rights, hence Guantanamo Bay, you moron!"

    Every human being deserves human rights, civil rights, and constitutional rights. The majority of Americans believe so. In fact, so did the founding fathers. Our founding fathers never said "all Americans are created equal" or "all American citizens are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights." They said

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."

    So actually, the accused, no matter what they are accused of have a right to a trial. If they are terrorists, then lets give them a trial and execute them. It’s that simple. It’s fair and just.

    "If anyone is cowardly, it’s the Obama Administration…"

    Actually it’s this mindset that’s cowardly. This mindset says that as long as we are a little safer, nothing else matters. Benjamin Franklin would disagree, as would most (if not all) of our founding fathers.
    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." –Ben Franklin

    "…When America is attacked again, and trust me I’m NOT hoping it is; but I believe it’s inevitable with this incompetent administration. And when it is I think EVERYONE of them should be brought up on treason.”

    If we are attacked because the Obama administration is actually upholding our Congressional laws and Constitution and actually living what we stand for, then that is not treason. That’s others attacking us because we stand for something great that they don’t believe in. The Bush Administration trying to overturn parts of the Constitution and sidestepping Congressional accountability is treason. And they should be brought up on charges.

  10. Did you hear about the man who was released from Guantanamo? He was deported back to Saudi Arabia where they "rehabilitated" him. Once they released him he traveled to I believe Yemen. Now he is a TOP LEADER in Al-Qaeda. This is some pretty good proof that perhaps those guys down there in Cuba were put there for a reason.

  11. Most Rev. Gregori said...
    To Truth 101;
    I'm sorry, but you wouldn't recognize the truth if it snuck up and bit you in the butt, so go back to your world of liberal fantasies and pipe dreams. It is those of you on the left who are the fools.
    Rev. do you really think that liberal fantasize? LOL...
    Oh how I love that one..

  12. excellent piece girl!..it should be on the front page of every leftard rag!!:)

  13. You know LTD, I'm most likely the only one to visit Ms. Oracular's site that hasn't made fun of your haircut. I support your right to wear your hair any way you want darling.

    And I respect the Reverend's right to pretend he's a reverend also. Now let me ask you Rev. You're against abortion but support Bush's torture policy. Is it only half a sin to torture a fetus?

  14. Mr. Truth101, you are the FIRST one EVER to debase anyone on my site. I suppose you should receive some type of award. However, I’m all out of Puerile Awards at the moment.

    If you respect the Reverend then maybe you shouldn’t insult his profession. I would also like to note that a person can be pro-life but also be pro-torture. Torture is not murder. Just as the Catholic Church is pro-life but has a clause for extreme circumstances, such as war. But we aren’t discussing abortions or religion in this topic; we’re discussing Terrorists. I suppose you don’t have anything substantial to add to the debate because you would have done so by now. As I mentioned earlier, you attack. I believe you do this because you can’t impugn the truth that’s written.

  15. Adding to my comment above, many locked up (without any rights whatsoever) in Guantanamo are innocent, but were still subjected to the torture and non rights because instead of innocent until proven guilty, in GTMO you are guilty until proven innocent.

    "There are still innocent people there," Lawrence B. Wilkerson, a Republican who was chief of staff to then-Secretary of State Colin Powell, told The Associated Press. "Some have been there six or seven years."

  16. And now, Pelosi meets with illegal aliens and calls them Patriotic. When will this insanity end?

    That pathetic poster who remarkably equates killing innocent babies to forcibly interrogating terrorists who would rather saw your head off than debate you, is an idiot.

    Here's the difference, Genius:

    A baby who has yet to be born has done nothing to deserve being murdered.

    A terrorist who has intentionally murdered people just because they have different beliefs than he is not innocent, and deserves a painful, prolonged death, preferably by torture.

    Get the difference, Brainiac? Innocent= deserves life. Guilty+ deserves detah. Simple for anyone that isn't stupid to understand.

  17. uh....excuse the typo. I meant Guilty = deserves death.

    If this was my blog, I could correct my mistakes.

  18. I respect men and women of the Cloth Ms. Oracular. I just have my doubts that the Most Reverend Gregori Rasputin is one of them.

    And if you want to hate on me because I believe torture is a crime against humanity then I can live with that.

    And you're the one that called members of the Obama Administration cowards Pamela. I thought your attacks meant all were in play. Your blog. Your rules. Delete me if you must.

  19. In my Observation. I find that your blog has so much anger and not enough love.
    But I will follow it anyway. In hope that it may see the light and change.

  20. Pamela, of course you are quite correct in identifying the Obama Ad. as cowards. I'll even add "incompetetent" to that.
    Eric Holder himself, is a racist, bent upon playing the race card from his post, to ensure uniform adhesion, like the kind followed by Truth101 and the Gray Headed Dude, to the stupid and blindly idiotic policies of the Left, both in the Congress and in the White House.

    As a man of color myself, I see the usage of the term 'racism' and Holder's 'cowardice' pronouncement as obscene, and as only another wedge between Whites and Others.
    He could have called everyone Americans with personal choices, but chose those specific words instead.
    He, Mr. Holder, is not qualified to be the U.S. Attorney General-- but like Truth101, is entitled to his personal opinions, no matter how outrageous and purile.

    On the Enemy Combatatant/Terroist matter, perhaps our ole buddy Saddam said it best:
    "Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer."

  21. Mark: As has been shown above, many of those "enemy combatants" arrested are actually innocent. Yet they are still treated to the same torture and lack of rights or formal charges.

    We should try them. If they are actually guilty of terrorism, then convict them and do what we did with Timothy McVeigh (execution) or the Unibomber (life w/o the possibility of parole). If they are innocent and were just in the wrong place at the wrong time (as the majority of those in GTMO are) then release them.

  22. Wow, this post has really taken off. I want to thank all of you who have participated. It has made things quite interesting.

    First I’d like to respond Grey Headed Brother:
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I stopped by yours, too. Yes, I am very angry. I’m mad that our politicians have forgotten who they work for. US. I’m enraged that somewhere along the way We the People have forgotten to stand up for what’s right. I’m angry that our country is falling apart and so many are just sticking their heads in the sand hoping it will work out. It won’t. You, me and everyone else needs to get involved, and not just on Election Day. We need to get educated, informed and make our officials accountable.

    Truth101: I’m sorry you have doubts as to whether the Reverend is an actual Reverend or not. I will believe he is what he states he is. I believe in having faith in people until I’m proven otherwise. I have no reason to doubt him. And quite frankly, neither do you. I don’t hate you, Truth101, and you have every right to believe torture is a crime. You and I just have different opinions on the matter. Which is what debating is all about. My point is that you haven’t been debating, you’ve been insulting. I welcome you here and have no intentions of deleting you, unless you become vulgar. I welcome your opinions, not your taunts.

    Hello again, Local Malcontent. How have you been? You’re right, Holder didn’t have to use the word race; however, I believe he did so intentionally. If people would stop using racism as an excuse, it would eventually go away. But the NAACP and the ACLU instigate it, therefore it lingers and festers. I can tell you, I’m not racist and neither is anyone in my close circle. Racism will never go away as long as it’s used as a crutch.

    And James, where do I begin? You’ve really added a lot. Thank you. I admire someone from the Left that has such an abundant amount of knowledge who can articulate it respectfully. I suppose I’ll start with Guantanamo. There are approximately 270 inmates there and about 54 should be released; I’m assuming these are the innocents you speak of. The problem with these men is that no other country will take them. That leaves us in a very precarious situation. Where do they go? Just like Obama signing an executive order to close Gitmo BEFORE knowing where to put the detainees. As far as your statement about the president accusing and locking up anyone, I have a difficult time believing that ANY American President would arrest and detain someone in Gitmo Just Because. I believe that the Bush Administration had the best interest of the American People at heart. Just like the Obama Administration feels it has the American People’s interests at heart, too. Right or wrong, both presidents felt or feel they were or are doing the right thing. I do believe in Guantanamo Bay; I do believe in torture; I do believe they are guilty until proven innocent. We aren’t dealing with enemies of the past; this is a different enemy. This enemy doesn’t attack on a battlefield. This enemy attacks in office buildings with its victims sitting behind desks and at coffee machines. How anyone could want to treat them with civility is beyond my meager comprehension. I just can’t wrap my mind around that mentality. I’ve tried; I really have. I just can’t get the image of innocent Americans jumping from the Twin Towers to die on the pavement 80 stories below rather than burn to death. You are 100% correct that we need to try these terrorists. But not in our civilian courts. We need an entire new set of rules and laws for these monsters. This is a War on Terror and it’s not going away any time soon. We, as a Country, can’t be weak on this issue. We need to hit and hit hard. We can’t be cowardly. By closing Guantanamo, not calling them terrorists or enemy combatants and giving them all types of rights is showing them that we aren’t strong. It’s showing them we are cowards in the face of terror. That’s what the terrorists see and that’s what millions of Americans and I see.

  23. TRUTH 101 was right when he said:

    "This is a parody blog"

  24. I find it interesting that truth and gray hair haven't really answered ANY of my questions, yet go to other sites and insult people. Neither of you are open-minded. You just use liberal buzz words.

    To both of you....read....ANYTHING. You might learn something if you turn off MSNBC.

  25. I answered you on my blog..

    And as for Obama's lack of experience..
    I think what ever experience or lack of it is still is better than GW Bush's and Dick Cheney's experience of lying about the existence of WMDs in Iraq.
    In my opinion all this nonsense only goes to show that White America is not ready for a black president.

  26. I don't remembr you asking me anything Pitbull Guy. I think it was you though that posted on my site that I(I don't know if OO would think the term you used is vulger so I won't type out of respect for her site.)

    I will behave myself when visiting your site OO.
    Thank you for allowing me to post.

  27. TRUTH 101 said...
    "I don't remembr you asking me anything Pitbull Guy. I think it was you though that posted on my site that I(I don't know if OO would think the term you used is vulger so I won't type out of respect for her site.)
    I will behave myself when visiting your site OO.
    Thank you for allowing me to post."

    I agree and I will as well.

  28. Thank you Truth101 and Gray Headed Brother, I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  29. I think your blog is great..Thank you for being here to say what NEEDS to be said! I'm with you all the way.

  30. Hi, found many good things here, nice to see some intelligent thinking... but one moment.
    Those referred to as enemy combatants call themselves by another name.

    The Iraqui resistance movement, or the Islamic front for the liberation of Iraq, or in Afghanistan, they are known as Taliban, or Jihadi...

    Not one Iraqui citizen has been found fighting on American soil.
    Not one Afghan ever fired one shot in the whole of USA.

    Also, neither the Afghans nor the Iraquis attacked NY on 9/11.

    In fact, your own administration now admits it was for oil/
    A million dead civilians, and still no remorse?

    Respectfully, I`d suggest that before attacking Iraq, your military and political masters could have been more honest with the american people.

    Course... if the Iraquis didn`t do 9/11...then who did?

  31. Landsker: The "Enemy Combatants" are from many countries and have no country. They are males, I refuse to call them men, who's only goal is to destroy Western Civilization. The term "Enemy Combatant" is for those people. Not the peaceful ones. I don't recall our administration admitting the war was for oil. If it was then why is our oil almost $3.oo a gallon? Whoever said we had no remorse for the innocent lives that have been lost? Respectfully, I'd say that most politicians all over the world could be more honest with their people.


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