The Health Care Bill, as it stands, is 1018 pages long and as Conyers said,
“What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”
REALLY, Conyers? How about you resign and we get someone who’s willing to do the job he was elected to do, like READ bills!
I did skim through the monstrosity. One section that caught my eyes and made them bleed was Section 1173A, STANDARDIZE ELECTRONIC ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSACTIONS. (Page 59 for the brave who want to make their eyes bleed, too.)
This section explains how our brilliant government is going to go to a National Computerized Health Records System to cut down on paperwork and errors by requiring everyone to utilize a National ID card. It also states that this National Computer System will be so clever it will be able to check your bank account in real-time at point of service. How’s THAT for technology!
I have a few problems with this technology though. But first, I want to hear all the Liberals screaming about the violation of our Constitutional Rights. You know, invasion of privacy, like they did when Bush wired taped Terrorist’s telephone calls. Because with THIS system every time you sneeze it’s going to be recorded. Not to mention you will be giving them your checking and savings account information in REAL TIME. If THAT’S not invasion of privacy, I don’t know what is. I find that MORE intrusive than Bush MAYBE wiring taping little ole Pamela’s boring phone calls in Pittsburgh. With this new system, the government WILL KNOW EVERYTHING about your personal health AND your PERSONAL finances in REAL TIME. Do I hear the outrage from the Left yet?
My other problem is this: Obama and the Democrats want everyone to support ObamaCare because they are so benevolent and wish for EVERYONE, including illegal aliens (read the bill) to have access to FREE health care, right? Well…not really free…they are going to raise taxes to pay for it, so some will get it for free while others will pay through the nose. That makes a lot of people get tingles up their legs, I’m sure. Tax those EVIL rich people! TAX THEM! TAX THEM GOOD!
According to Section 1173A:
Enable the real-time (or near real time) determination of an individual’s financial responsibility at the point of service and, to the extent possible, prior to service.
They want access to our bank accounts at point of service to determine our ability to pay.
I thought some of us were paying MORE in taxes for health care so that ALL our fellow Americans could benefit from ObamaCare. Why would they need to see our affordability at point of service if we’re already paying extra taxes?
See, they are LYING…AGAIN. Not only will we be paying higher taxes, but they will take any money we have sitting in our bank accounts, too. MORE taxes AND our banks accounts!
Don’t take my word for it. Don’t even read the bill. Why bother. After all, you only need to be a damn lawyer to understand 90% of it! Just continue to believe Obama and the Democrats who are telling you this bill is good for the people, good for the deficit, and good for the country; when in reality it’s good for NOTHING.
I am in total agreement that our health care has gotten way out of hand. But Government run Health Care is NOT the answer. And, folks, this IS Government run health care, with a Health Benefits Advisory Committee and a Health Choice Commissioner all appointed by the President. It’s something we can NOT afford. In fact, I think it would be disastrous to our economy, our privacy and our lives. It’s time people woke up, read this monstrous 1,000 page bill, or at least tried to, and saw it for what it REALLY is-An avenue toward socialism, a loss of privacy, and a road toward total destruction of our already fragile economy.
Obama SAID he was going to TRANSFORM America. I believed him, did you?