The Health Care reform debate has risen to heights of such ridiculous proportions that people, mostly on the Right, are being accused of such dreadful, repulsive adjectives they are stupefying. This list isn’t all inclusive and isn’t in any particular order: Nazi’s, Liars, Racists, Devils, Right-Wing Extremists, Domestic Terrorists, Mobsters, and Thugs…to name some.
I’ve been reading more blogs than I can count- Left AND Right. What I’ve encountered is this: The Right seems to be reading HR 3200 and stating numerous concerns with the language used in the bill. Some of the terminology can be interpreted in more than one way; which causes fear; which then leads to anger, because many of the questions people have aren’t being answered. When this anger and/or fear is expressed via blogs, many on the Left come out with statements of their own condemning the Right and/or the blogger and/or the blog. These criticisms include fear-mongering, lying, utilizing scare-tactics and rabble-rousing, to name a few.
What I have NOT seen is the Left blogging about how GOOD the Health Care bill IS. They are very quick to criticize anyone who is against it for ANY reason; even going as far as saying we are against it just because it’s a Democrat bill or just because it’s Obama’s bill. Now THOSE are allegations without substantiation if ever I heard any. They are statements based on how particular individuals think; therefore THOSE people believe everyone else sees the world through the same cynical lenses. Assigning one's own undesirable traits to other people is no way to go through life.
Some on the Left have also accused us on the Right of purposely misreading the bill, deliberately translating it or trying to pull the wool over their eyes, because we protest against it in all its superb legalese. I suppose if we all used colossal words or Latin quotes in our daily vocabulary, we’d be oh so much more reputable and be considered oh so much more intellectual. I don’t place a lot of stock in people who act like walking-talking dictionaries; because that never proved how intelligent, ethical or kind a person is, especially when they are using those words to condemn, insult and infer that we are less than we are by THEIR definition of moral character.
My suggestion, to those on the Left, who have an overabundant vocabulary and a surplus of knowledge and supposed moral integrity, is this:
Since this bill is SO very easy to comprehend—TELL the rest of us “learning impaired” what is FAVORABLE about it. Tell us WHY we SHOULD LIKE it. Give us “Uneducated Righties” the POSTIVE facts to refute our fears and negatives assertions. Show us the Way so that we can repent all our evil, vile ways and See the Light.
In short, instead of blogging about how evil, stupid and incompetent we on the Right are, the Scholarly Left should blog about the beneficial features of this bill… unless there aren’t any…
The Art Of Stage Makeup
1 week ago
It's easy to criticize when there is a thousand page document with words and figures to examine.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the Republican document of the same, that can be examined?
I have to wonder what the people would say about the Republican words and figures on the same issue.
I have to wonder why the Republicans have not even offered their health care bill.
I did hear Rush and other conservatives elected officials compare the Democrats and President Obama to Hitler.
I saw conservatives shout down Democratic legislators trying to answer questions about their health care plan, to average citizens.
I saw fights break out in what should be violence free town hall meetings. I thought they were thugs.
Who's afraid of the answers?
I have heard conservative elected officials claim President Obama is not an American citizen, even in the face of indisputable official documentation and statements from the responsible officials.
I heard conservative leaders call the health plan "Obama's death panel," which IS a lie.
I have heard elected Senators call a judge a racist, when the truth is, they simply disagreed with her.
I heard conservatives claim that abortions would be allowed under this health care plan, yet, abortion is never mentioned in the plan, and the Hyde amendment would make federal funding of abortions illegal in any federal legislation.
You write as if these points were never said, or they are lies - they were said, by responsible elected officials.
I've never read a Congressional bill, or legislation, that was not full of legalese.
I'd bet most representatives don't read most of the bills they vote for, at least not the whole bill.
The Republicans have had their fun blasting the Congressional health care bill, now it's time to let America see their health care bill.
In detail. Hundreds of pages of details, words, and figures, and let their ideas be examined and put to the test of what Americans think of their answers to the problem.
From what the Republicans have offered so far (no bill) Americans can only think that Republicans think we have no health care problem, otherwise, surely, a party of responsible leaders would offer ideas on such a problem.
Again, it is easy to criticize a bill, when there is a bill to criticize.
LOL, that's not going to happen. They can't tell you. The Great Leader can't even tell you.
ReplyDeleteA lot of Americans who voted for Obama are starting to ask, "What was I THINKING?" We have a naive foreign policy that sounds like it was cooked up in a college dorm with strange smelling blue smoke in the air. And our economic policy is best epitomized by the bumper sticker that says, "I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks ." LMAO. Come on now, we can do better than this folks.
ReplyDeleteI am not disagreeing with you that our current system is rotten, I especially agree that unm=employment shoul;d not interrupt benefits. But I do not like the way Obama's plan is going.Socialized Medicine is Bad for America Period...
The poor can cry all they want and is not a reason for not having health insurance.
Maybe the poor should consider doing something like getting a job?
Tom said...
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to criticize when there is a thousand page document with words and figures to examine.
Where is the Republican document of the same, that can be examined?
When the republicans are IN offices and when they write a bill then it will be criticized.. This is NOT their bill it's Obama's So don't blame the republicans or BUSH for this crap that Obama wants to shove at us.
You can't have it both both ways..
Blame Obama for the health reform mess. No one else.
While the Democrats may rant and rave about the Republicans, the real issue is that they can’t hold their own party together.
Look, the democrats can pass any bill they want any time they want. Conservatives can scream their heads off at these things and there’s not an ounce of good it’ll do if Democrats are united
ReplyDeleteSo, what’s the holdup? You won dude, pass it already.
Unless … I mean, if there’s something inherently WRONG with what you’re trying to do … Duh!
They know it's wrong and the public knows it as well.
And that is why Canadians who can afford it make the trip to get health care in the US. their “health care" system stinks as well. It seems the only people who believe that the US health care system needs an emergency overhaul are the illegals and the politicians.
YES! “Show us The Way Oh Wise Left Ones”
ReplyDeleteYes Oh wise Ass lefties, show us! Show us Ole wise ass Truth101 and your Lefty Queen Shaw, show us without your nasty insulting snide remarks!
All I know and all I hear is that most Americans feel their system is NOT broken. Yes some of us worry about redundant care, frivolous procedures, and sure the Doctors are always concerned about lawsuits, but all that can be improved rather than scrapped. We don’t have to “Throw out the baby with the bath water” We also know that Americans with cancer and heart disease survive longer than anywhere else due to SUPERIOR AMERICAN CARE. Americans on average live longer than any others, anywhere.
I did some research before writing this post and I found that In a comparison to other countries, the United States had the best survival rate for breast cancer, second best for cervical cancer and childhood leukemia. Yes we may not be the best in the world for everything related to health care but we do not have to resort to what Obama wants to do.
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ReplyDeleteThe republicans have put bills forward. I think the point is that most of us don't want nationalized healthcare.
You didn't hear Rush compare obama to hitler. I know because I actually listen to him, so try again. He compared the healthcare scenario and his obama symbol to the national socialist party, not obama to hitler, and no, it's not the same thing.
If there was no death panel, why did they take it out of the bill this last week?
You didn't see any protesters fighting, unless they were defending themselves against SEIU thugs or ACORN.
Again, we don't need nationalized heathcare, but don't let what millions of people have said throw you. Your little group never gets it when it comes to what the American public wants. You think you know whats best for all because it's what you want. It isn't so for the rest of us.
I would like to see lower insurance premiums, but that would require tort reform and illegals not flooding emergency rooms. I don't see any dems proposing the elimination of either of those things.
No Pamela, the Lefties can't show US the way. They don't know the way themselves. They have their thumbs stuck so far up their behinds that they can't tell witch way is up anymore!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm getting pretty sick and tired of people saying that didn't realize the President's views. All of this information was out there. They choose to ignore it. Why would someone be surprised by his comments? He spent 20 years going to a church with a racist pastor. I understand that it is kind of common theme in some black churches, but it doesn't change the facts that he, at very least, agrees with some of the rhetoric.
Obama has squandered almost ALL of that good will. According to the reliable Rasmussen Reports, Obama’s overall approval numbers have plummeted from a high of sixty-nine percent in early January (and sixty-five on the day of his inauguration, with forty-four percent of those strongly approving) to forty seven percent in the most recent day of polling. It’s not difficult to find the reason for Obama’s drop in popularity. He has turned out to me more liberal than most (at least those who don’t listen to talk radio) expected. With the passage of the stimulus bill, he committed himself to deficit spending, and with cap-and-trade and health care reform, he has signaled his commitment to expensive and intrusive social programs.
Sure there were many of Americans liked the hopey and changey stuff, but many draw the line there. Many moderates shifted from “approve” to “disapprove,” and many more conservative people suddenly strongly disapprove of Obama’s policies. And it looks to me as if his Health Care Plan is going to be the final nail in his coffin. And it was inevitable.
And how about his Ungrateful wife?
I’ve been proud of my country every single day of my life. So proud, in fact, that I volunteered to go fight and possibly die for my country. The day I enlisted in the US Army is the single proudest moment in my life. Perhaps if Michele or Barack had ever done anything as selfless in service of their country, they would feel the same way.
* The life and death of SFC Paul R. Smith and so many others who have given their lives to defend America makes me proud of my country and the people who live and die defending it. Michelle Obama could care less.
* She was nearly an adult when the US Hockey team beat the Commies in 1980. No sense of pride during that, Michelle? Heartless bitch.
* No sense of pride for our country during the horrific tsunami at the end of 2004, and the way that the United States responded — both our government’s response and the generous millions of dollars in private donations —- to help the victims? No sense of pride in that?
* When I heard about Todd Beamer and the other passengers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 who rallied behind a cry of “Let’s roll” — I cried with pride for my fellow countrymen. Apparently Michelle Obama was SHAMEFULLY unmoved.
I could think of thousands upon thousands of other examples of when I was bursting with pride about my country. I’m sure most of you could too. I’ll bet the most cynical and jaded amongst you have moments in your life where you were immensely proud of our country.
And how about the US Army and Marines who freed the Jews from the Nazi concentration camps! Was she not proud of that?
But, No, No, No, not Michelle. It took Obamasiah and the cult of Obamania to really make her proud to be an American.
What a ungrateful bitch.
So like I said, the lefties can't show anyone the way because they screwed up so much by getting this guy elected, they lost any bit of credibility they might have had left.
Maybe going on another vacation with the kiddies will bring back some of that good will. When in trouble, bring out the kiddies.
Tom said...
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to criticize when there is a thousand page document with words and figures to examine.
Hey TOM!
The republicans are NOT in the White house, The republican do NOT run Congress, Bush is NOT in office, Rush Limbaugh is NOT in office.
It's NOT up to the republicans to show YOU or anyone else anything!
Get real and stop Blaming everyone but the right one and that's OBAMA! Period.
Your whole post is full of finger pointing and Bull Shit.
Everyone lies: it’s just a question of how, when and why. But your post is way beyond that!
The people in the White House now are Lying Cheats, your Liberal Government is full of shit.
Obama's idear of Health-care obama's idea of health care is not my choice. Where is MY choice? It may be smart to be insured, but don't I have the right to decide whether i want to be smart or not? Don't I have a right to be stupid? Obama's ideas are certainly socialist. And I don't want any part of Socialism, Let Shaw and Truth101 have it all they want to. In fact they can take my share of it, and keep it for themselves. The Illegal's that are here and need health is not my problem. Let them go back to Mexico or Cuba and get their socialism there.
ReplyDeleteThe democrats polls will keep spiraling down, due to excessive spending and under handed tactics,i.e. the stimulus bill that was pushed through before anyone had time to read it, much less ponder upon the ramifications. People are protesting this proposed GOVERNMENT run health care bill, and are being referred to as mobs, not protesters. They are also further being insulted by democrats as being republican "pawns" which they are not. . No group is influencing me, I am capable of thinking for myself. I don't need to listen to Shaw Kenawe the morale officer for the left wingers? A lot of Americans are fed up and we will be heard. I'll be damned if I’m going to allow any Democrat to mortgage my children’s future for their own political profit.
I don't quite "get" the whole liberal mindset anyway.
ReplyDeleteThey think it's okay to kill innocent babies but don't want to kill criminals who may have actually committed a heinous crime.
They tend to put animal rights above human rights and apparently think the government should take care of them from cradle to grave, even though the money will have to come from them in the end anyway.
Everyone here is always mentioning Shaw and Truth, who the hell are they anyway, to me they are just 2 more liberals scums that have their heads up their azz's.
Obama and his accomplices are stealing from our children and grandchildren while destroying the economy and the U.S.
We all would like to IMPROVE our health care system for every American. Obama's bill, however, has NOTHING to do with improving our health care system. It's just another power grab that will further destroy the U.S. and impose Marxism through lies, manipulation, intimidation and coercion. Imitating Hugo Chavez, Obama wants to nationalize everything, including our health care system!
Whenever I go to that piece of crap called a blog of Shaws’s or Truth’s All I read there is them blasting eith Bush or Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh. Whether you agree with the war or not! Bush spent the countries money on matters that were need to protect this country. At least it wasn't spent on some stupid bird, fish, grapes, pig smell, flatulence and a multitude of other ridiculous crap that didn't give anyone a freakin JOB or save any either!! Who care about all this “Green” crap when half the country is out of work? Obama's idea of healthcare is wrong! And I don’t want it.
Pam, you said:
ReplyDelete"Some on the Left have also accused us on the Right of purposely misreading the bill, deliberately translating it or trying to pull the wool over their eyes, because we protest against it in all its superb legalese. I suppose if we all used colossal words or Latin quotes in our daily vocabulary, we’d be oh so much more reputable and be considered oh so much more intellectual. I don’t place a lot of stock in people who act like walking-talking dictionaries; because that never proved how intelligent, ethical or kind a person is, especially when they are using those words to condemn, insult and infer that we are less than we are by THEIR definition of moral character."
And I say, BRAVO.. Good for you Girl!
In short, instead of blogging about how evil, stupid and incompetent we on the Right are, the Scholarly Left should blog about the beneficial features of this bill… unless there aren’t any…"
Typical of the left, they bitch and moan but they don't have a word of substance.
Rock on girl! You know I loved this post! I've about had it with those that think they are so much better than us because they are professors or have a degree. I find that arrogance condescending and have no respect for that kind of thinking. I may not be some hot shot lawyer but does that mean that I am not allowed an opinion or that it is any less than important! The arrogance that has come out lately has been astounding and has put a bigger wedge between us all then there ever was. I have yet to see a post that takes the bill apart and shows how beneficial it would be. Maybe because they can't??
ReplyDeleteI do wish that the Republicans in Congress would take a more pro-active roll though. Just because they don't have control doesn't mean that they can't come up with some answers.
Tom said......."In detail. Hundreds of pages of details, words, and figures, and let their ideas be examined and put to the test of what Americans think of their answers to the problem."
I have no problem with that because I think that the truth is enough for most Americans to want to stop it. I don't agree with some of the conclusions that some have come to, but then again, it's pretty hard to totally understand things that are written in a different language (legalese). I wish that at some of these town hall meetings people would get to ask the questions because I think that would prove more than anything else that the representative don't have the answers. Give them the rope to hang themselves. (not literally) LOL
One thing I have to point out though, which is a misconception is that Truth does NOT support this bill. He has criticized it on blog after blog but no one seems to see it. I don't agree with a lot of his opinions, and we go head to head on them, but I just needed to clear up the misconception that he supports this bill.
You know I am linking to this! :-)
I forgot to click follow comments so now I have to write something just so I can follow the comment thread...
ReplyDeleteHey it helps your comment count and adds one to my prediction of it! LOL
I'm an Australian who has loved and admired the USA for 50 years. At the risk of sounding condescending. I have read both of the blogs of these two people, Shaw Kenawe and TRUTH SHALL RULE as well. The level of ignorance displayed at both of their blogs is heartbreaking. Although I agree that there is no fun any more in mocking these people, and it won’t prove anything at all to do so, but the fact that they apparently represent a significant section of the US population and continue to have influence on policy-makers is just a stunning national tragedy.
ReplyDeleteI think that it’s wonderful that the conservatives of the USA are finally coming out and having their voices heard.
People keep talking about the level of rage coming out of health care town hall forums throughout the country. The left has been loud enough in the past. Conservatives troubled by the direction the country is taking under the spend-and-spend-more approach advanced by the Obama Administration, and rightly so.
Healthcare should not be free, everyone should pay something for what they get. Welfare is what IS wrong with your country, and the crooked politicians who are trying to buy their votes by giving the people free everything. But you won't need to worry about a 2012 election, you won't have a country in 2012 at the rate Mr. Obama is taking you. .
Also can someone please explain why "anonymity" on the internet should be encouraged?
I see it as nothing more than a "Klansman's hood" hiding an individual from taking responsibility for their own words.
But, I would guess that someone who calls him/herself Anonymous Liberal already knows this..
I see no good reason to blog anonymously. If you don't have the courage to claim your convictions, then you're little more than a shrill voice in the wind.
The Republicans have put forth some good ideas such as stopping frivolous lawsuits which drive up costs.
ReplyDeleteToday I heard about Gingrich's idea to allow the insurance companies to compete over state borders. They said it is not allowed now. On the surface, it looks like it would be a good idea to change this. I think that increasing competition among the private companies could help.
What is the argument for banning the companies from competing across state borders?
Excellent Blog Pam.
ReplyDeleteThis may interest you and your readers as well.
Last Monday was a profound evening, hearing Dr. Charles Krauthammer speak to the Center for the American Experiment. He is a brilliant intellectual, seasoned & articulate. He is forthright & careful in his analysis, & never resorts to emotions or personal insults. He is NOT a fear monger nor an extremist in his comments & views. He is a fiscal conservative, & has a Pulitzer prize for writing. He is a frequent contributor to Fox News & writes weekly for the Washington Post. The entire room was held spellbound during his talk. I have shared this w/ many of you & several have asked me to summarize his comments, as we are living in uncharted waters economically & internationally. Even 2 Dems at my table agreed with everything he said!
If you feel like forwarding this to those who are open minded & have not 'drunk the Kool-Aid', feel free.
1. Mr. Obama is a very charming man. He is not to be underestimated. He is a 'cool customer' who doesn't show his emotions. It's very hard to know what's 'behind the mask'. Taking down the Clinton dynasty from a political neophyte was an amazing accomplishment. The Clintons still do not understand what hit them. Obama was in the perfect place at the perfect time.
ReplyDelete2. Obama has political skills comparable to Reagan & Clinton. He has a way of making you think he's on your side, agreeing w/ your position, while doing the opposite. Pay no attn. to what he SAYS; rather, watch what he DOES!
3. Obama has a ruthless quest for power. He did not come to Washington to make something out of himself, but rather to change everything, incl. dismantling capitalism. He can't be straightforward on his ambitions, as the public would not go along. He has a heavy hand & wants to 'level the playing field' w/ income redistribution & punishment of the achievers of society. He would like to model the USA to Great Britain or Canada.
4. His 3 main goals are to control ENERGY, PUBLIC EDUCATION, & NAT'L HEALTHCARE by the Fed. govt. He doesn't care about the auto or financial services industries, but got them as an early bonus. The cap & trade will add costs to everything & stifle growth. Paying for FREE college education is his goal. Most scary is healthcare program, because if you make it FREE & add 46,000,000 people to a Medicare-type single-payer system, the costs will go thru the roof. The only way to control costs is w/ massive RATIONING of services, as in Canada. God forbid.
ReplyDelete5. He's surrounded himself w/ mostly far-left academic types. No one around him has ever run even a candy store. But they're going to try & run the auto, financial, banking & other industries. This obviously can't work in the long run. Obama's not a socialist; rather a far-left secular progressive bent on nothing short of revolution. He ran as a moderate, but will govern from the hard left. Again, watch what he does, not what he says.
6. Obama doesn't really see himself as President of the USA, more as a ruler over the world. He sees himself above it all, trying to orchestrate & coordinate various countries & their agendas. He sees moral equivalency in all cultures. His apology tour in Germany & England was a prime example of how he sees America, as an imperialist nation that has been arrogant, rather than a great noble nation that has at times made errors. This is the 1st President ever who has chastised our allies & appeased our enemies!
7. He's now handing out goodies. He hopes that the bill (& pain) will not 'come due' until after he's reelected in 2012. He'd like to blame all problems on Bush from the past, & hopefully his successor in the future. He has a huge ego, & Mr. Krauthammer believes he is a narcissist.
8. Republicans are in the wilderness for a while, but will emerge strong. We're 'pining' for another Reagan, but there'll never be another like him. He believes20Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty & Bobby Jindahl (except for his terrible speech in Feb.) are the future of the party. Newt Gingrich is brilliant, but has baggage. Sarah Palin is sincere & intelligent, but needs to really be seriously boning up on facts & info if she's to be a serious candidate in the future. We need to return to the party of lower taxes, smaller govt., personal responsibility, strong Nat’l defense, & states' rights.
9. The current level of spending is irresponsible & outrageous. We're spending trillions that we don't have. This could lead to hyper- inflation, depression or worse. No country has ever spent themselves into prosperity. The media is giving Obama, Reid & Pelosi a pass because they love their agenda. But eventually the bill will come due & people will realize the huge bailouts didn't work, nor will the stimulus pkg. These were trillion-dollar payoffs to Obama's allies, unions & the Congress to placate the left, so he can get support for #4 above.
10. The election was over in mid-Sept. when Lehman brothers failed. Fear & panic swept in, we had an unpopular President & the war was grinding on indefinitely w/o a clear outcome. The people are in pain, & the mantra of 'change' caused people to act emotionally. Any Dimwit would have won this election; it was surprising it was as close as it was.
11. In 2012, if the unemployment rate is over 10%, Republicans20will be swept back into power. If it's under 8%, the Dimwits continue to roll. If it's between 8-10%, it'll be a dogfight. It'll all be about the economy.
I hope this gets you really thinking about what's happening in Washington & Congress. There's a left-wing revolution going on, according to Krauthammer, & he encourages us to keep the faith & join the loyal resistance. The work will be hard, but we're right on most issues & can reclaim our country, before it's far too late.
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ReplyDeleteYes, I remember 9/11 and I remember going out and buying a few thousand savings bonds as part of my patriotic desire to support my country.
ReplyDeleteI still can feel tears swelling in my eyes when I see a photo of the WTC on fire or I watch the Movie 'United 93'
But then I can also remember how angry I got with how the Bush Administration did NOT support our Generals when planning the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. I also remember how I felt watching the Bush Administration twist and lie about the facts in Iraq.
I have read each and every comment to this post and besides a comment about 'tort reform' and then dmarks comment about allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines (great idea but they already do by setting up subsidaries who are licensed to operate in various states and lets not forget 'states rights' that you would be trampling on if you threw out the current arrangement)
Other than that you have 20 some comments of nothing more than "hate Obama" "Michelle is a bitch" and "liberals are assholes and mean to us"
Whats your point? Is that you want to prove that you can dish it out but you cannot take it?
The reality is if that healthcare reform debate had occurred under a Repbublican president then all of you would be defending the dead on arrival plan and the 'liberals' would be attacking your plan...
James Madison in Federalist #10 was right! Need proof? Then just look at the crap that passes for debate inregards to the current healthcare bill...
Be vigilant. All the talk of them dropping the public option is all smoke and mirrors. Don't believe it. Keep calling, e-mailing, snail mailing, and visiting your Representatives. Follow them back to Washington. Visit them there. Demand a meeting. There MUST NOT BE A PUBLIC HEALTH CARE OPTION and don't forget cap and tax. It must be defeated!
ReplyDeleteBuck Ofama is RIGHT!
ReplyDeleteLets do away with medicad, medicare, and the VA....
I missed the elimination of medicaid and the VA argument. Sounds like more sour grapes, though.
ReplyDeleteYou really don't like our military, do you, Tao?
I have posted solutions to the healthcare problem. There are real solutions to real problems.
ReplyDeleteThe current bill being debated does not address a single problem. It is a catch all to create even more government. We do not need more government, that is the problem not the solution.
The government generally moves back and forth between both democrat and republican. Depending on who is in power ultimately determines who is lacking intelligence or sucking up to lobbyists for money. Look, if half the nation thinks the group in power is bad, why would you want them in charge of your life through healthcare? If they run the government and decide who sets the agenda through Czar or Secretary appointed by the party in power, they are in charge of your life and care.
Could you imagine the wild swings of care regulation from president to president. How will this ever give you consistent quality care?
Look at the big picture spread out over time. This bill makes no sense for America.
While the Lefties are having a good time over there in La, La Land, their Messiah with his halo is tearing this country apart.
ReplyDeleteThey can laugh at Sarah Palin's remarks all they want to and spin it any way they want to, BUT!
The fact remains that if Obama's health care plan becomes reality, there WILL be a governmental authority of some sort that determines whose life is worth saving and whose is not.
So what Sarah Palin meant in her remarks are not far off from becoming reality.
Never have I seen America more divided - on racial lines,economic lines and now health-care lines.
I sense a deep hatred and rising rebellion cooking away in the American heartland. It will only take a benign spark to set it off.
The "silent majority" is going to be silent no longer. The question is...will the American people let themselves be intimidated by the brown-shirt, thuggish tactics of the Obamaites and their storm troopers in the various extremist organizations all under the protective umbrella of the suborned Congress or will they fight back? I'm betting that they will fight back.
And by the way, Nancy Pelosi turns 70 next year. I wonder if she made her end of life' counseling appointment yet?
Read the blog that Pam wrote,, I I can understand if conservatives, (and certainly Christians) would want to distance themselves from these liberal kooks.
ReplyDeleteI agree with her that they are kooks and very much outside the mainstream.
I took offense to trying to imply that I (or anyone in their right mind) would support those kooks. I for one wouldn't even lower myself to post on their blogs.
BPB said "You really don't like our military, do you, Tao?"
ReplyDeleteGood point. The VA is not a taxpayer giveaway of any kind. Our vets earned the services... the hard way.
Regardless, Bucko never mentioned the VA, or even Medicaid or Medicare.
Hey BPB, you need to get your head on straight.
ReplyDeleteGet your facts straight because you ... I thought my little brother was the only person who cared to fight the Presiden Obama fight. ... But the stupid mofo who wrote this stupid fecking blog is as wrong as eating stale fish.
You Libs really don't get it do you!
ReplyDeleteYou can call it ( health-care) what ever you want to! I know just what you are doing! So do many others! I would act like this no matter what the party! Seeing “a government take over” of anything is not done in this country! It reminds me of what happened in Germany!
Stop calling me and my party member’s names! We have a right to question anything that you do! I’m sorry you don’t have the answers and your way is unconstitutional! Your way is the way of socialism! My tax dollar is paying for enough! Furthermore many of us will fight you in government for not keeping what our forefathers put in place! We see one piece missing you bet your ass, 'we will be there too you! Do you hear that Mr. Falsie?
Er are sick and tired of your bitching about Bush, Rush, Sarah, Glenn Beck and the rest of of our party's supporters.
You have your party of Pelosi , Reid, Kennedy and Obama, Good luck with that.
I have no earthly idea what you're talking about, GHB.
ReplyDeleteLay off the ripple, my man.
Unless you can explain what that was about, don't talk to me because you never have anything relevant to add to the conversation but hate.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJudging from what "I'm always Right"
ReplyDeletejust said, I think that she may have a good point.
I'll ask them, Do you think it is possible that you may be their "Token Conservative"? And if you do thinks so, do you care? Does it matter to you if Conservatives over there are scorned and ridiculed?
Does it bother you belonging to the "I Hate Rush Forum"?
When are Republicans going to learn that Liberals hate Conservatives and that they aren't the compassionate sweethearts you think they are?
I think the point, guys, is that they aren't anymore.
ReplyDeleteWe need to get behind these two excellent bloggers and support them, not break them down.
Pam was unfairly attacked by a person she called friend and that's wrong.
I have friends in real life that are liberal to the bone and i don't let that get in the way of our friendship. We just don't discuss politics.
We can either be a strong political force, picking up steam gradually as we move forward, or we can tear each other apart.
The five people at progressive eruptions are already in their little therapy group whining to one another about how unfair we are. We can keep them there if we as a group stick together.
Mary Mary, I'm here to say it, and I'm always right.......
ReplyDeleteYou call me and Pam token conservatives. I don't go over there (Truth and Shaw's) so they can say "I have a conservative friend." I go there because both Shaw and Truth have always shown me respect, and I return in kind. I don't stoop to name calling and I address the issues of the post. I don't go over there with the intention of ranting about how "Obama is ruining the country." If I want to say that I will do so on my blog or on a post where it makes sense. To criticize me and Pam for having a liberal friend is too much. Do you mean to tell me that you do not have ANY liberal friends and I don't just mean online? We've extended it online too.
I'm not sure why it bothers you so much that me and Pam actually get along with liberals. There are many liberals that are total jerks, and I want nothing to do with them. There are some, that I respect and get along with fine. We both have just had a so called "friend" turn on us. It sucks, but we live and learn. I will not visit Swash Zone because I do not like the way I am treated there and do not like most of the authors there. Do you really expect me not to visit a liberal friend because other conservatives don't get along?
Just because you have a problem with Truth and Shaw doesn't mean that Pam an I have to stop being friends. You speak about name calling, but I have seen it from both sides. I've read some of the comments there from those on the right and they are just as nasty as those from Shaw and Truth. Just because I choose not to engage in that, I am wrong?
Truth stood up for me when a fellow liberal, attacked me. He was supportive both online and off.
Shaw and I have known each other for a long time, back from when I had another blog and she used to visit. We've had many discussions over the years, some heated, some not but always respectful.
If I don't like what Shaw and Truth post about I will call them on it. I will tell them why I think they are wrong, but that doesn't mean that I have to dislike them as a person or insult them.
I actually get something out of reading what liberals write. I see where they are coming from and why the feel the way they do. That doesn't mean that I agree with them, because we rarely see eye to eye.
Seeing me and Pam as only tokens insults the friendships that we have. How do you know that Shaw and Truth only see us as tokens. That is taking a lot of liberties in speaking for someone else.
" Does it matter to you if Conservatives over there are scorned and ridiculed?
Does it bother you belonging to the "I Hate Rush Forum"?"
Yes it does bother me when I see someone insulted, regardless if it is a conservative over here insulting Truth or Shaw or a liberal over there insulting a conservative.
A lot of you probably don't know this but I used to belong to another blog. I got ripped from conservatives because I didn't stay directly on the party line. I like to think for myself. I don't happen to like Rush very much. That doesn't mean that I am any less conservative than you. I like to think outside the box and listen to different opinions. I've never criticized anyone else for their views and I think it's unfair that you choose to do so in regards to me and Pam.
I'll let Pam speak for herself because I am sure that she has some opinions on this too.
Folks although I can understand what you are saying about the lefties and their Token Conservatives, lets not put our good friends Pamela and Jennifer out there to dry.
ReplyDeleteThey are the two that are always making sense and no matter what they choose to do or where they choose tp post and what they choose to say, they are our good friends, so lets remember that and keep it that way.
Sorry BPB, you were typing the same time I was.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support. What I want people to realize is that we are all on the same team. I am against this health care bill just as vehemently as anyone else, and have posted on it quite a bit. I love the fact that the people of our country are standing up for what they believe and protesting. I don't like Obama and his vision for our country. I hate the stimulus package that he rammed through. It doesn't change who I am or how I feel because I happen to visit a liberal site.
Thank you, M M& I, again, I was typing and you were posting! I must type too slow! :-)
ReplyDeleteYou and BPB's support means a great deal. Thank you.
Jennifer said...
ReplyDeleteSorry BPB, you were typing the same time I was.
Thank you for your support. What I want people to realize is that we are all on the same team. I am against this health care bill just as vehemently as anyone else, and have posted on it quite a bit. I love the fact that the people of our country are standing up for what they believe and protesting. I don't like Obama and his vision for our country. I hate the stimulus package that he rammed through. It doesn't change who I am or how I feel because I happen to visit a liberal site.
Very well said Jennifer, and as much as I dislike Shaws INSULTING blog. I agree with YOU 100 percent. And just because some of us don't and won't go there, that no reason why you or anyone else can't.
We should not play the same games that they do. On my blog I say whatever I want to about the Obama administration, but I don't resort to name calling about other bloggers no matter what their political agenda may be. Lets keep it that way. This is still America.
Thank you Jennifer and Pamela for being the kind of people you are. You both are wonderful and are to be admired.
What Jennifer said is correct and I am sorry that I got off on the wrong track......
ReplyDeleteI am deleting my comment and again I am sorry.
After reading Jenn's post and Mary's follow up, I tend to agree with what they said.
ReplyDeleteI am therefor deleting my comment as well.
I do agree it was not fair to either Jenn or Pam who I do respect very much.
And may I add there was not any harm on their part intended.
Oh, we can still give the leftists hell and still get along with others.
ReplyDeleteI don't hate any of those people. Dislike a few, especially the disingenuous ones who call people racists and lie about people like Rush and Beck.
But, we do need to get behind our fellow conservative, and republican bloggers so that we can form a net of support for one another.
Not everyone has all the answers, so I guess that's kinda where I was going with this. I've got y'alls back, and I know that most of you have mine.
Fight the power.
I love to see good people admit it when they made a mistake.
I am glad the topic has taken a turn toward Truth and Shaw. I was going to address the issue myself, but now that it’s been brought up I want to express my feelings so that you all know where I’m coming from and maybe you will understand me a little better.
ReplyDeleteFirst I want to thank Blue and Me, Myself & I for the nice compliments. It was really great to read something so nice about myself. Also, I’m Always Right and Mary Mary: It was very big of the two of you to read Jennifer’s explanation and understand where she was coming from, which is very similar to me, by the way, it’s almost as if we channel one another…lol. One thing I’ve found is that if we try to see someone else’s view point it helps a little. Kind of like “walking a mile in one’s shoes” so to speak. Thank you both, it meant a lot.
Many bloggers wonder why I am friends with Liberals like Shaw and Truth. Well, first, I have Liberal friends and family members. So, I’ve learned over the years how to converse without fighting. Second, they are people first and foremost that happen to have different opinions. Without those political opinions we have a lot in common. Truth and Shaw have always been respectful to me, here on my blog and on their blogs. I also like to have differing opinions. I’m not so egotistical that I need, nor want, total agreement with my posts. I enjoy a good debate. I also find it mentally stimulating. What I do NOT like is name-calling and insults. And here is why:
I never divulged this information before; but considering the circumstances I think it’s relevant to the situation. When I first started going to The Swash Zone, I had an encounter with one of their authors, Captain Fogg. He ripped me apart because I didn’t agree with him on the torture issue. I was completely respectful…to the point of being TOO nice- it was almost pathetic! (Read entire post here) However, he was nasty and cruel. He called me: Evil, Small Minded, Spineless, Dishonorable, Disgusting, Stupid, Morally Bankrupt; He said I didn’t deserve to be a citizen of the United States and that I made Hitler look like Jesus. The other authors were involved with this discussion too, BUT they never once told Captain Fogg to stop his incivility. This from the site that CLAIMS to be the blog of the utmost civility. It’s also ironic that Octo did not correct Captain Fogg when he compared me to “Hitler.” Because Octo is angry with ME over the town hall meetings. He told me he was mad at me because I was rabble-rousing in my Health Care Scare post and that “My forbearers came to this country because their forbearers died in concentrations camps run by thugs who came to power employing these very same tactics. I never thought I would see the day when MY country got taken over by brownshirts!” So, he isn’t found of Nazism, but he didn’t come to my defense when Captain Fogg referred to ME as Hitler! I was sickened at the treatment I received by Captain Fogg. But I decided to let the incident “slide” and to try and avoid Captain Fogg from that day forward. There was also a person by the name of Shaw in this debate. That was my first encounter with this Shaw person who left a 2 line comment that was NOT ignorant.
Continued Below:
Continuation from above:
ReplyDeleteMy experience with Captain Fogg left me with such revulsion that I was determined no one would experience that at my blog. So, I try very hard to maintain a civil blog. Lately, it hasn’t been working out very well. Many have been saying mean things to and about Shaw. Calling her things like a witch, a harpy, liberal scum and an idiot. I know how she must feel; as I know first-hand how it feels because of how Captain Fogg made me feel. I also had a lot of questions. Like: Why would someone who doesn’t even know me tell me I wasn’t even fit to be a citizen? Why would he tell me I am evil and spineless? Small-minded and stupid? Why such vile words…just because I didn’t agree with HIS opinion?
Shaw is a Liberal so she will not agree with us Conservatives. And we Conservatives will not agree with her. But that doesn’t make her evil. It just means her OPINIONS are different. She still has feelings, just like I do. Just like YOU do. And when someone attacks you and calls you names because you FEEL differently, it hurts your feelings.
Yes, I know you need thick skin when blogging. BUT attack my OPINION all day long….don’t call ME an idiot. Do NOT tell ME I’m stupid because I believe something DIFFERENT than you.
I had another encounter with Shaw a month or two later. It was at Eric’s Eyes. She called me on something I wrote and it was done respectfully. Her facts were accurate, so I admitted I was wrong. She commented back and even complimented me. It was after that that I HAD to check out what all the hype was about over this Shaw person. I began commenting on her blog and have not had a problem since. She has been nice and respectful. We also found out we have things in common outside of politics.
So you see there is more to this than a blog or an opinion. There is an actual PERSON typing these words and the person has feelings. You don’t have to like the opinion, so say something about what you don’t like, but don’t attack or insult the person.
I’m not asking anyone to like Shaw. I’m not asking anyone to visit her blog. I’m only asking that when she comments here, please do not insult HER, or anyone else for that matter. UNLESS you are attacked first. If you are, then you DO have the right to defend yourself. I will also intervene.
Thank you ALL for reading this very long explanation. I hope it has shed some light as to why I am the way I am. If you have any further questions, please feel free to send me an email.
I also want to thank everyone for their contribution to the success of my blog. Without all of you it wouldn’t be this popular. I am VERY honored.
Pam, very well said. I also had problems with Capt Fogg as did dmarks (I read this in the last comment thread)
ReplyDeleteAnyone that goes over there, and has a different opinion is treated that way. It's terribly hypocritical especially if you read their comment policy. Apparently calling people names is limited only to the authors.
"Are you that stupid or just morally bankrupt that you think it's just fine to do whatever you like to people you fear for any reason that comes into your head?"
"No, you don't know anything and you're not smart enough to figure out that ignorance, fear and anger aren't the moral basis for human conduct or reasons for setting aside the laws that protect us from moral vermin like you who think their sense of safety is the fulcrum upon which all law and morality hinges." (Capt Fogg)
"You have no experience, no knowledge, limited intelligence, and the people who do know, know damned well it doesn't work. " (Capt Fogg)
I found these comments to you especially troubling. He is some kind of scholar and apparently is the only one with his so called "intelligence" I prefer the word arrogant and ignorant. He is beyond reprehensible but I've never heard Octo or anyone over there, step up and call him on it.
"You make Hitler sound like Jesus." (Capt Fogg)
I also find Octo's criticism of you extremely hypocritical. Maybe they need to be looking in the mirror when they make these statements. He hates the word Nazi/Hitler and yet it's okay for his friends to throw the word around.
Add that to the recent comment by Fogg that I posted at my site, and he's a pretty repugnant individual.
ReplyDeleteThey can call us any name they want Pam for all intents and purposes health-care "reform" is dead.
ReplyDeletePam and Jenn as well, thank you both for your contribution to the conservative cause. And I’d like to also add that it’s a darn shame that things like this must happen. However, not to beat a dead horse, You say that Truth and Shaw have always been respectful to you. Well I have never had that pleasure.
ReplyDeleteI find that whenever I do go there and I very seldom post there, but I do lurk. I find these really hateful pictures and disgusting things said and confirmed by their commenters about our party. Like Rush, Sarah, Bush, Cheney, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and it goes on and on, I for one can’t just let things like that slide. I must call it as I see it and when I do, and I always do it respectfully, I receive a answer like I’m delusional, or my spelling and grammar is terrible, or I don’t know what I’m talking about because I’m a brainwashed rightwing nut. I’m sure you get the point.
I also like to have differing opinions. I’m not so egotistical that I need, nor want, total agreement with my posts. Either and I also enjoy a good debate.. What I do NOT like is name-calling and insults or put-downs. So I followed what another conservative blogger had suggested and I just won’t sprt foot into that place any longer. I know that you understand and get the point. Again I think that the 2 of you Pam and jenn are 2 great gals. Thank you for all you do and for understanding.
I just did some fast research and here is what I found
Today she attacked Glenn Beck, Aug 16th she attacked Sarah Palin, and called her a liar as she does to everyone that don’t agree with her. On the 14th she called Sarah a Hypocrite, On the 12th is was Rightwing Logic that was under attack. On the 11th, it was Betsy McCaughey that was a serial Liar. On the 9th it was Sarah again. But a liberal or a black can never do anything wrong.
So why would I want to even talk to her or her minion. ?
As far as Truth101 is concerned, he is even far worse, he uses the most VULGAR language that I won’t even repeat it.
And his constant attacks on Bluepitbull is beyond description.
The dimwits over there just can't handle the truth and they surely can't handle the fact that their Boy in the White House is getting the crap kicked out of him . Me thinks it was just too uncomfortable for them to deal with so they went on the attack. They'd much rather sweep that evil that Obama has brought upon us under the rug. Liberals can dish it out but can't take it. The crazy liberals aren't satisfied enough with controlling the white house and the congress and the senate and television and newspapers, they want to control the blogisphere also.. ...
ReplyDeleteFreedom of speech is one of our essential rights as Americans it was placed in the Constitution for a specific purpose. That purpose was not to provide this right to an artist who chooses to place a cross in urine and claim it as freedom of speech, though this among other ridiculous examples is what many on the left have twisted the Founders original intent into.
ReplyDeleteThe specific reason that freedom of speech was included in the First Amendment was to allow every citizen of this Nation the right to disagree with our government WITHOUT the fear of reprisal from that government.
Now under the Obama administration that right is not only being challenged but the President himself is actually telling the American people who oppose his health care debacle to shut up and using his office as a means to mobilize backers to rise AGAINST the people.
ReplyDeleteLast week Obama stated the following when asked about the opposition to health care as expressed in town hall meetings across the country. “But I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking.”Both Obama and those within his party rather than accepting the fact that the American people are opposing this blatant attempt to take over one fifth of our economy by the government, are actually orchestrating a spin campaign designed to discredit THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Why? Because these arrogant elitists cannot accept that not only do they NOT speak for the people but the people DO NOT want control of our lives and our pocket books by a liberal socialist government of their creation.
As average Americans have increasingly come out in opposition of this Obama health care monstrosity the administration as well as the Speaker of the House and both Senators and Representatives who are Democrats have sought to demonize Americans who oppose their plan and in fact accuse these average Americans of mob tactics which they themselves are employing at town hall meetings through the organization of Union goon squads to attempt to violently quell the American people.Obama from his response and actions over this health care madness has displayed his true intentions for America. The expectation that the people would just sit back and accept that only he and those who are working with him are smart enough to lead we unintelligent Americans down his total path to a socialized American economy and total dependency to an over bearing government with health care as its center piece and main course.
ReplyDeleteWhat he did not expect in his arrogance was the power and enlightened intent of a free people demanding that their government and their President do what our Founders intended and that Americans have expected for more that 233 years. That this government of, by and for the people actually shut up and listen to the true Constitutional authority of this Nation, the American people.
Obama does not understand that when that government and that President REFUSE to listen to its authority, then that authority will rise and MAKE the government and the President listen. That is what is happening and we the people WILL not be deterred by goon tactics employed by the Obama administration. We are proud to be flagged at the White House propaganda ministries e-mail because we as Americans still know that this is our country and it is up to us to fight tyrannical forces who would take our freedom from us. Even when the tyrannical force is the President and those who we no longer trust to represent us in Washington.The true ignorance that is being displayed over these town hall meetings and in the debate over health care in NOT by the American people but rather by Obama and those who are orchestrating the battle against the people. The people understand that government control IS NOT Constitutional. We understand that massive spending and deficits will not only bankrupt this country but destroy the future for our children and grandchildren. The ignorance of Obama and Democrats who are demonizing the American people in thinking that any government can borrow and spend its way out of a recession is dangerous. Their ignorance in thinking that the American people are stupid enough to just sit back and let them continue this AND take over health care forcing it down our throats without freedom loving Americans rising against this tyranny will also be their ultimate undoing. Mr. Obama freedom demands that we as Americans oppose you. Freedom demands that we as Americans stand up against the tyrannical take over of our health care and the deficits that you have created. Freedom demands that we as Americans protest at town hall meetings and any other opportunity in order to make our voice heard as we stand for Constitutional principles and liberty. Freedom demands that WE hold YOU accountable to us.
ReplyDeleteMark my words Mr. Obama you will be accountable to us and this uprising by the people will not be quelled, it will not be stopped. You can flag us and investigate us. You can call out your goon squads and organize your mobs all you want. We know that we are still your boss and as your boss just as we have since the beginning of this great Nation we will not let tyranny stand.We will not sit back and let you take over our health care. We will not sit back and let you bankrupt our Nation. We will not sit back and let you destroy our children’s future. We are the American people and we are the power and authority of this country and will prevail because freedom demands it and freedom will lead the way in our opposition to you and your tyranny. I have read the blog written by Shaw Kenawe just now and I can see why you people are so disturbed, I am as well. This person sounds to me like a self hating American. I as a person that was not even born in this country think that this is the greatest place on the face of the earth, and SHE like Michelle Obama DON'T!
Well I hope that SHE comes here one more time to read this!
ReplyDeleteMs. Shaw, you really don't get it do you!
You can call me or us what ever you want to! I know just what you are doing! So do many others on my side of the aisle ! Seeing this government taken over of anything like that is not done in this country! It reminds me of what happened in Europe !
And stop calling me and my party member’s those insulting names! We have a right to question anything that this President does. Your way and his way is unconstitutional! Your way is the way of socialism! My tax dollar is paying for enough! Furthermore many of us will fight you tooth and nail government for keeping what our forefathers put in place! If we see one piece missing you bet your ass, we will be there to stop you!
When your opponent is reduced to arguing irrelevancies like spelling and grammar, be assured that you've already won the debate. From that point on, all that's left to do is have some cruel fun at their expense.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis is the best blog in the far. And it is Libless
ReplyDeleteA few of your friends asked for a wise left one to show the way Pamela. I did. Single Payer and I even offered a way to pay for it that is fair to everyone. I came out for tort reform and cracking down on illegal immigration. What this shows is that far too many don't want debate or discussion. They want someone like Cheney or Glenn Beck to tell them what to think, say and do. I hope the health care bill as it is now goes down in flames also. I want a plan that covers Jennifer and Patrick, their children, and everyone else.
ReplyDeleteIf it helps Pamela get a bunch of traffic from righties that like to attack Truth 101, I'm glad to help her out. If this gets to be a bigger pain though Pamela, I'll stop visiting. You seem like you're getting angry yourself in your recent posts. I don't want to be part of what causes that Sister.
Single payer won't work. We need tort reform.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to pay for others, and I certainly don't want to pay for illegals.
They also repealed malpractice in Texas, and doctors are flocking here. What a surprise.
Truth 101 said "If this gets to be a bigger pain though Pamela, I'll stop visiting"
ReplyDeleteIs that a promise or a threat?
You're so so dramatic, I can't tell.
Hi - To all my American friends. Many of us up here in Canada have been watching the debate you are having about Medicare. On many occasions the Medical system we have in Canada is used by folks on both sides of the debate. I thought you might want to know some of the experience Bev & I have had with Government run Medicare.
ReplyDeleteBev had eye surgery two years ago which she was authorized to have - after 6 years of waiting. She broke her wrist last winter and had an emergency cast put on. It has never healed properly. Following more hospital visits and x-rays she has been told she is to old to have any repairs ( she is 71 on August 21, 2009)
Seven years ago I had brain surgery. I waited 22 months for the Dr to get OR time. The morning after the operation at 8:00 a.m. I was told to leave the hospital because the nurses went on strike. Bev & my son had to help me walk down to our vehicle. I stayed at my son's home while I waited for the swelling in my brain to go down. I have had 2 surgeries since then, the first for my prostrate - I waited 30 months. The second, a hernia for which I waited 24 moths. At the moment I have been waiting 28 months for a new hip.
Our experience shows us that self interest groups such as the Nurses Union and other hospital workers Unions gain huge powe under a Government run system. Canada also has many different policies for each Province. In British Columbia, medication funds are released after each family reaches a government decided income. If a family earns approximately $50,000 a year, no real help is provided. Regrettably, a lot of medicine must be authorized by a Public Servant before funds are available. If a drug is new or an expensive, one can expect to be turned down.
We have free needle and methadone sites, but diabetics don't get the help they need.
If one is urgently sick, then our system appears to work, depending on geographic location. We, of course, are not authorized to have the benefit of the latest drugs or technology. The Government uses a system defining urgency based on "their" priorities.
So if you need cataract surgery because you can't see...get in line and wait. If you need a new hip or knee and can't walk...get in line and wait.
To sum up, Canada needs to repair it's medical system. Folks have died up here because the bureaucracy in our system has failed to meet the sick person's need. I hope this factual information will help you in your deliberations. I wish all of you the very best medical coverage.
jnarvey, I just bookmarked your site.
ReplyDeleteMy father is a Canadian living in North Van.
He went through a similar thing with his wife and her hip surgery, but you can't convince him that there is better healthcare anywhere in the world.
Look my American friends, I am an Italian from Italt, I've been to America 10's of times as I do a lot of business there..
ReplyDeleteI also have my sister and her family there so I know what's going on there.. I would hate to see America fall to the will of Barack Obama and his cronies. Americans should NEVER submit to liberal incrementalism. When you rest, when you take a breather, the enemy (liberals and liberalism) gradually gain momentum it is harder to beat back. No, you are would be well-advised to keep up the Tea Parties, keep up the attack on your Congcritters, the RINOs, the GOP (grow some balls please), Comrade Barry (I WANT TO SEE HIM FAIL!), your Senators, and not rest until THE PEOPLE retake DC and bend YOUR REPS to WILL. When Barry and his car chock full of clowns say, "just a little change folks," you MUST SAY: "NOT NO BUT HELL NO!"
As the liberal's hero Josef Stalin once said: "NOT ONE STEP BACK!" the Gunny says, "PUSH FORWARD!" Folks, this is a fight you can and MUST win and rest assured, it's the biggest fight of the American's lives. If you lose this, you WILL lose your rights as Americans, sooner or later. Holder, Crappy Nappy, Barry the Weak, and the rest of the libidiots are chomping at the bit to run your lives. Bet on it.
The libs would prefer to go for the whole enchilada and force you all on a Canadian and UK healthcare system that is currently imploding in both countries! Liberals are well-represented by a J A C K A S S in Washington and Stupid and stubborn people in your congress. They've seized your banks and put idiots like Barney Frank in charge of them, they've seized the one time great American car industry and put some cronie in charge of that, they've seized the mortgage industry and ran that into the ground but it'll be disastrous for you when they're running health care, you'll see! Libs hate the free market and it shows. If libs wanted to lower the cost of healthcare, then step one is BYE BYE to illegal aliens. Any plan without that is simply liberals BSing through their mouths.
I found Ms.Kenawe's blog from this blog board, and I posted my reaction to her posted blog about Mr. Glen beck being boycotted.
ReplyDeleteMy post was very benign and was clearly only my opinion but respectfully written. This was her response.
Shaw Kenawe said...
Dear PP,
You apparently have no understanding of what free speech, protected by the First Amendment, is about.
It has nothing to do with boycotting.
The companies who are boycotting Glenn Beck's show have every right to decide where they spend their advertising dollars. And they chose not to spend it on Beck's show.
The rest of your rant is nonsensical. What on earth do you mean by the "republican talking points" and liberals who repeat them?
Normally, I'd delete this type of thoughtless rant, but I'm going to leave it up as an example of the sort of rubbish that gets posted in comments on liberal and conservative blogs.
And then another person named Arthurstone wrote this;
An Italian reactionary fan of Glenn Beck.
So I guess the freedom of speech in American does not apply to Italians who are not fans of Barack Obama!!!
I’m very sorry the way you were treated over there Pasquale, I guess they don’t know how to spread good will do they. They treat most of us the same way as well as foreign visitors.
ReplyDeleteBut you are welcome here in America by most of us. Don’t let a bad apple ruin the whole barrel. I’m sure you know that.
And by the way, I love Italy, I’ve been there twice.
I just read what those freaks said to and about Mr.Pasquale and frankly I am flabbergasted.
ReplyDeleteAnd that Rebel Rouser Shaw was just as bad if not worse. She and that Octopus person, whoever that is were as rude and disgusting as two people could possibly get.
Mr. Pasquale, you have my apologies for that. Please do not think that all Americans are that way.
Octopusie or Capt Frogg, or Shaw or whatever the hell your name is, I really don't care anything about you or what you have to say. You are an insult to the American way. I don't know either of you nor do I care to.
ReplyDeleteBut I have read what you have said and that was more than enough to despise you all.
I can only hope that my children do not grow up to be anything like you.
My Rant for the day!
ReplyDeletePoor reading skills, the lies, cowardly of you ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. I don't need you or your nasty friends who attack me Poor reading skills, the lies, ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. I don't need you or your nasty friends who attack me. I am tired of your mischaracterizing me.
I have no idea what you speak of, nor do I care. YOU HAVE been shown to be a liar. I expected this from conservatives. Poor reading skills, the lies, ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. I don't need you or your nasty friends who attack me. YOU HAVE been shown to be a liar. I am tired of your mischaracterizing me.
I have no idea what you speak of, nor do I care. I expected this from conservatives. Poor reading skills, the lies, cowardly of you ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. Poor reading skills, the lies, ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. Poor reading skills, the lies, ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. I don't need you or your nasty friends who attack me. YOU HAVE been shown to be a liar. I am tired of your mischaracterizing me. Poor reading skills, the lies, cowardly of you ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. I don't need you or your nasty friends who attack me Poor reading skills, the lies, ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. I don't need you or your nasty friends who attack me. I am tired of your mischaracterizing me.
I have no idea what you speak of, nor do I care. YOU HAVE been shown to be a liar. I expected this from conservatives. Poor reading skills, the lies, ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. I don't need you or your nasty friends who attack me. YOU HAVE been shown to be a liar. I am tired of your mischaracterizing meI expected this from conservatives. Poor reading skills, the lies, cowardly of you ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. Poor reading skills, the lies, ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. Poor reading skills, the lies, ignorance, bad spelling, poor grammar, delusional and a tangled thinking processes. I don't need you or your nasty friends who attack me. YOU HAVE been shown to be a liar. I am tired of your mischaracterizing me.
I have no idea what you speak of, nor do I care.
I must say that is the most coherent, intelligent, thought out comment that I have ever read. Boy, you really showed us. We know not to mess with you next time!
ReplyDelete(Just in case this is going over your head, it's a funny thing called sarcasm)
Jennifer, I guess that you didn't see the sarcasm!
ReplyDeleteThat was a typical incoherent rant by Shaw Kenawe.
No, obviously I didn't! I believe Pam asked everyone to be respectful and not to attack Shaw on her blog. I just assumed that everyone would respect her wishes.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I must have missed that post.
ReplyDeleteI just read my comment and I didn't mean to come off so sanctimonious!! :-)
ReplyDeleteThat was awesome.
Annon: Your post is not only grammatically incorrect, but it also has numerous spelling errors. I’m not even sure why you posted it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Which seems to be the going theme these days.
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to stay on topic, so hey, why should you? It’s only Pam’s blog and she has only requested people not to insult, not to name-call and not to recommend or ban other blogs on her blog. But why should anyone bother to do as she asks? She’s only been respectful to every other blogger in the blogosphere, so let’s just totally ignore her request because she certainly doesn’t deserve any consideration. Let’s just all go to Pam’s blog and rant and complain about someone else because it’s a Liberal/Shaw bashing blog after all.
Hey why don’t we just change the name of Pam’s blog while we’re at it! Yeah, that’s a good idea. It could be called the Conservative Clobber Corner. The CCC is where you can come and clobber Libs! Clobber them all day long. Pam can post a topic but we can ignore it! We can just bash the Libs. We have our own blogs but heck who cares, we’ll just litter Pam’s blog with trash!
Do you guys get where I’m going with this? Do you get the HINT? I am just sick over this. I take a lot of pride in MY blog. I spend a lot of time researching and typing and reading. I visit your blogs and I try to comment and support all of you. And what do I get? I get ignored when I ask that you NOT insult people on MY site. I find that very insulting to ME. But hey, if bashing Shaw and others is what you want to spend your time doing, go for it. I can’t take anymore.
By the way, did you catch that whole Barney Frank town hall?
ReplyDeleteBlue: I was appalled that a Politician would ask a grown woman "on what plant do you spend most of your time?" Then I was horrified when he said "ma’am trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table."
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, the woman asked her question then didn’t say anything else. She was quiet so that Barney could answer her question, however, he did NOT answer it. He just insulted her with the dining room table comment.
Why does Barney Franks think he is so superior? He’s NOT. And he’s not all that smart, either. He said Medicare wasn’t bankrupt, it just needed more money. Well I’m sure all those people who filed chapter 7 last year wouldn’t have been bankrupt either if they had had more money! DUH. And he oversees our entire financial services industry! That’s scary! But I guess when we have a tax cheat as our Treasury Secretary we can have a dim-wit as our Chairman of Financial Services!
Well, in fairness, she was a political activist.
ReplyDeleteBut, Barney Frank being in charge of anything shows just how far from reality this country has come.
True. And in all fairness, people shouldn’t carry those pictures around either. We didn’t like it when the Left depicted GW as Hitler.
ReplyDeleteNot a bad Idea.
ReplyDeleteThat old fart with the learning disabilities, keeps sneaking into my blog and posting insults about me.
It would be nice if some one started a Bash The Lib Blog where we could have our say and not mess up Pam's blog with out rants.
How about it? Why don't one of you creative people get to work?
If you both agree on it, why don't you make one? No doubt it will get plenty of visitors.
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious they can't tell us, Pamela, because if they've read it they can't understand it either. My bet is that - like most of the Politicians trying to push it off on us - they haven't read it.
ReplyDeleteTry here!
ReplyDeleteBash Libs: "Worst" is spelled wrong and we can't post. I'm not being mean just trying to help!
ReplyDeletePamela D. Hart said...
ReplyDeleteBash Libs: "Worst" is spelled wrong and we can't post. I'm not being mean just trying to help!
Sorry, try it now
Lib Basher: It works! Love the Kool-aid picture!
ReplyDeleteI’m Always Right & Blue: Thank you both. I truly appreciate the support. But I didn’t expect anything less from you two.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank You Lib Basher
ReplyDeleteThank you Lib Basher for this place, I'm sure it will become a very busy place to vent. And it will also take a lot of the off topic comments off of Pam's blog.
ReplyDeleteAnd Pam that's for the notification.
Thanks I'm Always Right and Right is Right. I appreciate what Lib Basher did, too. That's why I wrote the post.
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious they can't tell us, Pamela, because if they've read it they can't understand it either. My bet is that - like most of the Politicians trying to push it off on us - they haven't read it.
ReplyDeleteRaDena: That has been my suspicion, too. While I do believe there are a few who can comprehend the horrible terminology of the bill, I don’t think they want to admit that it CAN be interpreted in a few different ways. Admitting THAT, they would then have to acknowledge that the Obama Administration isn’t as transparent and honest as they believe and that would throw a lot of holes in their belief that Obama is a good President and a good man.
Great, now we have a hlave to vent our displeasure about the Lib bloggers.
ReplyDeleteAll you LIBERALS that are so shocked at ONE person relating Obama to Hitler.. at a town hall meeting.
ReplyDeletePlease check this out.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe libs have done with the health care bill exactly what they did with the stimulus bill.
ReplyDeleteInstead of crafting legislation that actually makes sense, they copied and pasted all of their stupid Marxist fantasies into one giant incomprehensible document with the intention of shoving it down our throats before we knew what hit us.
They were foolish to think that Americans would allow them to pull that stunt again.
President Obama said that he “would love to have more Republicans engaged” in the health care negotiations under way in Congress, but expressed that he will get it passed with or without them.
ReplyDeleteI was able to get through 500 pages of the Health Care Bill and took many examples of the disaster Obama is attempting to force down our throats. Please print the list and bring it with you to any Town Hall meetings or similar gatherings. After reading this bill, I am sure of one thing Øbama is EVIL. Please realize no matter Health Care Bill is passed Obama tried to force this socialist garbage down our throats and as fast as possible.
ReplyDeletePage 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!
ReplyDeletePage 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed
Page 30: A Government committee will decide what treatments & benefits you get. This would be the “Death Panel” and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process.
Page 42: The “Health Choices Commissioner” will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free health care services.
Page 59: The Federal Government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electric funds transfer.
Page 65: Taxpayers will subsidize all union retiree and community organizer health plans such as SEIU, UAW and ACORN.
Page 84: All Private health care plans must participate in the Health care Exchange giving total government control of private plans.
Did you even read Pam's post? Or did you just come over to rant and vent. You might want to read the rules of commenting first! There is a blog to rant and rave, go there if that is all you have to offer!
ReplyDeleteWho wants Obama's Health Care? Not me!!
ReplyDeleteWhy is he pushing this socialist plan down our mouths?
All for the sake of insuring millions of illegals, more benefits for people on welfare (MEDICAID) and those that choose not to get their own insurance. So my question to all that want this government health care reform to go through...How many millions of people do you want to die for the sake of your health insurance? Do you want more government control over your life or less? Are you able to look into the eyes of your parents/grandparents, an injured veteran, a premature baby, senior, disabled child or adult and say...Sorry, I must let you die because I'm younger, healthier and I need health insurance?! Really dig deep within yourself and ask...How many do I want to kill for my health insurance coverage? Yes, we need health reform for all, but not this DEATH reform and more government control.
When Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, their families, and the other socialized health care supporters in congress sign a pledge that they will only use this wonderful plan then I’ll start listening.
Make any health care plan mandatory for all elected members of the federal government. Then you will see something good come out of the administration for the first time this year!
Bottom line - If it’s not good enough for them then it’s not good enough for me and my family.
Pamela D. Hart said... if it was not your intention to imply a person [is] stupid, then it is best not to state a comment that insinuates such. You are also assuming that I feel the same, which I do NOT. ...a differing opinion [isn't] stupid... just ...different.
ReplyDeleteI disagree. If you really thought the opinion of those on the left was just "different" would you write a sarcastic and condesending post titled "Show us The Way Oh Wise Left Ones"? I don't think so. And, that being the case, I don't buy your claim that you believe my opinion to be "different". Clearly you think it is WRONG. Not only wrong but mockable. I don't think mocking the other side's position qualifies as "respectful" debate (IMHO of course).
I continue to believe that you do feel the same way. Which is fine. I don't care if you choose to mock a postion you disagree with. Or the people who agree with it. Which, BTW, I do not (believe the bill is GOOD). I think most people on the left would disagree with your statement. They don't think the bill is GOOD. They aren't blogging about how GOOD it is. They do, however, strongly disagree with the criticisms your side is putting forth.
Pamela D. Hart said... What I have NOT seen is the Left blogging about how GOOD the Health Care bill IS. They are very quick to criticize anyone who is against it for ANY reason; even going as far as saying we are against it just because it’s a Democrat bill or just because it’s Obama’s bill.
I've never blogged about how GOOD the bill is (or might be, because, actually there is no bill yet. Only several versions of a healthcare bill that contain ideas that might be incorporated into the final bill). The bill does not (yet?) include a single payer provision. I think that progressive blogs which have covered the healhcare reform debate have covered that issue (that the bill should include a single payer provision), NOT how GOOD the bill (the one that is not final but has been presented) is. And they've also covered the controversy regarding right-wing lies about said bill.
BTW it is NOT "Obama's" bill. He did not write it. He didn't even put forth any provisions which he thought should be contained in the bill. Which was a mistake IMO. He should have said that any bill that comes before him MUST contain a comprehensive single-payer option.
In conclusion -- if you're going to mock someone's position I think you should be clear regarding what their postion is. Instead of incorrectly stating what their postion is and then making fun of what you wrongly stated their postion to be (which, I assume was a mistake, and not a deliberate misrepresentation).
Pamela D. Hart said... Some on the Left have also accused us on the Right of purposely misreading the bill, deliberately translating it or trying to pull the wool over their eyes, because we protest against it in all its superb legalese.
YES, the bill has been purposely misread and what it contains IS being misrepresented by the Right. It isn't being misrepresented (lied about) by YOU (although you are believing these "misrepresentations") -- but by liars like Betsy McCaughey, Sarah Palin, Charles Grassley and Newt Gingrich.
As for the "legalese" contained in the bill... Tom correctly pointed out that for you to criticize this bill because it contains the same legalese that all bills which came before it contained -- and which all bills that come after it will contain -- is not a vaild criticism. It's another topic entirely
The Republicans haven't offered a bill because they don't think there is anything wrong with how the healtcare insurance industry screwing the American people. The Republicans are representing Big Insurance in this debate, the Democrats are representing the American people (of who more than 70 percent support a single-payer option).
A New York Guy's View said... He spent 20 years going to a church with a racist pastor ... he agrees with some of the rhetoric. According to Rasmussen Reports, Obama’s overall approval numbers have plummeted ... It’s not difficult to find the reason for Obama’s drop in popularity. He has turned out to me more liberal than most expected.
ReplyDeleteJeremiah Wright is not a racist. Nor is President Obama, as Glenn Beck recently claimed (a comment for which he was suspended). I agree that President Obama hasn't handled the healthcare debate idealy, but all the support he's lost is due to the recent waffling over the public option coming from the WH. The American people want a public option. They want the President to demand that any bill he signs contains a public option. That is why his approval numbers are down, not because he turned out to be more liberal than most expected, but because he isn't liberal enough.
gwalter1 said... [town hall mobs are] being insulted by democrats as being republican "pawns" which they are not. No group is influencing me ... A lot of Americans are fed up and we will be heard. I'll be damned if I’m going to allow any Democrat to mortgage my children’s future for their own political profit.
Your childern's future is ALREADY mortgaged! That started with Reagan (who ran up more debt than all other presidents before him - combined), and got significantly worse under bush Jr. Now you're blaming the president who is trying to clean up the Republican mess?? Unbelievable! You say "a lot" of Americans are fed up and that you will be heard. Unfortunately what we're hearing from you are lies from the healthcare insurance industry being spoon-fed to you by astroturf groups like "freedomWorks" (among others) and paid shills like Betsy McCaughey, Sarah Palin, Charles Grassley and Newt Gingrich. This is quite sad. People insisting that they're capable of thinking for themselves when clearly they are not. How else can you explain poor and middle class Americans fighting for the rights of the wealthy to exploit them??
LiberalBasher said... Whether you agree with the war or not! Bush spent the countries money on matters that were need to protect this country. Who care about all this Green crap when half the country is out of work?
Baloney. bush did not protect our country. He did the opposite. His "war on terror" made terrorism worse. Your argument against Green jobs is "who cares about creating jobs when people need jobs"? Really????
w-dervish said...
ReplyDelete"Jeremiah Wright is not a racist. Nor is President Obama"
And the Moon is made out of Blue Cheese.
Hey there, Pam!
ReplyDeleteBefore I read your myriad comments (see, I can use big words too!), I must say that this post is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Fabulous - searingly accurate in it's assessment of what's truly going on in the blogosphere.
Beautifully done, my friend! Bravo! ;) I'm gonna make myself comfortable & read these comments...
Boy oh boy, this is FUN!
ReplyDeleteWhile all the discussion about blogs & bloggers is interesting grist for the proverbial mill, the most important comments made (IMHO), are as follows:
1) ThinBlueLine's summary of Charles Krauthammer's speech. Brilliant! CK is an absolute mental giant, & his cool, measured assessment of Barak Obama should SCARE the pants off ALL OF US.
2) My new friend Buck Ofama's --don't you just love the name-- directives about just what we should DO to get our pants (uh, Country) back, or as my brother would say, "To put the britches back on!"
I'll reiterate what Buck said:
"Be vigilant. All the talk of them dropping the public option is all smoke and mirrors. Don't believe it. Keep calling, e-mailing, snail mailing, and visiting your Representatives. Follow them back to Washington. Visit them there. Demand a meeting. There MUST NOT BE A PUBLIC HEALTH CARE OPTION and don't forget cap and tax. It must be defeated!"
Hi Pam, long time no see... thank you for that Bash a Lib blog, I visited it today and enjoyed reading it. It was a lot of fun..
ReplyDeleteHope you have been fine, I see that your blog has been getting lots of action these days. Good for you.
And May God Bless America, we need his help.
My Dirty Little Secret said... (in response to my claim that Neither Barack Obama or Jeremiah Wright are racist) And the Moon is made out of Blue Cheese.
ReplyDeleteIMO these white Republicans who are calling our black president "racist" (along with any black individual of prominence he has associated with like Jeremiah Wright or Henry Louis Gates) are doing so because THEY ARE RACIST.
"Oh no, it's not me" they say, "I'm not a racist - it's the black guy (or woman)".
I'm not buying it. I don't think you're fooling anyone either (other than other racists like yourself). Why don't you just go back to using the "N" word? It's what you really mean anyway. IMHO of course.
Susannah said... My new friend Buck Ofama's -- don't you just love the name... Buck said: Be vigilant. All the talk of them dropping the public option is all smoke and mirrors. Don't believe it.
No. I don't like it at all. As for the claim that the public option isn't being dropped. I hope and pray that "Buck" is right. It's what the majority of American's want (more than 70 percent of them). If there isn't a public option included in the healthcare legislation the Democrats will pay the price. I do NOT want that to happen!
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ReplyDeleteMatt: I had to delete one of your comments because it violated my blogging rules which are posted at the top left hand corner of my site. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with my policy. Thank you.
ReplyDeletedervish~ 70% of WHOM want the 'public option?' Those who're already suckling @ the breast of government? I would think that percentage would be higher - more like 98%... Please - cite your source, so we can evaluate it accordingly.
ReplyDelete"IMO these white Republicans who are calling our black president 'racist'...are doing so because THEY ARE RACIST."
You're entitled to your opinion, even if it is hogwash, dervish. Your assertion here sounds like so much "nya, nya, nya."
On the other hand, Rev. Wright's words & Mr. Obama's actions (sitting in his congregation for 2 decades) speak loud & clear...with precious little room for misinterpretation.
No, friend. Buck is right on. We must be heard, even if we must shout down our opponents - whomever they may be.
To the Dervish:
ReplyDeleteA little civil discourse related to some of your points:
Yes this IS Obama’s bill. He has made it his bill. He is whoring himself out to all those friendly media outlets to ensure that HIS bill will be approved (over and over again in his words) by the end of this year. He is appealing to religious leaders for help in garnering support for it. He is holding staged town hall meetings to drum up positive images of it. He is sanctioning others to demonize anyone who critizes it. No he didn’t literally write it, but he has hired policy advisors to make sure it is directionally what he envisions. If you want to have a substantive debate about this, don’t cheapen the conversation with literally correct but meaningfully irrelevant statements like “It is not Obama’s bill. He did not write it.”
So you think the bill has been literally misread by “liars like Sarah Palin”? There is a difference between an opinion and an outright lie. A lie is this:
Obama in 2003: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program... A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that's what I'd like to see.”
Obama in Aug. 2009: "I have not said I am a single payer supporter."
You see, those two statements are mutually exclusive. One or the other must be a lie.
Sara Palin’s statement about death panels, however, is merely her personal interpretation of one portion of the bill as currently drafted. While it sounds extreme, I can understand how she would interpret it as such when you consider the following facts:
Democrats claim there are 47 million uninsured to whom they would like this bill to provide coverage. Obama is on record saying that he wants a single payer system similar to that in Canada. In Canada (and U.K. etc.), health care is rationed. How can you force 47 million new people into a system and not ration care? How can you ignore that the very systems you are trying to emulate have rationed care? Combine that with Obama’s choice of health care policy advisors and their documented views:
Sunstein, reg czar, - "I urge that the government should indeed focus on life years rather than lives. A program that saves young people produces more welfare than one that saves old people."
Ezekiel Emmanuel, healthcare policy consultant, - Health care “allocation by age is not invidious discrimination."
Obama – “Well, I think that there is going to have to be a conversation that is guided by doctors, scientists, ethicists. And then there is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place. And that’s part of why you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance.”
I will admit that I wouldn’t interpret that section of the bill as death panels, but I would have to either ignore the facts in front of my face, or turn off all the intellectual circuits in my brain to believe that there is no way that Sarah Palin and many others , particularly the elderly, could interpret it as such.
More for the dervish:
ReplyDeleteRe: Legalese. Yes it is another topic. But just because the health care bill uses “the same legalese that all bills which came before it”, does not necessitate that “all bills that come after it will contain” the same type of language and does not make the argument invalid. If the bill-writing system is broken to the extent that transparency is impossible, fraud is inherent, and the legislators themselves cannot even read and understand the bills on which they are voting, then the use of such “legalese” should and must be examined and corrected.
You cite one survey by non-partisan (that’s a joke) CBS and New York Times that says a majority of Americans want a public option. What about the FOX News poll showing 44% for and 48% against a public option? More telling, what about the NBC News Poll from Aug. 19 (four days ago) that found 47% of Americans OPPOSE a public option while only 43% support it? You can’t just pick the survey results that support your personal beliefs and ignore all others if you expect to have a logical debate on the issues.
Your rationale for blowing the country’s proverbial wad on healthcare is that “Your childern's future is ALREADY mortgaged!”??? Pardon me sir, but if you have a papercut that smarts like hell and you can’t get it off your mind – you COULD stick your foot in the path of a semi. All the bones in your foot would be shattered, but you probably wouldn’t be fixated on the paper cut anymore. Rather counter-productive though.
Bush did not protect the country? All the evidence needed is that there have been no more attacks. I saw the video reports of Muslim extremists dancing for joy in the streets after 9-11 and they would gleefully attack us again – they have openly said as much. We know from the foiled attempts that they are trying to do so. And we are stopping them. Obama is still trying to stop them in Afghanistan. So your argument there holds no merit whatsoever. You cannot change the absolute, undeniable TRUTH that we were not attacked again under Bush. You might not like the way he achieved it, but achieve it he did.
My favorite things that the Dervish says are about racism. The link he gives as evidence that Jeremiah Wrong is not a racist is so funny. It is from Feb 2008, right in the heat of the primary and tries to say that Hillary is portraying Obama and his associations as racists. And that basically black people can’t be racists because they are the oppressed. Typical, typical liberal tactic – they think they own the term “racist”! Hilarious!
ReplyDeleteBut my kudos to the Dervish for actually posting three whole comments before he slipped back into the pattern of behavior that we are supposedly now condemning on this site of bashing someone just because they have a different opinion from one’s own. No wonder there is a dearth of intelligent debate when some have been taught that the way to end any and all arguments is to cry “RACIST”! Straight from the Alinsky playbook. Well done Dervish.
We see Dervish's true colors when he says that we conservatives are “People insisting that they're capable of thinking for themselves when clearly they are not.” If you think we can’t think for ourselves why don’t you actually come here and put up some valid arguments supporting this single payer system you believe in. If you think you can win a debate with us – BRING IT ON! But it has to be a real debate. No making up facts. No picking and choosing partisan poll data. No name calling.
Why would we need to call you names when your self titular definition is a Muslim who carries on with ecstatic and violent dancing, whirling, chanting, and shouting? Perfect.
Buck is my long lost best friend...
ReplyDeleteGive 'em h#%% Buck!
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ReplyDeleteThis is darn serious and enormously critical, Americans!
ReplyDeleteThat Obama has launched a Stalinist and Hitlerist systemic and systematic civilian apparatus of domestic spying should be pondered within its appropriate context: Obama’s Civilian National Security Force (CNSF).
Remember that Obama solemnly vowed publicly, on a nationally televised rally during the presidential campaign, that he would create the CNSF if elected.
See for yourself The Dear Leader vowing to his zombies — event which a complicit “mainstream” media conveniently either dismissed or hid — the creation of his Cheka-Gestapo legions of civilian informers:
See it here for yourself!
Obama’s domestic spying by civilians MUST be seen with the CNSF as its backdrop.
And, as it may fit you best, either remember or learn that, both, Stalin’s Cheka (which eventually mutated to KGB) and Hitler’s Gestapo were so powerfully ubiquitous in, respectively, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany only because they counted on legions of civilian informants that actively sought what to inform on others.
Not letting the crisis of the increasing dissent he is facing now “go to waste” — as Rahm Israel Emanuel, and any other hardcore leftist, sees crises — Obama has started installing the informant apparatus to support his CNSF.
It is okay to ridicule Obama for the “fishy” term and banter pondering whether you are already in Obama’s list of enemies at, as Fox News’ Hannity doesn’t stop doing.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease sign the petition:
ReplyDeleteSupport Glenn Beck Petition
Please contact the following companies to show your support for Glenn Beck:
The facist rantings of the anti Obama crowd get more hysterical every day. Not since Mussolini staged rallies in Italy before WWII has there been such venom and hatred spewed for no other reason than blind adherence to a philosphy of hate.
ReplyDeleteThese people hang on every word that comes out of the mouths of the merchants of hate, Beck and Limbaugh. They don't even know they are being used by "Larouchies" to spread their despicable words across America.
Wake up you mindless, deluded fools. The enemies are your own closed minds and those that exploit them.
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDelete"The facist rantings of the anti Obama crowd get more hysterical every day. Not since Mussolini staged rallies in Italy before WWII has there been such venom and hatred spewed for no other reason than blind adherence to a philosphy of hate."
Spoken like a true Democrat, or should I say Spoken like a good true communist!
Pam, do you now allow people to to spread their vicious venom and sell their communistic philosophy here? What he is doing here is campaigning for his Socialist President's philosophy
By the way philosophy is spelled this way. You would be Crucified for doing that on Shaw's board!
This is a forum where ALL views are permitted to be expressed.
ReplyDeletePlease don’t tell me I’m going to go through what Blue just went through at his blog where people were telling him what blog he was permitted to visit and with whom he could debate with!
This is getting ridiculous.
If someone wants to believe in communism, that’s his choice. It doesn’t mean I believe in it. And if you don’t believe in it, then give a rational, civil retort, but please DO NOT question how I run my blog.
Thank you.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePam said: "If someone wants to believe in communism, that’s his choice. It doesn’t mean I believe in it. And if you don’t believe in it, then give a rational, civil retort, but please DO NOT question how I run my blog."
ReplyDeleteYou are right Pam, I just thought that he was using your blog to promote his own agenda, as in selling a Jar of snake oil.
I thought it was you that asked not to use your blog for other than discussing the topic on hand.
I'm sorry if I was out of line but I did read the following on your Home Page:
Blog Policy
I would like for my readers to stay on topic. If I feel your comment doesn’t contribute to the topic at hand
Maybe I'm reading something into that that I'm not aware of...
No, you read the policy correctly. However, My Files and Frank both posted about Glenn Beck, and I decided to keep their comments. So, in all fairness, Truth is on topic considering he’s following them.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, this entire post has been off topic since day one. I’m about ready to shut it down.
Before you shut it down Pam, please let me say this to Truth101..
ReplyDeleteSorry Truth101, but I'm not buying what you're sellin' here. I don't care how much you bleeding heart is bleeding.
If you really took a look at the way liberals talk and God forbid there can be no dissent from what Democrats think or promote, then liberals come out with hatred full force, then you would realize how much liberals spew hatred of conservatives. WE are just happy conservatives complaining about how there is a lack of journalistic integrity within the mainstream media in how they go ga ga over the President and whatever he says or does.
So don't push YOUR Communist agenda on me. Go promote or peddle your Socialist agenda somewhere else.
Sorry Pamela, but I had to say that.
By the way Truth101, Karl Marx called. He wants his ideology back.
Let me expose you for the hypocrite and closet America hater you are Julie. You roted and cheered for the the posters that called me and others "Stalinists." Hitlerists. Gestapo. Compared our President with KimJung Il. Yet you take offense when I compare the rants of you and your deluded friends with Mussolini supporters. You only want to hear the opinions that fit in nicely with your limited views. When confronted with facts and ides that don't fit in, you throw rational thought out the door and resort to calling those that try to enlighten you names.
ReplyDeleteI'll leave whenever Pamela tells me to. But until that time, ridiculous posts that serve no other purpose that to hide from your own fears that you may be wrong will be challenged.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI’m a hypocrite and closet America hater? You FASCIST COMMIE SOB! Yes, I said that about you and I stand by it now!
ReplyDeleteYOU never bloged about a true American, NEVER, All you do is blog about HATE and about HATING other bloggers.
YOU never met a dictator that you didn’t kiss up to NEVER
So don’t you call ME unAmerican, you Commie swine.
Julie, You sure called this one right.
ReplyDeleteTruthie is a pinko commie!
Julie, could you just be a little more clear? I'm trying to take notes here...wanna make sure I'm understanding you...
You deluded fools fools are so blinded by your own ignorance and hatred of the freedoms that make our Nation great that you can't even recognize the vitriol that lives within yourselves.
ReplyDeleteYou will cheer the coach who says "there is no I in team." Yet you will all selfishly rant against health insurance for fellow Americans unlucky enough not to have employeres that help provide it. You show your despicable class selfishness with each mindless, Limbaugh echoing rant.
Mussolini is laughing from his grave at what you poor, deluded right wing fools propogate.
Okay, now that you’ve all got your “venting” done, let’s get back to posting in a civil manner. State your opinions but refrain from insulting one another. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWake up and smell the treason, Mr. Truth101 and the rest of you Liberal blind idiots!
ReplyDeleteI never thought I'd live to see the day when "leading" members of a purportedly American political party would, over and over, lyingly trash our system and trashing the CIA for strictly partisan purposes, especially when those same Troops are fighting a World War to defend us all to keep us safe and to protect all our freedoms. I refuse, for our Troops' sake, and for my children’s to ever live in any state of denial about it like Mr. Truth101 is obviously doing.
This is a war, We've got to get the job done there (in Afghanistan) and if that requires us to whatever we have to do in Gitmo or anywhere else then so be it.
THE answer is to ignore the liberals.....tell them to get on Board or shut the hell up....then announce to the world that we are now going to use the exact same ROE that the bad guys use....they cut off heads ....we do what we have to do, see how long it takes them to perk up then. And tell the ACLU and the MSM to stick it where the sun don't shine !
But instead, Nancy Pelosi said the CIA lied to her about post-9/11 interrogations, and Democrats rushed to try to back her up. Now, Attorney General Eric Holder has tasked a prosecutor with looking into reopening criminal cases against CIA employees and contractors.
Are we crazy? Is Truth101 Crazy? Well Duh!
I really didn't think it possible for me to have bigger disdain for the Obama administration.....but this pushes me over the edge. Here's Obama, the supreme narcissist, living it up on Martha's Vineyard while members of the CIA who risked their lives and did the grunt work to keep us safe are learning they are going to be criminally investigated. You liberals are so ignorant that you're beyond reproach.
Ignorance is ignorance, it just not knowing many of the facts. Liberals do not need to read the paper or watch the news, they have Michael Moore and the Queen of ignorance Barbara Streisand to tell them what to think.
As for Obama, he is a Muslim puppet, we should be more concerned with the people who are pulling his strings like George Seoros, not this stammering, stuttering idiot that can't put a sentence together.
Great post Debbie;
ReplyDeleteThe Liberals have gone ga-ga over Glenn Becks remarks and are now trying their hardest to remove him from the air. Typical Liberal thug tactics. I believe Glenn Beck's comments were regarding Sonya Sotomayor, which makes not only Obama racist..but her as welland I hate when people like Truth101 and Shaw and the rest of the name calling Pack don't understand conservative's complaints about racism and quickly label us racists. They want to remove Glenn beck and meanwhile, Obama's numbers are falling like bricks off a roof top.
Obama has consorted with every anti-American under the sun and following his communist upbringing (Frank Marshall Davis was his first mentor), he betrays us and the Constitution of the United States with every waking moment. And they complain about Glenn Beck!
So much for The Voices of Treason
Fantastical as it seems, and it is. I cannot help but recall the old adage about ducks, so modified a bit, if it sounds like Marx, and acts like Mussolini, it is probably Obama.
Mr. Obama you will be accountable to us and this uprising by the people will not be quelled, it will not be stopped. You can put us on your enemies list us and investigate us. You can call out your goon squads and organize your mobs all you want. We know that we are still your boss and as your boss just as we have since the beginning of this great Nation we will not let tyranny stand.
ReplyDeleteWe will not sit back and let you take over our health care. We will not sit back and let you bankrupt our Nation. We will not sit back and let you destroy our children’s future. We are the American people and we are the power and authority of this country and will prevail because freedom demands it and freedom will lead the way in our opposition to you and your tyranny.
We should have expected this from day one, when we first saw your arrogance!!!
My Files: If you want to post about Truth and Shaw, then PLEASE write a post on your OWN blog. My blog is NOT a venue to bash other blogs. I am tired of the bashing about Truth and Shaw. If they are IN my comment section and attack you, THEN you may DEFEND yourself, and as I said earlier in this comment section, I will also intervene. Please read my blogging policy. I have spent DAYS with this garbage and I truly can not take anymore.
ReplyDeleteLana: If you have an observation about Shaw, then please tell HER. My blog is NOT a link to hers. We are SEPARATE entities.
There has been lots of talk here about Conservatives vs. Liberal.
ReplyDeleteLets look at the picture.
Let us take a look at Ronald Reagan who the left said was the dumbest man ever to hold office. And Bill Clinton who the press said was the smartest man alive married to the smartest woman alive. Look at Ronald Reagans legacy. What is he remembered for? The most important Reagan economic legacy, of course, is the tax rate. When he came into office, federal tax rates reached 70%. As he left, the highest rate in the code was 33%. In foreign policy the Reagan record may prove to be the culmination of a forty-year Western effort to contain the expansion of the Soviet Empire. And he did. The Libs bring up Iran-Contra. This is just proof that they are ignorant to truths of war. In the Cold War as now the U.S. must do things with undesirables for the price of victory. It is useless to explain this to Liberals since they have no concept on how to win a war. Proven by the fact that they are famous for surrendering to the enemy before the fight is even over.
Now lets look at Clintons Legacy. Monica, Monica, oh yeah Monica. Renting out the Lincoln Bedroom. Ushering in the Contract with America, presiding over the deaths of over 800.000 in Rwanda without lifting a finger. Sending Elian back to Cuba. Waco. And doing nothing to prevent a man called Osama Bin Laden from killing Americans around the world. And after knowing where this killers base was. doing nothing to take him out because of the fear that his poll numbers would be where George Bush’s are now. And failing to prevent 9/11, which planning was done under his watch.
This brings us to the liberals next stupid POTUS George Bush. The Liberals claim this guy is dumber than Reagan who beat them at every turn. George Bush beat Al Gore the messiah of the left. The prophet who say’s we have ten years before we are all living in house boats while he burns a carbon footprint that would take 100.000 common Americans to burn a month. He beat John Kerry who has changed his mind every five minutes on Iraq and is such a joke now that Liberals begged him not to run in 08. He has destroyed the Liberal leadership in Congress so bad that the approval rating for that congress is the worst in history 18%.
“If liberals were prevented from ever again calling Republicans dumb, they would be robbed of half their arguments,” Ann Coulter writes. “To be sure they would still have racist, fascist, homophobe, ugly, and a few other highly nuanced arguments in their quiver.” But not having “dumb” to throw around, she says, “would nearly cripple them. Like clockwork, every consequential Republican to come down the pike is instantly, invariably, always, without exception called dumb. “Noting that this is exactly the way six-year-olds argue, that they call everything “stupid,” Coulter says the lefts resort to the “stupid” stratagem comes out of its inability to mount an intelligent counter-argument when faced with undeniable facts.
Liberals especially hate being called “liberal,” because they know it describes a “dastardly individual.” They prefer Progressive for now. So again are Liberals really so dumb that they must refer to their enemies as dumb? I’m waiting for them to say how dumb this sounds.
When liberal activists, including trade unions, Acorn and, protested against anything and everything President George W. Bush said or did, it was called grassroots democracy.
ReplyDeleteWhen conservative groups encourage supporters to attend town hall meetings and make their sentiments known to their congressmen, it’s un-American, disruptive and the work of right- wing extremists.
The word is "Hypocrite"
Arlen Specter said he thinks people who have been angrily disrupting town hall meetings on overhauling the health care system are "not necessarily representative of America," but should be heard.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly the hell are the protesters then?
This Specter dude is a typical lefty demo-socialist trying to quell the roar of his, his party's, and the idiot in the White House's socialist agenda. They're all trying to make conservatives out as nuts and morons while they force their 'plan' up our asses.
Well I have news for you Specter, these people are the mouse that roared. One of these days even the Obamaterd supporters are going to wake up and smell the taxes and socialism you assholes are trying to impose on us. Hopefully, it will be before it's too late to turn back.
You deluded fools have seen the failure of your "Call Truth 101 a Nazi" strategy. So now you call me a traitor.
ReplyDeleteLet me expose the treason to the generations that follow ours thnaks to your greed and selfishness my right wing friends. You call for victory in Afghanistan and Iraq? But you traitorously don't want to pay for it. You want to borrow from the next generations because you are too selfish and want your stimulus checks and your Cash for Clunkers money. Shinseki told us years ago we needed half a milliontroops in Iraq. The answer from your hero GeorgeW. was to fire him and send our troops over their ill equipped and with not near enough manpower to win the OCCUPATION!
Same thing in Afghanistan.
You look through my previous posts and you will find that although I was against teh Iraq Invasion, it has always been me that has said we need to do it right if we're going to do it. I am the one who said he would gladly pay more taxes and even bring back the draft if it meant success. None of you did my right wing friends. Your answer was stay the course. Tax cuts and torture. You are the traitors to our brave Troops. You are the traitors to our children.
Wow lib's just have a very hard time facing the fact that those they support would end up getting them killed if they had their way. I for one would like to let you have your way but I don't want to see decent great Americans getting hurt to to give you your defeat from the jaws of victory!! With all of the people hurting in this country this administration is still living in the past the past that had code pink loones running around the streets in hysterics. This is not a serious group that occupy our house. Barry has made it clear what side he is on any side but ours. Mr. Apologetic needs to grow up and get serious! And Mr. Truthie 101 should take off his Brown Shirt and become a real American.
ReplyDeleteYou need to remove your right wing blinders Ms. G.
ReplyDeleteTRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteYou need to remove your right wing blinders Ms. G
Pot stop calling the kettle BLACK!