Speaker Pelosi’s 1,990 page Health Care bill was unveiled Thursday, October 29th. Nancy Pelosi said they were at a historic moment with lawmakers and “on the cusp of delivering on the promise of making affordable, quality health insurance available to every American — and laying the foundation for a brighter future for generations to come.” Affordable? For whom?
I’m not sure how small and medium size business owners and middle class Americans will be able to afford much of anything with this monstrosity, which includes 13 new taxes and will grow government to an even more colossal size. Our government already owns 30% of our private sector with car companies, banks, mortgage companies, student loans, credit card companies and Fannie and Freddie. Once they get hold of our Health Care, they will own another 18%. That’s almost 50% of our economy, which currently, is fragile, at best.
This bill doesn’t even address tort-reform. That doesn’t surprise me, with half or more of our elected officials being lawyers and all. I’ve heard the argument that tort-reform “won’t really save money”, but when I read this:
REFORM.— (1) IN GENERAL.—To the extent and in the amounts made available in advance in appropriation Acts, the Secretary shall make an incentive payment, in an amount determined by the Secretary, to each State that has an alternative medical liability law in compliance with this section.
(4) CONTENTS OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL LIABILITY LAW.—The contents of an alternative liability law are in accordance with this paragraph if—
(A) the litigation alternatives contained in the law consist of certificate of merit, early offer, or both; and (B) the law does not limit attorneys’ fees or impose caps on damages.
So, tell me again how tort-reform isn’t a factor. Because I’m really curious as to WHY Section 2531 would be in the bill if it weren’t. That section is to protect the lawyers—but forget the American people. Screw the doctors who have to pay exorbitant malpractice insurance premiums. Just make sure the LAWYERS get their money at ANY price, even if it means raising taxes on Americans.
Health Care Reform doesn’t have to be so complicated. Medicare and Medicaid have more fraud than our Representatives will admit. Why don’t they start there? Let’s save $60 Billion a year FIRST. Because when I read this among the 2 thousand pages, I wanted to scream…
Subtitle A—Increased Funding to Fight Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Sec. 1601. Increased funding and flexibility to fight fraud and abuse.
(A) establish procedures to protect against fraud, waste, and abuse under the program;
and (B) provide for other program integrity methods.
If they can implement a program under Government Health Care for INTEGRITY and PROTECTION AGAINST WASTE, FRAUD, and ABUSE, why the heck aren’t we doing it NOW? This just blows my mind! Let’s start a whole NEW program and spend EVEN MORE money to begin an honesty and fraud protection program; but don’t do it with the existing program when we KNOW it’s hemorrhaging at least $60 BILLION a year in DECEIT. I’m not sure, but I think this would be listed under the category of utter stupidity. Not to mention just another way to spend OUR money, when they COULD be finding ways to recoup the money that has been wasted, or dare I say STOLEN, already.
One of the big arguments for a Government Health Care plan was because “the number one reason for bankruptcy in America is due to medical bills”. The stats on medical bankruptcies are sketchy. I’m not saying that people haven’t filed bankruptcy due to medical bills. What I’m saying is that many people who have filed bankruptcy would have filed regardless, and the medical bills just exasperated the situation. But if you read this:
(4) COST-SHARING.—The term ‘‘cost-sharing’’ includes deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, and similar charges, but does not include premiums, balance billing amounts for non-network providers, or spending for non-covered services.
(C) the maximum cost-sharing with respect to an individual (or family) for a year shall not exceed $5,000 for an individual (or $10,000 for a family).
Let’s say a wife gets cancer in July and needs treatment and her insurance doesn’t cover all her medical expenses. She pays out of pocket from July through December that year to the tune of $10K. The next year she has treatment from January thru August and pays another $10K. Her family is now in debt $20K for medical “cost-sharing”. They have a mortgage, a car payment AND $10K in credit card debt. There is a good chance they will file bankruptcy. So, again, HOW does Pelosi’s Health Care bill HELP Americans from filing bankruptcy? It doesn’t. THAT argument has NOT been addressed in THIS bill and will NOT be addressed; because medical bankruptcies are NOT a major factor and Congress KNOWS it. They used those stats for their own agenda, even though the stats were not accurate. Had the stats been accurate, they would’ve addressed them in THIS bill.
There are other goodies in this bill. Like Section 340L a Health Corps. Yep, we are going to fund and repay loans for people to go into the Health Profession. I guess we’re going to have to bribe them somehow because with price fixing no one is going to want to be doctors or nurses anymore. But a Health Corps? That’s an odd title, isn’t it? And has the cost of THIS program been added to the trillion dollar price tag? How could it, when we don't even know how many people will enroll in years to come!
Or what about all the expenses fast food restaurants and vending machine companies are going to fork out now that they have to divulge all the calories and nutrients on the contents of the food and snacks they sell. Yes, you read that correctly. A vending machine company has to list all the candy and its calories, etc., on the vending machine now. You mean to tell me that people DON’T know candy is filled with sugar and calories? If they don’t then they are NOT living in what we know as REALITY. But the American people are going to pay higher prices for everything from a Hershey bar to French fries because Congress wants to dictate what we’ll eat and when we’ll exercise. Because they are going to give incentives to employers who participate! Like in THIS section:
Part Q of title III (42 U.S.C. 280h et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 399W the following:
‘‘(a) PROGRAM.—The Secretary shall establish a community-based overweight and obesity prevention program consisting of awarding grants and contracts under subsection (b). ‘‘(b) GRANTS.—The Secretary shall award grants to, or enter into contracts with, eligible entities— ‘‘(1) to plan evidence-based programs for the prevention of overweight and obesity among children and their families through improved nutrition and increased physical activity; or ‘‘(2) to implement such programs. ‘‘(c) ELIGIBILITY.—To be eligible for a grant or contract under subsection (b), an entity shall be a community partnership that demonstrates community support and includes— ‘‘(1) a broad cross section of stakeholders, such as—
‘‘(A) hospitals, health care systems, community health centers, or other health care providers;‘‘(B) universities, local educational agencies, or childcare providers; ‘‘(C) State, local, and tribal health departments;
‘‘(D) State, local, and tribal park and recreation departments; ‘‘(E)employers; and‘‘(F) health insurance companies;‘‘(2) residents of the community; and ‘‘(3) representatives of public and private entities that have a history of working within and serving the community.
‘‘(f) PREFERENCES.—In awarding grants and contracts under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to eligible entities that— ‘‘(1) will serve communities with high levels of overweight and obesity and related chronic diseases; or ‘‘(2) will plan or implement activities for the prevention of overweight and obesity in school or workplace settings.
This means that grants will be awarded to companies and schools for implementing programs that prevent obesity. So, as an employer you’ll get money if you make your employees exercise? Eat fruits and veggies every day? Stop drinking and smoking? How will they monitor an employee’s behavior AFTER work? Will there be “snitches”? Who knows WHAT this COULD entail. All I know is I don’t like the mere SOUND of it.
I’m an ADULT. If I CHOOSE to eat unhealthy food, shouldn’t that be MY choice? By the way, I don’t eat junk food and I don’t drink alcohol or sugary drinks, but what if I did? What about the millions of Americans that do? Do “I” have the right to tell THEM they should stop? Do employers have the right? The Government? Where, exactly, does the line of freedom get crossed?
In closing, I will admit that I have NOT read the entire 1,990 pages of the bill. I read the sections that I thought looked interesting, although I haven’t listed all of them. I believe this so-called “Health Care for Every America” will cross a line that we can’t even begin to comprehend and we will pay monetarily and we will pay with liberties. I truly don’t believe that anyone wants that. Health Reform is necessary, but THIS bill, with its taxes and mandates, isn’t THE ONE. I truly believe our Representatives can do much better and it’s up to US to force them to give us a bill that is TRULY worthy of the title HEALTH CARE REFORM.
The Art Of Stage Makeup
1 week ago
It's scary on so many fronts...
ReplyDeleteI hope the bill dies a quick death because it's nothing but a pander to big insurance. It solves nothing as far as real reform will. I admire your tenacity for reading as much of it as you did Pamela.
ReplyDeleteIf I may ask Reverend, what page of the denial of insurance to gun owners on? How do the police feel about this?
NFO: I’ve only read about 500 pages (not in sequential order) and it scares me, I can’t even imagine how I’ll feel if I read ALL 1,990 pages!
ReplyDeleteReverend: I did read that about the medical devices. The tax is 2.5% on the wholesale price of the device. This could cost a lot of money depending on the device. Again, MORE money, which could result in cost-sharing prices to reach the $10k that I mentioned in my post.
Truth: Yes, this is pandering and payoffs to everyone except us Americans.
And I was curious to the page # for the guns, too, Truth. Maybe the Reverend will let us know, because I really don’t want to dig through that bill again. I’m tired.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOn last weeks episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" Larry David, made a mockery of the Christian Religion , and HBO stood by him. One has to wonder if they would have stood by him had he pissed on Mohammed.
On this past Sunday’s show, Larry David pissed on a painting of Jesus Christ, while a woman became ecstatic, believing the painting depicted Jesus crying.
Could you imagine if this crap was done using symbols of Islam or Mohammed? Or how about the uprising if I were to piss on a picture of the morally bankrupt, pedophile, fudge packer, Harvey Milk. When the hell is this crap going to stop? Why is society so damn willing to accept the degradation of all things Christian, when they would NEVER think of doing such a thing to Islamic religion or on Martin Luther king’s portrait?
In a statement made to Foxnews.com, HBO downplayed the controversy saying:
"Anyone who follows 'CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM' knows that the show is full of parody and satire." They went on to say: "Larry David makes fun of everyone, most especially himself. The humor is always playful and certainly not malicious."
Hey you Liberturds over at HBO, there is absolutely nothing playful or funny about mocking somebody's religious beliefs, especially a religion that does NOT go around sawing off the heads of non-believers or killing their wives or daughters and calling it an 'honor' killing.
So keep your apologies and just fire that asshole Larry David and tell him to piss on himself. So my question to you Lib’s is, ARE YOUR GOING TO BOYCOTT HIM? ARE YOU GOING TO BOYCOTT HIS SPONSORS?
This bill is a 'compromise' in the sense that there is an attempt to get bipartisan support...
ReplyDeleteAll the bill really does is force insurance carriers to cover pre existing conditions and not deny coverage to anyone and in return they get a whole slew of new business! Especially those young healthy people!
It does not take effect till 2019 and it is a disaster!
It is not nationalized healthcare but rather socialized capitalism for insurance carriers....
I would like to think that somehow this country could be just a little more innovative and futuristic in our thinking but obviously all the special interests make that impossible.
We taxpayers have now bailed out another industry....
I definitely don't want the government gaining any more power than they already have (which I believe is too much already). I can not believe that President Obama is pushing this so hard. He has no background in the medical field.
ReplyDeleteI propose doing one of three things-or all three----
1st: Get rid of obama!
2nd: Every state become a sovereign state. (having independent authority)The states that are moving toward becoming sovereign have been told there would be no more federal funding. The way the obamamaniacs are spending all that the states will be denied is the taxation to pay for the expenditures! The States can support themselves without the help of the socialistic agenda of the Powers in Play!
And TAO, It is so ridiculous to even read some of the things that you are writing, please let me know when you come back to earth.
I strongly urge all my fellow Americans, even those of you on the left.. that we have fight this tyranny , that this man want impose on us.. Please start attending the town hall meetings in your neighborhood and protest , and say that you oppose this health reform!! And call your congressman and your senators , from your state , and tell them that you oppose this reform!!! the more people say NO TO OBAMACARE .... the more they'll have to listen to us and tell them if you sign this BILL . I am not going to vote for you 2010 elections!!
ReplyDeleteHow can this happen in this country! I just still can't believe what is happening in our country.. Who the hell is Obama, to come and take away our freedom and govern our health care.. , .. Lets just pray to God , that they don't sign this bill!... .. But if this goes through all hell is going to break loose... .. I just know the American people are not going to take this oppression and dictatorship... Anyone with a brain can see thru what Obama is doing here, proponents argue there are as many as 50 million uninsured in this country. opponents break that number down into several categories - one of which is 17 million illegal immigrants - which this plan would cover! It doesn't appear as though proponents dispute this fact.
When Wilson yelled "liar" after Obama says illegal immigrants won't be insured, he was right...
Why? Because they have every intention of providing government sponsored health insurance for illegal aliens at taxpayers expense... no matter what Obama says today.
Nancy Pelosi doesn't have a freakin clue.
ReplyDeleteAfter what Nancy Pelosi did today to stall bipartisan participation in congress, saying she is an idiot is being kind. Whether you are for the bail out bill or not really doesn't matter. No one who really has the nation's interest at heart would ever get up right before a vote and denigrate the other political party like that. There is a big difference between explaining one's disagreement with a bill and simply deciding that it was time to blame the other party for the problem. She should be ashamed.
Oh yeah, I'm a democrat and today am very embarrassed at being represented by such an a-hole.
TAO said...
ReplyDelete"This bill is a 'compromise' in the sense that there is an attempt to get bipartisan support..
It is not nationalized healthcare but rather socialized capitalism for insurance carriers."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thank you TAO. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
Now why not try connecting the dots:
Take more money and more from the working and productive segment of the US society, wrap it in a supposed package called "benefit to all" (universal health care) .... Kill off the segment that is no longer "productive"... too sick or in-firmed to vote, allocate the existing resources (doctors) to keep their voting demographic alive and well and.. voila... they just bought their votes for the next 2 generations.
Of course We the People are then enslaved for the foreseeable future. That Sir is called Socialism...
RIR: By the “sound” of this bill, it’s another way for the government to get even “more” of our money so they can abuse it. They “say” it will cost about $900 billion, but Doc Fix isn’t included in it and that’s another $300 million, so that's over a trillion dollars. However, the government hasn’t been known for its accuracy. And with their “idea” for the Health Corps and Secondary Education grants and loan repayments—the price tag is NEVER ending.
ReplyDeletePlus, the Obesity program is there so that employers will accept the grant money because they will NEED assistance with costs just to stay in business. In essence, employers will then be watch-dogs into their employee’s personal lives.
It’s not a good bill. It’s NOT HEALTH CARE for Americans. If they TRULY wanted HEALTH CARE for Americans they could begin a program that would cover those too young for Medicare and too “rich” for Medicaid. It’s pretty cut and dried. But we all know that government doesn’t do anything the simple way nor does it do anything for the real benefit of the American people, not when insurance companies, pharmaceutical and special interest groups are lining their pockets.
Walt: I did hear something about someone urinating on a picture of Jesus, but didn’t know all the specifics. I am appalled. That is disgusting! I agree with you, if it were the Muslim religion, I have NO doubt the man would be fired. It seems any more that the Christian faith can be besmirched, defamed and defiled and very few say anything. I believe that ALL religions should be respected, just as all people should be treated equally. The question here is, what is WRONG with people when they think something like THAT is funny? Urinating on anything in front of an audience is just totally and utterly deranged.
ReplyDeleteTAO, once again I see you've set aside some special time to humiliate yourself in public. You, and the left in general, in your typically dishonest way, try to equate Obama's plan with health care reform, as if it is the ONLY option. This is obvious BS, and everyone knows it, yet some particularly unintelligent partisans on the left still try it.
ReplyDeleteObama plays it cool alright, but with all due lack of respect, that's easy for him since he is an extreme narcissist, and his presidency was set up by the powers behind him to keep him from getting dirty. Obama lets Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber, Reid and Pelosi, do all of the heavy lifting and take the flak.
A cynical person might conclude that the Progressives who control the Democrat party anticipated losing big in 2010, due to their radical Marxist agenda, and therefore accept a certain amount of human sacrifice in order to keep Obama above the fray. They figure that Reid, and maybe Pelosi will have to fall on their own swords, but they can be rewarded later with some big juicy taxpayer dollars.
The Obama administration really needs to get over itself, and so do you Monomaniacs . ( to intelligent people this means: an excessive mental preoccupation with one thing )
Tao: I may have missed something, but I don’t really see the “compromise” in this bill. It may be in there—somewhere, as I only read 500 pages (not sequential).
ReplyDeleteYes, the majority of the bill doesn’t take effect until 2019. However, the risk-pool goes into effect January 1, 2010.
But tell me, someone, how does THIS bill HELP Americans when they have to wait 10 friggin’ years?
I feel our Reps could’ve done much better. One would think with all the “intelligence” in Congress, someone would come up with something that is worthy of the title “Health Care”. Or maybe Congress should start listening to the American people for ONCE! We KNOW what we WANT and we can implement it better than Congress any day of the week!
Professor: Let’s see how the VA and NJ elections play out. If they go Red, there’s a good chance the Blue Dogs won’t vote for this bill. Those 2 states going Red could open some eyes up there on the Hill and make them realize we are fed up. One can only hope.
ReplyDeleteShaun M: Of course Nancy Pelosi has a clue, that’s why she had the bill written this way. The Dems have control of the House and the Senate and they have a Dem President. She thinks this is her ticket to get all the goodies she’s been storing away for the last decade. It’s a Liberal dream come true!
Pamela D. Hart said...
ReplyDeleteWalt: I did hear something about someone urinating on a picture of Jesus, but didn’t know all the specifics. I am appalled. That is disgusting! I agree with you, if it were the Muslim religion, I have NO doubt the man would be fired. It seems any more that the Christian faith can be besmirched, defamed and defiled and very few say anything. I believe that ALL religions should be respected, just as all people should be treated equally. The question here is, what is WRONG with people when they think something like THAT is funny? Urinating on anything in front of an audience is just totally and utterly deranged.
Yes Pam I can answer that for you, that was Larry David from the TV show Curb Your Enthusiasm, on HBO
Lets set the record straight right here and right now...
ReplyDeleteWalt's World - I really do not give a flying fu*k what you think of me and I did not ask you to read and or respond to anything I wrote..but obviously you do read everything I write and you respond but I am thankful that you find me 'ridiculous' because that means I have nothing in common with you!
I am not going to defend this healthcare bill because I have always opted for the "SWISS PLAN" but the current bill does nothing but BUY us an agreement whereas healthinsurance companies will swap doing away with preexisting conditions and automatically dropping people when they get too expensive for extra income they will gain by the fact that now all of us will have to buy insurance from them.
So, what the hell did you expect from government that is owned and controlled by big business?
We can thank all you conservatives for the prescription drug bill that your hero got passed in his administration which included a provision that the governemnt could not get competitive bids!
Get real!
Save all your crap about you not supporting the bill...if you think I have to defend everything Obama does then I in turn can expect you all to defend BUSH!
Our government has produced one bill in the last 30 years that was worth shit and I don't know why any of you thought that was going to change anytime soon...
As far as the PROF goes...welcome to socialism big boy...your banks get bailed out by the taxpayer, the drug industry got their prescription drug program and now the healthcare lobby is getting their bill...lets not forget the bailing out of the auto industry.
FOR YOUR INFORMATION I WANT A REVOLUTION because all of you just want to replace OBAMA with a Republican and I know that your replacement, who ever it would be would be no different than Obama...
We are a one party nation when you really sit and look at things because neither of the parties are any different once they get into office...
Either that or you all are nothing more than a bunch of very unhappy people who like to gripe about everything....
TAO said...
ReplyDeleteLets set the record straight right here and right now...
Walt's World - I really do not give a flying fu*k
Well Oh, well who's the one with the Potty Mouth" now!
Who's the frustrated Obama BS guzzler now!
If you can't admit to the fact that the Obama-nation is an abomination without using the name "BUSH" then theres NO hope for you. You sure ain't going to win this round with that argument dumbass,
Well oh well if it isn't TAO up to his nose in crapola again. And just look at his language He used the "F" word, and he wants to know why he was thrown off the good Right is Right Lady's blog?
ReplyDeleteHumm, I can only guess why. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
As for your Messiah President Obama may have won the Nobel Peace Prize, but unfortunately or should I say “fortunately”, he is not winning accolades from the American public as his job approval rating continues its downward slide. In September, U.S. adults were split almost evenly on the job the President has been doing – 49% gave him positive ratings and 51% gave him negative ratings. This month, the number giving him positive ratings drops to 45% while over half of Americans (55%) give him negative ratings.
While Nancy Pelosi, and other House Democrats blocked the public from attending the unveiling ceremony of their health-care bill Thursday morning, allowing only pre-approved visitors whose names appeared on lists to enter the event at the West side of the Capitol. Now isn’t that a nice way of displaying Obama’s TRANSPARENCY!
See ya TAO man, And next time I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter...
Okay folks. A bunch of righties bashing TAO, Pelosi and me so far, but as usual, none of you offers anything in the realm of an idea. None of you offer anything of support or the millions without health insurance. No ideas. No concern. Not even a prayer from the Most Rev. Gregori. Only a false rumor about gun owners being denied health insurance.
ReplyDeleteTAO and I have posted our thoughts hundreds of times and I don't know about him, but I would like a discussion about them someplace instead of the usual race to see who be the first righties call one of us a n idiot or commie with no reason for why you think that.
C'mon Wordsmith. Live up to you moniker and give me some words that describe your plan to reform our health insurance system. Or what you would do to actually win our occupations.
I see many of you are working hard to defend Right is Right from whatever it is she needs defense from. I hope she notices and gives you the warm cyber hug you long for.
Pamela busts her hump reading 500 pages of this useless attempt to fool the American People into allowing insurance companies to further gouge us. Informs us of her findings. And all the righties that come here can do to honor her work is see who can throw the lamest insult at me and TAO.
This does prove one of my consistent points about the right though. You make up stuff to validate your deluded opinions. I agree with Pamela that this bill is despicable. Yet you still attack us on this worthless bill.
If any of you righties had been sober or paying attention during the Bush years you would have realized where we were headed long before Obama decided to run for office...
ReplyDeleteBut then again none of you really care about anything other than griping about Obama this and the Liberals that....I guess that is what you get paid to do since all you say the same things over and over again...
You guys are alot of fun and I just want to make sure that your work is challenging; wouldn't want trolling to become boring for you!
Exactly why everyone is jumping all over Tao is a complete mystery to me. He responded to my topic, which is Health Care, and it appears, to me at least, that he is NOT on board with this bill. My suggestion would be to follow the Professor’s advice and CALL your Representatives until you melt the phones! Don’t let them pass this bill!
ReplyDeleteAlso, if your comment is off-topic, it will be deleted. So, please stay on-topic, I would appreciate it, thank you.
Truth: Thank you for acknowledging my work. I was HOPING we could get a good, mature debate going. I would really like to hear some intelligent ideas as to what we could do about Health Care in our Country. I would also like to know if anyone else has read any of this bill and what they have to say about it, good or bad. Like I mentioned, I only read 500 pages, so I’m sure there’s a lot more that we aren’t aware of--information that could make for a decent discussion.
Thank you Pam!
ReplyDeleteThe whole purpose of all of this is to keep from having an intelligent conversation on healthcare reform!
Want to talk about overbilling and medicare fraud? YES, it costs us billions of dollars a year and no matter how you cut it or justify it it is a crime and yet Rick Scott, the founder of Conservatives for Patients Rights, was forced to step down as CEO of Columbia/HCA after that company had to pay the largest fine on record for overbilling medicare!
He has put over 5 million dollars of his own money into this new organization and he has hired CRC Public Relations, which is the same firm that developed and ran the Swift Boat Veterans Campaign, all in an effort to derail healthcare reform. Why? Well, because he owns a chain of urgent care clinics that serve the unisured and he could be bankrupted by emergency room visits!
Its all intentional efforts on the part of special interests to spread disinformation and keep the citizens of this country from having an informed discussion of the future of this country.
We sit here and point to ACORN, unions, and the likes and talk about how they destroy this country but at the same time you have Conservatives for Patients Rights, Freedomworks, and well funded special interest groups doing the same thing!
I do not believe that a person who planned and executed the greatest Medicare fraud plan in the history of this country should have any input in our healthcare discussion.
Then you have these trolls who, I hope are paid hacks, who do nothing but attack anyone who attempts to have an informed discussion about anything.
Reform healthcare...that is a great concept and something that all of us can agree needs to be a high priority in this country...but it will never be achieved logically because too many people and companies have a vested interest in things as they are today.
I like the Swiss Plan because not only is it logical, superior to our current healthcare, but it also allows us to eventually privatize medicad and medicare.
Nothing could be more CONSERVATIVE than that and yet all these fly by night reactionaries continue to label me a Liberal...
Brillant bunch.....
Pamela D. Hart said...
ReplyDeleteExactly why everyone is jumping all over Tao is a complete mystery to me
He name calls and puts down every republican.
Confucius Say: What goes around comes around.
Walt: There appears to be some confusion. Tao came here to MY blog and respectfully responded to MY post. He was the one who was attacked and then retaliated.
ReplyDeleteI would appreciate it if my readers would keep what transpires on OTHER blogs away from MY blog. How people act ELSEWHERE is of no concern to me. I’m concerned with how they conduct themselves on MY blog.
So, please, EVERYONE, in the future, confine your responses to the topic at hand and keep your opinions about other blogs to yourselves. Thank you.
Well, TAO said: "Nothing could be more CONSERVATIVE than that and yet all these fly by night reactionaries continue to label me a Liberal...
ReplyDeleteBrillant bunch..."
So was only responding to HIS post! Isn't that what we are supposed to do?
Will you please offer an alternative to the legislation going through Congress Walt? Pretty please? Do you even have an original thought in your head about this? What don't you like specifically. What would you do? How would you approach.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is you don't have any ideas Walt. But you must be desperate for followers so you take the attack TAO rout that will get the usual gang of righties to add their pics to your blogroll. If that's what makes you proud then good for you.
But the fact is, as loathe as I am of right wing ideas, I could state a better case for a bill that would appeal to the right than anyone here other than Pamela and TAO.
How embarrassing that would be for so many of you if my kind and gentleness forced me to help you from further ridicule.
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteWill you please offer an alternative to the legislation going through Congress Walt? Pretty please? Do you even have an original thought in your head about this? What don't you like specifically. What would you do? How would you approach.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNO, Truth, the fact is that YOU insult Rightwingers in your blogs in just about every blog that YOU post. (Go look them over if your doubt me)
ReplyDeleteAnd then when us *rightwingers* ger insulted and answer you back you get your panties in a wad and wonder why you are *loathed* ... Well it’s possibly because you are one of the most TWO FACED bloggers on the boards. You attack us and then give us your “Kind and Gentle” bull-shit. Well I have news for your, we ain’t buying it.
Our whole country is turning upside down by these idiots in Washington ... Perhaps when the CIA has been emasculated, then the World will love us and respect us even more. Kum-by-ah. To them our CIA are liars, Bush and Cheney should be tried as criminals, us rightwingers are domestic terrorists and we should let the real terrorists in Gitmo go . Well isn’t that just CRAZY? Yeah it is! And when the Democrats are seeming to declare war on fellow Americans we can all rest safer knowing that we have nobody defending our country because the Democrats are around. What is next? All soldiers who have killed someone in combat will be investigated for murder. Jeez what an administration we have! And we wonder why we can’t win a war!!!!! I just can't wait for 2012 when we get rid of the whole bunch of these ass-holes. ALL OF THEM, from Reid to Pelosi to Obama and everyone else that loves Socialism including the Clinton’s. Liberals are so far removed from the real world and what it takes to keep this nation free from terrorists hell bent to destroy us. Political correctness is going to kill us all. Say what you want about Dick Cheney, but he's right. They kept this nation free from terrorist attacks from 9-11 forward. The Obama Administration and Eric Holder are sending us back to the Jimmy Carter days. Lord, save us all.
I find it mind-boggling that we are racists if we call Obama a socialist. Yet, YOU and your gong of 3 compare Bush to Hitler. In your sick mind, Rush Limbaugh is bad, Glenn Beck is bad, Fox News is bad, the Tea Parties are bad, and everyone else that represents Republicans are bad. Yet you never find anything bad if the person is a liberal i.e. Van Jones and Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, and the rest of the commie f**ks. I think that you are a sad, pathetic excuse for a man.
Well, I thank God for Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and all the other conservative talk show personalities who keep telling us the truth, who keep the light shining on the liberal idiots who are bulling their way through trying to take over our GREAT LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE. I want to say thanks to Glenn Beck for his honest, truthful comments on what is going on in our Country. He has the guts to tell it like it is and is not afraid to call a spade a spade.
ReplyDeleteI'll answer this for just as I will post an intelligent right wing plan for health insurance reform Walt;
Because you are too stupid to think of one yourself.
Nice rant Trex. You went several paragraphs without any original ideas for health insurance reform or a plan to actually do anything in our occupations. Your friends must be proud of you.
TRUTH101 BABBLED: Nice rant Trex. You went several paragraphs without any original ideas for health insurance reform or a plan to actually do anything in our occupations. Your friends must be proud of you.
I'm sure they are Much More Proud of me than they are of you!
That's where you fail and I succeed Trex. Your friends are proud of you because you blindly follow.
ReplyDeleteThey fear me because I speak the TRUTH.
ReplyDeleteYes, and that is why I consider Truth101 a true AMERICAN!
He stands on his own two feet and states his case without fear of the overwhelming number of drive by reactionary trolls who cannot write satire anywhere near his level, and who can defend a position as well as he can!
Its also why I call Pam a true AMERICAN, because whether or not she agrees with your opinion she is RESPECTFUL of our national tradition of democracy and honors our founding fathers by allowing everyone a voice...
Good God, the woman even reads the bills they try to pass in Washington...
The rest of you...well, you have no opinions and all just want to scurry favor by being as cute as you can be...cute but devoid of any ability to formulate a thought...
Paid robotrolls....
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteThat's where you fail and I succeed Trex. Your friends are proud of you because you blindly follow.
They fear me because I speak the TRUTH.
Laughing MY ASS Off! Hey Truthless, YOUR party is the one that FAILED! OBAMA is the FAILURE and will be thrown out with the rest of the TRASH!
And I agree We are MUCH prouder of "TEX" then we are of the likes of you and your bunch of classless idiots.
The sleeping Giant has awoken, the slimebag's have been thrown out along with the trash. The "middle class" "racist's" are not going to take it any more!
Have fun with that today...
Message to Obama-lama-ding-dong, and you too Truthless. NO YOU CANT!
The TRUTHLESS One said "The rest of you...well, you have no opinions and all just want to scurry favor by being as cute as you can be...cute but devoid of any ability to formulate a thought...
ReplyDeletePaid robotrolls..."
OH, AND BY THE WAY, After 9 months of Obuma and and the rest of the congressional liberal Demorats that are pushing socialism, fell to hell, it was really fun to finally watch real working middle class America taking it back. Obuma went to great lengths to publicly pet and burp his chosen ones, and the middle class voters throw them under Obuma's bus .. Well there’s lots more room under there for the rest of them when the next election rolls around and those stupid looking Senators get their walking papers also.
Mary honey....
ReplyDeleteLets read and think before we go off half cocked....all of which we know is hard to do when one suffers from attention deficit disorder...
Lets see, in a rural NY district the conservatives pulled out the big guns and big bucks to bring down a RINO, in a traditionary very REPUBLICAN district...and the DEMOCRATS win that one...
Bloomberg comes real close to losing in NYC to a political no name and Corzine does lose...
That tells us that big money and influence are what the voters were against rather than just democrats...
Virginia just did what Virginia normally does in an off year election...trade parties...not a real big feat or accomplishment there.
With all the billions being spent on bloggers such as yourself, media campaigns, and all the like Obama still is liked by 54% of the population!
As much as you need positive news and as much as you WANT TO HOPE that somehow you will once again represent the political mainstream...
Its only a dream hon...
So, enjoy it as long as you can because last night only proved that the voters are angry at big powerful interests and their influence...THAT is the true education that you should be getting from this election and that is what the Bloomberg, Corzine, and NY 23 election should teach you...
But then again, you get paid to pump and hype crap...not learn anything...
By the way, your one quote from from Truth and the other was from Me...
Try reading before commenting...
Throwing Stones: Your comment has been deleted.
ReplyDeleteObama may not be my favorite person in the world, however...
Truthless said! "Bloomberg comes real close to losing in NYC to a political no name and Corzine does lose..."
ReplyDeleteStop the dumb spin game Bloomberg WON in a completely Democratic City where he ran against a Black Democrat in a City mostly populated with Black Democrats.
Every other office in NYC is FILLED with Democrats so don't give us the CRAP.
The Hope and Change is that Obama Fails!
PERIOD! And he is well on his way.
You guys from Spin City are a real joke.
The black messiah couldn't do it for Corzine and his union goons in New Jersey.. Even after THREE visits there to campaign. They can both share in that rejection.
But Truthless didn't say a world about the MONEY THAT CORZINE spent, only about Bloomberg's. LMAO about that one.
Next up: Notify every scumbag in congress, hooked on single payer, that their political existence hinges on their ability to listen to their constituents.
By the way, Mary, you did a great job on that post.
The Truthless one is only fishing for excuses but they are hard to find today.
Pam, I think you are off base, there's nothing wrong with using that term!
ReplyDeleteNothing Negro is not an Insult, just a description of a race.
Would it be alright to say Barack Hussein Obama Mmm, mmm, mmmm..
How come you didn't delete that guy that used the "F" word.
And how come you allow the truth Fairy to spread his BULL- SHIT!
If you wish to delete MY post over a completely exceptable term like that then I'd rather NOT post here. So I'll leave now. But Not after I repeat that You are wrong and siding with the Truth Fairy will not get you sany point on the Lib blogs.
Throwing Stones: This is MY blog and there are certain terms “I” personally abhor, and the “Magic” term when referring to Obama is one of them. Since this is MY blog, I will DICTATE what is ACCEPTABLE; therefore it will NOT be permitted on MY blog.
ReplyDeleteSince you feel I’m “wrong” and wish to stop visiting my blog, I wish you much success in your future endeavors.
TAO, first of all, DON'T call me Honey. I AM NOT your Honey and I don't even wish to be called anything that gives the impression that I like you because I don't!
ReplyDeleteAs for my getting your comment confused with Truth's, it's no wonder, you are two of a kind.
By the way Pam, The term Magic Negro” is widely used by hundreds of respected people and even the news media.
The Magic Negro is a figure of postmodern folk culture, coined by 20th century sociologists, to explain a cultural figure who emerged in the wake of Brown v. Board of Education. reads the description on Wikipedia.
I sincerely think that Mr. Obama, his supporters and his staff are going to have to grow a thicker skin if they are going to survive the next 31/2 years.
As a matter of fact, Spike Lee ( a Black himself) popularized the term
I really think that you owe Throwing Stones an apology.
Mary: I don’t care if Jesus used the term. DO NOT USE IT ON MY BLOG!
ReplyDeleteI DON’T LIKE IT!!
What is so difficult to understand about this?
Mary Honey,
ReplyDeleteLets READ one of your links:
"Classically, the magic negro is a character of low social caste, such as a janitor or bus driver. This character is usually male, and no back story or history is provided, with the typical magical negro being relatively benign, although the character may embody other racial stereotypes, such as a lazy attitude or an inability to speak standardized English. The character usually has no friends and family, appearing as a standalone individual in the story who has been stripped of sexuality and personality.
The key feature of the magic negro is that he or she has mystical abilities and an air of sage wisdom. These abilities are used to help the almost always white protagonist get out of trouble, with the magic negro guiding the white hero to a greater understanding of the world, and swooping in to save the day whenever necessary. This stereotypical character will make any sacrifice necessary to save the white character, making the magic negro rather paradoxical, as he or she has supernatural powers, but is still servile to a white character.
This character appears again and again in American literature and film, from Uncle Remus to Morpheus in The Matrix. As with many other racial archetypes, the magic negro has such a long history that many people are unaware of how prevalent this character is until they start to examine the roles of black characters in books and films. People may not also be fully aware of how racist this archetype is, an issue which has been brought up by many cultural critics and sociologists."
Sounds like YOU owe Pam an apology for using links that actually DISPROVE your point...
Then lets go to this point:
"The key feature of the magic negro is that he or she has mystical abilities and an air of sage wisdom. These abilities are used to help the almost always white protagonist get out of trouble"
Glad you linked to something that shows that YOU AGREE with the concept that YOU need a black person to come clean up behind you and fix all your problems!
By the way, "Honey" does not necessarily infer that there is any affection between us at all...
Lots of time it is used to cover up exactly the opposite....
Now, go apologize to Pam and move on to another playground where they allow you to be stupid....
Thank you Pam for being SO selective in who's comment you find to be objectionable.
Calling ME "stupid" is far worse then the use of a highly used term that FITS Obama perfectly.
I'll be joining in leaving this blog Throwing Stones now.
You can stink with the likes of these two IDIOTS TAO and Truth!
I guess that the way of running a blog by Shaw has rubbed off on you. Delete and Censor.
Mary: I found a TERM abhorrent. I haven’t deleted any of your comments. But I do find it comical that YOU are up in arms when it’s MY blogging policy that is violated on a daily basis; it’s me that is disrespected; it’s me that has to deal with the in-fighting at every turn. I am the one who has the RIGHT to be angry. I ask, beg and plead for my readers to stay on topic and not fight, yet no one listens. They turn MY blog into a bashing zone and I have to play mediator. If I delete something, I get “accused” of “censorship”. This is friggin’ ridiculous. What am I supposed to do? Allow people free reign on MY blog? I don’t think so. If you “feel” that my blog doesn’t fit with your agenda, then I wish you much success in your future endeavors.
ReplyDeleteMary Honey...
ReplyDeleteThere is a big difference between saying "You are stupid" and "...allows you to be stupid..."
But that is really not your point is it? Your whole purpose is to attack Pam and get her to toe whatever ideology that your little cult perpetuates...
Wouldn't want anyone to think for themselves so you yell, scream, cuss, and holler in an attempt to control your followers...
Never even wanted to defend the fact that your own links contradicted your point...can't bring that up because the truth isn't what anything you do is about...
Your just like RIR...you go off and scream, cuss, and holler all over the internet and the only comments you delete are those that point out the errors of you own logic.
Now, quit whining and get your big girl panties on and apologize to Pam for making a point that was wrong...
Go on, aplogizing only hurts the first time...it will make you a better person in the end...
Oh, but the little cult will view you as a traitor...
You never answered me.. Why do you NOT get so unnerved and call out TAO or Truth when they do SO much worse then what Throwing Stones did?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you allow TAO to call me stupid? Why do you allow Truth101 to call rightwingsers the things hat he does?
And why did you allow that racist luvangelHussein330 to post her disgusting comment and say what she did about “YOU WHITE PEOPLE”? Her post was the most disgusting on the board... Yet it's still here! WHY?
Please address that!
ReplyDeleteI agree these liberal racists are a bunch of sick whining puppies.
ReplyDeleteBut enough about these liberal racist’s folks, enough about the bad side of this world, lets get on the topic of the big defeat our Dera leader took last night. Pam is it ok for me to say “Our Dear Leader”?
Barack Hussein Obama is truly the worst President this country has ever had! And it won’t be long until his approval rating will sink to a new low. And he will become a one term president.
Obama stumped for Corzine & Kaine, not only once, but five times. And lost. Lost big. Time And now Gibbs is trying to convince us that Obama was not even watching the returns'??
Gibbs is a liar just like his boss.
And by the way Pamela, as a back American, I am not offended by the use of the term used by Throwing Stones.
Mary Mary Quite Contrary said...
Mary you were wrong in calling TAO a "BORING IDIOT"
You should have called him a BORING PIECE OF SHIT..
People that spout the crap that he does, may not be well-intentioned or well informed -- but almost all of them are woefully ignorant .
But congratulations Mary, you did a great job here on your comments. Remember you can never win an argument with idiots
Ah, Mary, Wordsmith, aka "Back American", and now PSI Bond...
ReplyDeleteAll of which are nothing but 'DBA's' for one DD2...
Care to debate Health Care Reform, Economic Policy? Foreign Affairs? How about a little discussion of something like The Constitution or maybe social contract theory?
Or we can continue to hurls insults at each other or take cheap shots at our President?
Haven't seen one intelligent comment or policy position from any of you....nothing but the same ol' drivel....
Bash liberals and trash Obama...
Must be hell going through life knowing that the only way you can feel good about yourselves is by degrading others.
PSI...the 'idiot' you cannot seem to discuss anything with is yourself because your talking to your own reflection in the mirror...
Now, move on and lets resume our discussion of healthcare reform...
Go on over to DD2's site and or RIR and throw your trash around all over the place; go stink up those sites with your vile comments!
Mary: I'm at work now, so I don't have time to answer your questions. If you will be KIND enough to give me time to do my DAY job, I will respond to your questions and everyone's comments when I get home this evening.
ReplyDeleteTao: Real quick, as I only have a minute. Now I understand what happened to Jennifer. She was viciously attacked by CONSERVATIVES when she acted and thought for herself and didn't follow the status quo. No wonder she changed to Independent.
ReplyDeleteThank you, but my real question is why do you put up with the likes of TAO'S posts!
ReplyDeleteI am sick and tired of these blatant and stupid posts? The ignorance of their posts are allowed and posts by others are deleted because you didn’t like one term that was used.
How about the term’s Rush Linburger and Glenn Pecker and the repiglican party and you white people used by poster “LuvangelHussein330"
Those vicious lefties seem to get away with anything they want to say.
Pamela D. Hart said...
ReplyDeleteTao: Real quick, as I only have a minute. Now I understand what happened to Jennifer. She was viciously attacked by CONSERVATIVES when she acted and thought for herself and didn't follow the status quo.
Oh please Pam, don't play the victim here, NO ONE "viciously attacked" you.
However your posters like TAO has "viciously attacked" your commenters.
ReplyDeleteNow YOU see it with your own eyes!
Had these trolls existed back during the time of our founding fathers they would have turned our revolution into something akin to the French Revolution!
These trolls are not real people expressing their opinions but rather paid operatives who are attempting to STOP us from exercising our rights as American citizens...
Whether one is liberal, conservative, or whatever we need to remember that as Americans we allow each and everyone the right to free association and free speech...
These folks want us to have nothing of either.
They either paid hacks or some of the meannest nastiest folks one has ever seen....
We will leave it to DD2 to let us in on their little secret...
They believe that Americans are sheep and can be browbeat into toeing the line and following the script....which is Orwell's 1984.
They will give up! Now, be a true conservative like we have been historically and tell the annoying little saps to get back to school!
These poor, deluded right wing fools. When faced with logic, facts and well thought out opinion, the best they can do for a reply is some variation of the old "you're a poopy pants" defense.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf anything else was to be learned, this election was a lesson to br learned by some people who can't seem to learn.
ReplyDeleteCorzine was a social LIBERAL and now he's a civilian !
Let's give a lot of credit where it is due; the two shots that were heard around the world, were Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck who had the courage to do what the GOP (including Bush, McCain, Steele, and the rest of the wishy-washy wimps) failed so badly to do - come out fighting hard for what they believed in. And the hell with the leftist lies and their negative campaigning.
This it the assessment that this poor, deluded right wing fool got out of yesterdays results. Then so be it, I for one am thrilled about the results.
It looks like Obama woke up with egg on his face this morning. A few things to think about Tuesday's election results are first of all Barack Obama's got no political coat-tails in VA. and in NJ, where he made THREE visits . And those were the big ones. I think these two losses for Democrats were very significant I think the reason why Republicans underestimate their strength is because it depends on who you talk with. Speak to a RINO and all you will hear is"woe is us" we have to align with the Democrats. But speak to those who are actually Republicans or Conservatives and you get a more optimistic attitude. Of course the media loves the RINOS because they are The GOVERNMENT NEWS AGENCY. So it also depends on who you listen to. Speak to a Conservative and then you get optimism. Still It was gratifying to see this happen.
As for Bloomberg in NY., This election in NYC is interesting. NYC is very blue. Obama is the President and he had no influence there what so ever... . Now I know Bloomberg is a nanny Stater if ever there was one. Yet running against a mainline Democrat and a black candidate yet he still won. Bloomberg is a businessman first. He runs the city along both business and political lines. He do not agree with a lot of his policies, but the alternative is far, far worse. And what is very scary is that one day we will get the alternative. Not this time though. So there are enough people in NYC that in the relative scheme of things for this city are more than less realistic about economic matters as well as law and order matters as well so far. As for his winning by a “slim margin” A win is a win and to win under the condition I just wrote about is a big win as far as I’m concerned.
I knew that Obama was a loser right from the get go, but I didn’t knew he would become this bad in less than a year on the job.
I know that the liberals will be resorting to answer this post with their usual verbal diarrhea. But so be it. Liberals never get it. And they Never will . If you read what these libs have said here today, you would think that the Democrats won yesterday! News Flash! They lost BIG TIME!
And with that, I’ll leave you with theses words... Mummm, umm, umm.
Let me start off with a brief DISCLAIMER: I am about to give a white, male perspective on race. I can’t give a non-white, or non-male perspective because I am neither of those things.
ReplyDeleteOK, look, sometimes the best way, in fact the ONLY way to kick off a discussion like this is to just “let it fly,” or “come right out with it,” as they say. Alright, let me jump right in here with a list of just a few of the things that bother me about the current state of race-relations in America;
Yes, it bothers me that in most locales "urban" (a/k/a/ “predominantly black”) school districts get the lion’s share of the school funding, apparently as a reward for garnering the lowest test scores and graduation rates. I mean it MUST BE a “reward” because we all know that when those same “failing schools” turn over from predominantly black to predominantly Asian (as a number have in places like the South Bronx and parts of California), those same “failing schools,” with the same teachers, the same books and the same old dirty walls, suddenly see test scores rise and drop-out rates fall and THAT is often followed up with budget cuts, so that other or “newly failing schools” can get rewarded with more cash for failures.
In nearby New Jersey, over 50% of that state’s school revenues (funded primarily by property taxes) go to just 31 of the state’s 568 districts. Those “lucky 31” are, of course all “urban” school districts. So, while failing school districts like Atlantic City’s and Newark’s get 800% and 600% return on their property tax dollar (that’s $8 for every $1 and $6 for every $1), respectively back in education dollars, suburban communities, like Mendham average a paltry 4% And yes, it bothers me greatly that when covering the incredibly rare white-on-black violent crime, the races of both victim and suspects are routinely published, while the races of those involved in the far more common black-on-white violent crime are rarely, if EVER published. It leads one to erroneously believe that one of those kinds of crimes is somehow “worse than” the other. And YES, again THAT bothers me.
Continued.It also bothers me a great deal that when blacks do poorly on various standardized exams that’s called “disparate impact,” and is alleged to be “proof of discrimination,” But when blacks comprise 65% of the MTA or 80% of the NBA that’s called “a racial achievement.”
ReplyDeleteWorse yet, is having to hear some of the inane rationales some blacks give for their doing poorer (on average) than other groups on such exams, such as “Blacks are more social than whites and don’t have as much time for studying,” OR “Blacks value things differently than whites.” These are sickening excuses, because those things described are individual/personal failings, known as “lack of discipline” and “lack of focus.” They are NOT ethnic or GROUP traits, they are individual flaws or failings and it’s an affront to all blacks who DO NOT possess those failings and YES, that bothers the hell out of me!
It also bothers me that Police Departments across the country automatically file virtually all white-on-black violent crimes as a “hate crimes,” while only labeling black-on-white crimes as “hate crimes” when the evidence is both overwhelming and undeniable.
That is an absurd double standard, especially in light of the fact that, each year, approximately 1.2 million violent crimes involving blacks and whites occur nationwide. In just over 90 percent of those cases, according to U.S. Justice Department figures, the perpetrators are black and the victims are white. Violent white felons choose black victims for fewer than 3 percent of their attacks, whereas violent black felons choose white victims about 56 percent of the time. Statistically, the "average" African American is an astonishing 56 times more likely to attack a white than vice versa.
And YES...that last god-damned statistic bothers the living SHIT OUT OF ME!!!
Obama is the most racially polarizing politician since George Wallace. The white vote shifted dramatically against the Dems. On the other hand, what did they expect after Van Jones, ACORN, and the rest of Dear Leader's fellow "community organizers"?
Nice blog.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that as much as libs gloat over the democrat whitehouse takeover, it isn't going to last long. Obama said the right things at the right time, offering tear jerking speeches of change at a time when our country was in crisis. That honeymoon is over, as his approval ratings have swan dove in the past 10 months like I've never seen before, and the democrat congress is somewhere around 21%. Everyone is wondering exactly what it is they voted for.
If you wonder if the why the radio talk show hosts like Beck and Rush are barking fowl, read this. Folks if you think its bad now, hold on if this passes.
ReplyDeleteDownload this and read it, 1990 pages full of pure crap.
Dingy Harry seems to have completely lost his marbles and is forcing moderate Senate Dems to vote on the public option before it goes to conference. Moreover, Comrade Pelosi just threw a sabot in the gears by announcing the House vote before the Senate vote. For the strategy to work it needed to come out of the Senate before it was indelibly clear the House version would have a public option. The opt out clause doesn’t get them out of the woods. Even Joe Liberman sees through that. And these people are in positions of power?
Has anyone tried to read this dribble? - what a crock of Crap it is Wake the f--k up America. We are being taken to the cleaners.
Nancy Pelosi's newest health-care reform plan that she is sneaking in her 2,000 page bill House would do more than regulate just insurance companies – it would even regulate vending machines. The bill, which is posted online, would require that vending machine operators either create new machines that allow the customer to view nutrition facts or post nutritional information for each product near ''each article of food or the selection button.'' The regulation could wind up costing vendors
ReplyDeleteI would prefer a bill that requires all Congress critters to wear a label listing their IQ from a standard test, college grades and how much they earned in private employment and in what positions. Queen Pelosi's would be mostly blank.
Don't you kind of get the feeling that when Obama, Pelosi & Company get done with this ridiculous bill every single industry will be under the control of the government and that there will be no private companies left! ... But that is exactly what they want, they want ALL industries to be under government control.
And that is what is known as SOCIALISM!
I have news for Nancy Pelosi this pretty much explains why you are less popular than George Bush was at his lowest point.. . The more the public knows about what you're doing, the more we know that you are not the change we can believe in.
ReplyDeleteWhat a dumb ass she is.
This TAO dude is a typical lefty demo-socialist trying to promote his party's, and the idiot in the White House's socialist agenda. They're all trying to make conservatives out as nuts and morons while they force their 'plan' up our asses.
ReplyDeleteI believe Obama is ruthlessly advancing a 'secret agenda' to bankrupt the United States by his spend and give-away programs. and dramatically expand government control to an extent nothing short of socialism.
Well I have news for you TAO, these people are like him One of these days even the Obamatard supporters are going to wake up and smell the taxes and socialism you assholes are trying to impose on us. Hopefully, it will be before it's too late to turn back. Perhaps it's time to send Reid, Pelosi, Obama, and his bunch of crooks back to where they came from.
If you read these leftist’s blogs you will walk away thinking:
that If you think that a czar is unconstitutional, then...
You Might Be a Racist!
If you are opposed to a government run health care system, then...
You Might Be a Racist!
If you think that it is unAmerican to bow before the Saudi King, then...
You Might Be a Racist!
If you think that the stimulus plan has been an utter failure, then...
You Might Be a Racist!
If you think that this administration is driving the deficit up at alarming rates, then...
You Might Be a Racist!
If you think that this is a nation based on Christian values, then...
You Might Be a Racist!
If you think that communism and socialism are NOT the solution, then...
You Might Be a Racist!
If you value the 1st Amendment, but think that the media is State ran, then...
You Might Be a Racist!
If you are sick and tired of the Race card being played, then...
You Might Be a Racist!
If you are a racist according to the current liberal agenda, then...
You might just be an American!
It seems the more the 'Race Card' gets played by the libtard demosocialists, the less effective it becomes.
And it's getting weaker by the day, It's about time these libtards' eyes were opened.
Is there anyone out there who remembers all the bull-shit the Bush administration was getting any time he wanted to spend some money, what with his budget deficit up around 400 billion dollars or so?
Why ain't those same loud-mouthed jerkoffs around now when the dickhead-in-chief's deficit is reaching astronomical levels?
No explanation necessary. I already know the answer.
Wha'duuuhhh think?
ReplyDeleteNo, you have it all wrong when you say, "They're all trying to make conservatives out as nuts and morons..."
You and your robotrolls do just fine proving that on a daily basis all by yourselves..."
In regards to healthcare...so where is the socialism? Is the government going to own the hospitals? Are doctors becoming government employees? Are insurance companies being nationalized?
NOPE! All that is happening is all of us will be forced to buy insurance from privately held and for profit insurance companies and in turn these insurance carriers can no longer exclude people for pre existing conditions...
Sounds like a real money maker for insurance companies! Now that might be Corporate Socialism but that really isn't the issue is it?
All you and your ilk are paid to do is destabilize the government and stop the government from doing anything until you can get your employers in office and then your employers will give us bigger government and bigger deficits...but it will benefit them.
Hope they pay you well...
You have an excellent blog here my friend.
ReplyDeleteThe Socialists/Marxist trend in America has a long history my friend. Only under Obama the locomotive has pieced up lightning speed.
Lets hope there is still time for America to fully wake up to the growing cancer.
But with half of Americans still drinking the koolaide (as noticed on this page of comments) it may be too late already.
We have a Secretory of State that runs around kissing up to our enemies. Hillary Clinton must be the most over-rated human being in the history of mankind. Never has someone who has accomplished so little been bestowed with such virtue. If it weren't for her husband, she'd still be operating the document shredder at the Rose law firm in Little Rock.
Perhaps if Obama and Hillary Clinton could get off their knees and stop kissing the Arab's asses and act like Americans we could bring some honor back to the USA!
But that's not going to happen under this administration.
Welcome to the leftist way of thinking in America, where we are to blame for everything bad in the world. They have no idea what it's like to be overseas and hear foreigners parroting the leftist view of America. Thanks for that, jackasses. We are the only nationality of people who loves going around the world telling anyone who'll listen how bad we are.
Johnny Ringo: I have the link to the health care bill in my post. I also addressed the vending machine and fast food debacle, as well as some other issues I found troubling about the bill.
ReplyDeleteWhy don’t you get off of your soapbox TAO, you sound just like the idiot I always thought that your were! Barry Obama won because of his race...lets face it, stop the ****. plain and simple he won because low income, African-American, teens, and the slouches that hang out on street corners waiting for a hand out, who fell guilty not voting for a black candidate...by the way all this was push by the media making you all drink the Kool Aid. Now we must face the result of those groups voting for him. I doubt African-American will ever drop less than 90% approval.
ReplyDeleteObama, and MOST of his democrat allies, are racists, and the American people do not like that! He is a miserable failure, and we must get rid of the liberal congress, if we want this country to survive. Marxism doesn't work, maybe to the boys and girls. That are in school singing the Muuum muuum Barack Hussian Obama song it does, but not to much ore than that.
I am sick and tired of this lying fraud and his Marxist Administration. He is a standing danger in the White House and has now constantly put America at risk. This is going to work out. Obama needs to be removed from office. He has broken his oath to protect this country and is guilty of deceit and treason to the Constitution.
Me and my “ilk are paid to do is destabilize the government and stop the government from doing anything”
How the hell in the world did you come to that conclusion?
Actually David,
ReplyDeleteObama won a definite majority of college educated high income white folks.
He won the majority of folks making $250,000 a year...
Basically, McCain was dominant in counties that were southern, rural, and poor....
Which proves my point that you quoted...you facts are inaccurate on purpose because the only reason you post is to discourage the sharing of information and to hijack whatever communications that occur on the net and to dominate the conversation for your own agenda...
Oh yeah right, ALL MY facts are wrong and ALL YOURS are correct... so typical of a brainwashed liberal. I just don't get in step with the blind Obama backing of this turd of a House bill on health care.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with you at all but I can explain why Obama is bending over ass-backwards to appease so many people...they received so much people from the same people and made them premisses...if they back away, they know they are history and never will be voted for again, which I already doubt will happen ever again. Obama insulted too many people, lied to much and no transparence has been taken place, actually less than ever before. Obama proved one thing...he is an empty hot air suit with no experience and learning on this job can't be done.
You seem to be confused, there are Three bills at the moment, all with differences and all with similarities, there is no one bill yet. There has already been ample explanation as to the details of each but for some they will always feel there is some hidden agenda, is that because those are the tactics of their side and expect everyone else to be acting the same? I hear a lot of grim predictions on this and that yet I have yet to see one of those predictions to come true, let me know when you get one right. It will be interesting to see the Final bill that is produced, then we can truly comment on it's merits or failings. One thing is for sure, there will be healthcaare reform, get used to the idea.
Every single progressive I've read supports a single payer health plan, such as Nader and Michael Moore. Instead, we get a vague 2000 page bill that is the worst attempt of lamely supporting insurance companies with vague language to maybe grandfather in some type of single payer?!??! Worse, it doesn't even touch one of the largest drivers of health care cost, drug costs.
I mean, come on. I hate having to deal with a third party health care insurance system, but does this mean we have to accept ANYTHING that is crapped out by Congress?
I just don't get Congress and Obama. They have the majority in the House, Senate, and the President. They can pass single payer (Medicare for all) if they want to. Pelosi Americans voted for a Democrat majority, they want this". Instead, Pelosi is so worried about the health insurance system and drug companies, they can't produce a simple health care reform bill the right way the first time? We HAVE TO ACCEPT a 1000 page contorted bill which weaves and dodges when you get to keep your insurance or not? Apparently, none of the anti-single payer advocates are buying into this crappy bill anyways, so why waste the energy and do what's right?
Then there are the blind Koolaid drinking Obama loyalists who believe Obama uber alles. Why aren't these people asking the Democrats, especially Obama, "why don't we just pass a SIMPLE single payer Medicare for all, Obama? Pres. Obama and Pelosi, why are you bending backwards to appease the health insurance and drug companies instead of doing what's right.
You can't blindly follow Obama or any other democrat. You have to hold their feet to the fire. It’s pretty darn simple.. Unless you are blind and brainwashed.
This man is nothing more than a Communist super. fraud. He has only one objective.....to turn this great nation into his own socialist/Marxist utopian playground. Obama has watered the seeds of revolution and the sleeping giant is starting to stir. Just as the patriots neutered the tyranny of King George, so will the same fate befall Obama and his Communist government.
But Tao and company, Please continue to argue amongst yourselves on your arsine leftist blogs while the wheels come off the various dopy loopy left health care plans. I think you all need a mentality check. Why not check it out and see if it’s covered under Nancy’s bill? Everything else under the sun is.
ReplyDeleteReading your last post it appears that your real issues are with Congress and you really have no issues with Obama...
TAO said...
Reading your last post it appears that your real issues are with Congress and you really have no issues with Obama...
YOU guess what! Since when did YOU become a psychology therapist?
NO, you are wrong, I have a BIG problem with them both OBAMA and Congress!
I do have a big problem, a really big problem with Obama. And I have a problem with his crooked administration. If you haven't been able to see that in my post yet then you have a problem also.
TAO, How can you read this post that I wote here and say "David,
ReplyDeleteReading your last post it appears that your real issues are with Congress and you really have no issues with Obama."
Are you kidding?
Then there are the blind Koolaid drinking Obama loyalists who believe Obama uber alles. Why aren't these people asking the Democrats, especially Obama, "why don't we just pass a SIMPLE single payer Medicare for all, Obama? Pres. Obama and Pelosi, why are you bending backwards to appease the health insurance and drug companies instead of doing what's right.
You can't blindly follow Obama or any other democrat. You have to hold their feet to the fire. It’s pretty darn simple.. Unless you are blind and brainwashed.
This man is nothing more than a Communist super. fraud. He has only one objective.....to turn this great nation into his own socialist/Marxist utopian playground. Obama has watered the seeds of revolution and the sleeping giant is starting to stir. Just as the patriots neutered the tyranny of King George, so will the same fate befall Obama and his Communist government.
How much more can I say?
Well, David in your own posts you refute your very own argument?
ReplyDeleteIf Obama is a communist/socialist then he OBVIOUSLY would be all for a single payer Medicare health care plan...
But we ain't going to see anything near that!
Because Obama doesn't control Congress...those critters do what they want and what ever the special interests are willing to pay for...
Crooked Administrations? Heck, they all have been crooked just like all politicians are crooked!
Grow Up! You know how many millions Cheney made off of his Haliburton stock during the Iraq War? Tens of Millions because that stock has tripled thanks to no competitive bidding.
Congress is a trough for corporations and special interests and they all are getting fat off this country while this country gets poorer...
Nothing new there and that didn't start with Obama because the Repbulicans are masters of that game!
If you wanted to be believed then you would attack both parties and all politicians but you don't so that makes you a paid hack...
No one but the American taxpayer is going to go broke because of this healthcare reform...
Hospitals will get richer, drug companies will pay more dividends, and insurance company profits will soar....
Nothing will change as long as you and your kind go around and continue to play the games that you play because as long as you are attacking me then I have to defend myself and the powers that be are hauling our tax dollars out the back door...
TAO said...
ReplyDeleteWell, David in your own posts you refute your very own argument?
If Obama is a communist/socialist then he OBVIOUSLY would be all for a single payer Medicare health care plan...
But we ain't going to see anything near that!
Well if you don't know now, you never will. you people have got your heads in the clouds. I would only add that it’s been my impression from day one that Obama’s “goal” IS to bankrupt the US.
Obama's Health Care Reform Will Decimate our Nation ... over $10 trillion every year will probably bankrupt our nation in just a few years. ... Because Obama wants to model our health system after the other Socialistic countries.
Nationalized health care would bankrupt this country. ...
I will not go on the defensive because that is what you want. I love it when liberals does this. Did you take this strategy right from Saul Alinsky or did you just learn it from the Clintons or even Obama (since he is the master). If he keeps up the borrow, spend, and bailout policy which he shows no sign of slowing down it will add more than all the presidents combined. 15.4 trillion to be exact and some economists think that will be a low estamate. This is according to his own budget. My point is we can not sustain it. He will have to seriously raise taxes and/or print money. Neither will help the economy. The statement that he inherited all but 800 billion is laughable. Yes, Bush started this asinine bailout, borrow and spend crap. I give you that and I was very critical of Bush when he did it. I am a fiscal conservitive. We can't sustain this kind of spending. At what point is it going to stop being Bush's fault? When will Obama own it? I don't understand what part of "There is no money left" you don't understand? You can attack me all you want but the truth is on my side. There is no money left for nationalized health care!!
I don't speak for anyone else. I can't. I don't know what anyone else pays I can only speak for myself, but again I will not allow you to put me on the defensive so you can attack me. I do pay for my own health insurance and some months it gets really tight.......Thanks to DC Marxists, the people are awake and engaged now! The people are standing up and speaking out! The Second American Revolution has begun!
One year after being elected president, Barack Obama is still whining and blaming everything on his predecessor. What a loser.
ReplyDeleteFeel sorry for him? no, me neither.
Well Mr. President, one year later, we Americans went back to the polls, providing you a sneak preview of the 2010 elections. Democratic candidates will continue to lose. And none of us are going to stop until we conservatives send you liberals packing.
One-term president? Oh yes.....
ReplyDeleteYeah, I know all about insurance costs because I pay a part of insurance costs for 259 people and I know all about how tight it gets some months...
The government has been borrowing and spending since the days of Ronald Reagan...
It was a great scheme...you could borrow and then spend like a drunk sailor and make everyone happy, enrich yourself, and LOWER TAXES and no one would notice...
Its been going on since 1980 and NOW everyone is up in arms!
Boy, are you LATE TO THE PARTY!
I want healthcare reform...I want the SWISS SYSTEM....
I want the capitalism like what the drug companies got...they have the government buying drugs at fixed pricing no volume discounts...yeah, wish I could find a gravy train like that for my business! I want a deal like Halliburton got where they get government contracts laid in their laps with no competition.
Yeah, go on and on about Obama...
He ain't no better or worse than any of the other presidents we have had over the last 29 years and he isn't doing anything any different...
As I see it the reactionary right isn't any different that the crazy left and conservatives aren't no different than republicans who aren't any different than democrats....
They get in power they enrich themselves and their buddies...but I know that if Obama was a republican none of the crap that is said now about him would be said....and if this mess of a healthcare reform bill was done under a republican administration it would not be called socialism at all....
Its your job to spin stuff and I see through your spin....
TAO wrote:
ReplyDeleteIts your job to spin stuff and I see through your spin...
Now ain't that the pot calling the kettle black.
There must be a Full Moon out tonight, the Loons on the Left are out
Change - Obama Style!
ReplyDelete1. He is a Chicago politician (The home place of DIRTY politics and DIRTY politicians).
2. Questionable Judgment Part I. How long did Obama listen to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright BEFORE it became apparent to Obama that the man is a racist nut?
3. Questionable Judgment Part II. Bill Ayers, aka Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist. Need I say more?
4. Questionable Judgment Part III. ACORN. Voter registration fraud has been taken to new heights by these community organizers/political activists/anarchists/socialists/clowns/idiots/I could go on forever but I think the point has been made.
5. Race Baiting. Obama and his supporters frequently pull the race card when things aren’t going their way. And then blame everyone under the Sun for pulling the race card. He could very well be the first President elected because of “liberal white guilt!”
6. Lack of Experience Part I. Name one thing that Obama has done other than run for public office. Buehler? Anyone? 3 Pointers don’t count in this arena!
7. Lack of Experience Part II. Joe Biden? You have got to be kidding me. The human hair plug/gaffe machine? As Vice President? Holy Crap!
8. Lack of Experience Part III. Michelle Obama! If your goal in life is to be President of the United States of America shouldn’t you make sure your spouse is not a racist and a socialist?
9. Hollywood is in Love with Obama! Sean Penn and Madonna love the guy. Enough said. Vote the opposite of Hollywood if you Love America!
10. George Soros is pulling Obama’s strings. Why would someone that escaped from the Nazi’s and Communists support Obama? It couldn’t possibly be that Soros knows he will make BILLIONS off of Obama’s socialist agenda could it?
11. Europe loves Obama. Misery loves company! Let’s drag America down because improving Europe sounds like too much work.
12. Class Envy. Share the wealth. For the Children! Obama is straight from the Communist Manifesto! Add a Cuban Spanish accent and he could be Fidel!
13. Joe Biden and his “Global Test”. Do we really want a President who will according to HIS OWN HAND PICKED VP ”be tested by a generated global crisis”? And this same VP says the candidate “will not have the right answer” to the crisis! Talk about confidence in your boss. Joe Biden, the master of foreign policy, the disaster as your running mate.
14. John Kerry and his “Depends”. Crappy comment. Really, Senator Kerry. Is that the best you can do? Now we know why the long face! Lack of self confidence, poor sense of humor. Now we know why you married money.
OK, that is just a quick and dirty bakers dozen (plus one) that popped in to my head while I watched the news today.
ReplyDeleteI just can’t comprehend how any THINKING American can support Obama. He represents the polar opposite of everything that America stands for. I see Obama and I think Jimmy Carter.
I fear America may not survive Jimmy Carter Part II!
As for me, I say “Obama, keep your change!” I don’t want any part of it.
Today, things are getting tough again. Terrorists trying to destroy freedom, gas prices rising, the economy is struggling. And here come the dems and their “plan” to rescue the world again (notice I said rescue the world, not America!)…
let’s raise taxes to stimulate the economy,
let’s raise gas taxes to force people out of their cars and into public transportation (never mind that public transportation doesn’t exist in large parts of the country…oh wait, we can raise taxes to fund public transportation),
let’s create carbon credits and tell the tax paying suckers it is for their benefit (that way they won’t realize it is yet another democrat sponsored TAX),
let’s play the class game (based on income and assets) and penalize the people who work hard to improve their lives because they are making the underachievers have low self esteem,
let’s pull out of Iraq before the job is done so the terrorists can retake control of that country and the democrats can claim victory in Afghanistan by letting the terrorists move back to Iraq!
let’s elect another clueless boob as President (see President Jimmy Carter, aka the clueless peanut farmer) so the world can have another hearty laugh at our expense. Maybe Obama’s brother can sponsor a new version of Billy Beer…unless of course the mule that made that beer really has died.
let’s let the Europeans tell us who our President should be! You know, the countries that have all gone Socialist and want us to join them…as they say, misery loves company!
“The Audacity of Hopelessness”, that should be the democratic party slogan. Vote for a democrat, we’ll make sure you can’t afford gas for your car. Vote for a democrat, we’ll raise taxes on anyone that hurts your precious self esteem. Vote for a democrat, we’ll crush any hope of keeping America great.
Vote for a democrat, that way you will get anything but the truth.
Vote for a democrat, we’ll tell you what you want to hear even if it contradicts what we told the guy standing next to you. Afterall, we’ve screwed up the education system so badly that we know that you are too stupid to catch us in our lies. Trust us, we won’t screw up government sponsored health care. Look what we’ve done with education, transportation and fighting crime…doesn’t that give you the confidence to let us manage your health care?
When did the democratic party leave America and become the people’s socialist party? Why do they value the rest of the world more than America? Aren’t they intelligent enough to see that the rest of the world is full of people willing to die trying to get to America so they can escape the tyranny that the democrats are trying to force on us here?
All the people Ø campaigned for lost. I dont care what the people told the exit pollsters, THE WON was on their minds. Maybe not first on their list of reasons, he was a factor. The clock is ticking...Twelve months the Rats have to dismantle America and remake it into Rat Gulag Amerika, before Rats at every level and in every Rat hole get flushed out by real Americans.
ReplyDeleteUp The Republicke! If the health "care" bill passes nothing can put this country together again. They get the control of our very lives in their hands.Next thing will be legalization so that all those they just gave free health "care" can vote to keep them in office. We cannot un-ring this bell. The senate is the only hope. There are 2 senators from every state...even though there are 60 dems. some are from Red states and the nubmer of red states gives us some hope. Obviously the folks who voted for dems in 08 in those traditionally red states are rethinking that move
The country is all "F"ed up with libs running it.
ReplyDeleteYep. There, I said it. Inebriated, intoxicated, indeed stupefied, even. At least that explains it, assuaging the necessity to further divine the root of BHO’s popularity. (Barack Hussein Obama, in case you haven’t been paying attention). I guess that would make the media the bartender…our colleges and universities the liquor salesmen…and our enemies, well they’re just plain ‘over the moon’ drunk on the mere thought of a BHO presidency.
Man, am I relieved. The only way I could feel better is if the election were tomorrow and I could stop being so puzzled and mortified with the left’s loony happy hour. I’m not drunk, you see. Neither are my conservative counterparts. Since we always pay the tab, we should at least come to the party.
Uh oh Malcontent. You had three mind numbingly long and boring comments without once bashing good old Truth 101. That Right is Right lady is going give you one mean ball busting when she finds out dude. I'd hate to be you man.
ReplyDeleteThree Irish drunks, O'Reilly, Hannity, and Beck are the only media folks I know of who one could consider 'bartenders' and "THE MALCONTENT" I would say that you have had one too many at their bar....
ReplyDeleteFirst of all Sambo, the name is "tha malcontent" Not "The malcontent"
ReplyDeleteGET IT!
Secondly, I'm very happy to be it the same company as Those Three Irish Gentlemen, O'Reilly, Hannity, and Beck
TAO said...
ReplyDeleteThree Irish drunks, O'Reilly, Hannity, and Beck are the only media folks I know of who one could consider 'bartenders'
Way to go TAO. Good ole' trash mouth strikes again... Pam, you said that you are proud to be friends with these people, are you also proud of that!.
Hey TAO dude!... You're stereotyping, just like the people you are accusing of being racists!
I know it’s a joke - it is an old joke - and an old stupid joke. I am Irish American and Catholic and I for one resent it..
I'm an Irish American and that stupid remark is offensive. Irish Americans like myself take real pride in their heritage.
Most of us are proud to be public servents , like Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and or Military career Officers like myself. Even politicians, like one of TAO’s hero’s Ted Kennedy, now there was a drunk he can be proud of!!!I have no idea what TAO’s profession is, but I would wager that whatever it is, it doesn’t require a high IQ.
I'm American, but my heritage is Irish and although I am VERY, VERY, Proud to be American I am also proud of my Irish heritage. And all of us should respect each other people's religions, heritage and cultures . We don't need racism or anything else to divide us.
It's not wrong to stereotype all Irish people as drunks, but it's also not true.
How would YOU like me to group Barack Obama with Charlie Rangel, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Whoopi Goldberg, and Wanda Sykes? You wouldn’t would you!
Well then don’t group people together just because they are Irish!
Where's the outrage? TAO PLAYED THE IRISH CARD!
Hahaha, and they call Republicans “Racists”
Although TAO may think it’s a joke, I do not care for pejoratives used to describe my ethnicity! That’s not what this county is all about.
I expect to see his apology here soon. But of course, I could be wrong.
Ironically and unfortunately,, the people who tend to call for putting a stop to the use of offensive slurs, are the same ones that use them! ( Like TAO!) Why is it OK to joke about stereotypes like the "drunken Irish," "stupid Polish," etc, but don’t ever try it with blacks.. Because if you do, the word "boycott" will come into play.
ReplyDeleteI think that’s something we can all definitely agree on.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnd all this time I thought that ethnic obscenities and racial slurs were reserved for us Republicans !!!!
ReplyDeleteI apologize if I have come off as a prude or for someone that can’t take a joke, but this is an issue that needs to be addressed.
After reading this thread and the disgusting slur made by poster "TAO" This needs to be addressed once and for all. Insulting people by stereotyping them be it Gays, Blacks, Whites, Irish, Jews, Catholic's Spanish or anyone else has no place on these blogs. It really bothers me when people call something/someone they don't like or that they even think is funny. It isn't funny!
Racial slurs are just for people who lack the skill to speak or write and express themselves properly.
I recently read somewhere on this very blog where the author deleted someones post because of something she din't like.. ( I don't know exactly what it was) but if she sees the post from TAO, that should be deleted as well. It's very sad that people here are stooping down to that level. And it should be stopped right now. It's stupid and it's ugly and it has no place in America. It’s not funny, and it isn't gonna win you any respect, that’s for sure.
This person TAO has only shown us how his mind works when he need to insult someone to get his point across. Discrimination is always discrimination, and is always inexcusable.
Thank you for your time..
ReplyDeleteFrom here on out ANY comment that isn’t about Health Care will be DELETED. That is MY final response on the subject. I’m tired of asking, begging and pleading. I have been kind, courteous and respectful to EVERYONE, BUT have received NOTHING but rudeness in response. I’m tired of my blog being used as a bashing zone for any and all off topic comments. If you don’t like MY blogging policy, PLEASE go somewhere else.
The Full Text of Pelosi's Healthcare Bill Is only 1,990 bloody pages, costs a meager $1 trillion, and turns all old people into Soylent Green upon passage! Sounds like another outstanding bill to pass from the anus of the Land of Misfit Representatives, who are completely unaware that everyone outside Beltway wants to lobotomize them. If little piggy flu is a "national emergency," you have to wonder if Chairman Zero has gone off his rocker. After all, piggy flu isn't even as deadly as the seasonal flu. You have a bigger chance of dying from over exposure to a Zero address to a joint session of Congress than you do from piggy flu. Good luck finding the vaccine, by the way. And the Zombiecrats want us all to believe government health care will be all cookies and cream.
ReplyDeleteWe don't need the system "overhauled," for Christ sake. Do your homework. That's a code word straight from Obugger himself. Obugger is nothing more than a snake oil salesman selling you poison. Shame on you.
There are only about 12 million people who are uninsured. Look it up. Obama's figures are whacked...because he's a fucking liar, and Joe Wilson is awesome for saying it. I see that fuck, I'm screaming it until my vocal chords are gone. (And fuck the illegals...I'm not paying for them ... get them the fuck out of my country.)
I have never seen such an assault on the individual in my 42 years. We stand on a precipice. We move left while Cuba moves right. We are truly, truly fucked if this health care shit happens.
WHAT WE NEED IS: tort reform. Look up Texas. The economy is booming. Doctors are flocking. Lawyers are slinking away like naughty little cats caught humping gerbils. My solution? Kill all the lawyers. Then institute tort reform. Then open up insurance competition across state lines, so you can purchase (without your asshole employer) a package on your own from some dude in Kansas who can beat your New York-based insurer’s price by hundreds, if not thousands. You'll see prices drop so fast you'd think there was a fire sale.
Obuggercare is nothing more than government monopoly on your insurance. You tell me one thing where government's done a better job than the private sector. Good luck. You can't.
There's PLENTY we can do to help the uninsured, for about $28 billion...and it won't affect the taxes of anyone...or the current health care of anyone...or take $500 billion from Medicare over the next 10 years (yeah...who needs old people...fuck them....let's eat them instead...that's what the false Messiah says, along with his assholes in Congress and the Senate).
Make no mistake...this is about control. About making Democrats the controlling party forever.
And the fact that we're fighting back? That shit terrifies them. They'll lose most of their funding if they do tort reform. They'll lose their bullshit argument. They have no clue. They have no ideas. They have no chance.The facts are out there. If you want to find them. And realize what they mean.
Mark my words. If this health care shit passes, you WILL see the next revolution.
We've. Had. Quite. Enough.
The illegal immigration issue is emerging as the biggest threat to passing healthcare reform in the House. Congressional Hispanics have threatened to vote against the bill because of a last-minute threat from within the Democratic Caucus to bolster the House bill’s immigration restrictions to match those included in the Senate Finance bill. And they’re also fighting President Barack Obama, the original sponsor of the language prohibiting illegal immigrants from accessing the public health insurance exchange. Why in the heck should we cover illegals in the health bill? If they don't like not being covered, let them go back from whence they came.
ReplyDeleteOn another note*
Attorney General Buddy Caldwell has served a search warrant at the ACORN office at 2609 Canal Street, according to Tammi Arender Herring, a spokeswoman with the office.Investigators in khaki pants and polo shirts loaded several dozen computers and other electronic items into an SUV. They are also carrying records out of the building on handcarts.
It is about time. This Acorn crap has been influencing elections around New Orleans for decades ie. Bill "Dollar" Jefferson and the ilk. Thank You for finally getting out of your cozy offices and investigating these morons.
Mmm, Mmm, Mmm Change is on the horizon my friends. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm. Change is coming to America. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm.
The HEALTH CARE SPEECH GIVEN BY Mark Levin at the House Rally
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is this? (As he toss's the health care bill to the ground)
First of all, I want to thank you all for coming out here. Many of you traveled from all over the country at great expense. And we thank you.
They have spent trillions and trillions of dollars that do not belong to them. They have bankrupted our children. They have driven unemployment to nearly 10 percent. They are destroying small businesses. They are nationalizing large businesses. They don’t believe in private property rights. They’re taking a wrecking ball to this magnificent society. And that’s the first nine months.
Now I know they haven’t read that bill, because I know they can’t write in the first place.
Not you (points to Republican House members in attendance). I mean them.
But they’re not done. Having ruined the banking system, the auto industry, the housing market, energy production, the education system, having robbed the Social Security Trust Fund, the Medicare Trust Fund, and the Highway Trust Fund -- now they tell us to trust them.
Do you trust them?
Now they have their sights on the mother of all entitlements. They want to control you, they want to control your children, your parents, your doctor, your nurse -- you in the press, you getting all this down? This is brilliant stuff.
These are patriot citizens out here and I’m tired of them being smeared, to be perfectly honest with you.
And we’re not going anywhere.
Now they want to control health care. They want to control what kind of insurance you can purchase. They want to control if you can purchase insurance. They want to decide what benefits you can and cannot have. They want to decide how much you’re going to have to pay.
And they want to ration care. And the bottom line is they want to play God and decide who lives and who dies.
that’s pretty scary. And for them when they’re asked if they have authority under the Constitution they laugh. To hell with the Constitution they say. To hell with individual liberty and private property; to hell with people who want nothing to do with this, which is most of us. But not so fast. We’re not ready for this.
(Crowd chants, "Vote them out.") Vote them out, he says.
Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. They don’t know what they’re in for next November do they?
Obama says that if he doesn't get his health plan through that the deficit will be out of sight!! HELLO.. IT IS ALREADY OUT OF SIGHT THANKS TO HIM AND HIS RIDICULOUS SPENDING..
ReplyDeleteHis excuse for everything is the HUGE HUGE DEFICIT he inherited.. well if it is so damn bad why the hell did he quadruple it in a few months..??? and now he wants us to pay for it?? no.. no and no again.
How many times do we have to say it is NOT what the American people want. . .
Get rid of this imbecile and his criminal administration.
It appears to me that democrats themselves are no longer on the bandwagon with Obama..why, if its so great? Because they know it will fail and bankrupt us, and they do not want to be responsible for it... its failure cannot be blamed on Republicans, who can't block it because Democrats have a filibuster proof Senate. Please forgive the long post...but these items are on Barry's HealthSCARE bill......this is very very important...and scary..
Obama is really stretching my boundaries. I remember so many of us warned last year that he was not fit, capable, qualified or experienced enough for this job..all the democrats poo-pooed us.. maybe now some will pay attention.. it is so foolish to have put a greenhorn in the white house.. never mind that he has a personal agenda that is bad for us and our country.
By the way, you have a awesome blog!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteProfessor of Life said... I strongly urge all my fellow Americans, even those of you on the left that we have fight this tyranny. 17 million illegal immigrants - which this plan would cover! It doesn't appear as though proponents dispute this fact.
ReplyDeleteIt is a step in the right direction. I support it. I don't know what "tyranny" you are referring to. As to your "fact" that 17 million illegal immigrants would be covered - I dispute it. It says RIGHT IN THE BILL that only citizens are covered.
Professor of Life said... blah blah blah universal coverage.
No bill being considered offers universal coverage.
Pamela DH said... If they TRULY wanted HEALTH CARE for Americans they could begin a program that would cover those too young for Medicare and too rich for Medicaid.
How about opening up Medicare to anyone who wants to by into it. That would be a short bill, and could be passed by reconciliation -- meaning 51 votes.
TREXPRESS said... our CIA are liars, Bush and Cheney should be tried as criminals, us right-wingers are domestic terrorists and we should let the real terrorists in Gitmo go. Well isn't that just CRAZY? Yeah it is!
The CIA has a long history of lying to Congress. We know that Speaker Pelosi WAS lied to about the CIA's use of EITs because that term did not exist when the CIA claims it briefed her on their use! bush and Cheney SHOULD be tried as WAR criminals because they committed war crimes! If there are innocent people in gitmo they should NOT be freed? I think there is overwhelming evidence which says there ARE innocent people in gitmo, so WHY are you in favor of imprisoning INNOCENT people?
The Wordsmith said... And by the way Pamela, as a back American, I am not offended by the use of the term used by Throwing Stones.
Ideology first, huh? I'm offended as white voter who cast his ballot for Barack Obama. My vote had absolutely nothing to do with his being black. I'm also offended by MMQC's defense of the term. After the smack down she suffered at the hands of Tao she SHOULD have slunk out of here with her tail between her legs, to embarrassed to post again. Just the opposite happened though. Even though she said she was leaving, she's still posting!
TREXPRESS said... If anything else was to be learned, this election was a lesson to be learned by some people who can't seem to learn. Corzine was a social LIBERAL and now he's a civilian!
Corzine lost because, as "a former chairman at Goldman Sachs, [he] easily became a scapegoat for a failing economy and political corruption". Your assessment is wrong. "Fighting hard for what they believe in" is why Hoffmann LOST, and why more political defeats lie ahead for the Republican Party. Keep going further to the right and purging the moderates from your party. I too am thrilled (with that prospect).
Truth101 said... C'mon Wordsmith. Live up to you moniker and give me some words that describe your plan to reform our health insurance system.
They support the "reform" they're told to support. "Tort Reform" was a large part of Pamela's post. Except that tort reform won't bring down costs (by much). What tort reform is really about is protecting large corporations from lawsuits when they screw their customers (figuratively and literally. I addressed this issue on my blog with a post titled "The Republican Plan To Boost Health Insurance Profits".
TREXPRESS said... Still It was gratifying to see this happen.
ReplyDeleteSee what happen? Hoffmann lose? Seems to me like you are the one suffering from "verbal diarrhea".
David#999 said... I believe Obama is ruthlessly advancing a 'secret agenda' to bankrupt the United States by his spend and give-away programs.
No, that IS the publicly stated Republican plan. From Wikipedia: "Starving the beast" is a fiscal-political strategy of some American conservatives to use budget deficits via tax cuts to force future reductions in the size of government. The term "beast" refers to government and the programs it funds, particularly social programs such as welfare, Social Security, and Medicare.
Bankrupting the government would lead to social programs being CUT. If Obama truly were a socialist WHY THE HELL would he be following the CONSERVATIVE PLAN to do away with social programs??????
BTW this leftist doesn't think you're a racist for ANY OF THE REASONS YOU STATED. I just think you're a liar. You think you can cover up the actual racism in your party by FALSELY claiming that the race card is being played in regards to policy differences. It isn't. Frankly I don't know what the point of your side making these bogus claims is. Nobody on the left buys it.
David#999 said... Is there anyone out there who remembers all the bull-shit the Bush administration was getting any time he wanted to spend some money, what with his budget deficit up around 400 billion dollars or so?
Leftists were against the bush deficits because he was funneling that money to the upper-class (in other words, he was stealing it). Obama is running a deficit in an attempt to save us from the financial collapse the George W. Bush caused. That is the difference.
David#999 said... I am sick and tired of this lying fraud and his Marxist Administration. Blah blah now constantly put America at risk. Blah blah removed from office. Blah broken his oath to protect this country blah guilty of deceit and treason...
It was the last guy who committed treason (A "clueless boob" if ever there was one, tha malcontent). And he's a free man. Do you really think you've got a chance of getting rid of Obama before his term is up?? I think he'll be around for a second. I'll be voting for him again. He isn't doing all I'd hoped he would, but that old guy and moron would have been a hell of a lot worse.
Tao said... The government has been borrowing and spending since the days of Ronald Reagan... It was a great scheme...you could borrow and then spend like a drunk sailor and make everyone happy, enrich yourself, and LOWER TAXES and no one would notice... Its been going on since 1980 and NOW everyone is up in arms!
Don't you know that deficits don't matter? That IS what Saint Reagan taught us. Republican deficits, that is. When Democrats are elected all spending must stop immediately. Even if the purpose of that spending is to save the economy from crashing (that would be "ridiculous", according to noose4). Better for a Democratic administration to take the blame for a depression than the kudos for averting one.
Tao said... They get in power they enrich themselves and their buddies...
Yes, they most certainly do.
W-Dervish: I’m not for any deficits, Republican or Democrat. We can’t sustain this type of debt. Our country is in real trouble here and all we’re doing is fighting…well…some of us are. I don’t know the answer. But spending money to get out of debt is not the answer. We need to CUT spending. The question is where? That seems to be the issue where we have a difference of opinion.
ReplyDeleteSo, how about we FIGHT the fraud in Medicare and Medicaid and save $64 billion a year? Wouldn’t THAT be a good place to start? No one seemed interested to address THAT issue in my post.
Pamela DH said... spending money to get out of debt is not the answer. We need to CUT spending. ... So, how about we FIGHT the fraud in Medicare and Medicaid and save $64 billion a year?
ReplyDeleteActually, yes, spending money to get out of debt IS the answer. The theory is known as Keynesian Economics. FDR proved the theory worked during the Republican great depression. Saint Reagan proved "supply side" economics was a fraud. Then GWB proved "supply side" economics was a fraud... again. It is a lesson we've learned TWICE. How about we give an economic theory with a proven track record a shot?
I'm worried that we're not spending enough. The stimulus package should have contained ZERO tax cuts. If Barack Obama fails compromising with Repubicans will be at least partly to blame. They're the ones who got us into this mess and all they want is more of the same failed economic policies!
As for fighting fraud in Medicare... sure, why not? I'm not in favor of fraud. Actually Tao addressed your fraud fighting suggestion. He pointed out that, for "conservative" Rick Scott, fraud was very profitable. Maybe that's why he's fighting to keep things the way they are?
To me it appears that conservatives believe that gouging health care consumers is the insurance cartel's right. Isn't that what the tea-baggers are fighting for?
Well it's done in the house at least. I hope that you libs feel better now knowing that we are on the road to No more freedoms. You guys are really out of touch completely with reality aren't you. Are you able to write your comment on this board? Oh wait...maybe you should stop...the black helicopters may be coming to get you. go ahead and pass anything you want Everyone knows it sucks and will be repealed before it even starts but with that . I gotta say that those liberal dems have brought shooting yourself in the ass -uh yea I am so sure all Americans will just love you for it. Fortunately, as we have seen in the town halls, the marches and the Capitol, most Americans have NOT been dumbed down. Most Americans DO NOT WANT to put the power of life and death in Obama’s ACORN-type bureaucracy. They will do whatever necessary to defend themselves, their children and grandchildren from the abomination of Obamacare and socialism/communism and we will do it at the voting booths .
ReplyDeletew-dervish the imbibe blowhard said...
ReplyDeleteIt was the last guy who committed treason (A "clueless boob" if ever there was one, tha malcontent). And he's a free man. Do you really think you've got a chance of getting rid of Obama before his term is up?? I think he'll be around for a second. I'll be voting for him again. He isn't doing all I'd hoped he would, but that old guy and moron would have been a hell of a lot worse.
I'm afraid they he might be around for LIFETIME just like Castro and the rest of the Dictators.
And thanks for the name-calling addressed to EVERYONE that you didn't agree with. YOU PUTZ!
Pelosi's health care bill will increase costs for American families. Mandates will be placed on taxpayers to purchase insurance or pay a new tax. Additional mandates will force employers to pay more taxes along with new government requirements regulating insurance products in the workplace. These new burdens will ultimately fall squarely on the backs of workers in the form of reduced wages, fewer hours or lost employment.
In my 38 years of life, and 8 years military service (to take a line from Michelle ma belle) I have never felt ashamed to be an American as I do tonight. I live in a country founded on the idea: by the people, from the people, for the people, til tonight, when congress added, FOR THE PEOPLE( who are to stupid to know whats best, so we won't listen to the people from our districts and vote how we want to).
What is sad is that 99% of the jerks that voted for this bill never took the time to read it. These people do not represent the people, they represent the arrogance of the leftists and statistics of their party and the self anointed Queen Pelosi. Those who voted for this bill have also committed political suicide. This bill will never get past the Senate and the 2010 elections will send these democratic socialists packing.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you not understand here? 10% unemployment now, will get us 15 to 18% unemployment...get it...No Jobs = No insurance and then you are SLAVES to the government...
Can’t you fools like "Truth101", "w-dervish", and "MAO" understand that. Or do you just follow anything that Queen Pelosi, and King Obama say! This is just one more step to Socialism and another nail in our coffin.
God save America - save us from the idiots named Obama - Pelosi - Reid and all the morons that voted for them ... sure I realize that Bush had many faults - but these three stooges are going to hurt us all so they can get the power - can't you Dem's realize this - Harry Truman and John Kennedy were real democrat snot like we have today- we not have Dictators in power today.
Assuming this passes the Senate; America today became the world's largest welfare state. As far as I’m concerned, Nancy Pelosi is a criminal for ramming through 2000 pages of tyranny. This was written behind closed doors and passed without any real debate
ReplyDeleteIf the Senate passes this monstrosity, civil unrest is a distinct possibility. Americans are very angry about this, and we don't take kindly to being pushed around. Anyone who voted for this bill is in for a lot of abuse from constituents.
There is going to be hell for the Democrats to pay for this. I will never forget or forgive this outrage.
Does 0bama care about the US people and especially those in the military or is his attitude that expressed by his friends of Bill Ayers' ilk and their communist statements? The evidence is beginning to pour in. Perhaps 0bama even sees terrorism as an extension of the tools he learned in community organizing. There isn't all that much difference. 0bama is an embarrassment to this nation and he is an appalling human being.
"Can’t you fools like "Truth101", "w-dervish", and "MAO" understand that..."
ReplyDeleteI don't know about those three TREXPRESS, but Tao understands real well...
He understands because he has provided his employees with health insurance for 20 years...
What he doesn't understand is why his rates go up every year his doctor complains about what he gets paid keeps getting cut and takes longer to receive. If I paid my bills the way my insurance company pays theirs I wouldn't have insurance.
He also understands that with what 30 million new people getting insurance there will be alot of jobs created in health care and insurance...
He also realizes that 17% of our GDP goes to health care, and that amount is increasing at a faster rate than anything else every year! All the while less and less people people are enjoying good healthcare.
Fix it now or fix it later...
Your employers, the republicans, had all the opportunity since 1994 to clean up healthcare and they didn't...
Take care of business or someone else will take care of it for you...remember that the next time the republicans are in office and demand that they ACT!
Well MAO, you won't have to worry anymore, with Obama you won't have any choices like the other 260 million (or thereabouts) Americans.
ReplyDeleteWhen it's all said and done (if it gets said and done), we'll have more cost, lower service, and the opportunity to take the painfully steps in 30 years that the Europeans are contemplating now. Nice.
But other than that, how does it feel to have 2000+ pages of legislation crammed up you wazoo?
Ah TAO, once again you raise up memories of Pete Seeger (The Weavers), 1958, "Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya. Is it a farewell song to America as we once knew her.
ReplyDeleteThe reality is that he will not be re-elected in 2010 no matter what he does. He only won because John McCain was unelectable.
Don't just get angry get very angry, - read the Bill and educate your Senator about what it says. If the press won't do their jobs, patriots might as well do it for them. If history is any indicator, there's just too much time between now and the 2010 election. The American People have had the educational and media against them for over a generation now. That's all it takes to get rid of the whole lot of them.. There are going to be a whole host of reasons to vote against the Dems in 2010. We are facing looming disaster on all fronts. Pelosi and Reid are dumber than rocks and Obama is a true socialist fanatic.
And the proof of it will be clear when the Stock Market reacts to it on Monday morning.
A clear message needs to be sent to all of congress, that WE THE PEOPLE are still in charge here, and that we WILL fire them as we wish. Every one of them needs a challenger in their primary.
Cao was toast anyway. He was a total fluke in a special election. We the People will be heard from, in less than a year from now.
I would have to agree with TREXPRESS that MAO is an excellent name for that *Poster*
ReplyDeleteAs for this bill, I think it will be changed and tweaked quite a bit in the Senate. It won't survive in its original form. Then, it's on to committee and back to the House. I still have hope that it's going to go down.
Remember folks, It's our country we can chose to fight to keep it, or choose to lose it.
I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I'm an American and American's don't give up, we never did before and we are not going to start now.
Nasty Pelosi and the Democraps have just spit in the face of the American people.
ReplyDeleteYadda, Yadda, Yadda...
Show me one place in this bill that will limit the choices I will have in regards to insurance carriers, or healthcare providers?
Once again, when 'THE PEOPLE' stand up and start the revolution that you are pimping for starts let me know so I can be sure to get myself a front row seat.
Just in case you missed something the democrats actually gained a seat in Congress at the end of last weeks election...making them more in control not less...
But now Republicans gained Virginia and New Jersey governships...
If Cao loses in 2010 he will lose to a democrat....
At best Republicans will gain 20 seats in 2010 but that doesn't change a thing in Washington and until you pick someone to run against Obama in 2012 he is a sure thing to win in 2012.
But keep up the spinning....that way you stay dizzy and the rest of us can get on with moving forward...
TAO, said..
ReplyDelete"If Cao loses in 2010 he will lose to a democrat..."
That nobody couldn't get "Elected" dog catcher in ANY party. Mind you Joseph Cao, was born in Saigon. A person not born in the US should not be making decisions about the US. Maybe he should have voted present.
TAO also said" But keep up the spinning....that way you stay dizzy and the rest of us can get on with moving forward.."
Also: I never insulted you so don't talk that way to me.
I'm NOT the one that called you MAO, although now I can see that it might be fitting.
Pelosi and her ilk will be held responsible and dealt with properly. 2010 will not come
fast enough for me..Welcome to CHANGE AND HOPE!
Professor: I just told my husband that I thought the stock market would drop Monday, too. I didn’t think this bill would pass. I was sadly mistaken. Like I’ve said on numerous occasions, we need to tweak our health care system, no doubt, but HR 3962 is NOT the answer. Tort-reform and eliminating fraud with Medicare and Medicaid should be the first 2 issues we combat. I’m also sick of hearing that there are 30-50 million people uninsured. We all know that number isn’t correct. Take out the 20 million illegals and you have approximately 30 million. Then you need to take into account the people who CAN afford insurance but CHOOSE not to purchase it. And the millions who actually qualify for Medicaid but aren’t signed up. That leaves us with approximately 10 million people who are chronically uninsured. The $64 billion we can save in fraud could be used to cover some of their expenses. Why aren’t our Congress men and women looking at THOSE type of changes?
ReplyDeleteBecause all of THEIR pockets are being lined and none of them really give a crap about US. I’m mad at Republicans AND Democrats. Even though all but one Republican voted against this bill. That was just last night. What about the last decade? The Republicans have been just as corrupt as the Democrats. They are ALL the same with different letters behind their names. I’m sick of the lot of them. I want REAL change in Washington. Terms limits. People who will adhere to our Constitution. People with morals and integrity. People who won’t sell out to special interest groups. Until we get Reps like THAT, we are going to get screwed no matter what. This garbage has been going on for YEARS, but only after Bush passed the first bailout did any of us open our eyes! And thank goodness! Now let’s vote these bums out and get some REAL representation!
I agree with Tao, we need a REAL revolution. ALL Americans have to be on the same page, though. Congress is thrilled that we are at one another’s throats. With us fighting amongst one another it keeps us from seeing that they are pushing through crap. The game is US against THEM; not Liberal vs. Conservative. We need to band together and clean House! Literally.
I need some HOPE that this thing will CHANGE! They are ruthless control freaks! Obama wants to get in the history books so badly, even if it means destroying OUR AMERICA! I don’t consider him an American. Not because of the birth certificate thing, but because he doesn’t love America the way a president should. Gee, wonderful, our president is a bald-faced liar! Not to mention the rest of the low lives he surrounds himself with. I had so hoped that this would fail. They are evil, hateful people. I lived in Europe for 6 years and traveled there for business for 12 years.
ReplyDeleteThey have too few doctors and nurses. Too little space. Overcrowded rooms. Inferior equipment. Impossible red tape and on and on. The lines and waiting times before appointments are terrible. The care is 3rd class. Very impersonal and cold.They are overworked and underpaid. And, yes, I heard many stories of people dying when they should have been saved.. God help us. Socialized medicine will be the last straw.
Pam Said.
ReplyDelete"I agree with Tao, we need a REAL revolution. ALL Americans have to be on the same page, though. Congress is thrilled that we are at one another’s throats."
MAO, I mean TAO said that?
He must have had to much to drink last night.
A bit off topic, but then again so just about 90% of these posts..
ReplyDeleteBut..According to Federal Reserve chairman Bernanke who said today, "The Recession Is Over". So why then is it that the jobless rate tops 10.2 percent. for first time since '83? Hum, Dear Leader? Inquiring minds want to know.
That nobody couldn't get "Elected" dog catcher in ANY party. Mind you Joseph Cao, was born in Saigon. A person not born in the US should not be making decisions about the US. Maybe he should have voted present.Professor of Life
ReplyDeleteThat would be unConstitutional. Here's what the qualifications for US Representative are:
According to Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, House members must be:
* at least 25 years of age.
* a citizen of the United States for at least seven years prior to election.
* a resident of the state he or she is chosen to represent.
No other requirements are specified in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution.
for US Senator:
The Constitution, which is the guiding document for our government specifically spells out the requirements to be a senator. Individuals must be:
* at least 30 years old.
* a U.S. citizen for at least nine years at the time of election to the Senate.
* a resident of the state one is elected to represent in the Senate.
These are the only requirements for the office that are specified in Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution.
So, PoL, apparently you don't agree with the Constitution? Would you like to change it to fit what YOU believe should qualify the men and women who make our laws?
But wait. Don't I hear a good deal of the time how certain people on the Right believe Mr. Obama doesn't believe in the Constitution?
Questions. Questions. Questions.
Shaw, It sounds like the same qualification to become a Dog Catcher!
ReplyDeleteSo I guess the professor is wrong, he could be elected to be a Dog Catcher!
Military veterans are a brotherhood of unique individuals, melded together in the crucible of wars past and present and bonded by duty, honor, sacrifice, blood, and love of country. More so than through any other fraternity, the associations and friendships formed through the military and law enforcement and firefighters and other emergency service providing units are lifelong, and we mourn the loss of our comrades until we rejoin them again someday in formation in Heaven. Sadly, politicians, "journalists", historians. and leftists today do not understand, let alone share, our code of conduct and ethics. Perhaps someday they will learn if they have the courage and will to seek the truth and report it honestly and accurately.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can understand why he wouldn’t want to go to Ft. Hood on Tuesday, that Dancing with the Native Indians conference must have really worn the poor guy out
And I can understand why he wouldn’t want to go to Ft. Hood on Tuesday, that Dancing with the Indians conference must have really worn the poor guy out.
Some times you just want to SCREAM and punch the wall or the closest thing to you. Can America ever recover from this ABOMINATION in the White House. Take a deeeeeep breath,count to 10
Obama's astoundingly insensitive reaction to the killings at Fort Hood, is just one more indicator of his cold disregard and low opinion of military service members. The victims of this attack are the ones who voluntarily put their lives on the line for us every day. To acknowledge their sacrifice, almost as an after thought to a domestics agency is egregious. I was watching the news when the President came on. I saw this live, and my husband and I stared with dropped jaws. It was the most awkward, CLASSLESS display of alleged speaking "greatness" that I have ever seen. This wasn't just an error in judgment, from my perspective...this was an accurate depiction of the immature, inexperienced, and self-absorbed man that is our president.
ReplyDeleteThe first remarks had me confused. Did the news accidentally start an old video of the president speaking? Was the wrong speech loaded in the Teleprompter? Finally he started talking about the tragedy at Fort Hood. His words seemed fake and insincere after his opening light banter, like he was playing to his fans, instead of addressing the world about our soldiers. Unbelievable. His behavior was odd to say the least. It seemed that he was more concerned about not somehow offending attending Native Americans by addressing the shooting before the Interior department assemblage. This guy is Clueless McCluelesson! Perhaps the name of the shooter had something to do with his uncaring response since it seems he is really more concerned about the Muslim brothers than he is his "own" country. And I say "own" because it hasn't been proven otherwise yet.When will this country wake up to the fact that when someone is acting"disturbed" that something must be done right then and not wait until some tragedy happens and than say "he was disturbed" as if to attempt to justify it.
Yep, we need a real revolution, not some staged protest that was paid for by special interests...
ReplyDeleteWe also need a real discussion not this paid by special interest drivel that the reactionary right wants to claim is patriotic.
By the way, Tao doesn't drink....
By the way, Obama will be at Fort Hood on Tuesday and I am sure that he will blow all of his critics out of the water!
He did provide a video for the Fall of the Berlin Wall celebration.
If you would read Joseph Cao's biography you might realize that he is a heck of a lot better person and has done more with his life then you could imagine...
But then again that is why you badmouth the guy isn't it?
So, what is it like to go through life being angry and bitter at everything?
Mellow out, get a life, and let the sun shine some warmth and joy on your absolutely dismal dispositions!
Whew, what a bunch!
Remember, your hero Reagan was an optomist and you just might want to follow his lead...
Otherwise you will be nothing more that the angry bitter minority of a long time...
Now, why don't you all run over to RIR and or DD2 and wallow in your anger and self pity for a while....
May I please throw in my two cents here.
ReplyDeleteThis may also "blow all of his critics as well as his "FANS" out of the water!"
There is very powerful video here that I would like you and your readers to see, a video that almost make me puke while watching. A video that I almost turned off because I couldn't stand watching it.
Please watch it before they take it down.
In this video Obama actually says he is a Muslim. He outright has been lying for decades about being a Christian for political advancement. The anointed one really believes Allah has groomed him for great things against the Infidel.
Right Is Right and DD2,
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, it’s a gift when someone is constantly on your case. It shows that you are getting to them. Don’t take it as a put down, but rather as a complement.
It’s very important not to sink to that person’s level by retaliating. You could tell the person that you find their comment offensive though that’s only going to get them started again.. . I know that it’s sometimes difficult to do, but if possible, try to just ignore them person. This really bothers them more than even a great come back. A person can't hurt you with words unless you let them. In the case of Truth101, he is always looking to instigate trouble and to to stir things up, I have seen this many times in the past. Just don’t play his childish games. If he wants to insult Republicans it’s only because his party is sinking so much lately he is treading water to keep alive. We know the truth and we shall prevail, and they shall not. Attacking you folks and Glenn Beck and Rush as they do only shows that they are running scared. It’s best not even to answer them. That hurts the most.
There is nothing worse than a bunch of liberal idiot wussies. This guy Truth101 and his asswhipe TAO are 2 trouble making old fools. These guys bitch and moan and whine about conservatives when their guy in the white house is so lame he is running around the world putting America down . Divisive, hateful, bigoted. And those are the nice things I can say about them. Anyone that even tries to defend this guy as a president is a total disgrace and moron..
ReplyDeleteThe problem with our nation going down the drain is the true character of this
leader we are supposed to respect, but can not. The words he’s spewing aren’t
words to unify a nation, but to D-I-V-I-D-E it and its people, which ultimately
weakens a nation – his true agenda. The strength of America should start from
the highest office, but look at who we have there. ZERO!
Obama says that if he doesn't get his health plan through that the deficit will be out of sight!! HELLO.. IT IS ALREADY OUT OF SIGHT THANKS TO HIM AND HIS RIDICULOUS SPENDING..
His excuse for everything is the HUGE HUGE DEFICIT he inherited.. well if it is so damn bad why the hell did he quadruple it in a few months..??? and now he wants us to pay for it?? no.. no and no again.
Please forgive the long post...but I just can't stand these idiots!
If you're dealing with someone who always puts you and other people down and also makes you feel like you're always wrong.. This guy may be dealing with a more severe type of personality. I call them blamers because they blame everyone but themselves when things go wrong, such as our presidents problems.
ReplyDeleteBest advice it to ignore him and hopefully he'll get the hint and go away.
Some things in life are given: Watching a beautiful sunrise and sunset, a mother’s love for her children, enjoying a Pavarotti recording, puppies chasing after balls,the sound of children giggling, watching you child chasing after butterflies, being in love for the very first time, and Truth101 going throughout his life being a complete and absolute freaken idiot.
ReplyDeleteSemper Fi
This freaken terrorist has to get a swift trial and then sentenced to death quickly. I don't give a DAMN if his name is Lebowitz, Smith, McNally, Perez, Smythe, Chavez or any other name that may indicate a nationality.
ReplyDeleteThe son of a bitch is a fucking terrorist, he killed Americans and did it in the name of Islam! "Allahu Akbar" was the 1st indication for me.
Call it common sense, call it racial profiling, call it anything you like, Hasan has supporters and liberal apologists because he is a Muslim on some of these blogs, they can ALL go to hell together. Anyone that says Islam is a religion of peace is full of shit. Do you hear that TAO!
And since America no longer is willing to call sin and evil what it is,(thanks to Barack Obama) I suppose it should not be a surprise that we cannot call a Jihad Terror attack what it is.
What cowards we are. Political correctness killed those patriotic Americans at Fort Hood as surely as the Islamist gunman did. And the media treat it like a case of nondenominational shoplifting.
This was a terrorist act. When an extremist plans and executes a murderous plot against our unarmed soldiers to protest our efforts to counter Islamist fanatics, it’s an act of terror. Period.
When the terrorist posts anti-American hate speech on the Web; apparently praises suicide bombers and uses his own name; loudly criticizes US policies; argues (as a psychiatrist, no less) with his military patients over the worth of their sacrifices; refuses, in the name of Islam, to be photographed with female colleagues; lists his nationality as “Palestinian” in a Muslim spouse-matching program and parades around central Texas in a fundamentalist playsuit — well, it only seems fair to call this terrorist an “Islamist terrorist.”
But the president won’t. Despite his promise to get to all the facts. Because there’s no such thing as “Islamist terrorism” in ObamaWorld.
And the Army won’t. Because its senior leaders are so sick with political correctness that pandering to America haters is safer than calling terrorism “terrorism.”
And the media won’t. Because they have more interest in the shooter than in our troops
So many of you have ranted about President Obama NOT going to Fort Hood and or NOT being part of the memorial...
"A memorial service is being held today in remembrance of the 13 people killed at Fort Hood last week. President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama are scheduled to meet privately with family members of the victims, and the memorial service follows at 2 p.m. ET. The president will speak approximately halfway through the service and meet with survivors afterward."
So, either you are woefully misinformed or the biggest bunch of bullshit artists on the blogoshpere...
The man is doing the right thing....
Now, why don't you try it!
TAO said:So, either you are woefully misinformed or the biggest bunch of bullshit artists on the blogoshpere...
ReplyDeleteThe only Bullshit artist is Obama, sure he's going NOW!
After he was ripped apart for saying he was NOT going and that he was going to Camp David for a vacation. Do your homework Dipstick.
Hey Dipstick TAO, here's the story.
ReplyDeleteObama snubs Ft. Hood to relax at Camp David
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By Clarice Feldman
Dan Riehl checks the President's schedule and learns that Obama's not going to Fort Hood, but rather to Camp David for the weekend."
In an update,Dan Riehl notes that his predecessor is more sensitive to the situation. Reporting that GWB and Laura spent a few hours at Fort Hood, no photo ops. Now that's a Commander in Chief for you.. Are you kidding me? Camp frickin' David? What, does he have a tee time close by? For heaven's sakes, he's the Commander in Chief, and he's taking the weekend off? This guy simply doesn't care.
He's already demonstrated he is not interested in supporting our military by his non-response to General McChrystal's request for troops. I am truly saddened for our country.
Now 75 days later he said that he will sent more troops in to Afghanistan over the *NEXT 4 YEARS* Holy crap, over the next 4 years! Wow, isn't that special!
Another day, another disrespectful and stupid comment or action from Obama.
Ronald Reagan: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama: "Mr Geithner, tear down Wal-Mart!"
Don't get too riled up folks..these brave men and women were visited by a real leader...I don't think they care if the "HEAD MUSLIM IN CHARGE" visits them or not....they got to meet George and Laura Bush..
He doesn't care. He is a phony. I am surprised the Dems have allowed him to even get this far.
History will show this will be the worst President we have had...
I think it would have been better if he didn't go to Fort Hood. He doesn't deserve the honor of addressing the grieving people..
And Don't jump to any conclusions, wait until he can get the propaganda spin machine up and working.
Obama, shit or get off the pot!
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I wish the WH would give as much attention to our situation in Afghanistan as they do to Fox News. Those kids who are fighting over there were only ten or eleven years old when 9/11 happened. They are trained to be killers and to fight, not to talk. That's Obama's job. So if it's talking that Obama wants, then get our kids the hell out of harms way first and then let him orate to his heart's content.
The Marines aren't diplomats they are fighters!.
Happy Veterans Day to all who have served our great nation. Thank you for your courage and dedication. Thank you for our freedom.
ReplyDeleteTo answer the question in your post: there is a lot of money to be made with frivolous lawsuits. They made former Sen. Edwards quite rich, in fact.
ReplyDeleteHe successfully sued people and ruined careers of good doctors by claiming that obstetricians can cause genetic birth defects.
If you take Biology 201, you know that can't be true. Yet again, Biology 201 is never taught by lawyers who get rich by spinning elaborate lies in the courtroom to enabled the guilty to escape justice and to ruin the lives of the innocent.