When I wanted to blog, I first did some research. I began reading other blogs. I read all types—Cooking blogs, Style blogs, Humor and Gay blogs. I found that I was most interested in Political blogs. The Political blogs I liked the best were the ones that had both Conservative AND Liberal commenters. I enjoyed reading the viewpoints of both political persuasions. It gave me an insight to the topic at hand that I might not have had had only one political opinion been available. These particular blogs also had respectful followers. There wasn’t any name-calling, insults or degradation. I found these blog very refreshing and I really enjoyed them.
I think I also connected to this type of blog because it reminded me of the way I conversed in real life. I have co-workers, friends and family members who have Liberal views. (My Godmother, whom I love very much, voted for Obama.) I talk with these people about politics on a regular basis, but we NEVER get hostile, we NEVER fight or offend one another—heck, we don’t even raise our voices!
One day at work, I was having a discussion with a Democrat co-worker about former President Jimmy Carter. This co-worker said to me, “You are the only Republican who has ever been respectful of my opinion.” I was speechless! How could THAT be? How could other Republicans be ignorant to her just because her views are different?
I pondered that and decided when I began my blog it would be civil and respectful. Everyone—Conservatives, Independents AND Liberals would be welcome. They would all be able to express themselves, as long as they were courteous to one another. With my mind made up, I started my blog. I was so excited! It took a long time for me to get any comments, or followers for that matter, let alone any Liberals, but one day it happened!
My first Liberal was a tad sarcastic and I had to set him straight, but I did it politely. He apologized immediately and has been respectful ever since. After he began following me a few others started to follow, then a couple more. In turn, I began to visit their blogs and started leaving comments on their sites. I can honestly say that I have had only one problem since I began blogging. ONE. And that was partially my fault.
I am not the only person that visits these Liberal blogs, either. There are other Conservatives and they are treated just as respectfully as me. I believe the reason we are treated with consideration is because we treat the blog owners and the followers with respect. We don’t go to these blogs with aggression or in attack mode. We state our opinion in a polite manner and we are acknowledged the same way. I know this because I have read many comments by other Conservatives and I can see where the Conservative has provoked the author or one of the other commenters but then tries to say it’s the Liberal’s fault. I think that is quite unfair and I don’t like that type of behavior. If a person is attacked, then that person has every right to defend him or herself, but to provoke the person and then blame the person whom you provoked…that’s just wrong. It makes me disheartened to see this type of behavior.
I’m a Conservative and I love my blog. I also like to visit other blogs, which includes Liberal blogs. I will continue to do this because it’s what I like to do and I DO what makes ME happy. I am very strong in my values and beliefs so I have no fear that someone is going to “brainwash” me or “skew my perspective”. Actually something really good has happened since I began blogging! I’ve met a lot of really great people and it makes me happy that I created my blog. But as everyone who has a blog knows, it takes time to maintain it. There are those of us who think of our blogs as our “babies”. We develop it, look after it and watch it grow. It’s our creation and we’re proud of it. So, when someone pollutes it, we take it personally. I’ve taken it personally when some people have disrespected my requests to be courteous. I feel it’s an affront to me. This is my special place…where I can spew my sentiments ‘til my heart’s content, and I would like for my readers, followers and commenters to respect that my blog is an avenue for me to express myself and it’s also a pathway for others to express themselves, BUT they MUST be polite, regardless of the topic or political persuasion.
Which brings me to my rules. They are posted at the top of my blog, but have been grossly ignored. I’m partially to blame for this. I should’ve been more strict with them, but I felt everyone had the “right” to “express” themselves. And, in a way, they do. However, just as I invite Conservatives, Liberals and Democrats to sit at my kitchen table, I would NOT hesitate to toss them out on their butt if they insulted me or one of my other guests. So, beginning with this post, my first for 2010, I will NOT hesitate to delete if:
You ATTACK me or one of my readers/followers
You get OFF topic
Because I’m having a bad day and YOU get on my nerves
Please familiarize yourself with my rules because they are not open for discussion and I will not explain if I delete you; apologize if I delete you; argue because I delete you. The rules are the rules. I don’t argue with my kids about the rules, so, since that’s the way I live in real life, and that’s how I want to run my blog, that’s what I am doing. Period.
I would like for my readers and followers to understand and accept that I am an independent woman who will do what’s in my heart. But for those who can’t, I will obviously understand and accept their decision to move on. And for those who feel the need to move on, I want to thank you for your contribution to my blog and I wish you every happiness and success that life has to offer.
For everyone who wants to follow the rules and engage in civil, courteous discourse—WELCOME! I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for all of us!