Attacking other readers isn’t productive either. NOT agreeing with the statement DOESN'T give you the right to attack the messenger. I don’t always agree with a contributor/commenter but I NEVER attack him/her. I word my statements in a polite manner and I believe that is why I am always welcome on other blogs.
The atmosphere here, as many are acutely aware, has become, to put it mildly, INTENSE and that has become quite frustrating for me. I wish for MY blogging experience to be pleasant and currently it’s anything but. I also don’t want my readers to experience an obnoxious environment when visiting my site. Therefore I want to accept a suggestion from one of my readers, The Professor of Life who said:
“As for Pam's responses the last few days have been very eventful for her I know. But I think and I agree with some of the folks that she had their posts deleted, she has been going overboard in by trying to show how "fair and balanced" she is and thus bending over backwards to the left like Truth101 and TAO.
As for my own experience here whenever I try to have to have a reasonable conversation here with other posters, .... (and will continue to do so) -- some people gang up on me so badly that it jus isn’t worth my while.
And since the Scott Brown victory, and Obama’s speech at the SOTU, the Troll attacks are at their highest and meanest.
Maybe Pam should put up an “Open Thread” for ta day, and we can fend for ourselves for the day. We’ll miss her, but I guarantee that with the perceptiveness, compassion, and enthusiasm of your followers we will all survive.”
With that in mind I would like to say that I believe in blogging etiquette consequently I have a set of rules that I TRY to maintain—they are at the top of my blog for anyone who hasn’t read them. I also practice what I preach by acting respectful and civil on EVERYONE’S blog and NO ONE can EVER dispute that FACT.
I would like to say that not only have I deleted vile and disgusting comments but I have deleted comments that were totally OFF-TOPIC. Under my “Cindy McCain Supports Gay-Marriage” post there were Conservatives who bashed Satyavati because of her name and religion. I ask ALL OF YOU: would you have kept those kind of comments in YOUR section? I also deleted comments that were about abortion, Gitmo and Terrorism. Again, I ask ALL OF YOU, should I have left those comments intact? They had absolutely NOTHING to do with GAY-MARRIAGE! I have been FALSELY accused of being UNFAIR because NO ONE has ALL the comments EXCEPT me and I feel that I am owed an apology because I have been nothing but civil and respectful to EVERYONE.
With that in mind I would like to say that I believe in blogging etiquette consequently I have a set of rules that I TRY to maintain—they are at the top of my blog for anyone who hasn’t read them. I also practice what I preach by acting respectful and civil on EVERYONE’S blog and NO ONE can EVER dispute that FACT.
I would like to say that not only have I deleted vile and disgusting comments but I have deleted comments that were totally OFF-TOPIC. Under my “Cindy McCain Supports Gay-Marriage” post there were Conservatives who bashed Satyavati because of her name and religion. I ask ALL OF YOU: would you have kept those kind of comments in YOUR section? I also deleted comments that were about abortion, Gitmo and Terrorism. Again, I ask ALL OF YOU, should I have left those comments intact? They had absolutely NOTHING to do with GAY-MARRIAGE! I have been FALSELY accused of being UNFAIR because NO ONE has ALL the comments EXCEPT me and I feel that I am owed an apology because I have been nothing but civil and respectful to EVERYONE.
The bane of the politcal blogosphere, even when most have rules. IMO, it is the anonymity factor: ten folks sitting around with pizza and beer are usually much more polite.
ReplyDeleteWell, I can honestly say that I have never attacked another blogger who has not attacked me first....
ReplyDeleteBut it is nice to know that Pam bends over backwards for me: I am getting a visual and it is HOT! :)
I think some people need to develop a little sense of humor; it would sure improve their disposition!
Lets all remember, we made it through 8 years of Bush's incomptency we can rest assured that we can make it through 8 years of Obama's socialism....
It Just Doesn't Make Any Sense said...
ReplyDelete"Nice try Octopus, but no cigar... unfortunately."
You can't give up now! Look at how much progress we have made. Think of this as the storm before the quiet.
Here's Octo's cigar. I think someone swiped it, as you can see. I doubt at this point that he wants it back.
ReplyDeleteI admire the fact that you try to open things up for everyone. It's a shame that some people are barely toilet trained.
There are those that hide behind the veil of anonymity and take that as an opportunity to be tough. Face to face is not in their wheelhouse. On-line? Tough as nails.
I've tried to be respectful in all my posts and comments. If you descend into the gutter you will surely find gutter creatures. I won't go there.
Thanks for keeping it real.
It does get really hard sometimes, because the issues get totally lost in all the dogmatism and the refusal to actually debate topics...
ReplyDelete..it also sometimes gets scary; people move into hate mail and things like that.
It's sad, because I actually really love a good debate and I think there's a lot of opportunities for learning (on both sides) when people can keep their panties from twisting into knots long enough to rationally exchange ideas.
We could go so far if we could just see the way clear.
Hello, again. Let me take a crack it this one more time. Speaking for myself, and myself alone, I think it is damn shame that we are taking potshots at each other. More than that, we seem to have turned our weblogs into a pinball machine culture of us vs. them: Tilt. How self-defeating it that.
ReplyDeleteFirst, let me digress for a moment to make myself clear. This weekend, I took fellow liberals to task for what I thought was uncivil behavior. Yes, I criticized them openly and in public. And I took a pounding from fellow liberals. You know the script: “Turn-coat, traitor, deserter.” It is the same on both sides.
Let me give you an example: Almost everyone here knows Truth101, who once said this:
"Republicans are a party of men with small dicks, but man, are they pricks."
Lets rephrase it this way: “T101 has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.”
Or perhaps let us rephrase it this way: “Malcontent has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.”
Or this way: “ Professsor of Life has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.”
Or this way: “Octopus has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.”
(BTW, don’t ask what cephalopods have or how they do IT. That is very personal and private.)
Now, maybe T101 thinks he was making a clever joke. Congratulations, T101, your joke is clever but misses a point. How do statements like this make you feel? Do you feel emasculated, demeaned, offended? Of course you do. That is my point. And so do blanket stereotypes that begin with: “All libtards are …” and “All Repubs are …”
While we are taking potshots at each other, all of us are missing a larger point. We are not the enemy of each other. But there are forces out there in the real world that are our real enemy, and here we are … wasting precious energy attacking each other … when we should focusing our thoughts on common threats and common interests.
But if we don’t talk to each other, we defeat our own cause.
Now, I realize my comments will fall on deaf ears, but there are also other folks here who do know what I’m talking about, and those are the folks I would like to talk to. If these words resonate with you, I welcome your friendship and hope to discover our shared concerns.
Octo, SDD,
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. We spend a lot of time talking past each other. What a shame. America is a country that has so much to celebrate. Instead, we take our time ripping each other apart.
It would be good for us to move in from the poles we inhabit and try like our founding fathers, to see the middle and compromise.
The constitution is a bundle of compromises and it has worked fairly well for 233+ years.
Octo said
ReplyDelete"Or perhaps let us rephrase it this way: “Malcontent has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.”
Or this way: “ Professsor of Life has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.”
I don't know about you Octo, you seem to have a dick fetish..
I think there's room on the internet for a wide range of styles and tones and ways of expressing oneself.
ReplyDeleteAnd the only way that can work is if every blogger is able to set the tone they choose for their own blog and make it stick.
Some people are brawlers by nature and like a free-for-all. If they run their own comment sections that way, it's not a problem. If they go to another blog that has different standards and behave that way, it is a problem.
I get vicious and insulting comments on my blog fairly often. Readers don't see them because of the comment moderation, but I do. I don't let them bother me, but I don't let them appear either, because that's not the kind of conversation I want to see happening there.
As for off-topic comments -- I call this "change-the-subject trolling" -- some people simply have an agenda of their own and will hijack any thread they can, anywhere, and try to turn it to a discussion of their own obsessions. This is hardly different from commercial spam and should be treated as such.
On the few occasions when I've commented here, I have tried to the best of my ability to write in accordance with the standards you state. On another blog with different standards I might write comments in an entirely different style.
You're absolutely entitled to set your own rules here and make them stick. Making them stick is a job that will never end, unfortunately.
As for the left-right conflicts or whatever one chooses to call them, there are some people on both sides who can debate politely and there are some who can't. For that matter, there are extremists on both sides who frankly don't deserve politeness or respect, from anyone.
It's in the nature of extremists that they don't just hate the other side. Even more, perhaps, they hate the people on their own side who aren't quite as ready to hate the other side. I see examples of this all over the place.
From your own comments on earlier threads, it sounds like your biggest problems have come not from liberal commenters but from conservatives who attack you because you don't treat all liberals as pariahs.
On the other hand, it's to be expected that the arguments will sometimes get heated. The differences between left and right are real, and they matter. If you support gay marriage, strict church-state separation, and a broad social safety net (as I do), then the people who oppose those things are a force which has to be converted (unlikely) or defeated. There's no way around that.
Thank you Pamala for this appertained to really talk about what is bugging me about our liberal friends and their strange and devoted fascination with Barack Obama.
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama on his first whirlwind day in office signed an executive order that would close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. Sure lets close Gitmo and give these people rights, the same rights they gave our people when they violated the rules of war. Like when they chopped off the heads of our men. These prisoners are certainly some of the most dangerous terrorist around. They are hardened criminals who have no value for life.
To start with, why are we so intent to close up Guantanamo Bay? Gitmo is a modern detention facility, not murder den like what Daniel Pearl experienced. We are bending over backwards to allow those detained to continue their faith, their diet and their personal habits
I wanted to speak to this when I first heard about the decision to try the terrorists in civilian court. I understand he’s a committed ideologue intent on bringing on massive change to America, but kicking the people in the shins doing it.
Is this another ploy to bring forth HIS agenda... yes I said HIS agenda! And how many times did he refer to himself in the speech. I say that it was over fifty times..
When Obama spoke in the state of the union speech people wanted to believe he was catching on. When he visited the Republicans and started talking about spending too much money, people wanted to believe it had finally sunk in. Making those sweetheart deals and backroom negotiations may have got Obamacare passed in the Senate, but it has left the American public holding the bill.
Me, I figured his stripes and spots are embedded far too deep to change
Now honestly how can ANYbody sit there and defend the likes of Dirty Harry Reid and or Nancy Pelosi? I’ll just say a pox on both their houses on this one and be done with the two of them!.
And while I’m bringing up a pair of a-holes, how about Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson?
And how about those “so called” White House uninvited guests, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, slipping past all of those high-level White House security people? Are we really supposed to believe that crap? Does anyone here really believe that thy were “UNINVITED GUESTS” I’m not buying it.
Then we have the biggie, Obama’s Health Care “Package” yeah I call it a package, a package of bunk! I am sick of these people who are in such denial that they are buying this whole bundle of crapola that he is shoving down our throats. they appear delusional. We just want it done honestly, fairly, and in a way that will not bankrupt our country, and screw our senior citizens as well as everyone else. . Obama and the democrats have unarguably been trying to "shove this down" all our throats, yours included, through dishonesty, corruption, and will bankrupt the US. That is why America is rising up. Who ever thought that a president would conduct business behind closed doors? Or in the middle of the night? What’s wrong with people if they can’t see a wrong is being done here! This is not the American way, That’s just plain evil.
ReplyDeleteAll we seem to here day after day is “Bush is to blame, He inherited this” “What we need is hope and change.” But all we see is BS and more BS. And all I see is our ship sinking faster and faster. And by reading your liberal blogs it appears to me that you folks are buying in to this incendiary rhetoric. Yes! The Democrats have gone along blaming the messenger instead of the Quarterback. The Enlightened One, knows nothing about how to get things done in Washington and couldn’t care less at what cost!
Now lets get into this CRAP about the way he is dealing with terrorists! Like the most recent “The Christmas Day bomber” and don’t tell me about Bush with the “shoe bomber” because if anything had to be learned by that, it was this event.
The way Obama and his idiot Attorney General Eric Holder have treated the Christmas Day Bomber blows a whole in the lie from Obama that he “understands” we are in a war. It’s very clear that either he does not, or that he don’t give a damn! I would rather think that he is to nieive to understand. But to read this creep his rights! To Mirandaize him and Lawyer him up! This shows just how far detached this President is. These are not U.S. citizens and deserve no rights under our laws, they are war criminals and should be judged as so
I would have been perfectly satisfied with squeezing all the useful juice out of this terrorist mouth and then locking him up for life! And how about the decision, of Attorney General Eric Holder holding the trial of the highest-profile and highest-security terrorism trials in history would be set just blocks from where hijackers for Al Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center, killing nearly THREE THOUSAND people. Why should we be increasing the danger of another terrorist strike against Americans at home. And why should we be paying such a high price for the security of having this farse of a trial in New York! And how could Holder say he was SO confident that the men would be convicted? And wouldn’t his saying so be reason to overturn the verdict? This idea of a trial here is beyond crazy. It belongs in a Military Tribunal PERIOD!
For all you liberals out there that think this is just the greatest idea: who are you going to blame when this goes south, Holder and Obama? Let me guess, Bush!
I rest my case....................... For now.
Pamela, I agree with you completely. I am a strong, conservative, optimistic female voice in the political arena. I am passionate about my beliefs and not afraid to take a stand. I proudly defend what I think is right regardless of whether it is popular or not. I consider myself to be a Reagan/Rush Conservative.
ReplyDeleteYou can’t just go charging in saying “I’m wrong and you’re right”…because everybody thinks that they’re right. A lot of the problems that we have to solve are problems that require us to change other people. And if you want to change other people, a much better way to do it is to first understand who we are, understand our moral psychology, understand that we all think that we’re right, and then step out…even if it’s just for a moment…and try to see it as a struggle that’s playing out in which everybody does think that they’re right and everybody has some reasons (even if you disagree with them) for doing what they’re doing or saying what they are saying.
That was a really good post on your home page Pamela. There are so many people out there trying to exploit Comments on Different Blogs … I believe that you have to have Etiquette and rules here and I do appreciate that.
ReplyDeleteIt’s nice to know that some people try to keep things nice and civil on their sites.
That being said: Blogging is one of the best way to express your opinions, and I'll try to express mine here.
After reading that fine post by Malcontent, there is not to much more for me to say.. He really covered a lot of territory. . But I’ll put my comments a different way and address our liberal or progressive friends across the aisle this way..
Your excuse-making comments for Obama isn't going to cut it. His whole campaign and more than likely the reason for his victory was his "HOPE & CHANGE" slogan.
If we remember the days of his campaign, Obama used Ayers, Pfleger, Farrakhan, and Rezko to get to the top- as they became a negative, he treated them like yesterday's garbage... including his "20 yr spiritual advisor" or as I would rather call him, “his mentor” Rev Wright. His grandmother raised him well and even sent him to Harvard- but when it was useful, she was just a "typical white person". If you expected him to act out of any loyalty or principle, you haven't really taken a serious look at how he got this far in the first place. Yes, “Change” and then right from the get go he loaded his cabinet with Bill Clinton retreads and rivals like Hillary Clinton, Richardson, Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel and Joe Biden. Why? because Barack Obama was in way over his head then, and he is way over his head now. We knew a year ago that Obama was a Socialist. He is NOT a Liberal.
The military trials at GITMO resulted in 3 convictions. The civilian trials of terrorist resulted in hundreds of convictions. Leave the politics out of it, which process has had the most success?
ReplyDeleteSince Obama has taken office, job losses have gone from 700,000 in one month, to 20,000 last month. Economic growth has gone from a negative 6% to a positive 5.7% (an almost 12 point positive shift).
Those are the facts. Those are good numbers. The best numbers in years. What is there to hate about these numbers? How do these numbers show Obama is destroying America?
If we stick with the facts (the numbers) the hate for Obama, is irrational.
All Presidents make mistakes, and decisions others disagree with. That is not proof, that a President is intentionally destroying America.
It is proof that those who make that claim, do so based on emotion, not facts.
If Obama keeps improving the numbers, will your hate for him grow?
If so, I hope you have the opportunity to hate him for a long time.
Economy better give me a break!! , how many people just got laid off from GM? Teachers, Police and Firefighters are losing their jobs or taking pay cuts. Our tax dollars are still being wasted on programs that don't stimulate America. Every City in every State is haveing big problems with their budgets, layoffs galore all over the place. Especially in New York where I live. The asinine Governor that we have here is going nuts raising taxes on everything but the kitchen sink. Drive down our streets and look at the see businesses have been closed, windows are boarded up, many services have been discontinued, parking lots at our shopping centers are not full by any stretch of the imagination. The people are hurting and you say that Obama has been good for the economy? I guess you and Michelle are the only two that think that way. After all she is NOW proud of America.. Well guess what? I’m not so sure that I am.
ReplyDeleteIf you consider employment/unemployment an indicator, then the answer is no, it is worse.
NO it is actually much worse. since the day he took office and signed HIS stimulus bill, almost 3million Americans have become unemployed, the dollar is at an its lowest value since 1977,wages and hours are being cut by many companies, the cost of living is rising daily, inflation is starting to creep in and it seems the only people doing well at the moment are Obama, the people in congress and ACORN hmmm ,MOST Americans can not take a vacation due to the strains on their budget by the economy but Obama can have date nights in New York, and spend a month in Martha’s vineyard all on the taxpayers dime, kinda of selfish and disconnected don't you think?
Isn't it interesting that the only money that has been spent has been TARP funds. With the obvious exception being the 70 billion to bail out GM only to see it file bankrupcy anyway.
Almost ALL of the "Stimulus" money isn't going to hit the economy for another 16 months. So this recovery has absolutely nothing to do with the Obama administration. It has everything to do with Capitalism righting itself.
Notice we have yet to regulate Fannie or Freddie? Notice that even though the Stimulus package passed, over 3 million Americans have lost thier jobs since it got passed? Thanks for nothing Nancy.
What we have are a bunch of lying democrats in power that don't know how to do anything other than spend money and complain about the previous administration. They spent 1.3 trillion dollars without even reading the legislation and we already have an 11.3 trillion dollar debt.
Oh yeah, we got ourselves a who mess of geniuses running things now, don't we.
P.S. Could somebody tell that twit Pelosi that there are only 305 million Americans and only 140 million of them are of working age? That ditz thought over 500 million Americans were going to lose their jobs if the Stimulus package didn't pass.
And lastly, to answer any remaining questions... Why did the Obama Administration spend 70 billion dollars to bail out GM only to see it go bankrupt anyway?
Government employees and the welfare leaches always have a good year and get more money every year even if the rest of lose it all. Those feeding on the taxpayers are very happy with Obama. I’m not.
Excellent Mal.
ReplyDeleteEverything Obama touches seems to turn to crap.
We all knew that he had no experience running as much as a 7-11 store when we elected him, and he has done nothing but prove to us all exactly how important experience really is.
the economy is worse.
the debt is worse.
national security is worse.
global security is worse.
personal liberty is eroded.
the sovereignty of the states is eroded.
the dollar is weaker.
the collective will of the American people is weaker.
we all see the change ... but I don't think any of "believe" it.
Thanks for this Pam, I think we can all agree on that.
Nice lists, of course none of it is true, or at least is not Obama's fault. I doubt Obama is responsible for the irresponsibility of your States (which ever one that is) leaders.
ReplyDeleteI guess you are saying that I lied about the economic growth figures.
I don't blame Obama because my Republican Governor has taken our State from a 600 million dollar surplus, to a 5 billion dollar debt.
But hey, don't let the facts get in the way, of a good hate.
I thought today's topic was blogging etiquette.
ReplyDeleteI'll go back and check in case I was mistaken.
Saty: Well, at least we don't have spammers peppering this with press releases-style proclamations.
ReplyDeleteSatyavati: It's also an Open Thread, so feel free to get some stuff "off your chest" so to speak.
ReplyDeleteOh, gosh, Dmarks! Don't give them any ideas!
ReplyDeletePamela said: "Satyavati: It's also an Open Thread, so feel free to get some stuff "off your chest" so to speak."
ReplyDeleteSo, is this a sort of Festivus blog post?
"At the Festivus dinner, you gather your family around and tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the last year."
Tom try and pay attention, your premise is all wet. 43 states are in financial trouble, with unemployment as high as it is, the states are not bringing in the taxes need to sustain their budgets. And states are chopping their employee count, too. At least 20 states have proposed or implemented cuts to their state workforce. Until now, Barack Obama has managed to ride out his first few months in office by blaming his predecessor for the economic tribulations he “INHERITED”, but new polling shows that these excuse are running out of steam, and thus his slipping in the polls..The biggest factor may be the unemployment report that showed joblessness rising much faster than Obama’s team had predicted. He and his team of jokers have lost their Mojo. And geniuses like you never confront the fact that when Obama blames Bush for the budget deficit, he’s talking about budgets that his party wrote and he voted for. But since Barry has never accepted responsibility for anything in his life, I doubt he’ll accept responsibility for the failure of his policies.
ReplyDeleteWe can call that the expiration date for blaming Bush, and NOW the economy becomes Obama’s fault, as his expensive and expansive policies failed. So I guess it’s time for him to park Air Force One and let Oprah pay her own dinner bills. Obama has “owned” this economy since he took office.
Dmarks said: So, is this a sort of Festivus blog post? “At the Festivus dinner, you gather your family around and tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the last year."
ReplyDeleteDmarks: That could be dangerous here! But hey, I’m in a really good mood, so go for it!
There are some beautifully written comments here.
ReplyDeleteBut lets face it folks, our ship sank the day Obama was sworn in. To say our republic is in peril for it's life is an understatement. You can't make this crap up! It is almost as if they *want* our nation to fall.
There is no way any self respecting democrat can look at this gigantic mess and claim the "change" the slick Obama campaign promised has even the slightest chance of happening. Talk about the blind leading the blind! If you think Jimmy Carter was bad, this present neo-Marxist will make Jimmy's futility look like chump-change. We're in mighty deep trouble, gang!
Obamachev is achieving his goal: make most Americans dependent upon the beneficence of the government.
Democrats, you have to admit that this is super-wicked snake oil salesman dude you voted for doesn't exist. It was a slick scam job and a lie! He doesn't have the experience needed to drive a garbage truck. He is living high on the hog, and we are the ones that are suffering.
PS.. Don't start the tea parties without me!
ReplyDeleteI think a large part of the current problems we have with trying to communicate ideas is that individual words are becoming dissociated from their true meanings, and becoming too emotionally charged to actually convey any information.
Obama is not a Marxist, nor a neo-Marxist, nor a Socialist. You may check with anyone who actually claims those ideologies as their own to confirm this.
However, for the past fifty or sixty years these terms have been used, reused and beaten into the general public's minds as pejorative terms-without ever being explained. This is why so many people don't understand the difference between Socialism and Communism, and why they somehow believe Socialism is Fascism, and that all Communists are Marxists, and that Socialists are Marxists and that the whole lot are the spawn of Satan.
What's happened is that terms have been stripped of their actual meaning and replaced with an emotional-based content that doesn't truly have any basis in reality.
And until we can start operating in the realm of reality, without all this excessive emotion, we have little chance for actual exchange of ideas.
ReplyDeleteHow did all these States and the federal government get into all this financial mess? It's simple Math. We spent more than we took in. It took years to get to this point. You cannot blame it on Obama.
When a politician says they will cut your taxes; do you ask why they want to bankrupt America? Who do you think is responsible to pay for all this spending? Future Americans?
Why are Americans no longer willing to pay for their society? What services do we want from our government and how much are we willing to pay for services?
During the building of the greatest middle class the World has ever known, it was expensive. It is expensive to pay for maintenance and up keep on our society. Taxes during that building period were 70-80%, but we were paying our bills and becoming the most powerful country in the World.
Reagan comes to power, cuts taxes, and before his term is up, we are 5 trillion in debt. Any correlation there? Again it's simple Math.
Satyavati devi dasi SO FOOLISHLY said. “Obama is not a Marxist, nor a neo-Marxist, nor a Socialist.” This is Sooo Ridicules, as are so many of her other FALSE claims.
ReplyDelete1) The Communist Party of America actively supported Obama during the primary election as did their leader Sam Webb .
2) During the presidential election campaign, Hamas advisor Ahmed Yousef was quoted as saying, "We like Mr. Obama. We hope he will win the election." Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and is on the US State Department list of leftist terrorist organizations.
3) Obama's mother was a communist sympathizer from her youth. Obama has spoken of her beliefs.
4) Obama admits attending socialist conferences and reading Marxist literature. He stated that he "chose his friends carefully... “the Marxist professors”.
5) Frank Marshall Davis to whom Obama refers to as "Frank" and with whom the young Obama "had a close relationship, almost like a son" is publicly identified as a prominent member of the Communist Party USA and an acknowledged Stalinist agent.
6) Obama held receptions at the home of, and served on boards with, another mentor who has had an indelible influence on his world view: William Ayers along with his wife Bernardine Dohrn. The two were leaders of the terrorist group known as the Weathermen or the Weather Underground, notable for a campaign from 1969 through the middle 1970s of riots, bombings, murders, and a jailbreak. Under Ayers and Dohrn's leadership, the terrorist organization bombed the United States Capitol on March 1, 1971, The Pentagon on May 19, 1972, and the United States Department of State Building on January 29, 1975. Their founding document calls for "the destruction of US imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communism." When recently asked about his terrorist activities, Ayers replied he had "no regrets" and that "we didn't do enough".
7) At one Obama reception at the Ayers Dohrn home Alice Palmer, who was identified by the FBI as being on Soviet payroll in the Eighties and an enthusiastic attendee of the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, announced that she was stepping down from office as Obama was her chosen successor.
8) Obama admits that one of his close friends was Rashid Khalidi, who was the President of Columbia University's Communist Party and a former spokesperson for the PLO. They had frequent dinners together and the Obamas even babysat Khalidi's children. Obama led organizations funded the Arab American Action League an organization calling for the demolition of Israel and chaired by Khalidi's wife. Khalidi held successful fundraisers for Obama's campaign.
9) During the presidential election campaign, Hamas advisor Ahmed Yousef was quoted as saying, "We like Mr. Obama. We hope he will win the election." Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and is on the US State Department list of leftist terrorist organizations.
10) Obama received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America for an Illinois state senate seat in 1996.
I could go on and on, but space does not allow me too.
Therefore my friend, Marxism is not just inherently bad, it is the number one absolutely and indisputably destructive, emasculating, tyrannical, and devastating ideology on Earth today.
ReplyDeleteAnd anyone who argues in favor of Marxism will be termed an deluded ignoramus by me, as long as I have breath in my body.
That's what I have to say about that!
This basically points out what I was trying to say.
ReplyDeleteObama's friends, relations, teachers and people he's stood in line with do not define his personal political ideology. Endorsements by political parties do not define one's own politics.
Obama's politics, his own personal actions, are not Socialist.
What is required here is to remove the emotional context and to actually study Socialism or whatever ism one would like to accuse Obama of, and see what that political ideology, in theory and in practice, means.
We could equally say that because I attended a French-speaking Jewish school and that my nextdoor neighbour was a homosexual, and that three vegan anarchists voted for me to be president of student government, that I must necessarily be a gay, French, Jewish, vegan anarchist.
But it wouldn't be true.
We have to focus on the reality, and not the emotional wrapping paper of these terms in order to effectively communicate.
In my home state of Illinois about eight years ago, we elected the now deservedly disgraced Rod Blagojevich. The election really wasn't in doubt because former Governor Ryan left the state in such a mess and debt the Democrats could have run Hitler and won a landslide.
ReplyDeleteBlago tried accounting voodoo and other nonsense to make us believe he could balance the budgert without raising taxes. Of course he raised fees on everything but in politicospeak, that's not the same thing.
We now have a 12 billion dollar debt thanks to Rod's and Ryan's mismanagment. A Democrat and Republican working together to leave a mess. A bipartisan hose job on Illinois.
Had Blago just raised income taxes one percent his first year and froze spending, our budget problems would be non existent and Blago would be a hero, to the left anyway.
Our Country is in the same situation. And it goes back several presidencies. 13 trillion in debt and no way to "save" or use budget voodoo to fix it. We have to raise taxes and do some spending freezes. Obama does this and he will be a hero to the left and the realistic independents. (Out of deference to the right leaniing bloggers here, there are lefties that would rip Reagan or Bush no matter what also.)
Ten percent unemployment mean ninety percent of us have jobs. There is a good percentage of us that have safe jobs. A tax hike of one or two percent with spending freezes will in no way hurt the vast majority of us. To do nothing but pander to party bases and refuse to do what needs to be done does irreprable harm to al of us.
Thank you for the thread Mrs. Hart and I hope everyone enjoys the Super Bowl.
My Files: I have a question, and PLEASE don’t take offense or get angry because this is an Open Thread which sole purpose is to air some differences, etc. With that being said, I was wondering why you had to, in your well written comment, say this: Satyavati devi dasi SO FOOLISHLY said ?
ReplyDeleteI believe it’s comments like that which lead to the partisan bickering and make our discussions counterproductive. In my opinion leaving the “so foolishly” part off you would still get your point across and the other party, Satyavati in this case, wouldn’t get offended and there wouldn’t be any chance of animosity. What do you think?
Satyavati devi dasi said...
ReplyDeleteThis basically points out what I was trying to say.
Dream on, drink the koolaide, but Denial Is Not A River In Egypt.
Your analogy don't hold water...
This effectively proves that the emotional loading of key terms short-circuits the process of real, constructive debate and exchange of ideas.
ReplyDeleteI can't go further than this until the playing field operates in objective discussion.
Pamela D. Hart said...
ReplyDeleteMy Files: I have a question, and PLEASE don’t take offense or get angry because this is an Open Thread which sole purpose is to air some differences, etc. With that being said, I was wondering why you had to, in your well written comment, say this: Satyavati devi dasi SO FOOLISHLY said ?
It was meant as my analogy to her comment, not as an insult.
Her statement was foolish (in my opinion)
Are we going to start to analyze every word? I didn't realize that you were that sensitive, or that we were going to be moderaterated on what we say. If we are then I'll have to get out my elementary school books and read up on, what to say and how to say it. .
My Files: I’m not analyzing every word. I’m sorry if I came across that way.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes think there are “foolish” statements out there, but I don’t SAY “you are foolish”. I also don’t tell people Dream on, drink the koolaide, but Denial Is Not A River In Egypt. because this could open up an entirely different type of comment that will veer the topic off into another direction so I word it differently so that I don’t accidentally offend anyone. But maybe that’s the difference between me and many others and maybe I’m just a bit more “sensitive” as to what words I use. But I’ve had my share of experience with my comment section being hijacked so I’m just trying to find better ways of handling some of these issues.
Please accept my apology if I offended you.
I'm with the other poster. Yeah, go ahead and deny that he is a socialist etc. whatever... all they had to do was look at the polling numbers beyond the Progressive confines of the major cities and they would see what the rest of the country thinks about their Marxist Bullcrap because in smaller cities and rural areas, as in Mass. 66% of the vote was going to Brown Eye which included 22% of the Democrats. And Coakley got the boot. And that murdering, worthless, fat-ass Kennedy ‘s seat is now republican.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead Satyavati devi dasi, keep calling these folks Tea-baggers and whatever, call him a pick up truck driver, post his naked pictures that he took 25 years ago and see who gets the boot next.
But one thing is for certain, the Democrats and the rest of the Marxist Progressives will be removed from power.
Again... my issue here is that words are being used based on their emotional content, and not on the reality of the situation.
ReplyDeleteEven a relatively cursory study of Socialism, Marxism, Fascism, and Communism will reveal the fact that these ideologies are not identical, and that none of them are currently being practiced by the President or either of the two major political parties in this country.
Until we can reach a point of education that replaces the emotional loading of these terms with factual knowledge, no actual progress can be made in terms of discussion.
Satyavati devi dasi said...
ReplyDeleteUntil we can reach a point of education that replaces the emotional loading of these terms with factual knowledge, no actual progress can be made in terms of discussion.
Keep waiting...thats is your choice.
As another well-respected Democratic consultant put it simply: “Need a new game plan!”
I'll give you something to think about. If Obama wanted to destroy the Country, what would he do different now than he hasn't already been doing?
If a president ever embraced our worst enemies in this way, he would strengthen them and undermine our most steadfast allies.
ReplyDeleteA great Democratic secretary of state, Dean Acheson, once warned "no people in history have ever survived, who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies." This is a lesson that today's Democratic Party leaders need to relearn.
"I'll give you something to think about. If Obama wanted to destroy the Country, what would he do different now than he hasn't already been doing?"
ReplyDeleteWhat is he doing that is any different than what George Bush did?
Oh, thats right he's not in office anymore! So, once he left office did all of his stupid decisions self correct?
Did this country get to start from the point that he left office?
Or is that we believe if we scream enough and chant the same thing over and over that everyone will forget about GWB?
Forget that you supported him for two full terms and you are alreadying attacking Obama after one year!
No Saty, give up on the idea of education...that's too much work and its just so much fun to rant about Obama...
Its easier too...
Tax revenues increased steadily year by year during the Reagan years, from $599 billion to $991 billion. The growth was significant and steep.see chart. The same chart shows spending increasing also, but at a higher rate than the tax increase. "Doing the math", it's quite clear that Reagan's tax policies (cutting rates to increase revenue) were an unqualified success, while his policies of overspending were not, and that is what gave us the debt.
ReplyDelete(O) asked: "I'll give you something to think about. If Obama wanted to destroy the Country, what would he do different now than he hasn't already been doing?"
ReplyDeleteWell, of course, he'd do lots of things differently. Do you truly think he's Darth Vader, sitting somewhere with a Sith council plotting "how can we destroy as much of the country as possible in four years?"
I do truly tend to think that President Obama means well, even if I disagree with him on many of the paths he has taken or decisions he has made to get to his goal of making the country better.
Tao: I just now read a comment of yours very similar to my "Darth Vader" one above, on a blog run by someone with a three letter name that has two letters in common with yours. Good comment. I was going to link to it, but am mindful of Pamela's rule not to promote other blogs.
ReplyDeleteDmarks: This is an Open Thread my ONLY rule is NO NAME-CALLING! So, you have my permission to link.
ReplyDeleteTao: Thank you for coming by. I would like to post something here from Truth's blog. If that's okay with you?
ReplyDeleteGood lord, who needs my permission for anything....this is the internet!
ReplyDeletePam....its your blog...just don't post the 'special pictures' of us! :)
Until we can reach a point of education that replaces the emotional loading of these terms with factual knowledge, no actual progress can be made in terms of discussion.
ReplyDeleteKeep waiting...thats is your choice.
Are you suggesting that the proper course of action would be to plow on heedless of the fact that people are using terms that aren't being defined in terms of reality?
That it would be a wiser thing to keep people ignorant, and let them carry on using words they don't properly understand?
That it's smarter to let people react subjectively according to the emotions they've been fired up to have, instead of objectively according to facts?
Is there any evidence that Obama is a "socialist," "Marxist," etc., or are you guys just throwing these terms around for the heck of it?
ReplyDeleteIf there is such evidence, would you please present it? (Remember, in socialism, the working class owns the means of production, just to start with.)
"Remember, in socialism, the working class owns the means of production, just to start with"
ReplyDeletereal-world translation: the state, ruling elites, the government (not "the working class"). That is how it ends up working out when real-world practicalities come into play.
Obama has plans to nationalize all industry, removing it from the hands of the capitalists just like many famous Communists like Mao, Lenin, and Stalin
ReplyDelete"Obama has plans to nationalize all industry, removing it from the hands of the capitalists just like many famous Communists like Mao, Lenin, and Stalin"
ReplyDeleteAgain, what's the evidence for that?
"...call him a pick up truck driver, post his naked pictures that he took 25 years ago and see who gets the boot next."
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't call Scott Brown just a pick-up truck driver. That would be ignoring the fact that he owns 6 homes. Some pickk-up, eh? A real "man of the people," too. How many homes do you own )O(?
And Scott Brown, don't forget is a liberal Republican and will have to stay that way if he wants to be re-elected in two years, since Democrats outnumber Republicans 3 to 1 in Massachusetts.
Brown is FOR universal health care (he voted for it in Massachusetts), he's for a woman's right to an abortion, for gay marriage. Those are hardly Palin-conservative values. Those are liberal issues that Scott Brown agrees with.
As a liberal, I could really get to like Scott Brown, and he will have to accommodate the Democratic and Independent voters in Massachusetts who put him in office, or he'll get booted in the next election. That is political reality.
And he certainly has a manly man body, and we're glad he liked it well enough to share with the world.
You go Scottie, you adorable little nekkid center fold!
Shaw: Scott Brown IS easy on the eyes! Finally, some eye-candy in the Senate! LOL!
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be some confusion about the definitions of capitalism, communism, and fascism. Here is handy guide ... starting with two cows. What happens next?
You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
You have two cows. The government seizes both and provides you with milk. You wait in line for hours to get it. The milk is expensive and tastes sour.
You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.
You have two cows. Financial gains may be subsidized in part by the government in order to preserve the rural culture where you live. You also have very good health care.
You have two cows. You sell one, lease it back, and do an IPO on the 2nd cow. You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised when the cows drop dead. You spin the bad news to the media by announcing a reorganization. Your stock goes up.
You have two cows. Your neighbor has four cows (and you can't have fewer cows than your neighbor), so you get the government to lower taxes so that you can buy more cows. However, your neighbor has lower taxes too and buys ten more cows. Failing to keep pace, you demand even lower taxes from the government. Over time, the government goes bankrupt, the economy goes bust resulting in deflation, and all cows become worthless.
Octo: Forget the cows! I'll get me some goats!
ReplyDeleteVous avez deux vaches.
You have two sheep.
Octo: Le français est correct.
ReplyDeleteBut don't you DARE make me look up Russian, Japanese, Chinese or any other language I DON'T know!
call him a pick up truck driver,
ReplyDeleteActually, I've not called anyone anything.
And I drive a Toyota Tacoma, so I wouldn't perceive 'pickup truck driver' to be an insulting or denigrating phrase.
I'm just waiting for folks to put aside all the rhetoric and high blood pressure, and to start discussing here in rational, objective terms.
Because I'm an optimist, I believe it's possible that we can reach that point at some moment before I'm too old to see the screen and too arthritic to type.
I hope to not be disappointed.
Satyavati: I sure hope “pick-up truck driver” isn’t a bad name because my husband has a pick-up truck and I love driving it!
ReplyDeleteI’m with you on halting the rhetoric and emotional rants as they are futile when trying to discuss anything. Heck, try discussing something with your spouse when one of you is emotional. How does that work out? Not too well, I’m sure.
I’m an optimist, too, and I’d like to see some improvement, although I think I need glasses now…just please don’t tell me arthritis is around the corner!
Shaw Kenawe said...
ReplyDelete"...call him a pick up truck driver, post his naked pictures that he took 25 years ago and see who gets the boot next.''''
hows that hopie changie thingie working for you?
Definitions of socialism on the Web:
ReplyDelete* a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
* an economic system based on state ownership of capital
* Socialism refers to any one of various economic theories of economic organization advocating state or cooperative ownership and administration of ...
* Any of various political philosophies that support social and economic equality, collective decision-making, and public control of productive capital and natural resources, as advocated by socialists; The socialist political philosophies as a group, including Marxism, libertarian socialism
* Obamination
Barack Obama is finished. One year into office and the American people are already sick of him ... Harry Reid will be out of a job come November, Obama will be out of a job come 2012, Get used to it!
ReplyDeleteNaked Pictures or not, Pick Up Truck or Not.
Scott Brown and Sarah Palin is the next winning ticket!
Obama will be sent back to work as a Community whatever. Long live Affirmative Action.
*Some People* Just can't get over Sarah Palin... and blog those STUPID blogs about her day after day.
ReplyDeleteThe latest is her reading off of some notes while speaking. How lame is that to blog about someone reading off of her notes!!
I saw her speech and her interview afterward and all I can say is that she is a genuine lady. If I was making a major speech, I think I would have jotted notes wherever I could so I would not forget important points. Perhaps, she was standing ready to go on and grabbed a pen and her palm was the only thing available.
Good Grief, isn’t it better than a PRESIDENT reading a canned speech given from teleprompters.
Yeah maybe if she would use a Teleprompter things would be different lol.
The left’s constant criticism of her is pathetic . The more they do it, the more we love her.
The are soooo very worried because they know Sarah is the real thing.
Go Sarah...tell it like it is!
Good morning Pamela, This blog is really working out. It’s going to be to be one of the best ones yet. And I'd like to say Hello to Shaw, I see that you STILL have that Sarah Palin fetish.. I think your newest blog about her was Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteLets get our priorities lined up correctly. Some people think that Sarah Palin a “PRIVATE CITIZEN” reading of her notes is terrible. And yet they feel that Barack Obama is the greatest President ever! God’s give to Compassionate Liberalism. Right up there with Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy..REALLY? What has he done for us? Besides dropped us deep into debt. Raising taxes. Highest unemployment ever even as he cuts more jobs And when he adds a 15%-20% increase in taxes on the “rich”, watch your area die, too, as the “rich” can no longer afford to pay for extra-curricular's for their kids (killing your dance studios, gyms, sports leagues, after school programs), stop buying new cars, stop eating out (think unemployed waiters, bartenders, cooks), stop buying new clothes, adopting pets, shopping at the mall…In other words, tax the spending base, lose the spend, finish off the economy. For the first time in our lives, we are so indebted to China that they could simply collapse our economy by calling in their loans. Bush didn’t do that. Bush actually had no more fault than failing to maintain a majority in Congress, allowing the Democrats to push through rules and legislation that lead to the mortgage market collapse. But, if you want to cling to that thin argument that it’s still all Bush’s fault, or his inheritances. Better grab a safety net when Houston (the last strong housing market in our country) falls thanks to Obama’s less-than-brilliant ideas about NASA. When the Houston market fails, (for sale signs will be popping up soon, including my neighbors’ homes), even those barely effective refinance “incentives” coming from the White House will become another laughable failure, just like Obama’s “stimulus” and “jobs programs” have been. You CANNOT improve the economy by taking jobs away from the educated middle class in order to pay for more dirt-digging jobs at near minimum wage. Or by punishing the predictive people in our society. And by giving handouts to the bums of our society! This policy is not remotely sustainable and will only serve to spread the pain.
Or by giving Tax increases on all earning over $250, including large number of small business owners, the same people that are giving jobs ot the middleclass. Who’s going to pay for all this when the middle class, who comprise 90% of tax payers, falls into the unemployed poor class and are no longer funding Obama’s spread-the-wealth policies? Spread what wealth? Half of New York are already on the unemployment lines.
I actually find it quite pathetic that anyone could defend that this miserable failure bunch in the White House today , And the Sun will come out and the birds will sing and there will be rainbows. And now he’s cutting down on New York’s Homeland Security funds while the terrorists are have a field day. The latest “great” decision he made was to move NY’s Coast Guard anti Terror Unit that’s been patrolling New York harbor since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to Boston and leave New York’s harbors without any security. As if Boston is a bigger threat than New York is . Like there isn’t any threat to the Brooklyn Bridge or Statue of Liberty, or Empire State Building, or Wall Street, or the Subways or a natural disaster. Great move Obama. It “almost” seems as if he wants NY to get hit again. This must be another joke form Omama, Holder and Napilitano, the 3 clowns.
Stev: The ONLY rule I had in this Open Thread was NO NAME CALLING and I do believe "you conservative idiots" falls under that category.
ReplyDeleteYou may attack an "action", a "cause", a politician or even the President, but NOT me as I am a Conservative and I am NOT an idiot.
Thank you.
So now, The Lefties Blogs are accusing Sarah Palin of writing answers to questions on her hand
ReplyDeleteOh boy…The left has NOTHING…Absolutely nothing, No issues…
No substance… NOTHING! All of these comments are funny….like reading a bunch of insane asylum rants.
When they resort to posting about Sarah Palin’s note and the BS anout her hving notes on her hands that my friends is the living end! I read some of the leftist blogs yesterday after Sarah’s speech, and all I can say is what a bunch of dopes!
Stick a fork in liberalism is done if this is the extent of their remaining arguments. At least it shows independents and undecided’s just how shallow and vapid the modern day liberal is. Absolutely nothing but race-baiting, hate mongering and class warfare. The only cards they have to play.
Palin was THINKING about how she was going to respond and looked at her hand during that moment.
That differs significantly from how president Mongomba handles himself. He just opens up and shoots the old mouth off; THINKING never enters into it. The left is really scratching for anything. Remember the left always accuses people of doing exactly what they did and do. I wonder how many of those morons on the left were looking at their hands during their final exams in college.
Or maybe a Leftist shook her hand before she came on stage and gave her cooties.
And when Zero said he’s been to all 57 states, maybe he needed to write the correct answer on his hand!
Obama hates America and is doing his best to bring her down to her knees and bows all over the freaken world to every DICTATOR I despise and is ruining our economy, unemployment is at it’s highest since the depression and all these jerkoffs can blog about is Sarh Palin’s notes. What a disaster they have become! Just another empty headed libtard that has no substance in their thinking. These folks are pathetic. No wonder we have school children running the country. These idiots cannot focus on issues. It’s obvious to me that the lefties are REALLY afraid of Ms. Palin.. As they are of Scott Brown.
Why is it that every Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Anarchist, Fascist and the lunatic fringe who are financed and supported by the subversive crackpot George Soros, voted for Obama. Yet, these are the same clowns who tell us that the Tea Party movement is extreme!
ReplyDeleteAt least when Sarah's reading from her hand (if she was, and I seriously doubt that she was) at least we know who wrote it. She probably knows how to pronounce "corpsman" or pronounce “Pakistan” like an American does...guess they didn't cover that at the Harvard Law affirmative action program.
Isn't it is interesting to see how she gets the leftist's blood boiling whenever she speaks!
Your blithering leftist blogs are amusing, and represent why you Liberal are in for an awakening come November. You can change your name {from Liberal, to Progressive, to Populist, to anti whatever you want to ...}, but you can't run from reality. The majority of Americans want a smaller less intrusive government, and the ability to keep more of what they earn. And we want a REAL American to lead this country. They're tired of the thieving Liberal Intelligentsia who think they have the reshape society in their image, an image that we don’t want. A image of bowing down to Arab dictators and apologizing for America. We don’t want someone who won't stop until they've confiscated everyone wealth to promote his socialist agenda. This is our America. The same America that we fought for and some of us died for as did some of our fathers, or husbands of sons did.
The Left has to demonize Sarah Palin because they see her as a prototype of REAL populism, if that is to be understood as a force coming from “regular” people. But the Right?
ReplyDeleteIf you read the comments on that pathetic HuffPo story and the dozens of others like it that are posted every week, (especially the blog written by the person who post's right here, and who's name I can't mention or Pam will delete this comment) you won’t just see the usual left-wing hatred and contempt for anything that might threaten Obama’s agenda. You’ll also note a truly remarkable obsession with Palin’s most minor doings.
There are dozens of blogs and web sites devoted to scrutinizing every word she says, every scrap of paperwork that she generates, every second of video that gets broadcast, every tweet, every Facebook posting, every change of clothes, every domestic squabble or misdeed by her shirt-tail relatives, EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING with the slightest connection to Sarah Palin. Obama himself does not draw such obsessive inquiry into his personal life, let alone his family.
What is the matter with these people? What possesses them to spend an entire weekend reading her latest PAC filing, or jog-shuttling through her latest appearance on TV? And what on Earth can be the source of the venomous, purple-faced, spittle-flecked invective that they heap upon her? They lose all reason and become like howling beasts. All their professed devotion to feminism and bipartisanship flies out the window. It is the most remarkable thing I’ve seen in thirty years of following politics. She is becoming a VERY powerful woman simply by dint of the effect the hateful Left allows her to have upon them.
And by the way, even without crib notes, I’ll bet Sarah knows the “s” in corps is silent. Laughing my azz off.
Just for the record, I think I’ve discovered why Barack Hussein Obama won’t speak without a teleprompter. It was revealed when he tried too speak without one, he actually told the truth.
ReplyDeleteTo the commenter who calls itself )O( and posted this:
ReplyDelete)O( said...
Shaw Kenawe said...
"...call him a pick up truck driver, post his naked pictures that he took 25 years ago and see who gets the boot next.''''
hows that hopie changie thingie working for you?
You are the one who posted the comment on Brown, not I. Please don't credit me for posting something I did not write. This is what YOU wrote:
)O( said...
.Go ahead Satyavati devi dasi, keep calling these folks Tea-baggers and whatever, call him a pick up truck driver, post his naked pictures that he took 25 years ago and see who gets the boot next.
BTW, the hopey changey thing is working just fine. Last time I checked Mr. Obama is still the president with a Democratic majority in Congress, and his approval ratings are back up. I wouldn't count Mr. Obama out just yet.
Oh, and more Americans self-identify as Democrats than they do Republican--only 24% of the voting population self-identify as Republicans. Try winning a presidential election with 24% of the voting populace. You guys have a lot of work to do before you declare Mr. Obama's presidency over.
Wow Good old Shaw is displaying her best HISSY FIT yet.
ReplyDeleteHey Pam, just for the record, is that allowed.
I say Ban Her and take away her lifetime achievement award. Take her out of the Hall of Fame and Put her in the Hall of Shame.
Shaw said
ReplyDelete"Last time I checked Mr. Obama is still the president"
Hillary Clinton said
"I see Islamist terror as No. 1 threat"
I believe she misspoke when she used the terms "Islamic extremists" I thought we weren't supposed to use that term....
I thought Omama was the #1 threat.
I guess Sarah and Mal cannot, or will not respond to the economic facts, or questions I posted yesterday. Who's all wet?
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how many falsehoods are the basis of Republican "truths" about Obama and the current condition of America.
The last month Bush was in office there were 7000,000 jobs lost that month. The unemployment numbers have been going down ever since Obama took office. Last month 20,000 jobs were lost. Who had the highest unemployment numbers?
Funny how the economic and unemployment numbers are better since Obama and his economic packages have be installed. Ask the banks how they went from near bankruptcy, to posting big profits. Ask stock owners how much they made this year, as the stock market saw huge gains. How are these corporations able to hand out big bonuses this year, if they did not make big profits? Seems your words are not backed by the facts.
It will be news to New Yorkers, that half of them are unemployed, because it's simply not true.
The anti-terror unit was moved, but they still patrol NY, its docks, and our monuments. So that's simply not true.
Your priorities for children are telling. It's more important for rich kids to have their dance classes, than for poor kids to have ample food? I choose to give poor kids food.
And yes, we have to make smart choices, that take care of our citizens. Not true, or nice, to call the millions who cannot afford food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and other necessities, as BUMS.
Obama's budget actually increases funding for NASA. He did cancel the Moon landings. Been There, Done That, lets move on to NASA projects that will give a bigger bang (new discoveries and technology) for our tax dollars.
Americans voted for Democratic majority in the Congress and a Democratic President, yet, you claim Americans want Republican government. Just a little disagreement between your opinion and the facts of the results of the American voters.
I saw one liberal blog about Palin using crib notes. I've read multiple conservatives blog about how the liberals are complaining about it. Seems the conservatives are making a bigger deal of it than liberals, but hey, conservatives have to have something to complain about. It's a nothing story. Find something more important to complain about.
Mispronounced words (like nuclear) I guess if that's your big complaint, it's a weak complaint, just as it was against Bush.
I wish Republican attacks against President Obama would be backed up by true facts. It would be nice to have an actual good debate about what he is doing. I guess I will have to settle for exposing the falsehoods of Republican attacks.
TOM said...
ReplyDelete"I guess Sarah and Mal cannot, or will not respond to the economic facts, or questions I posted yesterday"
WILL NOT is the correct answer.
I find that it's a waste of my time to answer you Tom, your blinders on on to tight.
Now pardon me, but I smell the cookies that I have baking in the over burning.
Tom so wisely said...
ReplyDeleteThe anti-terror unit was moved, but they still patrol NY, its docks, and our monuments. So that's simply not true.
Well I guess that this isn't true either!
Senator Charles E. Schumer called on the Obama Administration to abandon its plan to transfer an elite coast guard unit that currently patrols New York City Harbor. Schumer said that the Administration’s budget, released last week, includes a provision to downsize the Coast Guard’s Maritime Safety and Security teams, including transferring the New York City based team to Boston. The New York City based team is staffed by 90 coast guard personal and was assigned to patrol the harbor and surrounding waterways after 9/11. Schumer called on the Obama Administration to abandon its plan to transfer the team or he will move in Congress to block it.
“This plan is simply penny wise and pound foolish,” Schumer said. “Since the mission of these teams is to provide security during major events and when there is a specific threat, taking the teams away from New York City would leave us more vulnerable during the most sensitive times.
You are 100 percent right Mal, I heard that story on the news this morning myself.
ReplyDeleteNapalitano, Holder, Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi ect are liberal, socialist who are more concerned with their progressive agenda than the security of this country. Why hasn't this inept fool Napolitano been fired yet ? Shes another worthless appointment made by our bonehead president.
This is payback by the crooks in the white house. Because they really wanted to hold the terror trials there.
Belaboring a point is like beating a dead horse, so I'll make this brief. There comes a point when it is best to climb down.
ReplyDeleteThere are times when even a crusador should acknowledge human pain and suffering and get off the soapbox. What we don't know about people: Even the most loud-spoken conservative or liberal may be having personal problems ... a job loss, an illness, a death in the family. Who knows? My default assumption is: Never attack a person no matter how obnoxious they are ... because there may be real human suffering in their lives, unbeknownst to us in Cyberspace. And if you piss off that person, they may break (having witnessed one breakdown on the Internet). They will never forgive you and will remain your enemy forever.
Winning hearts and minds ... something we must do if civilization will continue to exist ... will not happen without civility first.
Seems it's the facts you cannot debate, not me. Blinders? What blinders. I gave facts. You do not want to address those facts. Typical Republican tactic, refuse to debate, since you cannot refute the facts that show you are wrong.
ReplyDeleteAre 1/2 of New Yorkers unemployed?
Are fewer people losing their jobs now, than when Bush was president?
Is the economy better now, than a year ago when Obama took office?
Go ahead, avoid the truth and facts, but you lose being a serious, honest opponent of the current President.
I agree with Octy...
ReplyDeleteWe can beat each other over the head about Obama this or Obama that...
But the reality is the problems this nation is facing today did not begin 01/20/09 or with the election of Obama...
While all of us are frustrated with the reality that we find ourselves in as individuals and our country in as a whole we also have to acknowledge this mess is not going to get cleaned up overnight and there are going to have to be some major changes in each and everyone of us as individuals and as citizens.
We can either work together to understand the mess we are in and come to grips with what solutions are possible or....
Or we can keep calling Obama names and bragging about what a great person Sarah Palin is....
Everyone in this country fears for the future because things are so uncertain...but beating up on each other and on Obama is not going to solve anything no matter how good it may make you feel...
I should point out that for myself I sincerely hope that Sarah Palin runs for President.
ReplyDeleteWith all my heart I hope this.
Pam, I'd love to get some opinions from this group on some mail I received lately...
ReplyDeleteis it okay to post a link to it?
Thanks :)
Yes, Satyavati, you can link it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Pam.
ReplyDeleteI recently received some mail and I wrote a post about it. I was hoping to get some opinions from this group. A few of the liberal bloggers have commented; I was hoping for a bipartisan look at it.
Here it is.
TOM said...
ReplyDeleteSeems it's the facts you cannot debate, not me. Blinders? What blinders. I gave facts. You do not want to address those facts. Typical Republican tactic, refuse to debate, since you cannot refute the facts that show you are wrong.
Are 1/2 of New Yorkers unemployed?
Are fewer people losing their jobs now, than when Bush was president?
Is the economy better now, than a year ago when Obama took office?
Go ahead, avoid the truth and facts, but you lose being a serious, honest opponent of the current President.
Tom, even I realize that when Mal said "1/2 of New Yorkers unemployed?" he was generalizing and didn't really mean Half!
However I see that you backed down on his other claim about the Coast Guard in New York! I guess he was correct about that. In fact I know that he was, as I heard and read about it myself this morning.
Tao, you said "Or we can keep calling Obama names and bragging about what a great person Sarah Palin is...."
I may be wrong but it was the Libs that were calling Sarah Palin names and it was the Libs that were blogging about her, as for saying "what a great person she is... I must have missed that I didn't read where anyone at all said that.
So, Wordsmith...
ReplyDeleteFocus on just one half the sentence?
Is it "the Libs" who are bad mouthing Obama?
Or is it that you read what you want to make a point and disregard everything else?
It''s too bad Wordschmit,but we liberals have no intentions to bow down you conservative idiots
ReplyDeleteWe no longer wish to hear anything about your abortion crap or any other dumb ideas of yours.
We have taken their crap long enough and we are not going to take it anymore. Truth and Shaw a a few others have stood up to them and we are not about to back down to them and kiss their behinds now.
They’ve screwed up this country over and over again and now that we are in control we aim to stay there. We don't need a fat idiot like Rush limbargh or Glenn Beck to show us how to run America, they already had 8 years to try and look at how they fucked it up. Think for yourselves. Regardless of their good intentions they are destroying America. ... It's the racist conservatives who are ruining America. It’s that loudmouth group of angry Tea-party goes that are the hypocrites. These Racist, conservative, are backward people and they do not represent me. Dear Conservative Movement: Stop Ruining My Life, and My Families Life.
So you can take your advice and stick it where the sun don’t shine. And stop giving others you kissie advice. We don’t need it and we don’t want it. And as far as Sarah Palin is concerned, she is certifiably insane and the biggest hypocrite in America. Sarah is such fun to watch! I'm only sorry that she's probably not going to be around very long. She seems to get either bored or overwhelmed by any job she's had ... and quits
Anonymous who posted as "Stev" before: you will continue to be deleted as long as you refer to people as "you conservative idiots". As I mentioned, I am a Conservative and I'm NOT an idiot. Rephrase your comment without name-calling and it will be permitted or go a-trolling elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteThat's the problem with these Republicans that only generalize their hate with unfounded claims about Obama.
When they talk facts, they don't really mean it, because their facts are wrong.
I didn't back down. He said he refuses to discuss with me. The End.
The United States has not stopped security patrols for NY.
Schumer is upset because NY lost an anti terrorist unit.
Schumer is a NY Sen. What would you expect him to say.
That's like cutting of corn subsidies and expecting a Sen. from Iowa not to say anything.
The implication is that Obama is soft on terrorism. Another falsehood.
He sent 30,000 troops to enliven the war in Afghanistan, and has had repeated news reports recently about the killing of top terror leaders. Seems his war in Afghanistan is going well.
Something Bush neglected at our peril, while we have had to put up with constant videos from Bin Laden taunting us and continuing to send attackers to the U.S.
I think that the President's increased attention to Afghanistan is a good thing. It is recent, though, and until then (most of his Presidency so far), he let it slide, keeping the previous "neglected at our peril" (so to speak) policies of Bush.
ReplyDeleteTom said: "The implication is that Obama is soft on terrorism. Another falsehood."
Not sure who/what exactly you are commenting on, but I'd not consider him to be soft on terrorism, when you consider his striking back and the pirates early on, and his ongoing concerted efforts fighting back against terrorists (drones, etc) on the Pakistan front.
During Obama's run for President he continuously said that he wanted out of Iraq and would escalate in Afghanistan. Nothing new there.
ReplyDeleteReffering to Mals comment:
"And now he’s cutting down on New York’s Homeland Security funds while the terrorists are have a field day."
I read this as saying Obama is soft on terrorism.
And this line from Mal intimating that Obama is not only soft on terrorism, but wants America to be attacked.
ReplyDelete"It “almost” seems as if he wants NY to get hit again."
I wanted to make a couple of points about the USCG.
ReplyDeleteThis is a topic I know a bit about. My father was USCG Pier 9 NY (which no longer exists). Both my parents were USCGAUX; my father held coxswain until his death and my mother continues as secretary for District 5 SR Flotilla 10-06 (Wilmington, NC). Both of them have received medals and commendations for service including search and rescue.
New York City is part of District 1 which is headquarted in Boston. A quick look at the USCG website (if you are familiar with New York localities) will show you that the entire NY metro area is crawling with USCG, throughout Long Island Sound as well as New York Harbor and all points in between.
The mission of homeland security is not the exclusive responsibility of the 90 members of the MSST. Every single Coast Guard unit participates in security and safety missions; the transfer of one team does not mean that New York will no longer have harbor security. They have always had harbor security.
For example, in my mother's area, Stations Oak Island, Wrightsville Beach, and Wilmington all share the responsibility of protecting the Port of Wilmington-which, by the way, is home to Sunny Point Miltary Ocean Terminal, a nuclear facility, and is within 40 miles of both Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune, all of which make it a lucrative target.
In addition to enlisted personnel, USCGAUX members provide assistance with security and safety patrols, rescue missions and public education. These volunteers are trained by and function under the command of local Coast Guard personnel and can provide valuable services.
When the Zhen Hua 16 arrived in Wilmington with four 100' container cranes, AUX personnel provided traffic management to shut down the port channel of the Cape Fear River and were of immediate assistance when the Zhen Hua 16 clipped the US Army Corps of Engineers ship near the port terminal. By taking on the less-intense tasks of the mission AUX allowed the USCG to focus its resources most effectively.
In addition to the many USCG personnel that will continue to be stationed in NY regardless of the transfer of the MSST, there are 25 divisions of USCGAUX that assist with the tri-state area including the Hudson River and Lake Champlain.
The USCG takes on many more and diverse missions besides just that of marine security, including intercepting drug traffic, aids to navigation, search and rescue and vessel safety. Simply because an MSST is transferred out of the area does not mean security stops or that patrols cease. These tasks will never end, because they are part of everyday activities of all USCG units everywhere, not just that of MSST.
Tom said: "And this line from Mal intimating that Obama is not only soft on terrorism, but wants America to be attacked."
ReplyDeleteLet's fact check this, shall we? I'll let the chips fall where they may.
The specific quote from Mal was: " And now he’s cutting down on New York’s Homeland Security funds while the terrorists are have a field day"
According to RTE, in Obama's 2010 budget "The Homeland Security Department gets a 2% funding raise to $43.6bn". I did find references to certain parts of the Homeland Security budget being cut, but that is as the overall budget increases
(money moved from one place to another, and overall more money for it). Some of the funding increases go to "which will include money to deploy 1,000 new imaging technology screening machines and explosives detection equipment at airports. The budget will also provide funding for more federal air marshals on international flights in a bid to ward off future attacks, the officials said."
So the evidence shows Obama's Homeland Security budget as getting harder, not softer, on terrorists overall.
Let's go back a year. In 2009, the Homeland Security budget increases 7% from the year before. This was Bush's ordered budget. Bush's budget becamee Obama's budget (for better or for worse, as we discussed earlier with the deficit) of 2009, so here we had Obama presiding over a 7% increase in the Homeland Security budget for 2009, the year before he asked for a 2% increase.
That's increase, not cuts. Sorry, Mal. When it comes to Homeland Security budgets, there's been no slashing under Obama. Maybe he's soft on terrorists in other aspects of his policies, but the evidence on Homeland Security budgets shows the opposite of "getting soft".
I truly believe Malcontent and the rest of the Long Beach New York Society, as well as McConnel, Boehner and the cabal running the republican party are the ones that want America to be attacked. You people are so desirous to say "I told you so" that you would actually hope something as heinous and despicable as that occur.
ReplyDeleteMal and Co. only wish to see what they want. They have no use for information other than what comes from their own imaginations. Or the mouth of Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck.
The last I saw the Military convicted three scumbags of terrorist activity. Our courts have convicted over 190.
The real fact of the matter is your hatred of President Obama for whatever reasons you people have made up has blinded you to the realities that face us and any solutions at all. The only thing you will say is that you disagree with anything Obama does. Even if it was fine with you when Bush did it.
TOM said...
That's the problem with these Republicans! Schumer is a NY Sen. What would you expect him to say. "
So now its Schumer? What happened to Bush?
Satyavati devi dasi said...
ReplyDeleteI wanted to make a couple of points about the USCG."
Satyavati devi dasi, SORRY, but your points are SOO, off track that it's not funny.
Maybe, just maybe some of these points WERE true in your fathers days, but so was my fathers 1951 Packard convertible.
Te whole point is that the mission we (I) am talking about is none and I repeat NONE of the issues or duties that the Coast Guard is performing in NY in THIS case.
the coast guard is patrolling New York's harbors looking for terrorists Not Drugs, not Illegal Immigrants, not Crime. Nothing but Terrorists. NOTHING Else!
This group was formed after and established after 9/11 to patrol New York Harbor with special sensors etc to search for Terrorists.
Yes, I think I know a bit about New York, I was born and raised there (here) and I still live here as well as working here and having a bit to do with it's security.
This unit is even called, “The Elite Coast Guard Counter-Terror Patrol” Why else would they be given this name if that was not their primary mission?
Here is a article saying just that.
Schumer Slams Obama's NY Harbor Patrol Cuts
Sen. Chuck Schumer had some harsh words for Homeland Security today regarding its plan to cut coast guard counter-terror patrols from NY’s shores. The units have patrolled the harbor and surrounding waterways since the September 11th attacks.
The Coast Guard insists the mission of the unit remains unchanged and that resources will continue to focus on the nation's highest regional threats.
“If there was ever a plan that was penny wise and pound foolish, this is it," said the senior senator.
So please don't shoot down the messenger, (Malcontent) for stating the facts as they are!
Sometimes I wonder about this administration (Barack, Harry, Nancy, Holder Rahm Gather). Are they STUPID OR ARROGANT or BOTH?
ReplyDeleteIt's unbelievable, It seems to me that Obama's strategy (Or lack therof) is a "shout out" to the terrorists to let them know it's still OK to attack Americans. Go right ahead, how can I help you!
ReplyDeleteJust let me know and I'll get my sock puppet Eric Holder to take care of it for you!
Sound familiar?
When are we going to stop messing around with this Administration's lunacy? This president is on the road to impeachment! He's pandering to murder and terror. What will it take for REAL Americans to wake up? Another airliner crashing into a skyscraper? A rouge nuclear suitcase exploding in a city? He took an oath to defend the Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic. As far as I can tell, he's an empty suit; empty of all that we value as REAL Americans! Whoever he is, I pray that he resigns as Nixon did in his moment of dishonor.
ReplyDeleteBut not him, not with his arrogance. That's going to happen when pigs fly.
He is so completely enveloped by narcissism that it has consumed all rational thought. Everything is about HIM!
Thank you for your service to our country Malcontent. In regard to this fool in the White House, they took an oath as you and I did when we entered the military to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. This president acts are questionable and considered detrimental to the function of the office of commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces.
ReplyDeleteAs for the 9-11 terrorists trial. Let a proper Military Court handle this trial where it belongs. Hasn't anyone 'got a pair' anymore?
This president along with his AG Holder, both have a massive chip on their shoulders coupled with a dash of ignorance.
Something is definitely wrong with these people in charge. Something just ain't adding up here.
I agree with the other sharp-witted commenter, shoot down the messenger instead of believing the story!
ReplyDeleteFor havens sake, don't Kill the Messenger do the research and think for your selves. As a few other have pointed out, all it takes is a google search.
This President along with his henchmen are a bunch of self-aggrandizing liars and a classless jerks who don’t give a damn about it’s cititizary . I firmly believe that Barry studied the Constitution not to UPHOLD it but to DISMANTLE it.
While I don’t agree with what Satyavati devi dasi said and I can understand her wanting to defend her Dear Leader, as she herself is a lefty. I can’t understand anyone twisting the facts as they appear right in front of our eyes. I surely am not a defender of Chuck Schumer, in fact I can’t stand the self loving idiot. But what he said is in every newspaper and on every radio/TV station here in New York. It don’t take a Brain Surgeon” to do the research and see the facts as they are, it might prove to be most illuminating, instead of voicing and writing silly and factitious opinions.
ReplyDeleteOctopüß said...
Shaw, the comment thread where Wordsmith was "outed" as a Freeper Troll took place over a year ago, When WS was outed, he/she flew into a tirade ... every expletive in the lexicon and beyond. Here is what Wordsmith now says (above):
"I don't even know where Freeper is or how to get there, I have heard of it on blogs, but sorry to disappoint you...."
Feigning dumbness, the denial is disingenuous and false. Wordsmith is a Freeper troll (and I will inform Pam via private email).
This outrageous lying, scandaling, devious, trouble making, illusion of deception this is so typical of the of the Liberal establishment. They do whatever it takes to void my credibility and thus discredit anything I may say or write.
Well it is NOT going to work. I didn’t spend 4 years serving my country in the United States Army in a hell hole called Iraq to have a twirp like him ruin my reputation, and the high standards that I stand for and that I demand. While these punks hang around the candy store smoking weed and coke and receiving Government handouts.
Thank you for your time. Delete this if you may, I don’t care as I won’t be coming back anymore, I won’t be insulted and degraded by these LIBERAL ass-whips.
Friend of your or not! These people are disgusting and an insult to all Americans. All of them from Octopus to Shaw Kenawe and Truth101, I'll name them if you want to delete it go ahead and do so and you will be just like them.
Wordsmith wrote:
ReplyDelete"Friend of your or not! These people are disgusting and an insult to all Americans. All of them from Octopus to Shaw Kenawe and Truth101, I'll name them if you want to delete it go ahead and do so and you will be just like them."
But neglects to mention that he came to my blog yesterday--of his own free will--I had never mentioned his name or written one word about him, and proceeded to write this:
The Wordsmith said...
Shaw Kenawe is STILL whining and detached from reality These dip shit libs will harp on the smallest of things when shown the big picture. Face it libtards you have just been put on notice. 2010 will be a tough year for all you socialist pigs.February 8, 2010 11:33 AM
And then he calls me disgusting?
I really, really do believe people like Wordsmith are suffering from sor of incurable malady. How else to explain his coming uninvited to my blog, calling me names and then saying I'm disgusting?
There is no rational explanation for his irrational behavior. None.
Wordsmith, you have some deep seated anger problems and an inability to take responsibility for your own rude behavior.
Leave me out of your self-absorbed rant. I have done nothing to you.
Boy oh boy Wordsmith you really said a mouthful. And I have to agree with you. The left will do whatever it takes to shut us up and get their vicious message out there. It's the same with Rush Limbaugh, just because Rush speaks his mind about what he believes, he is hated. No other reason.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sure as hell as soon as Pamela sees your post she's going to delete it, she delete a few of mine for saying much less than you did.
Despite all this outrageous conduct by the left, they are defended. I guess people bend over backwards to apease them. I can see that you won't..
For every lying, cheating, foaming-at-the-mouth temper tantrum, foot stomping liberal who thinks their doing the world a service by making an unbalanced, and shallow statement there are guys like you and so many others right here on this blog that will not stand by and let them get away with it.
Good for you.
But good luck to you buddy, don't give up the fight, people like me and many others have your back.
By the way, I heard that Dear Leader Obama said on Sunday that he has not ruled out a New York trial for Sept. 11 terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Shaw Kenawe, siad....
ReplyDelete"And then he calls me disgusting?"
"I really, really do believe people like Wordsmith are suffering from sor of incurable malady. How else to explain his coming uninvited to my blog, calling me names and then saying I'm disgusting?"
Maybe because you are!
And I never know that people had to be "invited" to post on your presious warped blog!
As for your liberal gang of , I also agree with wordsmith... There must be a Full Moon out there today....Liberals continue to attack and make outrageous and unsubstantiated allegations and statement and we all know that they are LYING thru their teeth.
ReplyDeleteEvery comment is a self-portrait of the person who wrote it.
Thanks for revealing to us all what sort of a person you are.
Wordsmith wrote:
ReplyDeleteTOM said...
That's the problem with these Republicans! Schumer is a NY Sen. What would you expect him to say. "
So now its Schumer? What happened to Bush?
February 9, 2010 7:08 AM
How nice paste two sentences from two different comments I made, to make it appear they were related, when they were not.
I never said Bush had anything to do with this NY terror unit issue, because he does not.
Thanks for showing your dishonesty and proving my point about you,Mal, and others being irrational, dishonest, and not worth discussing with.
Faced with the facts, refuse to discuss.
Discuss by fabricating things I never said.
Enjoy living your delusion.
Some of you folks should be left out of any discussions to debate and help solve problems.
You are not interested in finding solutions, only tearing people apart, that are serious about finding solutions to problems.
Stop trying to destroy America and people who are serious about looking for solutions to problems.
Try proving, with facts, what you say. You cannot so, you continue to be nasty and dishonest. That is your only ammunition to defend yourselves with.
Mal and SarahG refuse to respond, answer questions, or address facts, and Wordsmith has make up things I never said.
Obama's approval rating has sunk to a new low -- ( how low can he go?) The independent voters who put him to the White House have gotten downright sick of the job he's doing as did many of the democrats as well.
ReplyDeleteObama and the Left has had a tough week, but it's not JUST that Scott Brown won in MA. It's bigger than that.
So it stand to reason that Shaw and company is so upset today. Maybe we should put her on American Idol as a judge. Simon has gotten to be a bit soft lately.
Remember that old saying..."Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake".
I though Bush did a fine job reading the cue cards when he and Clinton did the support Haiti commercial. I was impressed he didn't have to keep looking at his hands to remind him to say key words.
ReplyDeleteBrooklyn Guy: I deleted a past comment because you insulted a specific person. I can go back and repost it as I save all comments, even deleted ones, but we both know that’s not necessary. And would you please, as a favor to me, not refer to any of my readers as “disgusting”. It’s a direct reflection of my blog and the mission I’m trying to accomplish. Thank you for your cooperation.
ReplyDeleteActually Scott Brown is my kind of Republican--a Liberal Republican--and will have to stay one if he hopes get re-elected in Massachusetts.
ReplyDeleteScott Brown voted for universal health care in Massachusetts--(so he is for government helping people deal with health care)--good for him!
He supports a woman's right to an abortion. Good for him!
And he accepts gay marriage--as he put it: it is "settled law" in Massachusetts.
None of those issues is supported by the Palinists. None. Thank goodness Scott Brown is not an extreme rightwinger on those important issues.
Unhappy? Goodness no. I support those three issues that Brown supports--good old fashioned liberal ideals.
Scott Brown is 1% of the voting Senate, and the 41st Republican out of 100 Senators. His party is the minority party, and as a result, he will not have any chairmanships awarded to him. Plus he is a JUNIOR Senator, without any seniority, so he'll get obscure appointments to senate committees.
IOW, he'll have very little impact on the Obama administration, if any at all.
What he did do was wake up the Democratic Party and forced it to not take any contested seat for granted. The result of which will be better run campaigns. We are grateful to him for that.
Here's how Nate Silver of the website Five Thirty Eight (which predicted correctly that Obama/Biden would defeat McCain/Palin in 2008.) Here's what Silver has to say about Scott Brown and his voting record in Massachusetts as a LIBERAL Republican:
"...two thirds of other Massachusetts Republican state legislators were more conservative than he was. This is evidence for my [Boris's] claim that he’s a liberal even in his own party. What’s remarkable about this is the fact that Massachusetts Republicans are the most, or nearly the most, liberal Republicans in the entire country!"
Unhappy? Only in your imagination, mal.
Also, you're wrong about Mr. Obama's job approval rating: it is 51%, about where it was for Ronald W Reagan at this point in his presidency.
IOW a majority of Americans approve of what he's doing.
Where do you get your information? It seems always to be wrong.
Shaw sid:
ReplyDeleteUnhappy? Only in your imagination, mal.
Also, you're wrong about Mr. Obama's job approval rating: it is 51%, about where it was for Ronald W Reagan at this point in his presidency.
First of all, why is it "Ronald W Reagan"
And "MR.Obama"
If that's the respect you have OR LACK of it, then I don't even wish to continue this ASININE conversation!!!!!
So I won't!
But if anyone else has any doubts about the validity of my post.
Here is the proof.
President Obama's overall approval rating has sunk to a new low -- and independent voters who propelled him to the White House have gotten downright sick of the job he's doing, according to a devastating poll released yesterday.
Obama's job-approval rating has tanked to a dismal 29 percent among independents, the Marist College survey found. His disapproval rating is nearly twice as high -- 57 percent.
Obama's overall approval among all registered voters hit a new low of 44 percent, the lowest of any poll that uses people to survey voters.
APPresident Barack Obama
President Barack Obama
The near-total loss of independents could prove catastrophic for Democrats if the trend holds through Election Day this year
Shaw also said:
"Also, you're wrong about Mr. Obama's job approval rating: it is 51%, about where it was for Ronald W Reagan at this point in his presidency.
IOW a majority of Americans approve of what he's doing.
Where do you get your information? It seems always to be wrong.
So MY information that I "ALWAYS GET WRONG" is NOT wrong!
When Shaw manages to find some respect for Mr.Ronald W Reagan
I will then consider continuing this. To Put OBAMA'A name with a Mr. before it and not do the same for MR. Reagan is a slap in the face I do not care for.
Let me put it in writing!
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON -- President Obama's overall approval rating has sunk to a new low -- and independent voters who propelled him to the White House have gotten downright sick of the job he's doing, according to a devastating poll released yesterday.
Obama's job-approval rating has tanked to a dismal 29 percent among independents, the Marist College survey found. His disapproval rating is nearly twice as high -- 57 percent.
Obama's overall approval among all registered voters hit a new low of 44 percent, the lowest of any poll that uses people to survey voters.
The near-total loss of independents could prove catastrophic for Democrats if the trend holds through Election Day this year.
Democrats lost independents in off-year elections in New Jersey and Virginia, and most recently in Massachusetts last month, when the party lost Ted Kennedy's old seat.
ReplyDeleteYour indignation is noted and laughed at. This is on you own blog where you posted on Ronald W. Reagan's birthday:
"Oh how I still love Ronald Reagan, and what he represented and the patriotism that he brought to America. . Though I was knee high to a grasshopper...the excitement and the love of country that Ronald Reagan brought into the White House...I thank God for Ronald Reagan and his years in office for I believe that, along with my parents, they helped shape me into the patriot that I am today."
You don't refer to Ronald Reagan either as Mr. Ronald Reagan nor as President Ronald Reagan--and on your OWN blog. Where is the respect?
And shouldn't Reagan be given an honorific whether he's mentioned in the same paragraph or not as any other president? Apparently you don't believe so, since you didn't do it.
You and Sarah Palin have a lot in common. You're both inconsistent when it comes to getting outraged over piddlin' issues even you don't follow.
Good post Mal..
ReplyDeleteAs they say, I guess that reality is finally sinking in.
The hope and change thing is becoming a joke.. Maybe if you feel like I do, we need a change. If things continue like this, all you'll have left is hope, and any change will be the few coins you'll have left in your pocket.
His Imperial Magnificence, the emperor, has set about systematically destroying the foundations of American life as we have known it. I guess that this is the change he promised,
People are angry, and they’re frustrated. Not just because of what’s happened in the last 8 years, but what’s happened over the 12 months..
How anyone can defend Obama after not only what he has done to our nation, but what he has done on the world stage in his "I am sorry about America" tours), is beyond me. I guess that the hope and change express has stalled. Most polls show No Hope is left for our Dear leader. .
But in reading the Liberal's blogs you would never know it.
Pam, thank you for this wonderful blogging experience. It worked out really well. The usual suspects have said exactly what was expected of them.
Shaw, Shaw, Shaw, once again YOUR Reading Comprehension has failed you miserably. My snipe at your comment was because you mentioned MR. OBAMA and “Ronald W. Reagan” "The Gipper," "The Great Communicator" in the same sentence. Otherwise, I would have not had any problem addressing our 40th President of the United States by his name only.
ReplyDeleteBut you always seem to fail to do so. It’s always Mr. Obama and never Mr. Reagan or Mr. Bush.... is it and I know as well as you do that you do that intentionally. So don’t play that game with me.
The most recent poll told us many things about the true feelings toward President Obama when compared to the previous administration. While 56% of all those polled said they were somewhat dissatisfied with President Obama, when asked how his administration compared on a satisfaction index of one thru ten with the Bush administration, an overwhelming 86% gave Obama a score of seven or above.
ReplyDeleteI hope this enlightens my friends like Malcontent and Professor of Life as to what is really in the minds of the people. They know President Obama inherited a mess from President Bush and we can't go back to that way of running government.
"Pam, thank you for this wonderful blogging experience. It worked out really well. The usual suspects have said exactly what was expected of them."
ReplyDeleteThanks Professor of Life...it is so true, one right after another you and your GOOSETEPPING bretherns march all over whatever discussion could exist and just go on and on with your over the top hysterics and hyperbole...
Feigned indignation and all the theatrics of cheap whores...
Yes, Pam, your blog is nothing but a beer hall for a bunch of drunk BROWNSHIRTS....
No solutions, no ideas, just ranting juvenile hysterics....
Wrong again, mal.
ReplyDeletemalcontent wrote: "My snipe at your comment was because you mentioned MR. OBAMA and “Ronald W. Reagan” "The Gipper," "The Great Communicator" in the same sentence. Otherwise, I would have not had any problem addressing our 40th President of the United States by his name only."
Wrong again. Here's what I actually wrote, and it's on this thread for your to verify:
SK wrote: "Unhappy? Only in your imagination, mal. Also, you're wrong about Mr. Obama's job approval rating: it is 51%, about where it was for Ronald W Reagan at this point in his presidency."
Nowhere do I refer to Reagan as "The Gipper" or "The Great Communicator."
And unless you've read my entire blog over the last 3 years, this is just conjecture--saying I "always seem" to do something doesn't make it so.
malcontent typed: "But you always seem to fail to do so. It’s always Mr. Obama and never Mr. Reagan or Mr. Bush.... is it and I know as well as you do that you do that intentionally. So don’t play that game with me."
You don't "know" anything of the sort. Usually, people project their dubious motivations onto others when they say things like that. You, malcontent, have absolutely NO insight as to what I do or do not do--intentionally or not intentionally.
I hesitate to tell you this, malcontent, but you are not God, therefore, you have no idea what I or anyone else thinks or intends.
Good day.
Let me clarify this.
ReplyDeleteThis is what I said:
The mission of homeland security is not the exclusive responsibility of the 90 members of the MSST. Every single Coast Guard unit participates in security and safety missions; the transfer of one team does not mean that New York will no longer have harbor security. They have always had harbor security.
Then a group of people jumped in after this comment:
Te whole point is that the mission we (I) am talking about is none and I repeat NONE of the issues or duties that the Coast Guard is performing in NY in THIS case.
the coast guard is patrolling New York's harbors looking for terrorists.
According to the United States Coast Guard, the Maritime Safety and Security Teams deployed throughout the country are engaged in multiple missions (below taken from the USCG webpage)
Multi-mission active duty mobile Maritime Safety and Security Teams, modeled after Coast Guard expeditionary Port Security Units (Reserve Component) and Law Enforcement Detachments, will be established regionally to protect military load-outs, enforce security zones (moving and fixed), defend critical waterside facilities in strategic ports, interdict illegal activities and provide a modest level of shore-side force protection.
* Provide enhanced port safety and security and law enforcement capabilities to the economic or military significant port where they are based.
* Deploy in support of national special security events requiring Coast Guard presence, such as OpSail, Olympics, major disasters or storm recovery operations.
* Deploy on board cutters and other naval vessels to accomplish port safety and security, drug law enforcement, migrant interdiction or other maritime homeland security mission requirements.
* Respond to terrorist threats or incidents in ports and waterways throughout the country.
* All MSSTs are Search and Rescue (SAR) capable. MSST coxswains are qualified to handle search & rescue cases.
So as you can see, the MSST does a whole lot more than just dragging the harbour 'looking for terrorists'. They work in conjunction with and alongside of other USCG units.
Additionally, USCG personnel are deployed throughout the world in support of Naval operations.
Therefore, as you can see, the MSST is adjunctive to existing USCG units and provides an additional layer of support to an already existing infrastructure.
Shaw Said:
ReplyDeleteI hesitate to tell you this, malcontent, but you are not God, therefore, you have no idea what I or anyone else thinks or intends.
Ah, But I may be! Only the Shadow knows.....
Satyavati devi dasi... You are beyond reasoning with, so why bother.
I think IO smell my Brownies burning in the oven, so I have to go ....
And they are not called the "Elite Coast Guard Anti-Terrorist Patrol", they are called the Maritime Safety and Security Team, aka MSST.
ReplyDeleteThis is according to the Coast Guard, who, I trust, would be the most knowledgeable source regarding their units, the names thereof and what exactly it is they do for a living.
Satyavati devi dasi... You are beyond reasoning with, so why bother.
ReplyDeleteI suggest if you doubt the validity of anything whatsoever I've said, you do your own research on it. The United States Coast Guard maintains a very comprehensive website in which you can find extensive information about every boat, every unit, every division and every team.
My information came direct from the source, ie the United States Coast Guard. It didn't come from the NY Post, the Daily News or some guy in a coffee shop.
If you want to doubt the veracity of the United States Coast Guard regarding their own units, teams, and missions, you are free to do so.
But to say I'm 'beyond reasoning' is a stretch. Perhaps you are also beyond reasoning with the USCG, since their own information contradicts what you believe?
Satyavati devi dasi said...
ReplyDelete“My information came direct from the source, ie the United States Coast Guard. It didn't come from the NY Post, the Daily News or some guy in a coffee shop.”
These people are amazing, they are so duped that they don’t even know it.
So I guess we are supposed to believe you and not the News on the radio or Eyewitness news, or Fox news, or WABC news, TV, NY Post, or the MarineLog, the Daily News or the many other newspapers that are reporting this story, or the word of a US Senator and not the word of the malcontent or even the links that were provided!
Or even Google where I found all these links.
But I should believe you? Ya gotta be kidding! Why should I believe you, I can’t even pronounce your name!
So I guess we are supposed to believe you and not the News on the radio or Eyewitness news, or Fox news, or WABC news, TV, NY Post, or the MarineLog, the Daily News or the many other newspapers that are reporting this story,
ReplyDeleteNo.. please don't believe me.
Please go to www.uscg.mil and do your own research.
If you choose, of course, you can also refuse to believe the United States Coast Guard in favour of whomever else you'd like, but as far as I'm concerned, if it's a Coast Guard unit, the Coast Guard would be the best place to find accurate information about what the unit is, where it is, and what it does for a living.
And just for the sake of being objective: I followed your Google link, clicked on the top result, and came up with Senator Schumer's page.
ReplyDeleteOn Senator Schumer's page, I found the following information:
Schumer said the New York City MSST performs both port security and harbor security missions, providing additional security for major events but also responding to specific treat activity. For example, when there is a reported threat against the Brooklyn Bridge or the Statue of Liberty, the MSST is charged with providing surveillance and guarding those areas. The team also provides security for other coast guard forces in ports and inland waters.
MSSTs are also responsible for boarding suspect vessels, patrolling critical infrastructure, escorting potentially hazardous cargo (i.e. liquid natural gas vessels, liquid propane gas vessels etc), and responding to unanticipated events such as natural disasters etc.
If you take a moment to scroll upwards to my last comments, you will find that Senator Schumer's remarks on the MSST's mission are in no way contradictory to anything the United States Coast Guard has on their website, which I quoted from.
So you don't have to believe me. You can believe Senator Schumer.
well I wentto your site, www.uscg.mil and found NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH about this story!
ReplyDeleteYet on mals site I found 20 storires that peoved it to be true.
You arew wasting your time srguing with the reactionary righties Saty.
ReplyDeleteThey hate America and now they hate the Coast Guard because you know abunch of stuff about it.
For God's sakes woman! Don't say anything about any other branch of the armed services. Our Troops have enough troubles with the reactionaries pretending to like them. If they think you are an expert on them also imagine how bad they would make it for them. Remember Walter Reed.
The right hates out Troops.
God bless the reactionary righties though.
ReplyDeletewell I wentto your site, www.uscg.mil and found NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH about this story!
ReplyDeleteYet on mals site I found 20 storires that peoved it to be true.
I'm sorry.. was there something in any of the comments I've posted in which I denied that MSST New York is up for consolidation into Boston... or that I stated the story wasn't true?
I never stated the story wasn't true.
What I was correcting were these inaccurate statements made by Malcontent:
The whole point is that the mission we (I) am talking about is none and I repeat NONE of the issues or duties that the Coast Guard is performing in NY in THIS case.
the coast guard is patrolling New York's harbors looking for terrorists Not Drugs, not Illegal Immigrants, not Crime. Nothing but Terrorists. NOTHING Else!
This unit is even called, “The Elite Coast Guard Counter-Terror Patrol” Why else would they be given this name if that was not their primary mission?
Both of these statements are inaccurate. The unit is not called 'The Elite Coast Guard Counter-Terror Patrol', it is called the Maritime Safety and Security Team (MSST).
And, according to the United States Coast Guard, the MSST is engaged in multiple missions, including but not limited to port safety and security, drug law enforcement, migrant interdiction or other maritime homeland security mission requirements.
Thus, Malcontent's comments were inaccurate. They have now been corrected with accurate information.
Can I clear up any more of your confusion, or are you all right now?
I apologise.
ReplyDeleteThe inaccurate statements were made by Debonair Dude, not Malcontent.
Apologies again.
All inaccuracies have now been corrected.
Pam, Just to let you know...
ReplyDeleteI have moved my blog and changed directions:
ReplyDeleteThe right hates out Troops.
Now I head it all!
Your crowd called Senator Kerry a coward Mal. They called McCain a coward during the 2000 primaries against Mr. Bush.
ReplyDeleteYour obsfucation by calling me a name might make your guilty comrades happy Mal. But I am left no other conclusion than you and your reactionary friends hate our Troops.
Prove me wrong. I've said dozens of times I would be more than happy to see my taxes raised to pay for well planned, successful occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. That I would proudly pay more to see that the promises we made our Veterans were kept.
In four years of blogging only two right leaing bloggers agreed that they also would pay more to see that our Troops and Veterans are treated with the respect they deserve. Neither of them was a reationary rightie. Where do you stand Mal? Will you join me in wanting our Troops and Veterans treated with dignity and respect or will you continue to hate them along with the rest of your crowd?
ReplyDeleteThe right hates out Troops.
Whether or not I am a scumbag is irrelevent to the obvious conclusion that you and your ilk hate our Troops Malcontent. If having that truth exposed about you and your friends angers you so much that you have to call me a "classless scumbag" that's just a cross I'll have to bear.
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TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteYour crowd called Senator Kerry a coward Mal.
AND I NEVER CALLED SEN. KERRY OR ANY VET A COWARD!! I have more respect form people that served our country to call them TROOP HATERS! as YOU did.
You are a punk and a COWARD!
Where were YOU when I and so many others like myself were over seas away from our loved ones serving the country we love?
Were you at McDonald's, or Kentucky Fried Chicken?
You are the bottom of the barrel, the barrel of manure for what you said!
Just in case you are not aware of it.. we have a volunteer military . And you can bet on it that most likely 90 percent of the men and women that VOLUNTEER are who YOU called "RIGHTIES THAT HATE THE TROOPS"! You can hat that to the bank, and you can think about what you said while you eat your Big Mac today!
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteYou are wasting your time arguing with the reactionary righties Saty.
They hate America and now they hate the Coast Guard.
The right hates out Troops.
Pam, Please Do Not Delete any of these comments, I want everyone to see what a hypocritical Truthless gutless, disrespectful person this guy really is. I may be passionate about what say, but I say what I believe. And I want people to be able to Sadly see how much real hate is out there.
It’s true that sometimes I may come off as being a bit bitter, and this is one of the reasons why.
I have had several family members or friend who have serve in combat and not come back, or that have come back to ruined lives in some way, and yes they were probably all right-wingers.. But were they TROOP HATERS or Cowards as this guy said! I don’t think I even will lower myself to answer that.. The answer is pretty obvious.
Just keep in mind that we all had Father’s Mother’s, Husband’s Wive’s Son’s and Daughter’s that served one time or another. And these are the people he called “Troop Haters”
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI don’t have a personal but I hear you loud and clear. When you get down to it, some of the idiots out there or just that “Idiots”! But folks who know better do appreciate our troops and support them. . I'd buy you a beer (or your drink of choice) if I could. But I salute you! And God bless you!
ReplyDeleteMaybe this guy Truth101 just needs to be need to be airdropped into CHINA! Or CUBA to understand.
There are countries that don't like the fact that we can say what we want to. So I guess you have the troops to thank for that. And you can also thank them for protecting your sorry a$$ from the terrorists and in all of the other wars that this country has had and will have. They will protect your children and your children's children. Our troops have made sure that the wars have not been brought home to their country so that people like you can stay in your nice warm bed at night and enjoy your daily life. Its sad to think that there are people out there that would hate the freedoms that the American troops fight for. So the next time that you complain to your friends remember that you have that freedom because someone fought for your right to do that. And the next time that you walk out side and don't see a war on your front steps, thank a soldier. Because it is because of them that this country has remained free and you have your rights. So grow up and get over yourself because everything that you do on a daily basis wouldn't be possible with out our troops.
And to our brave, courageous, honorable and patriotic, troops: Thank you for all that you have done, come home safe!!!!
PS.. My husband serves in the National Guard and just recently got back from Iraq. You do-not realize the sacrifices they make being away from there families and kids. Why don’t you get off your cowardly lazy behind and unplug your computer and go back to goat herding. Our troops are the ones protecting you and your freedom to type such crap. so if you can't support them then leave! Actually, that is my opinion based on my own observations and experiences with American GI’s. Im sure your opinion, which I disagree with, is based on your experiences. Isn't it wonderful, however, that we live in a country where we can express our opinions freely, without fear of having our heads chopped off like in other countries ...Could you imagine me, being a woman and all, expressing my opinions in a Muslim country?
Sorry, the first line in my comment was supposed to read.
ReplyDeleteI don’t have a personal blog but I hear you loud and clear.
I also served and I was stationed in Kuwait for 13 months and I left my wife and home and job to do what had to be done. And I am a proud Conservative as well, But I guess I fall under Truth’s category of Rightwing troop haters. Well Mal, I’m very sorry and disappointed to hear any American say that. I’ve head a lot these days, but this is a bit over the line.
ReplyDeleteBut I will add that to my list of liberal hypocrisy.
Great job Truth, with one comment you just alienated the sane democrats, the republicans, the peace-lovers, and the war-mongers.
So Truth101, say it loud and say it proud, “I'M A LIBERAL! And I Hate RightWinger’s who served in our Military to keep this nation safe”... Say you hate Americans that fought in all of our was to keep American and the rest of the world safe. One has to wonder if you also hate Americans who bow down to our enemies or the dictators of the world.
I must say that was one of the more incredibly stupid things I've ever run across. Is it in your DNA? Or do you just absorb all this stupidity naturally, while attending government run indoctrination centers! Things such as this gets to be kind of depressing and makes me wonder if we are ever going to get out of this mess we find ourselves in today.. Some days, I try to respond to the anger, but that only makes things worse, as the hate gets more intense. But I'm sure that makes the haters like you very happy.
You can hate US troops but he is lucky they gave him the right to post that. God bless our troops they are remarkable brave souls who will do, what most others are afraid to. Laying your life on the line for your country is the most honorable service you can have
Was Harry Reid helping our troops or al-Qaeda in Iraq when he declared the was there "lost?"
ReplyDeleteWere Murtha (RIP) and John Kerry giving aid and comfort to the enemy when they declared without evidence that our soldiers were guilty of atrocities?
Was Obama helping Gen. McChrystal or playing politics and helping the Taliban by delaying his decision on a troop surge for 6 months?
What liars and hypocrites these liberals are..
And the democrats can't understand why people are angry.
But it’s us Conservatives who are the racists, that’s all they have to say! .
To: Malcontent and Professor of Life:
ReplyDeleteMy oldest daughter serves in the U.S. Army. She is a Major (and soon to be Lt. Colonel) assigned to the Pentagon. She served in the first Gulf War (@ KKMC), in Korea, 22 months in Kuwait, and THREE deployments in Iraq. She was awarded two Bronze Stars and 7 distinguished service citations for her effort.
During her second deployment in Iraq, her convoy was hit by a roadside IED device and attacked by insurgents. Yes, she drew her weapon and returned fire. She saw colleagues blown to bits, body parts flying everywhere, and she had PTSD for several months after her return.
The families of solders serving overseas make many sacrifices. Duty has kept my daughter away from every major holiday and every family milestone, including births and funerals, for the past eight (8) years. Always the missing person at the holiday dinner table, families make plenty of damn sacrifices too.
If my daughter chooses a political career after military service, will rightwing political assassins such as yourselves debunk her accomplishments and demean her character?
One would think a distinguished military career should be beyond reach of mudslinging. Did you speak out against the shameless swift boat ads that demeaned John Kerry’s character and his military record?
Did you speak out when the last administration smeared former Senator Max Cleland, a War hero who lost both legs in Vietnam?
Did you speak out when Tammy Duckworth, who lost both legs in Iraq, was smeared during her run for Congress as a Democrat?
Did you speak out? Where the hell were you? In your book, are there two kinds veterans? Are Conservatives and Republicans honored for their military service, while Liberals and Democrats, including the wounded and the dead, get bashed and trashed?
What hypocrites you are!
In THIS POST, Truth101 was trying to make the same point. Did you bother to read it? Did you bother to read this:
The man has three Purple Hearts. Yet these right wing hatemongers told us he didn't deserve them. One lady even wrote a letter to my local paper attacking him for chasing a Viet Cong through the jungle and shooting him. She said it was cowardly (...) My Dad was awarded the Purple Heart. My Mom served in the U.S. Navy in WWII. People that disrespect the valor of Purple Heart recipients don't deserve respectful discourse and a patient ear.
Obviously, you did not read what Truth101 had to say or else you might have refrained from calling him a CLASSLESS SCUMBAG!
Every time you enter Pamela’s comment thread, you turn it into your own personal soapbox. You don’t read. You don’t listen. You don’t respect others. And you don’t respect Pamela.
Your constant belligerent and bellicose rants offend me. You act like juvenile, loud-mouthed louts with a constant anger-management problem. This post by Pamela was supposed to be about civility. You defiled it.
No Octy they don't read...
ReplyDeleteIt inteferes with their ability to blow smoke up their own ass...
They don't like Truth101 because he is smarter than they are and he always makes them look so stupid!
That's why they do not venture too far from their little circle of like minded blogs: Reality makes them look stupid!
They figure if they yell and rant long enough no one will notice that they have absolutely nothing to say...
Octopüß said...
ReplyDeleteYour constant belligerent and bellicose rants offend me. You act like juvenile, loud-mouthed louts with a constant anger-management problem. This post by Pamela was supposed to be about civility. You defiled it.
Try telling all this to your friend Truth!
Not to me.
I heard just about enough from all of you!
And show this this to your daughter,and ask her how she feels about it!
ReplyDeleteI know how MY daughter feels about it because I showed it to her.
Octopüß said...
ReplyDeleteWhat hypocrites you are!
I'd tell you what I think you are but I'm too much of a gentleman to use that language on the internet.
This thread is way too long to read all of it, but I get the idea of what is being said.....so, in the hope that I am repeated what has already been said, if you you do not stand behind our troops, and I mean troops of ANY nation, then please feel free to stand in front of them....
ReplyDeleteThe fact of the matter is...YOU are a complete Idiot..literate swine, who claims to live his life by his own made up ideals...all the while not even comprehending understanding what this country stands for. ..We are proud on what our US Troops have accomplished in Iraq and the Middle East. We would like to congratulate each and every one of you for making our Nation More secure and proud. We are proud to raise our US Flag high above the flag pole and salute it.
Those troops also provide you the freedom to be able to say that. Way to be thankful for all they have done for you. next time...lets put you on the front line and let you sacrifice for this country.
A great Nation like the United States needs the ideology of totalitarianism, Capitalism, Nationalism, Militarism and Fascism, we are proud to be representing these ideas. We are proud to represent our American Nationality.
Eventually everybody's freedom here in the good old USA will be taken from us. Slowly it has been corroding away, with an administration like we have here today, it is just a matter of time.
These freedoms you question are the very ones you are taking advantage of right now. Sit in your cushy chair on the computer ranting and raving about your opinions. Those are all freedoms and while you may think they are rights, they are only rights granted to you because of the freedom those soldiers provide.
Go back to your homeland...your turban master awaits you!!
Malcontent: "And show this this to your daughter, and ask her how she feels about it!"
ReplyDeleteI already know how she feels because we have talked about it. Inasmuch as she is a Major (and soon to be Lt. Colonel) and therefore outranks you, she would say: If you can't respect the service of ALL Americans of ALL persuasions (especially those who have lost life and limb), then you have defiled and dishonored your own service."
Octopüß said...
If you can't respect the service of ALL Americans of ALL persuasions (especially those who have lost life and limb), then you have defiled and dishonored your own service."
And I would say you both ...
well, NO, I won't say it.....
but you can imagine it.
"Go back to your homeland...your turban master awaits you!"
ReplyDeleteAnd to think my father's generation had to spill their blood all over Europe for nothing. Their Grandchildren are as certainly Nazis and chauvinistic lovers of arrogant authority as the ones they had to fight. Well at least you admit it, but Patriotism doesn't involve lying and boasting and chest beating like savages in some forsaken jungle.
It's easy for some to rattle and prattle about losing freedom, he doesn't remember or care to remember how hard fought for freedom has been and how little millions of American people had what with slavery, Jim Crow, and laws telling us who we could marry, where we could or could not live, what restaurants we could eat in, where we could sit or go to the bathroom or get a drink of water. How much freedom do the unemployed have? How much do the sick have? How much freedom does a woman have if she can't vote?
Think I don't have more freedom than my father and grandfather and great grandfather in turn? You're wrong and worse, you're bellowing out your misrepresentations and insulting the intelligence of anyone who knows anything about American History. You're not a Conservative, you're just wrong. You're not a patriot, you're just wrong and when you tell people what you think this country stands for or is supposed to stand for, you're not only wrong, but you're pissing on the ashes of every man and woman who ever made America stand for anything good. You're mocking their blood and guts and their life's work, stringing together stolen cliche's and slogans and lies and thinking anyone will accept it as erudite instead of the filthy, America hating slime it is.
You don't speak for me or for the 5 generations of my family that have built and fought for this nation. You don't stand for anything but puffing yourself up with hatred and degrading your country with your degrading behavior. Let me hold the door for you while you get the hell out. This is my country and you you can love it or leave it, but you'd better be looking over your shoulder.
The troops are there for one purpose and one only, for the safety of you and I. Anyone who is ignorant enough to not understand that is not worth debating with. I read the blog that Octopus refereed me via the link and I was disgusted with what I read and with some of the people’s comments there. I too believe that what he said here was not only outrageous but a slap in the face to all service man and women and all of our Veterans that have served in the past.
ReplyDeleteIt was he that brought this discussion to where it is right now, where there is this fighting among ourselves. Any real American would never have a blog that is so derogatory to our Veterans All Veterans and their families deserve our deepest gratitude and not to be spoken of in that manor.
If you are a Democrat and wish to express you displeasure with the republicans then do so like a decent American, not like a person who is out of control.
By reading his blog it’s a wonder that this sort or rebellion hasn’t started long ago.
Please accept your country's gratitude for the brave young man you were. They answered the call to arms and did your job without question. Sleep well dear son of parents who, like all of us, hold you forever in their hearts. Think of us who you've had to leave behind and know that you have made your country a better place for having walked among us.
Someone, please explain what this is supposed to mean, because I truly, truly don't get it.
ReplyDeleteCarmelbell said
A great Nation like the United States needs the ideology of totalitarianism, Capitalism, Nationalism, Militarism and Fascism, we are proud to be representing these ideas. We are proud to represent our American Nationality.
I need some explanation on why we need these ideologies.
Personally, I can do without all of them, but I need to understand this comment the way it was meant to be understood.
Octopus already said far better than I could why I posted what I did Mal and POL. Octo and I may disagree on method but he is smarter and better informed than the three of us put together so you would be wise to listen to him.
ReplyDeleteAnd one other point though fellas. Still, not one right leaning commenter here has said he/she would be willing to pay more in taxes to support our Veterans and our Troops.
It was no surprise none of you would take to task your mouthpieces Beck and Limbaugh for saying fellow Americans hate America or our Troops. I was hoping at least one of you would be willing to sacrifice a few bucks a week to support their efforts and keep the promises our Country made to them.
Even if I granted that Mal and POL love our Troops, any love they have is far outweighed by their selfish greed. They love the few bucks a week more on their paychecks and a Nation wallowing in debt more than they love and respect those that fight for us. Pathetic.
Didn't want to post my comment about Republicans treatment of the military?