Evan Bayh, Democrat Senator of Indiana, announced that he wouldn’t seek reelection because he’s tired of the “partisan bickering”. Sound familiar? Maybe he’s channeling my blog, after all I’ve been complaining of how counterproductive infighting is for months now. It appears that Bayh isn’t the only one who feels that animosity isn’t appropriate for The Hill as four other Democrats aren’t seeking reelection either-- Chris Dodd, Connecticut; Byron Dorgan, North Dakota; Ted Kaufman, Delaware; Roland Burris, Illinois-- and the Democrats aren’t alone, there are four Republicans-- Kit Bond, Missouri.; Jim Bunning, Kentucky; Judd Gregg, New Hampshire; and George Voinovich, Ohio.
We can speculate all we want about why these Senators are resigning but the fact remains that partisanship, bickering and obstruction have all been major themes in Congress, not just in the past year, but for YEARS. It’s just that over the past year or so we Americans have finally taken our heads out of the sand and opened our eyes and have educated ourselves on our country and the repercussions of what our ignorance has bred. We created these Big-Spending-Selfish-Egomaniacs. Yep, we, the people, have given Washington free reign to do whatever they wanted for the last few decades and we haven’t held them accountable for anything. Now we are sitting around pointing fingers and passing blame when we should be looking in the mirror. We elected these people; we gave them the power, yet we are blaming them when we are the ones who put them there!
Bayh said, “What we need to do is to come together as a people and solve the problems facing our country. And unfortunately Washington is just not doing enough of that these days.”
He’s right. We DO need to come together as a PEOPLE because we are AMERICANS first and foremost and it is our responsibility to not only elect the right people to represent us but it’s our obligation to ensure that we hold them accountable. We have NOT done that and yet we wonder WHY we’re in this current mess. There should be no questions since WE dropped the ball seeing as we, the people, were negligent in our duties as American Citizens! Yet we sit here and smugly condemn the Liberals and Conservative as if we’re above reproach. The audacity!
Bayh said he wished that Washington “would work better.” Well, people, it’s NOT going to work better until WE make it work better! Blaming everyone and everything else for the plight of our country isn’t going to fix a darn thing. Concentrating on a problem NEVER corrected it but a resolution sure has. Part of that solution is working TOGETHER because we are in this TOGETHER. We seem to forget that we are the UNITED States of America and we SHOULD want to work together to make her successful.
We can sit back and speculate all we want on how Bayh is resigning because he’s not reelectable or how Chris Dodd knows he’ll “lose” or even that Judd Gregg is only resigning because he’s going to run for President in 2012. None of these assumptions are going to repair our current situation, which is fragile, at best.
However, educating ourselves, getting involved and making sure that we have the very BEST representation in Congress WILL make a difference. I propose that each and every one of us find out about our State Representatives and their voting records. This link will provide you with all the information you need to arm yourself with KNOWLEDGE and with that knowledge you can then set yourself upon a course that is right for your state which will ultimately be right for our country.
Truthfulness and righteousness can be contagious so let’s spread them as they are what we and our country need.
The Art Of Stage Makeup
1 week ago
Pamela, fix the title...
ReplyDelete"Evan Bayh says Good-Bayh to Washington" and I think you've got a winner.
Blue: Done and thanks.
"Truthfulness and righteousness can be contagious so let’s spread them as they are what we and our country need."
ReplyDeleteSo true Pam.
Sadly there are those who fail to understand this.
Excellent post Pamela! Personally, I think Bayh was never happy there, as he was not a major player and didn't like doing the grunt work of actually working on bills, etc. I also believe he thinks he can run for the big office, and is doing this to distance himself from Obama for the future. Just my .02...
ReplyDeleteVery well done Pamela, I would have to agree with you word for word.
ReplyDeleteProgressives can either leave office with some respect...or they will be removed from office in disgrace.
I believe that Sen. Byah was a member of the old line of the Democrat Party and had the courage, conscience, and the decency to leave when he saw the handwriting on the wall.
You have to admire the courage it took for this guy to go against his own party--particularly the Democrat Party--because they will usually do anything to protect their own, kind of like the Mafia. Never before have we had a president that is so dis-respectful of the American people’s needs or our American values
I think it was a very smart move for Byah, being a moderate democrat you can't do much in the congress we have today. Its comprised of all left wing radicals who are making the decisions for the themselves. Bayh has too much class and integrity. He clearly is upset that the Democrats have went too far to the left and he simply does not wish to go down with the sinking ship.
Good luck to him.
ReplyDeleteMalcontent goes in and spins Bayh as a marytr for standing up to the radical left democrats in the senate...
While even Bayh used as an example the fact that Republicans voted against a bill that he cosponsored with these same Republicans as an example for why he considers congress dysfunctional and why he is quitting...
Lets also not forget that Bayh would have served as Obama's VP had he been asked, and he was probably the second name on the final list and he worked closely with Obama on a lot of issues...
If you are going to spread manure over everything...then make sure you spread it equally all over...
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ReplyDeleteThe first responsibility of government, according to the Constitution, is to "...form a more perfect union..."
ReplyDeleteThis is the biggest failure of our government. That is because it is supposed to be a "representative republic" based on the Constitution. Instead, we have allowed it to become an oligarchy with a ruling body (whether Democrat or Republican at any given time), that thinks it is in control and fights constantly for power.
Excellent post Joe.
ReplyDeleteAs you said, "the biggest failure of our government"
The fact that Bayh would call it quits because of the DEMOCRAT controlled congress and White House speaks volumes to what you just said.... He saw the message being sent by voters in MA, and it was ignored by the Liberals controlling the government. He knows Health Care is going to be rammed down our throats!!! That is why Bayh is quitting! He knows this government is ignoring the American people and he knows he's going to be asked to fall on the sword for the Health Takeover. Something that he don’st want any part of.
I wonder how many other careers Obama will destroy before he is done?
So long Evan Bayh. You were a good Governor and a decent Senator
You know, the same people you call RACIST'S, Teabaggers, Nazi's, Wingnuts, Mouth Breathers, Knuckle Draggers, etc?. Get used to us because we are coming for you. We will not be stopped.
The sane thinking people of America has caught up with your lies and we are sick of them
"I don’t give any credence to NUT-JOBS, Socialist thinking individuals, low intellectual or people of little or no morals, victims of mental decease, or Conspiracy Wacko’s.
ReplyDeleteBut I do urge Pam to remove his lame attempt to make insulting and uncivilized remarks.."
Malc is trying to make a joke, right?
If not, I'm thinking someone is in need of a good dictionary because, while Malcontent may find it personally embarrassing & insulting to have someone disagree with him, nothing Tao said was objectively insulting or uncivilized.
Now, implying that Tao was any of the things on Malc's list, on the other hand--which can be argued by the list's inclusion in his response to Tao, and the fact that, true to his word, he did not reply in any meaningful way to what Tao actually said...
No, I'm sure he was just trying to make a joke. The alternative is too loaded down with irony and hypocrisy...
(No, I have no opinion on Bayh deciding not to run for another term... I only vaguely knew he was in office, so chances are slim I'll miss him much when he isn't. And, for all the sturm & drang surrounding Democrats choosing not to run for another term, the fact is there are more Republicans jumping the congressional ship of state than Democrats--though you'd never know it by listening to the "liberal" media...)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMalcontent believes that farming, that working the land is an insult!
ReplyDeleteOur farmers work hard to put food on your plate and Malcontent finds what they do an insult!
Malcontent, if you think you were "attacked" by Tao, then you have the thinnest skin of anyone I ever met.
ReplyDeleteHe accused you of "shading the truth" (ya know, lying) in your comments about Senator Bayh and his relationship to the Democratic party. He didn't call you any names or speak ill of your mother... Nor did he question your intelligence, your sanity (nutball) your commitment to the government of this country (socialist) or your morality, He simply said you were wrong, and that--contrary to your comments--Bayh placed blame on both sides for the intransigence in Washington. Unlike you, Bayh saw shit on the whole congressional field, not just the leftmost 40 acres.
If you once again find yourself too (angry/insulted/hurt/???) to address that difference of opinion, and instead prefer to lob insults, snark, and discussions of how it all effects you, I cannot help you.
Come on back when you have an actual response to what was said.
(Thanks for the bitchin' new malaprop of my screen name though... I'm sure you'll be happy to know I added it to the list.)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"You should make a list on
ReplyDeleteWays To Make “ Idiots” Less Idiotic"
GREAT IDEA Malcontent...
Lets start one...
First, everyone needs to not pay you any attention
Second, everyone needs to not pay any of your troll buddies any attention
Third, after not paying you any attention for awhile the threat of you having a temper tantrum meltdown is great so everyone needs to stay away from you...
There. That solves the idiot problem...
Now, go play out in the street...
Bayh won't be missed one little bit.
ReplyDeleteThat Bayh is somehow a 'traditional Democrat' left behind when his party moved 'farther to the left' is preposterous. Bayh is a corporatist type more GOP than Democrat. Some of us wish and hope the Democrats WOULD move further left and weigh in for their traditional working class constituency. But that isn't going to happen. Democrats have turned passive and seem to enjoy being kicked to the curb by the fear-mongering GOP.
Bayh is setting the table for a run for the Presidency hoping to grab onto the coattails of the 'woe is us, it's the end of America' crowd.
Sorry Pam, I guess I was again baited.
ReplyDeleteI'm deleting all my posts. As I should have know better then getting involved with this......... cheap crap.
No Malcontent, you were not baited nor are you the victim in this case, in fact you never are.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened is that all the spinning you do day in and day out is making you dizzy and you end up tripping on your own ideology.
You tried to spin Bayh's leaving the Senate as due to the Democrats when Bayh himself acknowledged with an example that it was due to Republicans.
Then you tried your same old tired trick of faking some drama of being offended...
But this time nothing was said ABOUT you but rather about what you were doing...
Then you followed up with the vulgar attack ABOUT me.
Then you follow up with your demand that Pam delete the offending comment but not yours...
DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA....and its getting so predictable and tiring...
Now, its time for all the trolls to chime in about what a gentleman you are and how considerate you are and on and on it goes...
What a script.
I'm using the IGNORE button Pam. And addressing your subject instead.
ReplyDeleteDespite what people might think right now I think Bayh actually did the Dems a favor. But then, I wouldn't expect a liberal to know that.
Republicans will sweep Indiana on their way to winning majorities in the House and Senate. Bayh quit, because he knew he would lose it is that simple. It don’t matter if he had a big lead today or not. The exact same thing happened in Mass. And what happened? The big lead dwindled down to a lost election. His unwavering support for Obama's seizure of medical care and appeasement foreign policy was the kiss of death as it will be for Democrats across the nation. And Bayj was smart enough to realize that. Rather than that he went down with the sinking ship ... Bayh simply had the foresight to jump off first.
Mal: I think we will see some more Dems and Repubs jumping ship in the near future as Congress IS broken and there will be representatives who won’t want to go down with a sinking ship. I can’t say that I blame them, although I do wish they would’ve done something a lot sooner.
ReplyDeleteIf you believe that Bayh was going to lose then you have to say who he would lose to...
ReplyDeleteRight now he is running against Coats...and he does not even LIVE in Indiana...
Nothing would appear more out of touch and arrogant as having a carpetbagger returning to ask a citizen for your vote...
Tao said: "Malcontent goes in and spins Bayh as a marytr for standing up to the radical left democrats in the senate..."
ReplyDeleteThat is an interesting take on it, isn't it? Limbaugh was bashing Bayh on this ten ways from Sunday, and even speculated that Bayh was running from a John Edwards problem.
I admit that some of Limbaugh's overweening cynicism did have an effect. But one thing Bayh isn't is any sort of "corporatist".
And the idea of someone running against coats makes me think of a frantic person locked in a closet dashing to and fro trying to get out.
ReplyDelete"And the idea of someone running against coats makes me think of a frantic person locked in a closet dashing to and fro trying to get out."
Great... Now images like that are going to be dancing in my head for hours... (In addition to plain old imagination, there's several from old movies... There's one (at least one) of Lou Costello, from one of the "Abbot & Costello meet ___" (Frankenstein, the Mummy, Dracula, ...) movies, where he gets all wrapped up in a woman's fur coat, and...
Anyway... Very funny imagery, dmarks...
Anytime a fellow blogger can incorporate the phrase "dashing to and fro" into one of his comments is cause for congratulations.
ReplyDeleteWell done Dmarks.
And your oratory is although worth mentioning Malcontent. There is much you have said we can all take note of my friend.
And Pamela, you could have also called the title to this one "Evan All Flighty"
ReplyDeleteDmarks: Another good one! You are on a roll!
ReplyDeleteEvan Bayh is dashing out of Washington to frolic to and fro with us commoners.
sometimes "quiet" is a good thing! ;-)
ReplyDeleteThat would be a sight...Bayh frolicking with commoners...
ReplyDeleteNow, he might be leaving the senate but I seriously doubt he is going to end up doing anything similar to what we do on a daily basis...
Ah, Pam...
ReplyDeleteIt appears that HEIL HELGA at Right is Right is putting the word out on you...
The goosestepping brownshirts are at it again...
the immaturity is staggering, Sounds like JR. High over there! Stay true to yourself Pam, the trash talk is pure jealousy!
ReplyDelete'But one thing Bayh isn't is any sort of "corporatist".'
ReplyDeleteThat's rich.
Oh yes he is a corporatist and I certainly won't miss his 'contributions' to the Democratic side of the US Senate.
Much as he'd like to be President that will never happen.
He'll turn up soon enough in DC as a lobbyist.
He can make a lot of money helping some trade association or other 'tell its story' as a lobbyist.
There is indeed 'gold in them thar hills'
Tao: It seems that Right is Right isn’t the only one talking “trash” about me and I’m not the only one Right is Right has taken this type of tactic with. She did this to Blue Pitbull [who, bless his heart, wrote a post about this shenanigans] and Left Coast Rebel also. I could say a lot right now but I think I’ll refrain and just address one poster who has distorted some facts. He did it under Malcontent’s comment section though and rather than veer Mal’s topic off-course I’ll prove My Files allegations false here in my own comment section. People are entitled to their own opinions but they are NOT entitled to their own FACTS and I am quite tired of the falsehoods. My Files is not the only one, but he is where I will begin.
ReplyDeleteSo, without further ado:
My Files states: I also am disappointed with Pam as she never had this attitude before she became buddies with these pigs. It was just a day or two ago when I to was posting on her blog and was immediately attacked by one of the scum mentioned. Put instead of coming to my defense, Pam gave ME a warning.
These allegations are false. I wrote to My Files after he wrote to Satyavati, who was the first person he addressed in the comment section of the “Open Thread” topic:
My Files: I have a question, and PLEASE don’t take offense or get angry because this is an Open Thread which sole purpose is to air some differences, etc. With that being said, I was wondering why you had to, in your well written comment, say this: "Satyavati devi dasi SO FOOLISHLY said?"
I believe it’s comments like that which lead to the partisan bickering and make our discussions counterproductive. In my opinion leaving the “so foolishly” part off you would still get your point across and the other party, Satyavati in this case, wouldn’t get offended and there wouldn’t be any chance of animosity. What do you think?
I would be indebted to anyone who could show me WHERE I issued “a warning” in that comment. My Files also alleged that he was attacked FIRST, however, his first comment was to Satyavati which began with "Satyavati devi dasi SO FOOLISHLY said…" so it appears to me that he, at the very least, instigated a condescending atmosphere. Satyavati maintained civility during the ENTIRE debate with My Files,therefore “intervention” on my part was not necessary. I only wished to ask him a question, which I did, as you can read, and as far as I and everyone else can see, I did it politely.
My Files replied to another one of Satyavati’s comments to him with this:
Dream on, drink the koolaide, but Denial Is Not A River In Egypt.
Your analogy don't hold water...
It’s not something I would’ve written but I didn’t “intervene” nor did I issue him a “warning”.
My Files did respond to my initial comment, though, with this:
ReplyDeleteIt was meant as my analogy to her comment, not as an insult.
Her statement was foolish (in my opinion)
Are we going to start to analyze every word? I didn't realize that you were that sensitive, or that we were going to be moderaterated on what we say. If we are then I'll have to get out my elementary school books and read up on, what to say and how to say it.
I didn’t feel his sarcasm was necessary, but rather than address his sarcasm, I replied with this:
My Files: I’m not analyzing every word. I’m sorry if I came across that way.
I sometimes think there are “foolish” statements out there, but I don’t SAY “you are foolish”. I also don’t tell people Dream on, drink the koolaide, but Denial Is Not A River In Egypt. because this could open up an entirely different type of comment that will veer the topic off into another direction so I word it differently so that I don’t accidentally offend anyone. But maybe that’s the difference between me and many others and maybe I’m just a bit more “sensitive” as to what words I use. But I’ve had my share of experience with my comment section being hijacked so I’m just trying to find better ways of handling some of these issues.
Please accept my apology if I offended you.
So again, I will be indebted to anyone who could point out HOW I reprimanded this man and just HOW he was “attacked”. He is entitled to his opinion, of course, and can call me any of the “trendy” names for me these days, such as, “traitor”, “lib lover” and even “radical”, if he is so inclined; however, as I stated earlier on, he and the others are NOT entitled to their own FACTS. And the fact is some of these Conservatives are guilty as hell in contributing to the disruption on my blog but refuse to admit it. But what's more upsetting is that I'm being accused of unfairness, etc., and it's OBVIOUS that I went WAY out of my way to be EXTRA polite to My Files, but yet he accused me of "giving him a warning" and "being attacked". What has happened to people when they have to resort to blatant lies so they are welcomed in "the pack"? I would rather have my dignity and be alone than be a liar and run with the wolves.
And Arthur provided no evidence of him being a "corporatist". So if anything is "rich", it is that accusation. Perhaps it is an accusation to be leveled at anyone who does not want 100% government control of everything.
ReplyDeleteHi Pamela, Just read you comments about "Right is Right" and about "My Files".
ReplyDeleteI have to ask you a question With ALL Due Respect...
Why didn't you delete this post written by "TAO" Not that I even car, but I'm just asking...
" TAO said...
No Malcontent, you were not baited nor are you the victim in this case, in fact you never are.
What happened is that all the spinning you do day in and day out is making you dizzy and you end up tripping on your own ideology.
You tried to spin Bayh's leaving the Senate as due to the Democrats when Bayh himself acknowledged with an example that it was due to Republicans.
Then you tried your same old tired trick of faking some drama of being offended...
But this time nothing was said ABOUT you but rather about what you were doing...
Then you followed up with the vulgar attack ABOUT me.
Then you follow up with your demand that Pam delete the offending comment but not yours...
DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA....and its getting so predictable and tiring...
Now, its time for all the trolls to chime in about what a gentleman you are and how considerate you are and on and on it goes...
What a script"
And this ine:
TAO said...
"You should make a list on
Ways To Make “ Idiots” Less Idiotic"
GREAT IDEA Malcontent...
Lets start one...
First, everyone needs to not pay you any attention
Second, everyone needs to not pay any of your troll buddies any attention
Third, after not paying you any attention for awhile the threat of you having a temper tantrum meltdown is great so everyone needs to stay away from you...
There. That solves the idiot problem...
Now, go play out in the street..
Wouldn't you call that a direct attack twd's me?
PS, Trust me they can write about me all day long, it don't phase me one bit..
Mal: You can ask me anything, I thought you knew that. Now I think I understand why there’s so much animosity, although misplaced, because I have NEVER written anything disrespectful about you.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I didn’t delete the comments are because I took you at your word when you wrote this:
the malcontent said: Pam is right, she has every right to do as she pleases... It’s her blog.. Concurrently, I have every right to answer people if they post dissenting opinions.
Personally, I consider my time valuable. If I spend my time commenting on ever blog that posts a derogatory comment about me , I’d have no time for anything else. Unless it crosses the line into obscene or abusive, I say, let freedom of information and thought flow…
I permitted you and Tao your freedom since it wasn’t “obscene or abusive”.
The liberals really don't get it, their heads are ready to explode because Obama and the Pelosicrats have failed to implement their socialist agenda. Obama and Nancy know what their lib fans refuse to see: America ain't that liberal!
ReplyDeleteI have a few lib visitors to my blog, but they are polite and we have some interesting exchanges. Not like the radical left are here.
Many liberals are so radical because they only hear one side. They have their ears shut to anything they don't want to hear. I do agree that slobbering ranters shouldn't be tolerated. They refuse to hear our side so why even bother with them?
I have been listening to Liberals like TAO and Truth101 and I have come to the conclusion that liberalism IS a social disorder.
Pam, while you have every right to defend yourself any way you wish, my attitude about those who announce (often repeatedly) that they're never going to read/comment on a particular site again, is that almost to a person, they are people you really don't want commenting on your site in the first place.
ReplyDeleteLet 'em go, let 'em lie, let 'em die, for all they matter...
While I disagree with almost everything The Malcontent posts, and a whole lot of the way he posts as well, I respect him far more than I do these clowns who sweep in & post one comment disparaging you and what you wrote, (or one or more of your readers, and what they commented in reply), and then disappear until your next post. While I'm not down with many of Mal's convictions, he's generally willing to stick around and say something when someone disagrees with him. He doesn't just pick up his marbles and run home whining, like RIR & some of these other folks seem to've done.
(And now, before he goes & gets all bent outta shape) Mal, it's a compliment. No need to be offended... really.
While I'll cop to wishing sometimes that certain folks would just go away, I have more respect for the ones who don't, regardless... And the ones who have--especially the ones who accuse you of not being sufficiently "pure" and "right," conservatively speaking, & seem to go to great pains to tell you, besides--are just not worth shedding a tear for. Be well & begone, I say... and I hope the door didn't hit 'em too hard on the ass, on the way out.
Well at least respac was a little kind today, thanks God for little things... I'm going to throw my 2cents worth in here about those bloggers that wish to boycott Pam.
ReplyDeleteI'm calling for conservative bloggers everywhere to be bigger than that. We don’t need to stoop to that level to prove our point. In fact it’s braver to stand up to those you oppose and do so in a civil manner. If you think that the other side, the Liberals (pardon my language) are name callers etc. Then rise above them and state your case and show them that we are not going to be shut down or shut up! We will not play their games. And we not punish those who dare to challenge our opinions by boycotting them either. There are those in this blogisphere who continue to delete my comments because I dare to differ with their opinions as sick are they are, so be it. I’ll get by without them.
I am grateful to Pam for opening the dialogue on subjects to discuss and I will continue to voice my opinions no matter if the other side likes it or not. If they want to call me names (as they have in the past) I say the hell with them and a pox on their houses. “Free speech” becomes very expensive, but I am willing to pay the price. The intent of Pam’s blog is to, hopefully, enlighten my fellow freedom loving Americans about the problems we have going on here in America with this administration and how we could solve them. I know that our opinions are not going to move any mountains, but we can try.
If you want a boycott anything. Boycott Tiger Woods’s sponsors. After his lame apology today, he deserves it.
Malcontent lost me with his proclamation on his blog of his hatred for "Muslims, and atheist and all other unpatriotic America loathing ass-hats."
ReplyDeleteCan Malcontent himself exceed the patriotism of this Muslim?. Regardless, the religious rights of Muslims and atheists are expressly protected by the Bill of Rights. i.e. being a Muslim or an Atheist is an expression of one's freedom as an American, just as freely expressing opinion is.
Dmarks: I only have a minute as I'm at work and cleaning up to go home.
ReplyDeleteAre you SURE Malcontent states he "hates" ALL Muslims or is it the radical terrorists who twist the Muslim faith to fit their evil agenda who Malcontent despises?
I'm asking because you and I both have been on the receiving end of "absolutes" and it's not fair to do that to someone else.
Pamela: Check his blog sidebar. He makes no distinction that I could see; no qualification (just "Muslims", etc) If you discern it the other way, let me know and I retract my statement.
ReplyDeleteNear as I can see, it is a blanket comdemnation of all of them as asshats.
ReplyDeletedmarks said...
ReplyDeleteMalcontent lost me with his proclamation on his blog of his hatred for "Muslims, and atheist and all other unpatriotic America loathing ass-hats.
Thanks for reading my blog...
Now I know that I have at least one reader.
Even if I had to "Lose" you
While you were at my blog Demarks, did you also see where I wrote the following?
ReplyDelete"And A Proud Member Of The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. I do agree that Obama (and his elitist liberal left cohorts) have been given enough rope to hang themselves and I think that they are busy doing exactly that. I am politically passionate, anti-Communism, anti-Socialism, anti- Liberal, anti-Marxism, anti-fascism, and anti-Racism. I served with the 5th Marine Infantry Regiment of the United States Marine Corps for 4 years until 2006."
Why didn't you quote that?
And by the way your other quote was not EXACTLY what I wrote on my sidebar.
You left out the words, "America apologists, Communist finks. AND THE WORD "Islamic" that prefaced the word Muslim ...
I think Evan Bayh's enthusiasm for the Blue Dog Caucus speaks volumes to his corporatist sympathies. Opposition to the President's agenda is the Blue Dog's 'lack of agenda'. A 'lack' which coincides neatly with the GOPs.
ReplyDeletedmarks typed:
Perhaps it is an accusation to be leveled at anyone who does not want 100% government control of everything.
It means nothing of the sort. As usual you exaggerate. You ARE on a role.
The Blue Dogs have never been known for "corporatism". If you are looking for an exaggeration, Arthur, you will find it in claims of "corporatism". Perhaps in keeping with the use of entirely redundant words that has come up here, we can in the future call them Blue Canine Dogs?
Malc: Islamic Muslims? That makes no difference, because Islamic is an adjective that means having to do with Muslims and their faith. I did you a favor by leaving this off my quote: it is a redundancy that really does not belong. Like saying "Christian Christians", short midgets, Judaeic Jews, female women, Indianan Hoosiers, etc. Leaving this out of my quote of you on "Muslims" did you a favor like I sometimes do when I quote someone and correct misspellings in the quote. It was a goof on your part, and I was not about to criticize you for such goofs. Until, as it turned out, you brought up the goof and insisted that it belonged. For who knows what unknown reason. Or should I say unknown not-known un-thought-of reason?
According to the dictionary, Islamic is the adjective form of Islam, which means "A monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and to Muhammad as the chief and last prophet of God.". All Muslims, are of course, Islamic. It's a tautology, and the words simply do not belong together.
The dictionary defines a tautology as "repetition of meaning, using different words to say the same thing twice, especially where the additional words fail to provide additional clarity when repeating a meaning". It's hard to find a better example than the pairing of the worlds "Islamic Muslim".
As for the whole paragraph I didn't quote, it does raise this question. Especially the part about Marine service.
From Marines.com:
"Marines pledge themselves completely to the Constitution of the United States."
The Bill of Rights does not make any exceptions for the religion/etc of Muslims and Atheists. They are protected too. Do you still pledge yourself completely to the Constitution, or to just the parts you happen to like? You made a point of your service in this discussion of your disregard for part of the Bill of Rights, so it is a fair question.
dmarks what YOU think is irrelevant to me!
ReplyDeleteBut if you got it off you chest, then good for you..
AND! What you know about being a Marine is ZERO, so don't even go there!
ReplyDeleteThe quote was from the actual site of the Marines. Then, check the Bill of Rights. Last I knew, it was still part of the Constitution.
ReplyDeletethe Malcontent said: Thanks for reading my blog...
ReplyDeleteNow I know that I have at least one reader.
Mal: You are joking, right? You know I read your blog, don't you? I may not comment all the time as I don't comment on all the blogs I follow all the time, but I do read all the new posts on my blogroll.
All one has to do is check the dictionary to realize the falsehoods of Mal's accusations against the President and the Democrats.
ReplyDeleteSocialist, Communist, blah, blah, blah.
When presented with facts and numbers (as I did) Mal simply refuses to debate. His excuse was I was to diluted to talk to.
Emotional rants are the hallmark of conservatives, who cannot debate the real facts.
Here we go again!
ReplyDeleteLook DeMarks, I don't know why I'm even bothering to answer you but I will this one last time!
This blog is about
"Evan says good-Bayh to Washington"
So I'm going to answer you and then Say Good-Bye To Demarks!
I was a US MARINE for 4 years and I consider MYSELF to Still be a Marine.
I don’t need the like of YOU to send me websites that I will NEVER read nor did I or will I ever read YOUR blog. A blog and it’s comments is a whole new way of communicating. People blog for lots of reasons, I don’t blog for people like you to put my background (which I happen to very proud of, not matter what you or anyone else thinks) under a magnifying glass. Most folks look at a bloggers background and see the good things in it .. But you seem to want to pick me apart... Well let me tell you that I don’t give a CRAP about anything you say or do. I never once read you question the sincerity of those leftist’s that you seem to love so much. NEVER! If you don’t like my blog, you don’t have to read it. You aren’t obligated too, and I’m not obligated to answer to yo, so consider this the last time I’m going to bother.
I haven’t the slight bit of interest in you or your background but I’m sure without reading it that if I wanted to I’d find plenty to write about.. But when you start to question my devotion to my country and tell me that I need to “check the Bill of Rights, and or the Constitution” then that’s where I draw the line. Go question the devotion of Barack and Michelle Obama or the cynicism of Tiger Woods. I don’t give a shiitake what you think and I’m not going to explain my background or what I write on my blog.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"I never once read you question the sincerity of those leftist’s that you seem to love so much."
ReplyDeleteAll I will say on this is that I will readily do the same to anyone who declares all members of a certain religion (whether or not they are liberal, conservative, anything) to be "ass-hats" and unpatriotic.
I happen to have friends who are Muslims, and also some who are Atheists. And they are as patriotic as hell.
Well say/think whatever what you want to, I stand by MY beliefs.
ReplyDeleteAnd I won't be hypocritical about it.
As for my posting that I’m not very fond of Islamic Muslims, I see no reason for anyone to feel that way they are just following the standard beliefs of their faith. Lets look at the video tape.
4 September 1972 - Munich Olympic Massacre of the entire ISRAELI Olympic team .
18 April 1983 - April 1983 U.S. Embassy bombing in Beirut, Lebanon. 63 killed. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
26 February 1993 - World Trade Center bombing, New York City. 6 killed. The attack was attributed to Islamic Muslims.
13 March 1993 - 1993 Bombay bombings. Mumbai, India. The single-day attacks resulted in over 250 civilian fatalities and 700 injuries. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
24 December 1994 - Air France Flight 8969 hijacking in Algiers by 3 members of Armed Islamic Group and another terrorist. 7 killed including 4 hijackers. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
25 June 1996 - Khobar Towers bombing, 20 killed, 372 wounded. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
14 February 1998. The 1998 Coimbatore bombings occurred in the city of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. 46 people were killed and over 200 were injured in 13 bomb attacks within a 12 km radius. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
7 August 1998 - 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. 224 dead. Over 4000 people were injured. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
12 October 2000 - USS Cole bombing, 56 killed, and the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims. And Bill Clinton promised their capture and punishment.
11 September 2001 - 4 planes hijacked and crashed into World Trade Center and The Pentagon by 19 hijackers. Nearly 3000 dead.The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
13 December 2001 - Suicide attack on India's parliament in New Delhi. Aimed at eliminating the top leadership of India and causing anarchy in the country. Allegedly done by Pakistan-based Islamist MUSLIM terrorist organizations.
3 March 2002 - Suicide bomb attack on a Passover Seder in a Hotel in Netanya, Israel. 29 dead, 133 injured, the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
9 March 2002 - Café suicide bombing in Jerusalem; 11 killed, 54 injured. The attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
7 May 2002 - Bombing in al-Arbaa, Algeria. 49 dead, 117 injured. And yes, the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
24 September 2002 - Machine Gun attack on Hindu temple in Ahmedabad, India. 31 dead, 86 injured. And once again the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
12 October 2002 - Bombing in Bali nightclub. 202 killed, 300 injured. Guess wo was to blame!
16 May 2004 - Casablanca Attacks - 4 simultaneous attacks in Casablanca killing 33 civilians (mostly Moroccans) carried by Muslim Terrorists...
11 March 2004 - Multiple bombings on trains near Madrid, Spain. 191 killed, 1460 injured. (alleged link to Al-Qaeda) And we all know who they are.
3 September 2004 Approximately 344 civilians including 186 children, are killed during the Beslan school hostage crisis.[128][129]
2 November 2004 - Ritual murder of Theo van Gogh (film director) by Amsterdam-born jihadist Mohammed Bouyeri. Also done by Islamic Muslims
4 February 2005 - Muslim militants attacked the Christian community in Demsa, Nigeria, killing 36 people, destroying property and displacing an additional 3000 people.
7 July 2005 - Multiple bombings in London Underground. 53 killed by four suicide bombers. Nearly 700 injured. And the attack was attributed to a group of Islamic Muslims.
ReplyDelete23 July 2005 - Bomb attacks at Sharm el-Sheikh, an Egyptian resort city, at least 64 people killed.
29 October 2005 - 29 October 2005 Delhi bombings. Over 60 killed and over 180 injured in a series of three attacks in crowded markets and a bus, just 2 days before the Diwali festival. Islamic Muslims once again,and again.
9 November 2005 - 2005 Amman bombings. Over 60 killed and 115 injured, in a series of coordinated suicide attacks on hotels in Amman, Jordan. Four attackers including a husband and wife team were involved, also Muslims.
7 March 2006 - 2006 Varanasi bombings. An attack attributed to Islamic Muslims, over 28 killed and over 100 injured, in a series of attacks in the Sankath Mochan Hanuman temple and Cantonment Railway Station in the Hindu holy city of Varanasi. government officials. Carried out by Muslims Terrorists.
11 July 2006. Mumbai, India. 11 July 2006 Mumbai train bombings were a series of seven bomb blasts that took place over a period of 11 minutes on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay). 209 people lost their lives and over 700 were injured in the attacks. Yep you got it, Muslim terrorist once again..
26 July 2008. Ahmedabad, India. Islamic militants detonate at least 16 explosive devices in the heart of this industrial capital, leaving at least 49 dead and 160 injured. A Muslim group calling itself the Indian Mujahideen claims responsibility. Indian authorities believe that extremists with ties to Pakistan and/or Bangladesh are likely responsible and are intent on inciting communal violence. Investigation by Indian police led to the eventual arrest of a number of militants suspected of carrying out the blasts, most of whom belong to a well-known terrorist group, The Students Islamic Movement of India, done by Muslim terrorists again. Sound like a broken record yet?
26 November 2008. Mumbai, India. Muslim extremists kill at least 174 people and wound numerous others in a serious of coordinated attacks on India's largest city and financial capital. A group calling itself the Deccan Mujaheddin claims responsibility, however, the government of India suspected Islamic militant Muslim Terrorists
September 2002. When the FBI arrested Sahim Alwan, Yahya Goba, Yasein Taher, Faysal Galab, Shafal Mosed, and Mukhtar al-Bakri, the press dubbed them the “Lackawanna Six,” the “Buffalo Six,” or the “Buffalo Cell.” Five of the six had been born and raised in Lackawanna, New York. These six citizens of Yemeni were arrested for conspiring with terrorist groups. They had stated that they were going to Pakistan to attend a religious training camp, but instead attended an al-Qaeda jihadist camp.
ReplyDeleteAugust 2004. Members of a terrorist cell led by Dhiren Barot were arrested for plotting to attack the New York Stock Exchange and other financial institutions in New York, Washington, and Newark, New Jersey. They were later accused of planning attacks in England. The plots included a “memorable black day of terror” that would have included detonating a dirty bomb. A police raid on Barot’s house in Pakistan discovered a number of incriminating files on a laptop computer, including instructions for building car bombs.
August 2004. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain, Two leaders of a mosque in Albany, New York, were charged with plotting to purchase a shoulder-fired grenade launcher to assassinate a Pakistani diplomat.[23] An investigation by the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and local police contributed to the arrest. With the help of an informant, the FBI set up a sting that lured Mohammed Hossain into a fake terrorist conspiracy. Hossain brought Yassin Araf, a Kurdish refugee, as a witness. The informant offered details of a fake terrorist plot, claiming that he needed the missiles to murder a Pakistani diplomat in New York City. Both agreed to help. Aref and Hossain were found guilty of money laundering and conspiracy to conceal material support for terrorism and later sentenced to 15 years in prison.
June 2005. Umer Hayat and Hamid Hayat, Umer Hayat, a Pakistani immigrant, and Hamid Hayat, his American son, were arrested in Lodi, California, after allegedly lying to the FBI about Hamid’s attendance at an Islamic terrorist training camp in Pakistan.
Hamid was found guilty of supporting terrorism and was sentenced to 24 years.[26] Umer’s trial ended in a mistrial. He later pleaded guilty to lying to customs agents in his attempt to carry $28,000 into Pakistan.
April 2006. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, Ahmed and Sadequee, from Atlanta, Georgia, were accused of conspiracy, having discussed terrorist targets with alleged terrorist organizations. They allegedly met with Islamic extremists and received training and instruction in gathering videotape surveillance of potential targets in the Washington, D.C., area, including the U.S. Capitol and the World Bank.
May 2007. Fort Dix Plot, Six men were arrested in a plot to attack Fort Dix, a U.S. Army base in New Jersey. The plan involved using assault rifles and grenades to attack and kill soldiers. Five of the alleged conspirators had conducted training missions in the nearby Pocono Mountains. The sixth helped to obtain weapons. The arrests were made after a 16-month FBI operation that included infiltrating the group. The investigation began after a store clerk alerted authorities after discovering a video file of the group firing weapons and calling for jihad. The group has no known direct connections to any international terrorist organization.
March 2008. Hassan Abujihaad, a former U.S. Navy sailor from Phoenix, Arizona, was convicted of supporting terrorism and disclosing classified information, including the location of Navy ships and their vulnerabilities to Azzam Publications, a London organization that provided material support and resources to terrorists. Abujihaad was arrested in March 2007 and pleaded not guilty to charges of supporting terrorism in April 2007. In May 2008, he was convicted by a jury and sentenced to 10 years in prison.
ReplyDeleteJune 2007. In New York City, at JFK Airport Plot, Four men plotted to blow up “aviation fuel tanks and pipelines at the John F. Kennedy International Airport” in New York City. They believed that such an attack would cause “greater destruction than in the Sept. 11 attacks.” Authorities stated that the attack “could have caused significant financial and psychological damage, but not major loss of life.
Russeel Defreitas, the leader of the group, was arrested in Brooklyn. The other three members of the group–Abdul Kadir, Kareem Ibrahim, and Abdel Nur–were detained in Trinidad and were extradited in June 2008. Kadir and Nur have links to Islamic extremists in South America and the Caribbean. Kadir was an imam in Guyana, former member of the Guyanese Parliament, and mayor of Linden, Guyana. Ibrhaim is a Trinidadian citizen, and Nur is a Guyanese citizen. The men pleaded not guilty to the charges and are awaiting trial as I type this. Lets hope they burn in Hell.
Hasan was born in Virginia to Palestinian parents who emigrated from Jordan and killed 13 American Soldiers and injured 31. May He BURN IN HELL also.
Yes, I know it, I know because I’ve heard people like you say it over and over again, that the Muslims are a peace loving people & are not all fanatics like the terrorists. Yes, I heard that one before. Yes, some people are basically bad. Some are worse than others, and won't be made better by any scripture.
June 2007. In New York City, at JFK Airport Plot, Four men plotted to blow up “aviation fuel tanks and pipelines at the John F. Kennedy International Airport” in New York City. They believed that such an attack would cause “greater destruction than in the Sept. 11 attacks.” Authorities stated that the attack “could have caused significant financial and psychological damage, but not major loss of life.
Russeel Defreitas, the leader of the group, was arrested in Brooklyn. The other three members of the group–Abdul Kadir, Kareem Ibrahim, and Abdel Nur–were detained in Trinidad and were extradited in June 2008. Kadir and Nur have links to Islamic extremists in South America and the Caribbean. Kadir was an imam in Guyana, former member of the Guyanese Parliament, and mayor of Linden, Guyana. Ibrhaim is a Trinidadian citizen, and Nur is a Guyanese citizen. The men pleaded not guilty to the charges and are awaiting trial as I type this. Lets hope they burn in Hell.
Hasan was born in Virginia to Palestinian parents who emigrated from Jordan and killed 13 American Soldiers and injured 31. May He BURN IN HELL also.
Yes, I know it, I know because I’ve heard people like you say it over and over again, that the Muslims are a peace loving people & are not all fanatics like the terrorists. Yes, I heard that one before. Yes, some people are basically bad. Some are worse than others, and won't be made better by any scripture.
"As for my posting that I’m not very fond of Islamic Muslims,"
ReplyDeleteTell me, have you ever known of any Muslims that were not Islamic?
dmarks said...
ReplyDelete"As for my posting that I’m not very fond of Islamic Muslims,"
Tell me, have you ever known of any Muslims that were not Islamic?
I'm done telling YOU anything.
I think we're all DONE with the topic of Muslims and should move on to Even Bayh...it's not a very exciting topic but it's the topic nonetheless.
ReplyDeletePamela D. Hart said...
ReplyDeleteI think we're all DONE with the topic of Muslims and should move on to Even Bayh...it's not a very exciting topic but it's the topic nonetheless.
Agreed, I have no idea how it even got started. (Or do I?)
I loved the various metaphors by our friend Mr.Demarks, but I will be more than happy to stick to the subject... I cannot wait for my ship the USS FREE FROM OBAMA comes in emancipated from the Ship’s Captains and the rats.
When a so called a leading moderate who was once thought to be a rising national political star with a very good chance of getting re-elected like Evan Bayh jumps ship, can Harry Reid and others be far behind?
If Republicans play their cards right, there’s a chance they can take control of the Senate, and Congress, and the White House. Let’s hope the GOP doesn’t screw things up by running progressive RINO.
Malcontent is telling it like it is!
ReplyDeleteTherefore he must be a Racist!
Anonymous Coward: It’s blatantly apparent you are a coward and only began your blog to stir up trouble. You are either on the Left pretending to be a Conservative or you ARE really from the Right and just like stirring the pot.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously have way too much time on your hands and should take up a hobby and not one that involves interaction with people as you are inconsiderate and you also have “issues” that require psychological intervention and possibly medication.
You are either on the Left pretending to be a Conservative or you ARE really from the Right and just like stirring the pot.
ReplyDeleteI see no basis to even hypothesize the former, either from his/her comment here or any of the posts at his/her own blog. Far better chance of the latter, perhaps from the troll factory that's been sending folks here to mess with you and/or your more leftward readers since Christmas. (Based solely on the fact that it's a brand new rightwing blog... so far. But let's see how long it takes to be sporting the same, familiar list of blog buddies and readers...)
I hope you won't mind my very generally pointing out that sweeping generalizations about whole groups of people--whether political, sociological, racial, or religious--based on the actions of individual members or subsets of those groups, leads very quickly to false beliefs, and often bigotry, as well. 'nuff said.
Evan Bayh's choice to step down says little about Democrats or the left as a whole. While I suspect the dems might lose some seats, the midterms are still aways off, and the tide that went out last year (say, between last spring & last fall) can (and often does) come back in just as quickly.
The Blue Dogs are well known within the DEMOCRATIC PARTY for a strong big-business, corporate bias.
ReplyDeleteI attend my local precinct Democrat caucus and I've seen that crowd in action.
dmarks I know your preference is that Democrats become actual Republicans but we aren't quite there yet.
Blue Dogs are the next best thing however.
"The Blue Dogs are well known within the DEMOCRATIC PARTY for a strong big-business, corporate bias."
ReplyDeleteHard to find any such bias in Washington, as both parties favor hefty regulations and hefty taxes. It would probably be more accurate to say that Blue Dogs favor excessive taxation and regulation of businesses, just a little less than many other Democrats and probably more than many Republicans.
dmarks typed:
ReplyDelete'Hard to find any such bias in Washington, as both parties favor hefty regulations and hefty taxes.'
Come on dmarks.
I know you want to be taken seriously.
And yet you make it so very difficult.
'Hefty regulations' - A partial list.
Any law which:
(a.)Prevents business from hiring children under the age of 12 and working them twelve hours a day seven days a week.
(b.)Prevents manufacturers from pumping raw effluent into the air or water.
(c.)Rules which provide for workplace safety.
'Hefty taxes'- The excess above that sum we squander on the 'global war on terror' and 'defense'.
Respac: I think I hit a nerve with Anonymous Coward, regardless of which side he/she is from, because the profile and blog are now GONE!
ReplyDelete"'Hefty taxes'- The excess above that sum we squander on the 'global war on terror' and 'defense'."
ReplyDeleteFighting back against those who engaged in unprovoked aggression against us is not "squandering".
But to take your point at its word, I did check. The % of the federal budget spent on the military (including homeland security) is a relatively small share of the Federal budget.
As for your under "age of 12" thing, you came across as very obtuse. Please repeat your point, and make it this time. I had no idea what you were saying, and I doubt anyone else did either.
I have a guess, though. Regulations on child labor are but a tiny part of the hefty regulatory burden. One I agree with. But there are many many many I do not agree with, such as regulations that require toilet manufacturers to make toilets that don't work well. Or encourage automakers to make tiny less-useful flimsy unsafe cars.
So, yes, we need to reduce the overtaxation which is squandered on paying government employees millionaire salaries (do we really need all of that spending, only a small part of which goes to defend the nation?), and get rid of the silly regulations which force companies to fire workers or outright leave the country altogether.
ReplyDeleteIf we took that seriously, the unemployment problem would end, and so would the debt problem.
Oh for crying out loud! Stop blaming Bush already! This is not "Bush's fault". Good lord, haven't they invented a drug to treat “Blame Bush” yet? This is not about Bush! He was fighting a WAR, remember? And he did not campaign as an uberconservative, he campaigned as a moderate! I know, because I worked on his campaign! and his brother's! I'm sick of people who knew all along that he's a moderate accuse him of being a moderate as though he was hiding it! He never hid it! He's extremely conservative in some areas, like the right to life and the 2nd Amendment, and moderate in others! He did what he had to do to keep us safe and he did it well. Not like this character we have in office now. He's been out of office for a year!
ReplyDeleteWhen Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, the mayor waited two days before asking the governor for help. He waited three more days before he asked Washington for help. Within hours of that request, manpower, equipment, food and medical supplies were entering the city to begin the cleanup.
When we sent all that money to Haiti, they still haven’t gotten it. Where’s the out-cry over that?
You Democrats have got to get a life and stop blaming George W. Bush every time it rains or the wind blows
Get over Bush and move on to the real enemy, the Obamunists!
"When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, the mayor waited two days before asking the governor for help. He waited three more days before he asked Washington for help. Within hours of that request, manpower, equipment, food and medical supplies were entering the city to begin the cleanup.
ReplyDeleteWhen we sent all that money to Haiti, they still haven’t gotten it.'
New Orleans is an American city. Haiti is a foreign country.
Comparing apples and oranges.
No difference, Obama is in the driving seat now.. It's him that is ti blame makes NO difference what you just said to save is lame ass.
ReplyDeleteHe still screwed up royally as he usually does.
It’s like Obama’s plan to stop foreclosures through modifying loans. Great idea, but only a handful of homeowners have benefited.
Supplies were sent but much of it has yet to get out of the airport. Troops have not been assigned to help deliver water or guard medical facilities. There is a fear of the wrath of a people that are angry at hearing about aid and money donated and, then, seeing nothing trickling down into their neighborhoods..
So what happened? The short answer: it is too little and, in many cases, much of it, too late. A natural disaster has been compounded by another.. But this time a man-made one
Hundreds of thousands of Haitians are in desperate need of drinking water because of an earthquake, Americans came to their need as we always do, BUT! Obama and his bunch of crooks messed it all up..
You Libs are great at shifting the blame when it suits you.
Lighten up dmarks.
ReplyDeleteSatire is exaggeration. But in this case only a little. Reading your posts with their endless references to 'hefty taxes' and 'too many government regulations', it isn't difficult to imagine you'd prefer the good old days.
Those days before workplace safety regulations, Social Security, Medicare and Environmental regulations. Personally I doubt you'd much care if little tykes lost their fingers on power looms or their lives in coal mines to help insure a fair return on investment but if you say you do I guess I'll have to believe you.
Far from a 'minor budget item' "defense' gobbles up half of all discretionary government spending.
Better yet.
US spending on "defense" is roughly equal to the rest of the world combined.
I've asked before and I'll ask again.
Could we please have an example of 'millionaire salaries' paid to government employees? I was talking this over with a friend of mine who works at the EPA (an ATTORNEY shudder, right?) and he was curious how to get some of that.
Color me curious.
Arthur: "Lighten up dmarks."
ReplyDeleteFirst, explain what you mean by that? I wasn't getting into any personal bashing or rage at all, so I can't see how it has any place.
Also, in regards to: "Far from a 'minor budget item' "defense' gobbles up half of all discretionary government spending."
ReplyDeleteAll of the budget is discretionary, really: it can be changed. And if you look at the entire budget (as opposed to using rhetorical tricks to only count a small part of it), defense really is a small part. Not trivial, but it is a small percentage.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a cannibla and he was white. Just like Evan Bayh. It only goes to reason that we should hate white people because logic says whites are cannibals. Right Malcontent?
ReplyDeleteDang them white, people eating sons of guns!
Truth: Of course. Giving anecdotes that list 50 or so bad people out of a group that totals over a billion in number must prove that the entire group is evil, right?
ReplyDeleteWell, shucks, let’s just list Politicians…the list will NEVER end!
ReplyDeleteDefense spending represents 23% of the federal budget (that is the part of the pentagon budget that is not buried in the budget for other departments like nuclear or intelligence)
That represents the largest slice of the federal budget followed by social security 20%, medicare/medicad at 19% and other mandatory spending at 17%. Tarp makes up 4% and interest payments make up 5% all of which total 88%
The balance of the 12% is 'other discretionary expenses'
Then when you look at receipts you note that 42% of the taxes the government spends every year comes from Social Security/Social insurance taxes. 43% comes from individual income taxes and 7% from corporate income taxes.
So, if you put social security into a lock box then the government saves 39% on expenditures and loses 42% of its income.
Thus, taxes will have to be increased and military spending gets cut....and you still have a deficit.
If you do away with minimum wage then that would lower the government tax basis and involve even higher taxes on everyone else.
Nice try on spinning.....
You know, people forget Medicare is a program that individuals have paid into every single year with their Medicare and their Social Security benefits the federal government has first right of refusal on that paycheck.
ReplyDeleteAnyone that is able to put a sentence together knows this if they don't then they don't deserve a seat in Congress. Senate, White House. This is the real problem with this country, we just continue to elect the dumbest people on the planet... i.e. Obama. When is working America going to wake up and start electing people who could pass the GED test? It shouldn’t be a wonder why the rest of the world thinks where nuts..
Military Industrial Complex anyone?
ReplyDeleteTao said: "If you do away with minimum wage then that would lower the government tax basis and involve even higher taxes on everyone else."
ReplyDeleteActually, taxes would go up because there would be more people earning money. All the minimum wage does is force companies to fire (or never hire in the first place) workers with low-value skills. And that's no spin.
Lggic is convuluted at best there dmarks...
ReplyDeleteSo, basically, if McDonalds could pay people a $1.00 an hour then they would hire 7 people rather than the one they hire now because minimum wage is $7.00?
Where would they put all these people?
If you abolished minimum wage then all you would do is replace that one person earning $7.00 with one person that now earns $1.00.
It takes 8 to 10 different operations to make a t-shirt. If all of the sudden minimum wage went to half of what it is now I would not hire twice as many sewing machinge operators because I do not have the machines to make them useful and I do not have the demand to justify purchasing the machines to use these people.
So, all I would do is replace the expensive people with new cheap ones and not add one new job.
Try it again Dmarks...
Tao said: "So, basically, if McDonalds could pay people a $1.00 an hour then they would hire 7 people rather than the one they hire now because minimum wage is $7.00?"
ReplyDeleteNot convoluted at all. First, we can toss out your example. Everything I checked showed McDonald's paying above minimum wage. So if Federal and state min. wage laws were abolished, little would change here, since the fair market value of that work already happens to be above minimum age.
But there are other situations (mom & pop stores, gas stations hiring teens, etc) where the fair market value would probably be somewhat less than the min. wage laws mandate. So here you have the law forcing people to earn $0 instead of a low wage. These people forced into unemployment by the laws would now be able to earn something.
"If all of the sudden minimum wage went to half of what it is now I would not hire twice as many sewing machinge operators"
Tell me, do you pay minimum wage for this? Or something higher? If you are already paying a higher wage then this example is also invalid.
I am guessing this is the case, from your follow up sentence: "So, all I would do is replace the expensive people with new cheap ones and not add one new job."
Expensive typically means way above minimum wage. So the minimum wage laws make absolutely no difference in your sewing-machine example, whether they are there or not. (i.e. if you are paying the sewers $10.50 an hour, it makes no difference at all whether or not there is a federal minimum wage of $7.25 or one of $0).
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ReplyDeleteMust be a wikipedia search of the 2009 budget.
ReplyDeleteOf course it was BPB...why would anyone spend anymore time researching facts when a large percentage of folks are more comfortable with their beliefs than with anything resembling real numbers?
ReplyDeleteHeh. I spent a little time looking at the proposed Fed budget for 10-infinity. I don't think there will be near the defense spending, which is a shame given the fact that we are fighting three wars.
ReplyDeleteOf course there won't be...
ReplyDeleteEveryone wants lower taxes, cutting of government spending, and then our senior citizens will not tolerate a cut in their social security and or medicare...they are a big voting bloc...
So, something got to go...not exactly the wisest way to give the people what they demand...
But its the only option we have...
What some people call partisanship others would call standing on principle so it all depends of course on your POV.
ReplyDeleteAll of us have principles and beliefs...but in a democracy it is compromise that moves the great ship of state.
Besides, conservatives compromise everytime they vote Republican and likewise with liberals that vote Democrat.
Democracy is not about ideology purity but rather moderation of ideology.
Well if that's true would Obama seriously consider Republican proposals for health-care reform like tort reform? Oh I know he says he would but I mean is he really sincere?
ReplyDeleteIn politics?
Even Ronald Reagan couldn't pull that one off....
So where are the workers who have become millionaires on gov't salaries?
ReplyDeleteHere's a couple of money savers. End NASA, a make work welfare program for engineers.
Close the military academies and increase ROTC scholarships. ROTC costs half what the academies do and an added bonus would be an end to a frighteningly evangelical Air Force.