On my last post “Blogging Etiquette-Open Thread” I believe someone said, “Pam, thank you for this wonderful blogging experience. It worked out really well. The usual suspects have said exactly what was expected of them.”
It was not a “wonderful” experience for me and I most definitely don’t think it worked out “really well”. Although, for me, it did confirm the “usual suspects” and I must say I’m very displeased that yet again they disrespected me and my blog.
I could go on a tirade and tell all of you that I know exactly who started what, when and with what comments, because I have taken the time to read through all the comments, something I’m sure no one else will take the time to do to find the truth. I also have the ratio of unfavorable comments between Liberals and Conservatives. But people who hide from the truth don’t want to hear facts so I’ll keep that information to myself as I wouldn’t want facts to interfere with anyone’s fantasy. Suffice to say that I know the truth and I will keep it in mind for future comment sections.
I just want to say one last time that I have been nothing but respectful to everyone I’ve ever encountered in the blogosphere, and one would think since I’ve never done anything nasty or discourteous, that maybe, just maybe, out of courtesy for me, people would refrain from immature, irrational rantings and discourteous, insulting comments. But I guess that’s too much to ask from people who aren’t mature or reasonable and who lack even the most basic sense of decorum.
I will continue my venture for blogging civility because I’m not one to be broken easily and I can guarantee most of you will quit long before I ever will. With that being said, I will also maintain MY claim to fame of being a “classy” blogger and continue being civil and polite, but I will NOT tolerate the condescending, insulting or even remotely rude comments. I will delete them faster than a New York minute. And if I’m questioned or told I’m “unfair” or that I’m “censoring”, the person will get my new award! It’s my “Frankly My Dear” award! And it stands for “Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn”, after my favorite movie of all time, Gone With the Wind. Scarlett was a force to be reckoned with and I believe she and I would’ve gotten along quite well…
It was not a “wonderful” experience for me and I most definitely don’t think it worked out “really well”. Although, for me, it did confirm the “usual suspects” and I must say I’m very displeased that yet again they disrespected me and my blog.
I could go on a tirade and tell all of you that I know exactly who started what, when and with what comments, because I have taken the time to read through all the comments, something I’m sure no one else will take the time to do to find the truth. I also have the ratio of unfavorable comments between Liberals and Conservatives. But people who hide from the truth don’t want to hear facts so I’ll keep that information to myself as I wouldn’t want facts to interfere with anyone’s fantasy. Suffice to say that I know the truth and I will keep it in mind for future comment sections.
I just want to say one last time that I have been nothing but respectful to everyone I’ve ever encountered in the blogosphere, and one would think since I’ve never done anything nasty or discourteous, that maybe, just maybe, out of courtesy for me, people would refrain from immature, irrational rantings and discourteous, insulting comments. But I guess that’s too much to ask from people who aren’t mature or reasonable and who lack even the most basic sense of decorum.
I will continue my venture for blogging civility because I’m not one to be broken easily and I can guarantee most of you will quit long before I ever will. With that being said, I will also maintain MY claim to fame of being a “classy” blogger and continue being civil and polite, but I will NOT tolerate the condescending, insulting or even remotely rude comments. I will delete them faster than a New York minute. And if I’m questioned or told I’m “unfair” or that I’m “censoring”, the person will get my new award! It’s my “Frankly My Dear” award! And it stands for “Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn”, after my favorite movie of all time, Gone With the Wind. Scarlett was a force to be reckoned with and I believe she and I would’ve gotten along quite well…
I actually did read through all of the comments to the previous post, and decided not too far in that there wasn't much point in participating. Too many manifestos (some that I suspect were "cut'n'pastes" from other sources), and "talking at" others, and not enough "talking with" interaction. There were a few who tried to discuss/debate specific issues and facts, but it never worked out for more than a single exchange or two... (I'll follow your lead and not mention any names or partisan ideologies, either as good examples or bad... The vast majority of it is there for each person to read over & judge for themselves who did/did not behave.)
ReplyDeleteI hope the situation here improves... I suspect it will, once those who're breaking the rules you set out realize that their commentary won't stay posted unless/until they behave in the manner you request & require. Just keep killing off those comments that don't fit the bill (& those that complain or second guess your judgments about those that don't fit the bill), and the bad bugs will eventually scurry elsewhere.
Good Post
ReplyDeleteI read your last blog and I can understand where you are at. Some people just live for trouble making. Calling republicans *right-wingers* is like a red flag. I wish you luck. You deserve better for your attempt effort ln trying to bring sanity back.
Twisting and spinning and using free speech is part and parcel of the PC crowd...get used to it...it's going to get worse.
ReplyDeleteWe have to choose our words carefully because the media is controlled by leftwing hatemongers who only want to see us silenced. Anything we say will be interpreted in the worst way possible. You almost have to be always thinking because The left can twist anything. And will.
"Calling republicans *right-wingers* is like a red flag."
ReplyDelete"...the media is controlled by leftwing hatemongers..."
Umm... Anyone else see the contradiction?
I'm not a part of that "PC crowd," and thus don't have a problem with anyone using *left-winger* or *right-winger* (I think they are often accurate definitions of where individuals stand on issues), but if you believe that using *right-winger* "is like a red flag," why don't you feel the same about using *left-winger*?
ReplyDeleteYou were brave to do what you did, and we salute you for your efforts.
I think a lot of the problem has to do with some commenters who come here and use your forum as their own personal blog.
I still think that the goal of establishing civil discourse between the left and the right is a worthy one and will continue to support you in reaching it.
I want to give you a BIG A for effort here Pamela. I may have been part of the problem yesterday and admittedly I did blow my stack. If I was the problem and maybe I was, but if so I can assure you it was only because I was baited and could not resist my returning with my Hot head. To say that I was emotionally ticked off by a commenter would be putting it mildly. And for that I apologize to “You” Yes things did get very over-heated and I give you lots of credit for putting up with it for as long as you did. I guess that what they say about Marines is true. Once a Marine - Always a Marine. You’re a Marine For Life. Certain comments can become very raging, and they can become very personal...
ReplyDeleteI will really try my very hardest not to let that happen again.
But let me just say one more thing and I am done with this topic. And that is to your other readers and commentors to remember that it’s always a Two Way Street. It seems simple enough to me that if we want to get along with each other then we have to recognize that we believe differently and no one is ever going to convince the other that they are right and that you are wrong With that said I am done speaking about it.
You stated in your previous blog “The purpose of my blog is to express myself and my views and to allow others to express themselves”, and I completely agree with you.
And that is great. I am all for it, but keep in mind that this is an open blog and even though you may mean well, it’s an open forum and accessible to anyone to post on and to give their opinions. And people, be them regulars or strangers, and yes even trolls are going to enter and say something that is going to tick someone off. This is the backbone of blogging. The old saying "If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”, does not apply in blogging.
Any way in closing let me say that I will try my very best to adhere to your blogging policy, and NOT to receive your.. “Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn” award!
Pam, I commend you for your effort in trying to bring some sanity to the blogisphere. Without breaching the host's rules of etiquette.
ReplyDeleteIf you are successful in doing so then I think you may be the first one to accomplish such an impossible feat. And I'll be the fist to give you a high-five.
Some people just can't resist saying something or really acting stupidly. And thus the fights and name-calling begins. And the ganging up follows. Some people just don't think before hitting that "send" button.
I guess that when God handed out brains, they were absent, or last on line... The old Rodney King quote "can't we just get along" does not apply in the world of blogging.
We can’t all get along because EVERYONE has different opinions, everyone thinks differently. There’s really nothing we can do about it. Some people live by creating trouble and chaos. Some people rather create chaos than get along. It's in their make up. Thus the name calling and baiting that we see on these blogs. We must all stop being STUPID! There is enough problems here in America without this in-fighting and the baiting each other for the sake of arguments. We just have to learn tolerance for others ideas.
If someone don't like what I may have said on my blog and calls me names I try to get him to see the light the way I see it. I am no genius, either, but I try to have an open mind. Some times we are too stubborn for our own good and we can be very excited and say things that we regret later...
That being said, I think that Mal's apology was sincere and I commend him for saying what he said here today.
The blog was supposed to be about blogging etiquette. And yet the problems in the previous blog was caused by a lack of etiquette.. And it turned into a sort of war game between Republicans and Liberals. And some anti American comments showed a lack of etiquette as well as a lack of patriotism. There alone lies the problem.
ReplyDeletekeep the faith hun!
ReplyDeleteRespac: I wondered why you were MIA in the last post but then I realized you enjoy debating issues and it was a free-for-all so you were probably staying out of the “fray” to preserve your sanity!
ReplyDeleteI will continue in my efforts of “blogging civility” because I truly believe it can be done and those who don’t “play well with others” can find another playground where bullies are welcome, because they most definitely are NOT welcome here.
Bob: I don’t think “right-winger” or “left-winger” are bad in and of themselves. It’s when people use the “labels” as swords to “kill” a debate.
It’s not only the Left who twists or slants, the Right is known for these tactics as well. Neither side is innocent. Just like the media, BOTH sides are notoriously negligent and should be held accountable for not informing the public of FACTS because that is their job, however, they now have a political agenda, therefore, it’s the job of the American people to research to ensure we get the truth.
Shaw: Thank you for your kind words, encouragement and continued support with my endeavor. I’ve also received a few emails from bloggers in our community and they made me feel very hopeful. It’s a nice feeling knowing that I have support from such a great bunch of people—on BOTH sides of the political aisle!
Mal: Thank you very much for your compliment and your apology but I completely understand why you got angry. So, let me tell you that I appreciate YOUR service to OUR country. Thank you and “Oo-rah!”
Yes, I did write that the purpose of my blog is “to allow others to express themselves” however I also said that “it can be done in a civil manner”. You are correct in that we need to “recognize that we believe differently and no one is ever going to convince the other that they are right and that you are wrong.” I don’t “try” to convince anyone that they are “wrong” and I think anyone who tries to do that is fighting a losing battle. That isn’t the purpose of debating, at least in my opinion. I find discussing issues to be enlightening. It gives me a different vantage point; one that I might not have considered before. Not that I’m going to change “my” view—but it gives me something to ponder. But either way, if someone doesn’t “agree” with me I don’t find it necessary to “insult” or “demean” them and I suppose this is where I am different from a lot of people.
As far as this being an open forum and accessible to anyone to post on and to give their opinions, that is true, however, I have rules that I want everyone to try and follow and since I’m in charge, for a lack of better words, I have the right to allow or disallow whatever comments I see fit, or in this case, unfit.
Thanks for a great blog and a really good set of these rules. I am just starting out with posting on blogs and I am still finding my way around
ReplyDeleteThe first reaction whenever someone disagrees with you online is probably to tell them how wrong they are. Instead of constantly fighting back, take the time to listen to what they’re really saying. Listen to the people commenting on a blog Understand where they’re coming from. You don’t know everything, and you can learn from others if you take the time to listen.
If you don't learn to listen then you will wind up getting yourself in the position of saying something stupid like that guy did yesterday.
Because of the anonymity the blogging community allows, there is little to no accountability for what people say... People say and do whatever they please without facing any repercussions. Don’t be that person. Instead, try to be honorable by taking responsibility your actions online. By being accountable, people will respect you, whether they agree with you or not.
Is it really too much to ask for people to be kind to one another? Call me old-fashioned if you like, but there’s nothing wrong with being nice to others online. And by no means should you insult the opposing party, only for the reason that you can.
American Girl: Tolerance is something that is sorely lacking in many people. I think because many interpret it to mean “acceptance”. There is nothing inherently wrong with opposing views—we disagree with people every day on many issues, not just politics, but do we disparage the people, like our boss or our spouse, because of this discrepancy? What is it about politics that brings out such nastiness in people? And is it really necessary to be so mean when disagreeing? Why can’t people stop attacking the messenger and concentrate on the message instead?
ReplyDeleteAnd I’ll collect that “high five”! You just wait and see! I’m one determined woman!
Right is Right: Actually the post was a combination of an “open thread” and “blogging etiquette” but nevertheless the “etiquette” did get tossed out the window.
It’s not my place to question what’s in anyone’s head or heart or their patriotism. With that being said though, I don’t think it’s a good idea to TELL anyone how they feel either because this could result in hard feelings or backlash. That’s why I try to stick with the issue and not get personal.
Angel: Thanks for stopping by and since I’m an optimist I’ll “keep the faith”!
Elisabetha: Welcome to the blogosphere!
ReplyDeleteInstead, try to be honorable by taking responsibility your actions online. By being accountable, people will respect you, whether they agree with you or not.
Since you are new, you aren’t aware of my reputation or my motto, which is to “act in the blogosphere as I act in real life”. I don’t “attack” anyone in real life when debating so I don’t do it while blogging and I believe that if I can accomplish this in real life then I can accomplish it in the blogging world. As far as my reputation goes, I’ve been referred to by many as the “classy” blogger because I have never attacked, insulted or been discourteous to anyone and I intend to maintain my “claim to fame” and I believe this has earned me the respect from many other bloggers of which I’m most appreciative.
I hope you’ll get a blog up and running, Elisabetha, because you sound very rational and we could use more people like that in our community.
Yesterdays post could well considered to be a microcosm of the state of turmoil in this country and the world.
ReplyDeleteI stop by occasionally to read the commentary that can be spewed here, but have avoided participating since I figger communication requires both sending and receiving to be effective. (Please do not construe that to be a criticism of your site or your efforts.)
Yes, nice stew you stirred up yesterday. I'll quitely come back to see what else you cook up. ;-)
Jaded Fellow: I don’t wish to “stir up” or “cook” anything. Actually, I hate cooking, if not for my husband, my family would starve!
ReplyDeleteMy wish is for “civil” discourse and this can be accomplished if people would view debates as avenues of conversation rather than battlefields of right vs. wrong.
Please stop by when I post a topic that requires input and voice your opinion in a polite manner [not that you weren’t polite today!] and see if maybe, just maybe I might be onto something.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the offer to return. I shall (if I can learn to keep my sarcastically humorous fingers in check and stay on topic) give my keyboard a workout.
Undeleteworthyly yours, (hopefully)
What else is new, many of the liberals on these blogs really do take pride in being ignorant everything else seems to be against their parties D&A. I reckon they have to have fun somehow by degrading republicans! In the case that we saw here yesterday, one of your readers (commenters) made a very unnecessary and degrading remark about the service of another reader saying something nasty about his service to our country, or words to that effect.
ReplyDeleteLike the Jaded fellow, I stop by here occasionally on the way to my train to read the commentary that is written here, as I usually find it to be very interesting and entertaining as well. But I have never participated in the conversation until now.
As far as your subject regarding “Blogging Etiquette”. As someone else said here today, if one is ignorant, and they do not know better since they do not know the facts, even a stupid person knows what to say and what not to say as far as getting under ones skin and “baiting” the other. One can only think that he’d be doing so for the express reason to start a fight with the other
PDH: I have just found your blog through a liberal who gave me a link to it as an example of how conservatives are the nastiest commenters in the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteI found this, of course, not to be the case at all, but found that most of the offending comments came from those of her very ilk.
I enjoyed reading your past posts and will probably return often to see what's up here.
Frank: I’ve found that there are Conservatives who take pride in being “ignorant” also.
ReplyDeleteGeneralizations don’t bode well with me because not everyone from one group can fit into one little box. I find that I must judge each person based on his/her actions regardless of his/her political affiliation. I have just as many civil and polite Liberals as I do Conservatives and the proof is in my comment sections so to accuse ALL Liberals of being inherently “ignorant” is just as bad as saying everyone who drinks before noon is an alcoholic.
Joe: Hello and welcome! You will find that there are nasty people on BOTH sides just as there are kind, civil and courteous people on both as well.
I have contributors from both sides of the political aisle and there are a few, from both sides, who just refuse to follow the rules and behave in a mature and civil manner. But for the most part, my contributors are courteous and rational and willing to assist me in my endeavor towards a more “civil blogging community” as I believe we can all debate issues without attacking each other.
Pam: I admit I was baiting Malcomtent and Professor of Life with the same tactic used by Limabuagh and other right leaning commenters.
ReplyDeleteMy apology to you for the venom that ensued. I'll refrain from explaining furthur as it would only cause this thread to go downhill also.
Truth: I know why you did what you did-- not that others understood.
ReplyDeleteBut let me ask you this: You condemn Limbaugh et al. for their tactics, so is it not fair if you are lambasted for yours? And if so, shouldn’t your apology be directed to those who were impacted by it the most?
My comments mentioned facts, numbers, and events that actually happened.
ReplyDeleteYet they refused to discuss the facts, numbers, and events I brought up; instead they inferred I was diluted, all wet, or worse, and refused to discuss the facts, numbers, and real events I brought up, at all.
Then you deleted my comment about the facts of the way our soldiers had been treated.
You want facts, that's what I offered.
If a description of real events makes a party look bad, that's reality and not a reason to be disrespected, or deleted.
If people want respect, they have to give it.
Political debate should clarify issues by determining what did not work in the past, and which ideology would be the best path to take for future best interest of America.
We cannot hide from the History of our mistakes, or the truth of known facts.
I don't know what you want. I hope you find it.
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeletePam: I admit I was baiting Malcomtent and Professor of Life with the same tactic used by Limabuagh and other right leaning commenters.
I just came from Joe’s blog which brought me here to this site. As it was mentioned over there.. In reading the comments backwards it was a bit difficult to understand at first. But when I started over and read yesterday blog it all became very clear. I have to tell you that I was able to spot the fact that TRUTH 101 was looking to start these unpleasantries from the get go. And now I see that he has admitted it.
Malcontent was driven to say what he did by the outrageous thing that TRUTH 101 said, and I don’t blame him in the least. I think and I hope that I would have reacted in the very same manner.
I have also read his site and I cannot for the life of me understand why you he has been allowed to stay on this site and spread his outlandish lies and insults to others like myself who believe in the Republican movement. It's too bad so many give him so much attention and even went as far as backing him up. But this is common among the Left one lies and the other swears to it. .
And you say, “I know why you did what you did-- not that others understood.” Why should anyone understand? What does Rush Limabuagh OR ANY other right leaning commenter have to do with “Right Leaning people HATING OUR TROOPS!” This is just about the worst thing anyone especially an American could have said. And to address it to a fellow that served our country makes it 10 times worse! Why are these liar’s allowed to make these things up? This guy is a fraud
Thank you for allowing me to say my 2 cents here, because I am infuriated over this.
If you want to blog about Etiquette, then certainly truth and manners should be a qualification.
ReplyDeleteYour right. People can disagree with being both civil and respectful at the same time.
I have to admit when I get accusatory comments full of hatred on my blog, I usually fire back at that particular person with hatred as well. Although, I try not to fall into that trap.
Good Luck with bringing commentators back to civility and being respectful.
Until we ALL erase the line in the sand, there will be no civility and intelligent debate.
ReplyDeleteAlready there are comments here from those unwilling to let go of the "us against them" mentality.
Liberal thinking people are not necessarily communists, socialists, unpatriotic, etc.
Conservative thinkers are not necessarily racists, homophobes, Facists, etc.
Everybody stop!
Look at the names and faces attached to the comments and realize; we are ALL AMERICANS.
America is NOT a Christian country, it is a country that embraces people of all faiths(or none at all), it is a country that embraces all the ethnic traditions of its people. It is a country of freedom to speak, to debate, to disagree.
What it should NEVER be is a country divided.
If everyone would just check their egos at the keyboard and TRY to open up a civil dialog.
All the sniping back and forth may feed some perverse need, but it is unpatriotic and irresponsible in the mein of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.
Forget about who has been worse or used more bad words or whatever vicitm complaint you might have; we are all guilty of allowing our country to fail by being apathetic and ignorant of what was happening in Washington and on Capitol Hill for years.
Quite frankly, neither "side" is going to overcome the disaster we are in - that can only be done IF we work together.
Forget about whose has control of Congress; when did it become the constitutional intent that a political party be in control of this country - they are supposed to be doing the people's business and instead they are ALL more concerned with big corp. business.
They are perfectly happy to have us at each others' throats while it's business as usual on the Beltway.
There is no time left for childish behavior. If you haven't looked in the mirror lately, go there and take a good hard look. There is no one to pass the buck to. We are the grownups now and it is our responsibility to acknowledge past mistakes, re-adjust our course and try to repair what is damaged.
You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. The choice is yours.
In keeping with the title of Pamela's post, I do give a damn.
ReplyDeleteWhen I baited mal and POL with the "righties hate America" it hurt them. They thought, and rightfully so that it was unfair, distasteful, unwarrented, and to sum it up, despicable. Just as anyone on the left feels when Rush or one of the bigtimers uses that same theme. Bill O'Reilly even admitted in one of his columns that when he's not getting anywhere he just says "they hate America."
I'vre called for anyone on the right to join me in gladly paying a few more bucks a week in taxes to support our Troops and the work they've been asked to do. To keep the promises we made to our Veterans. Still, not one of you has said you would.
I've parted ways with many of my friends on the left over Israel's right to defend herself. Certain pro life issues. Crime. I've had many "followers" come and go over things I've said that didn't necessarilly jive with left wing dogma. Will one of you on the right please look at our Country's financial situation and tell me why it is so hard to support proper funding for our Troops and keeping promises to Veterans? If you lose a few followers because you came out in favor of supporting our Troops and Veterans financially, they weren't worth having as followers anyway.
Tom: I don’t recall deleting any of your comments from that last thread, I could be mistaken but I checked my “deleted” folder and there aren’t any comments in there from you. Maybe you are thinking of a different topic?
ReplyDeleteI agree that no one should dispute facts out of fear of a “party" looking “bad”. What difference does it make if a “party” looks bad as long as America looks good? As long as America succeeds? I can’t grasp this concept. It’s as if some people take the insult to a “party” as a personal insult unto themselves which isn’t the case.
Robert Thomas: You are a newcomer and I welcome you. However, I must ask you not to preach to me about manners, etiquette or honesty because I have been an ardent advocate of all three for quite some time. My endeavors for blogging civility have gotten me called a “traitor”, a “lib lover” and even threatened by some on the Right, so again, please don’t come on here and tell me that I have no right to “understand” a contributor even if he said something that was unfavorable.
With that being said, until you have all the facts, I would appreciate some “understanding” myself, unless you cannot find it within your heart to do so and if that’s the case then my blog is not a site that would suit you.
Teresa: Welcome back! I will say that you were very respectful during the debate on the “Cindy McCain” topic, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I hope you’ll continue to visit and give your opinions because they are most appreciated!
Rocky: You and I think so much alike as I have said these statements quite a few times, e.g. “ we are ALL AMERICANS.”
ReplyDelete“neither "side" is going to overcome the disaster we are in - that can only be done IF we work together”
“They are perfectly happy to have us at each others' throats while it's business as usual on the Beltway.”
“If you haven't looked in the mirror lately, go there and take a good hard look.”
“You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.”
Now, if we can get others on board maybe we can find some solutions.
Thank you, Rocky, for your continued support, I truly appreciate it and you.
Pam - I don't always share your views but I've always got your back. In the end, we are all family.
ReplyDeleteRocky: But even when we don't agree we do it with "class"!
ReplyDeleteI have your back too "sister"!
I admire and respect what Pamela has tried to accomplish in this blog. She has demonstrated real courage and fortitude. She has withstood relentless attacks, yet stuck by her convictions. She is dynamic, and there are very few bloggers in Cyberspace trying to accomplish the almost impossible.
ReplyDeleteFYI, I am a liberal praising a conservative. While Pamela and I may not agree on many issues, we don’t have to agree. First and foremost, I consider Pamela as my friend, and neither Pamela nor I believe partisan is a prerequisite for friendship.
Unfortunately, there are people who think otherwise. There are people who criticized Pamela for posting an article at a liberal weblog. There are people who criticized her for accommodating liberals in her discussion threads and for promoting bipartisan dialogue. There are people who are exclusionary: “You are either with us or against us.”
Actually, Pamela is visionary. She believes in civility, community, and citizenship. Frankly, so do I. While Pamela may hold different political views than me, our core values are one and the same.
Yet, there were people who came to Pamela’s weblog to advance not Pamela’s agenda but their own. They hijacked her comment threads. They turned every discussion into their own personal soapbox. The launched verbose and vicious diatribes that were off-topic, and they vilified anyone and everyone holding a different viewpoint. Is this the America that our ancestors fought and died for? I think not.
Why does Pamela believe so much in civility, community, and citizenship? Simple. Our country is turning into a partisan apartheid. We are divided, no longer united. We cannot solve problems, and there are many, in the face of petty bickering. For these reasons alone, I support Pamela in this effort.
ReplyDeleteI want to say how much I admire your efforts here.You're doing yeoman work and I give you big props! You are eminently fair;there is a big difference between one who thinks they are objective and one who truly is objective.Great work.
I've exchanged views with a couple of Oracular Opinion people,dmarks and Joe who is new here. Spirited debate and completely civil.
It's my observation that many of us here take labels personally.
Like a person walking into a dark and crowded movie theatre calling out "hey stupid" and someone across the room shouting back "I'm not stupid".
Blogger A will comment on the general bias of x-wingers;Blogger B will respond about the general nastiness of the z-wing. I'm as bad as anyone in this respect. We all want to be civil but most have a level of intolerance for those whose views don't conform with ours. I am the King of this kind of intolerance so not holding myself up as a model of decorum.
I don't know what the answer is, but we really need to hold back a little on our generalizations about the other side, and our taking personally every attack on our own side. For Pam's sake.
Well oh well isn't this "Love Fest" peachy creamy!
ReplyDeleteAnd that's fine, but look at what happened here!!!!!
Truth101 come in and says something AWFUL about 2 of our very popular and well liked conservative posters. (And admitting BAITED them).
They both get very angry and rightfully so.
So they both post a rebuttal and say what had to be said, and in comes a gang of Truth101's liberal troops supporting him and vilifying both Mal and The Professor for defending their side of the story.
One of these Truth101 supporters even writes a long, long story about had wrong Mal was and that her family member who is in the military "out ranks Mal (like that even matters) and also puts him down as a cook.
Now in come the real hero Truth101 and admits he was wrong and everyone gathers around him, and makes kissy kissy as if he was the pope and could do nothing wrong.
But I didn't hear one word from anybody (except Pam) when Mal apologized for ranting, even though he was correct in doing so.. .
And what do we have here now, we have a blog full of LIBERAL Truth101 people occupying this entire blog, voicing their opinions not one conservative except mine today! But not one of you saying one word addressing the fact that both Mal and the Professor was right. When I came in here the other day, to say what I felt about Truth101's distasteful post mine was deleted, Pam thought my post was unwarranted.
So much for the pot calling the kettle black!
It's no wonder that both Mal and the professor stopped posting here.. I can't blame either one.
So much for your respectful for Etiquette.
I hope that this last post won't also be deleted Pam.
ReplyDeleteBrooklyn Guy: I think you are mistaken in that I deleted your comment from the last post, maybe you are thinking of another topic? The last thread contained 6 deleted comments and they were posted by “Anonymous”. So if you posted as “Anonymous” then yes, you could’ve been deleted, but not one comment was deleted by anyone called “A Guy from Brooklyn”.
ReplyDeletePlease don’t refer to me as “The pot calling the kettle black” as I don’t appreciate it and I will not tolerate any more of your insults to me. It appears, from my research on your past comments, that you only come here to attack, insult and veer the topic off course because I have yet to read a comment by you that pertains to the topic at hand which doesn’t include some off-handed condescending remark. I feel it’s unnecessary and impolite and I have no idea why you feel the need to do this to me as I have been nothing but respectful to you, consequently I don’t wish to engage in this type of behavior any more. And please don’t bring Truth into this because it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Truth or his unfortunate comment as you have been engaging in this type of behavior long before Truth wrote his comment.
If you want to continue blogging here then you will have to conduct yourself differently and that means following my rules. If that doesn’t appeal to you then we will have to part company as I am no longer willing to continue in this manner.
It appears the self-appointed vigilante is back. You know, the one who disrespects Pamela by disrupting her comment threads, the one who comes across like a street gang member, the one whose profile reads:
ReplyDelete“I have NO tolerance for … stupidity, ignorance … swaggers, braggers … dumb mugs, pugs … nitwits, halfwits, dimwits … ass-kickers, shit-kickers and especially ..... LIBERALS.”
You didn’t expect Brooklyn Guy to say anything constructive, didya?
Pamela, if I may offer a theory:
ReplyDeleteWhat do terrorist insurgents in Iraq do? They bomb Shiite mosques to foment civil disorder. Their goal is to disrupt, to create social divisions, to spread chaos.
There are Internet insurgents like Brooklyn Guy who do the same. They come here to disrupt, to piss off people, to create divisions among people, to demoralize and spread chaos. They are trying to defeat what you are trying to achieve.
Pam - All I am going to say is stick to your guns. The tone of political debate between right and left in cyberspace leaves much to be desired.
ReplyDeleteAs you said both sides are guilty (even myself at times, although I never go vulgar)and I too ave keept score.
So you and I both know were the greatest lack of civility lies. It is why I have attempted to change the tone of debate at Rational Nation USA. And for the most part I began with myself. There will always be those who see their highest purpose is to incite hate and misunderstanding. And as a V.P. I once worked with was often heard saying, "It is what it is." This is one of those realities we simply must understand.
"There's a visceral loathing between two halves of the country. This mutual hatred and disdain might not have spilt over into another civil war, but there is once again a very obvious civil stand-off in which one half of the country looks on the other with absolute contempt." --
ReplyDeleteSound familiar? Is it the US? No. This was written by Tobias Jones, British author writing in "The Dark Heart of Italy, An Incisive Portrait of Europe's Most Beaautiful, Most Disconcerting Country." pg 241 --Published in 2003 by North Point Press, a division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York.
And the following was written by Italian journalist Angelo Panebianco, for the newspaper "Corriere della Sera, in January 2002.
"[There is] a type of 'battle between civilisations.' On one side are those who retain that the current government is a sort of infection, a repository of wickedness and illegality, and on the other are those for whom that same infection can be seen in the relationship between the political left and the magistrature. The division between the two is radical. It's a division about values and principles which cancels any possibility of communication and compromise."
Are we Americans going to go down the path that Italy has chosen for herself?
I believe we are halfway there. I also believe what Abraham Lincoln said when he paraphrased the New Testament: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
From Matthew 12:25, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand."
As I said, I believe we’re halfway there--unless we have the will and the courage to change.
Today is the anniversary of Lincoln’s birth date, 201 years ago. Let’s remember what he sacrificed to keep this country together.
Oh, come on....
ReplyDeleteWould someone let me in on the secret...everyone keeps winking and nodding over who causes all the incivility...
I am dying to know!
Its a conspiracy isn't it? I know it is....
Pam, it seems like rules were ment to be broken.
ReplyDeleteI Just Call Em As I See Em: "Sue and her Ilk are the hatemongers of the blogisphere."
ReplyDeleteSue has her own blog and speaks for herself, but that does not mean she speaks for me. I don't pretend to speak for Sue. Each person speaks for herself/himself.
You, however, engage in blanket stereotypes. If you don't like what Sue said, take it up with Sue, but don't paint everyone with the same brush. This is illogical and immature.
Reading through all those comments from the previous post, I have to say, Pam, this was a far better experiment than any I could have come up with.
ReplyDeleteWhich is not to say that I won't try again :)
To the anonymous coward,
ReplyDelete"I call them as I see them"
I wrote that!
It's all true.
If you have a problem with it come to my blog.
Stop your lying accusation against Sue.
In case I am too busy this weekend, I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Weekend. My love to everyone. That's all you need friends!
ReplyDeleteI would like to bring up something.
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing with Truth, (and I am not even addressing the rightness or wrongness of that situation) began when he was pretty much supporting me.
Some inaccurate comments had been made regarding the USCG and port security in NYC. In the course of attempting to correct these inaccuracies I was called foolish, 'defending our Dear Leader', various liberal epithets and so on.
I chose to ignore all of those things, and to be very careful to avoid any similar statements myself because they were distractions from the actual point, which was that the argument put forth about the USCG MSST was wholly inaccurate. My focus was on correcting these inaccuracies, which were being used as some sort of denigration of the current administration.
It took several posts and several people became involved. Perhaps if I had been a bit more precise in what inaccuracies I was addressing from the start I wouldn't have had to repeat the information.
However, and I am not dealing with the rightness or wrongness of the situation with T101... I did notice that there was never any comment made by any of the people who called me whatever.. once I had irrefutably laid out the inaccuracies of the statements made and corrected them.
There was no acknowledgment that a mistake had been made, that those things put forth as 'facts' were not so, or that any error had been made.
I bring this up because it's a very vital point and in some ways an illustration of the larger situation:
1. wrong information is used to slam the (insert group here)
2. correct information is presented
3. distraction from original situation ensues
4. the fact that the original information presented was wrong is forgotten in the melee
I think for reasonable discussion to progress it's important to recognize and acknowledge when you've made a factual error. I'm not saying that people need to deny their subjective beliefs. I am, however, saying that if someone says that Boise, Idaho is the capital of the US, that when they are presented with irrefutable evidence to the contrary, they need to own and acknowledge their error and make a genuine effort to base things in fact and reality.
Otherwise it's all just a spin game.
I don't know people's motives. All I know is what I watch play out.
Satyavati devi dasi said...
ReplyDeleteI would like to bring up something.
The whole thing with Truth, (and I am not even addressing the rightness or wrongness of that situation) began when he was pretty much supporting me.
No way!
Yes it is because of Truth101 but not for that reason, Truth101 is a name calling agitator. He lives to make waves . His blogs are aimed to make republicans angry. He is the biggest name calling blogger around. He is a name caller a baiter and he is just plain and simply a guy that spreads bad news. And he is the real cause of ALL these problems here and around the other blogs.
Say what you may, put Truth101 is the real Problem here. Look at his blog and you will see how he really acts and feels, he stirs up his own readers and calls republican and the republican spokes-people every dirty word in the book.
I have stopped commenting fo on liberal blogs only because of HIM!. It is simply to exhausting trying to hold up a conversation that weaves and dodges so much. The remind me of butterflies, going from place to place with no rhyme or reason only whim and fancy.
I feel that we have to do whatever we have to do to save this country from people that want to kill us.
ReplyDeleteAnd if he (Truth101) don't like it then that's too bad.
He can call me anything he wants too. I still feel that way.
And yes, I follow and believe in Rush, Glenn and yes I even like Sarah Palin.
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteIn case I am too busy this weekend, I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Weekend. My love to everyone. That's all you need friends!
By The Looks Of These Comments Here You Ain't Got No Friends!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your comment.
Teresa said...
I totally agree with your comment
As do I
One would think that those who have a problem with something posted on another blog would discuss it ON THAT BLOG, or on their own blog. Odd that so many choose to discuss it here, instead...
ReplyDeleteI like Truth... I don't always agree with him or his methods, (or Octo & his methods, or even Pam & her methods) but I like him (& them, generally) just the same... The idea that the guy has no friends 'round here is patently & demonstrably false... FWIW...
So much for Valentines Day and loving one another. May as well go all in now.
I was banned from Professor Douglas' American Power blog because he hates Truth also.
repsac3 said..I like Truth... I don't always agree with him or his methods, (or Octo & his methods, or even Pam & her methods) but I like him (& them, generally) just the same... The idea that the guy has no friends 'round here is patently & demonstrably false.
ReplyDeleteEverybody is entitled to their opinion, and yours is very different from mine. And by the looks of these, comments.
1) there are many that do not agree with yours and do agree with mine.
2) Just look as his last lost, the one below yours and tell me that what Ablur and the others said is not true! He proved it right there.
What adult would make a post saying the following:
(in-case he deletes it, I want to copy it)
Truth101, so cleverly said:
TRUTH 101 said...
"So much for Valentines Day and loving one another. May as well go all in now.
Is that really rational? Or is it the voice of a trouble maker? And a disruptive Troll.
People like him enjoy stirring up trouble and controversy on the Internet ... others may not even realize that their behavior is disruptive. .... his goal is really trying to cause a problem, and to frustrate people and to build his own reputation. The sad thing is that he is just a troublemaker. And his opinions are based on disagreement with anything a republican may say.
While some may find it amusing until that person has a meltdown as he did right here on Pam’s previous blog. Some may not even realize that their behavior is disruptive. Sometimes, people are simply rude and aggressive without trying to behave like a troll exactly like Truth101 does... particularly if they disagree with the subject of a conversation.
Think about it.expodr
"1) there are many that do not agree with yours and do agree with mine."
Or perhaps those that do agree with mine just choose not to talk about it. The only thing we can tell for certain is that the Truth naysayers are far more vocal.
"2) Just look as his last lost, the one below yours and tell me that what Ablur and the others said is not true! He proved it right there.
What adult would make a post saying the following:"
(Cut in the interest of "three copies of the same rant would be entirely doubleplus redundant")
"Is that really rational? Or is it the voice of a trouble maker? And a disruptive Troll.
I have no idea what it is, because I have no clue what it means... Obviously, there are folks here who know, but--except for that last little bit about Professor Douglas @ AmPow (with whom I'm entirely too familiar)--I'm not one of 'em.
I'll say that it seems kinda odd & off-topic, (and that that bit about AmPow isn't entirely true... There is no way to actually ban anyone on a blogspot blog... You can only moderate comments ahead of time & not allow those of your "enemies" through, or you can delete comments after they're posted... You can't stop anyone from reading/submitting comments to any public blog...), but I wouldn't say troll-worthy... (For my money, trolls do little more than post once or twice with the express purpose of causing dissent, AND DON'T respond when called out. One thing I'm sure of, is that ain't the way Truth operates... Bob's pair of contradictory comments--& the fact that he's never come back to address the contradiction--make him seem more trollish to me than Truth, by far. But YMMV...)
"People like him enjoy stirring up trouble and controversy on the Internet ... others may not even realize that their behavior is disruptive. .... his goal is really trying to cause a problem, and to frustrate people and to build his own reputation. The sad thing is that he is just a troublemaker. And his opinions are based on disagreement with anything a republican may say."
Yeah, I don't see that. More often than not, I see him getting hit before he hits back. But then, some of you folks on the right have a long and apparently endlessly unforgivable & unforgettable history with Truth, so who knows where it all really began... (He also seems to hold a grudge, though.)
"While some may find it amusing until that person has a meltdown as he did right here on Pam’s previous blog. Some may not even realize that their behavior is disruptive. Sometimes, people are simply rude and aggressive without trying to behave like a troll exactly like Truth101 does... particularly if they disagree with the subject of a conversation.
Think about it."
I would, but I'm not sure what that all means, either... Truth is certainly more aggressive (& occasionally rude, even) than I generally choose to be--which is something that he has to answer for, when it comes up--but I don't see him as a troll. And apparently, neither does Pam (who has final say, here), or those conservatives and others who visit his blog pretty regularly. (I suspect that some here call them "traitors to the Con cause," or something--as happened to Pam around Christmas or so--the price of not acting like an ass to those with whom you disagree, I guess). Somehow though, there's a good number of self-identified Republicans & Cons who're able to go back & forth with Truth, without anyone getting anything tied in big ol' nasty knots...
red pox
I answer in proportion to how I'm addressed.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to banning and Professor Douglas, if a blogmaster tells me not to come back, I will honor that. Regardless of what limitations Google puts on the ability of bloggers to block comments. Should Pamela tell me to go, I will of course acede to her wishes. It's her blog and I do tend to get provoked. I wouldn't bad mouth her if she did tell me to go.
Now can I count on your support for a few more dollars a week to support our Veterans and Troops Ablur? Julie? Theresa? Anyone?
repsac3, I have my view, and you have your views, but I have had plenty of experience with this character.. I am a bit late to this Hot Topic, but never the less, I have a few things to say about it.
ReplyDeleteTruth101 has been a republican hater from the very first day that I entered the world of blogging and that was back in the early part of 2008.
He had been on my back and criticized just about every thing that I said on other blogs,he would call me awful names such as a "brown shirt" and so on... he was just like a leach I was never able to get rid of that pest. He would criticize my grammar my spelling my views and even my intelligence.. .
At that time I had a little blog on "Bebo" called "Timeline"
It was because of him that I stopped writing there. So I can justify anything annoying that anyone has to say about him ..
If he had any credibility, he would shut his big lying mouth and go away.
So I can and do agree with everything that Ablur said...
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteI answer in proportion to how I'm addressed.
I will honor that. Regardless of what limitations Google puts on the ability of bloggers to block comments. Should Pamela tell me to go, I will of course acede to her wishes. It's her blog and I do tend to get provoked. I wouldn't bad mouth her if she did tell me to go.
With all due respect to Pamela, and please Pam I do not meant this in a bad way, but you seem to bend over backwards for liberals. You seems extremely sensitive to conservative postings and gets offended very easily at harmless posts and often delete them for no good reason. And not doing the same to liberals...
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteI answer in proportion to how I'm addressed.
I will honor that. Regardless of what limitations Google puts on the ability of bloggers to block comments. Should Pamela tell me to go, I will of course acede to her wishes. It's her blog and I do tend to get provoked. I wouldn't bad mouth her if she did tell me to go.
With all due respect to Pamela, and please Pam I do not meant this in a bad way, but you seem to bend over backwards for liberals. You seems extremely sensitive to conservative postings and gets offended very easily at harmless posts and often delete them for no good reason. And not doing the same to liberals...
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteI answer in proportion to how I'm addressed.
I will honor that. Regardless of what limitations Google puts on the ability of bloggers to block comments. Should Pamela tell me to go, I will of course acede to her wishes. It's her blog and I do tend to get provoked. I wouldn't bad mouth her if she did tell me to go.
With all due respect to Pamela, and please Pam I do not meant this in a bad way, but you seem to bend over backwards for liberals. You seems extremely sensitive to conservative postings and gets offended very easily at harmless posts and often delete them for no good reason. And not doing the same to liberals...
Ablur said,
ReplyDelete"I have stopped commenting fo on liberal blogs only because of HIM!."
To stop commenting, or reading all liberal blogs because of one liberal that made you mad, is an irrational response.
"And yes, I follow and believe in Rush, Glenn and yes I even like Sarah Palin."
That's fine, but do you ever listen to more than one side? Is there no balance in your thought process?
Many on both sides think the same. It is part of partisan thinking, and a mistake to base a thought process, or decision process, on hearing only one side.
ReplyDeleteBy The Looks Of These Comments Here You Ain't Got No Friends!
TRUTH can count me as a friend. He may ruffle people's feathers, but I happen to know that he is above all else a decent human being.
Happy V-day, Pam, TRUTH, and everyone.
I have never called anyone a "brown shirt" and I do not remember ever visiting a blog called Bebo. I don't think I've ever visited your blog either Irene.
ReplyDeleteYou must have me confused with someone else.
Happy Valentines Day.
ReplyDeleteAs for what Shaw said about Truth......
TRUTH can count me OUT as a friend.
Oh, and if you're one of the Long Beach trolls, don't bother using that trick where you post under someone elses name. It's old and stale.
ReplyDeleteOkay, here is just ONE TINY EXAMPLE OF WHAT HAPPENS:
ReplyDeleteTruth comes on and responds to MY post with TWO comments that PERTAIN to the topic:
Truth101 said: So we can all list horror stories about our dealings with insurance companies. But that's better than everyone being covered under one system with one set of rules?
Truth101 said: Before the end of this month, at leasdt two more of you will be in the same predicament one of our most popular bloggers is in. And I can safely predict, you will ask what will the government do about this.
The change to a single payer system is necessary for our Nation to compete in the world. Our employers can't afford to provide health insurance and still compete with foreign companies that don't. We are all Americans. None of us, no matter how tough we like to sound, wants a fellow American to suffer without treatment because he/she can't afford medical care when needed.
I've been blogging and advocating for national health insurance for two years. The first post I did at my old site generated over a thousand hits and over 100 comments in one day. Most of them were rational and offered good suggestions from public/private partnerships. Tax credits. My single payer ideas and a few others. Since then the discussion has gone from people that saw a problem and offered ideas, to what we see now. Name calling and wild accusations about socialism and the "death of America." Yet we all agree that we need to rebuild how we make health care affordable and available to all Americans.
National health insurance won't b the death of America. America is more likely to die a slow, painful death due to the constant bickering between people that agree on the end result but can't get over labels.
I will be happy and proud to raise the level of discourse when we all lift ourselves up.
Thanks for the forum Pamela. You amaze me with your ability to keep a cool head when the rest of us are not.
THEN this is posted:
I Ain’t Got No blog said: TRUTH 101 said...
"Before the end of this month, at leasdt two more of you will be in the same predicament one of our most popular bloggers is in. And I can safely predict, you will ask what will the government do about this."
Hey LAP DOG, your Master Shaw would be very pissed at you if see saw that you miss-spelled "leasdt
LMAO... shame, shame..
Will someone please tell me how this even remotely pertains to ANY topic let alone Truth’s comment? And again, this is just ONE tiny example and it is a MILD example.
TRUTH replies to the above comment with this:
Truth101 said: What are you picking on me for Blogless? I could care less about typos. Or has Shaw busted your insignificant balls to a point that you can't take it anymore?
con't below:
TRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteI have never called anyone a "brown shirt" and I do not remember ever visiting a blog called Bebo. I don't think I've ever visited your blog either Irene.
You must have me confused with someone else
Well then my memories are better than yours.
And don't put me off by discrediting me and calling me a troll.
You know it as well as I do.
SO, it may APPEAR that I am "bending over backwards for liberals" but when I receive these type of comments from CONSERVATIVES you tell me if I’m supposed to leave them in my comment section:
ReplyDeleteYou want fries with that? said: Well Tom, Hopefully they can find more important things to deal with like traitors and war criminals at Guantanamo Bay, fags getting married, and hiring libtard bitches like Ruth Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor to sway decisions.
And, B- Enough of your p.c. bullshit already..
My quote for today is
"You're gonna run into jerk offs. But remember, it's not the size of the asshole you worry about, it's how much shit comes out of it."
I will Meticulously categorize your post under: Fucking Demo-socialists, Trolling morons
PSI BOND said: Thanks for that post Truth101, I'm convinced once again, TRUTH 101 has proven to be an IDIOT.
A brainwashed freaken Idiot.
Comment by Libs are good for nothing but to get a few laughs from.
Have fun with that you Village Idiot.
gunslinger said: FUCK YOU! You Lefty ASS-HOLE Psychopath
Would any of you keep THOSE comments in your comment section?
As I have said on NUMEROUS occasions, I have ALL DELETED comments SAVED so I am privy to the FACTS. The ratio of unfavorable comments are posted by Conservatives therefore I am NOT bending over backwards for anyone.
Me, Myself and I...
ReplyDeleteYour memory sucks...
IT was TAO that used the word 'brownshirts' along with the word 'goosestepping' and I did in capital letters...
For your information I live in a different state and have never met Truth101
But I would consider it an honor if he considered me his friend!!!
Pam can more than verify that TRUTH101 and TAO are two different people....
Now, she may not want to hang out with us in public....
I don't know whether Pam bends over backwards for Liberals but it does seem that she is overly sensitive to conservatives comments. I do agree though that some conservatives were not on subject so then she has every right to delete the comment. But, it seems to me that some of the comments like those said by conservatives that she deleted, she may have kept posted if they were posted by a liberal.
ReplyDeleteThis is just an observation.
by the way ME, MYSELF and I...
ReplyDeleteI remember when your profile picture show a guy with a beard...
Now, you are a chick....
Still in human resources and still in New York...
So, either you are a troll or you have had a sex change operation...
Take your pic....
Teresa: PSI Bond is a Conservative, he has a blog and so does I Ain't Got No Blog. The others COULD be trolls posing as Conservatives. However, I have MORE Conservatives, who have blogs, who posted comments that needed deleting. I also have many other instances where Truth was "taunted" like the situation I showed above.
ReplyDeleteThis is what I have been up against for a year now. People see Truth's name and don't even respond to his comment. They immediatly vilify him. THAT is NOT fair. And anyone who believes in right and wrong would admit it, unless they are afraid they will be called out by the "pack" in which case I say be a "sheeple". I REFUSE to be a "sheeple", never was and never will be.
I'd rather people hate me for who I am than like me for who I am NOT. At least I can look at myself in the mirror without flinching and know that I stood for something and that something is JUSTICE. And what some people are doing is NOT justice.
I looked, Me, Myself, And I, but unfortunately your old blog was no more and, after going through every dang page on your current blog, I can report that--assuming you really don't delete any comments, ever (& that nasty spam infestation indicates you really don't)--Truth has never once posted a comment of any kind on your current blogspot blog. (Which, given that you claim he was all over your bebo blog, I find pretty strange--though certainly not impossible.) ((& by the by, I noted a number of familiar names that post(ed) there, both friend & foe... Sometimes I think the political blogging community here in the US really isn't all that big.)
ReplyDeleteObviously, Truth rubs a particular (& pretty incestuously insular--mostly from this one geographic area of NY, I've noticed) set of rightwing conservatives the wrong way... Maybe it's 'cause he's mean & ornery, or maybe because some of you folks is sensitive, or maybe it's both. Or maybe, it's something else, altogether. I don't know why, but I do know that the whole name-calling, quoting old posts from other blogs, sweeping generalization of all liberals/conservatives based on something he alone (or one of you, alone) said, is gettin' really old and tired.
In my humble, we don't need the AOL-style "me, too" posts, where one person says Truth is ____, and four other commenters immediately show up to say they agree that he is a _____.
I'm good with bangin' on anyone for the things they post in the current thread (attacking the words, rather than the "ass" who posted them, no matter how much of an "ass" s/he may be), but I don't get rehashing posts from other places and or times, unless they rebut something posted in the current thread. (Not to pick on "My Right View," but she went through a pretty serious and sudden political conversion, as anyone who's read her blog archives can tell you. (It's as though somewhere between July 12th and August 6th, 2009, she became another person.) That's fine; people grow & change, but I wouldn't have an issue with someone reading her saying something nasty about liberals, and then pulling up a post where she once claimed right wingers all suffered from Conservativitus and deserved everyone's sympathy, and asking her whether she still felt that way. (I'd assume not.) That'd make sense and be relevant , as it would make her current views more questionable... (If she could be so wrong then, couldn't she be just as wrong, now? How solid are those deeply-held con principles, anyway?)
If it ain't relevant, who cares what someone said on another blog at some other point in time? Hit 'em there, if it really matters to you. Or post it on your own blog, if you'd rather... If it didn't happen here, or directly relate to something that did, it has no business being posted here. (And yeah, Truth... That more'n'likely goes for the GRAY HEADED BROTHER, too... (Tao & Shaw are here to say their own pieces, but if I recall correctly, you said that this Gray guy stopped blogging...))
Were Pam to really zap everything that was off-topic or contained ad hom, this would be a far less verbally congested place. (And a whole lotta people would be even less happy with her & the whole shebang, if she ever did...)
Well Reppy my old friend and superior, I do have a knack for generating a buzz.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks TAO for straightening Irene out about who visited her blog. I was positive it wasn't me. I don't even know what a "brown shirt" is.
If you want me to post something that will generate a buzz at your blog Irene, just ask. I'm always glad to help out.
Truth, that is why I like you, you are always there to offer the hand of kindness to your fellow man and woman!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think Google should pay you because it is you who makes blogging so much fun!
We all would be such dull and lonely people without you!
Truth, we're all superior at something... You just happen to be a magnet for comments about you... Draw 'em like flies, you do...
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to think Pam ought to change the name of this post to "Truthfully, My Dear"...
(And if this silliness doesn't stop, I can see "The Truthracular Opinion," in our future... I'm just sayin'...)
There is certainly a lot of negativity on this blog for someone who says:
ReplyDeleteIf you choose to ignore this rule, your comment WILL be deleted without notice. I would like for contributors to stay on topic and I reserve the right to delete your comment without notice if I feel it doesn’t contribute to the topic at hand. I also reserve the right to ban anyone from my blog for any reason. I will not argue with anyone about my policy!
It's too bad life doesn't work that way.
If I were in your shoes, I'd kick Truth out on his ear or his ass, and everyone else that complains about your blogging with him.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I would start with proposing that both Republicans and Democrats need to stop many "PORK" projects and that would help out with funding our troops. Then, if necessary, I would be willing to pay an added soda and candy tax to support our troops. But, otherwise I can't afford anything else. I am a returning college student that has been dealing with an illness for about 2 1/2 -3 years (severe endometriosis) and am still looking for a job where I don't have to stand up for 6-8 hours at a time. But, I would love to help the troops in any way that I can.
What is your gripe?
ReplyDeleteWe Republican and Teabaggers are proud on what our US Troops have accomplished in Iraq and the Middle East. We would like to congratulate each and every one of you for making our Nation More secure and proud. We are proud to raise our US Flag high above the flag pole and salute it.
A great Nation like the United States needs the ideology of totalitarianism, Capitalism, Nationalism, Militarism and Fascism, we are proud to be representing these ideas. We are proud to represent our American Nationality.
Now listen up, I heard all about you and your name calling. I have not called you any names. I would like it if you would give me the same respect.
You may not agree with my opinion, but I would happily debate the issues.
But if you have to resort to name calling and personal attack to get your point across, then I think I would win...
For those of you lefties that do not like America, there is a boat leaving every day.
Semper fi,
Ooh! I remember this comment from the other day on the other post!
ReplyDeleteDaggster said:
A great Nation like the United States needs the ideology of totalitarianism, Capitalism, Nationalism, Militarism and Fascism, we are proud to be representing these ideas. We are proud to represent our American Nationality.
I asked the other day for this to be explained to me but I didn't get an answer.
Are you a totalitarian? A capitalist? A nationalist? A militarist? A Fascist? And proud of being those things? Do you feel those things define your 'Americanness'?
Please. I have to know this, straight from the person who said it.
Red: My rules have nothing to do with the “negativity”-- individual posters do. So, if you can SHOW me where I, personally, have been negative, I would be most interested because I think I've maintained an optomistic attitude.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Pamela, for extracting these quotations from deleted comments. I would like to focus on some of these:
ReplyDelete“traitors … criminals … fags … libtard bitches … enough of your p. c. bullshit … jerk off … fucking Democrats … Lefty ASS-HOLE Psychopath … ”
Through the years, I have also read comments that said: “liberals are a disease … cockroaches that must be exterminated … all liberals must be killed …”
This is the rhetoric of eliminationism that seeks to inflict harm on whole groups of Americans - liberals, backs, Jews, feminists, the gay community, Latinos, or whatever target group is turned into the victim de jour of extremist hatred.
One should look no further than 1930s Germany to understand the consequences of extremist rhetoric. When you characterize people long enough as unfit and unworthy, as a plague on society deserving of extermination, then sooner or later, the language incites real violence … turning into real extermination, genocide, and mass murder resulting in the deaths of innocent victims.
Eliminationist rhetoric is the signature trait of fascism. By small steps of incremental meanness and viciousness, we loose our humanity. It gives people permission to act out their paranoid impulses and seek scapegoats. It has the distinctive odor of burning flesh.
Pamela is well within her rights to delete these kinds of comments.
Teresa: your ideas and committment are duly noted and appreciated by this lefty. In fact, I concede that your idea about the candy and soda tax is better than the income tax proposal of mine. If we can afford soda and candy, we can certainly afford an extra penny on each one to go to support our Troops and Veterans. Many right leaning bloggers like our friend Patrick that support the "Fair Tax" would probably agree with this approach as well. Thank you Teresa.
ReplyDeleteTeresa: You are right that BOTH Repubs and Dems need to stop with unnecessary spending. No arguments from me on that issue. I fully sympathize with your plight of finding a job that would be more tolerable considering your “disorder”. I suffer from fibromyalgia and chronic migraines, so I totally relate to your plight. I don’t know if a “candy” and/or “soda pop” tax would be enough to support our troops but if implemented I would endorse it. I’m not for anymore “pork” spending but I will support our troops in any way I can.
ReplyDelete@Pamela and @TRUTH101,
ReplyDeleteThank You for your kind words. I am open to any suggestions for funding the two wars.
I would love to help the troops in any way that I can.
ReplyDeleteI would love to help bring them home.
Violence breeds violence.
Hate breeds hate.
War cannot create peace; if anything, it merely postpones it to the next generation, who will work to avenge their martyrs. We are seeing this in the Middle East today.
I believe our troops should have the best equipment, the best medical care, the best of everything.
I also think they should be brought back home.
Why do we look to a certain segment of society to tax for the financial responsibility of all?
ReplyDeleteAre smokers, or soda drinkers, or boat buyers, or whatever more responsible than others , to pay for our communal expenses?
Just as the cost of war should not be separated (left out of the regular budget) from our other bills, nor should we tax items that effect less than all of us, to pay the bills of all of us. We already have a progressive tax system based on ability to pay
I'm with Saty on the two occupations but I still believe we have a duty to those that are serving us in the military.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate a conservative, especially a person who's going through some tough circumstances willing to tell us she would be willing to pay more to support our Troops and Veterans. She offered a couple suggestions which I also appreciated. Maybe a soda and candy tax would or wouldn't raise enough. Teresa is willing to sacrifice and in her situation, maybe an extra dollar or two a week would be more than an inconvenience. She probably wouldn't pay more at all under the progressive tax rate system so her suggestion of a soda and candy tax would in fact have her paying more.
The argument wasn't about supporting or not the two ocupations. It was about paying for them. I thank and respect Teresa for standing up.
Thanks TRUTH101
ReplyDeleteHow about another idea?
I don't know what the population is in the United States but if every single individual paid a tax of $1 per week, a couple $2 per week and a family $3 per week, maybe that would help fund our troops? We could call it the support the troops tax? This would not target one specific group over another. Just throwing out another idea for you to ponder.
As a cigarette smoker PLEASE do not tax cigarettes anymore...the last tax increase to pay for healthcare for kids just about broke me!
ReplyDeleteAdd a tax to soda or coffee....put it to the troops...put it to bringing them home...
Someplace along the line we all have to stand up and pay for our patriotism...
I have no problem supporting the troops and making sure they have the best of everything and that their efforts are not wasted...
But when you go to war you gotta raise taxes...wars are expensive and its about time this country put its money where its mouth is...
Particularly the trolls on the right who love to gain up on Truth about his comments...
NEVER once has one of them agreed to raising taxes for the support of the troops...apparently that is not a talking point so they have to avoid that...
We have plenty of money to support our troops, the point is we have to put it in the right places. And we are not!
ReplyDeleteWe can’t squander it by paying for Obama and Pelosi’s plane trips all over the world to boast their ego’s and to pay for their good times. Obama is going to try pulling another fast one on the American people. And we the American people stand by and watch him get away with the destruction of our great nation. When will we stand up and say enough already! When will you Obama cheerer’s wake up? Those who are still pro Obama can say that these aren’t lies, but merely promises he hasn’t been able to fulfill yet. I take a different view; when you make commitments and don’t keep them, intentionally or otherwise, you are simply not credible.
Why in the world would we need another stimulus when Obama told us that his first one was so successful!; what happened to all of those jobs it was supposed to yield? If it worked so well, why would you need another one?
Where would you slash the 100 billion from to pay for the two occupations and war on terrorists around the world Mad Republican Woman of Color?
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentines Day Pamela,
ReplyDeleteValentine’s Day is for expressing love and affection to all that we feel a special connection.
So Happy Valentine’s Day to you Pam!
Pamela said in reference to my newest blog:
ReplyDelete"Pamela D. Hart said...
Mal: This is the first I've heard of the handcuffs being given to the Professor and it does sound kind of strange. But then again, we have a lot of "strange" things going on now-a-days. I miss my youth when it "appeared" so much easier.
Just google it Pam, the News and the Internet is full of articles about it today.
More Americans unemployed (15 million+ as of January, 2010) than any time since the Great Depression.
ReplyDeleteEarly in Obamas tenure there were 400,000 Americans who were discouraged and quit looking for work and had run out of unemployment benefits. Now 15 months after his election there are one million 300,000 souls who are wandering the country stunned by the Obama depression. Hope n change, this inept administration touts “improvements in an unemployment rate when the bleeding hasn’t stopped. These liberals are heartless and uncaring. Everything is sunshine and lite? Unemployment was revised from 7 million to 8 million. Stunning. Have another party Mr President.
Gee... Coolmind, you don't seem too cool right now. How about lowering that temperature gauge right now and lets have a rational discussion on the issues?
ReplyDeleteI just came by to wish you a happy Valentine's Day.
ReplyDeleteHey “CoolMind” aka Truth101. Would you bear with me for just a second please Truth101. I’ll only need a minute or two to think up a good response to your lame comment.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can assure you that I wont’ make it to long and boring, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.
Let me start by saying, it's always great to know that my message is getting through. And that you Liberals are on the run. But after winning the election even with that Hair-brained twirp you have in office now, and if this worthless know-nothing administration would only have gotten off their lazy self-righteous asses and put together a decent intelligent health care bill, the American people would not have this Nit-Wit at a 42 percent approval rating. And by the way it’s so sad that liberals think they are so much smarter then everyone else because they made history in putting the first black man in the white house.. . They wear their little pins and slap bumper stickers on their car, post those dumbass stupid pictures allover the internet saying how un-intelligent George Bush was. Comparing him to Chimps and so on.... But are really the Fools. He was a brilliant and dedicated president. Who else could stay in character eight years pretending to be simple-minded and folksy and get elected twice. And even against a man that never ceased to remind us that he was in Vietnam. (Oh did I strike a nerve) I almost forget the it’s us republicans that are the “Troop Hater’s) isn’t that what you said. Meanwhile we have people, like Harry Reid, Nanny Polarize, Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, and Poor Old Miss-guider Joe Biden along with that hero of the people Michelle Obama running the country while what’s his face is running all over the world apologizing for America and Bowing down to every Ass-wipe in the world. But I guess thing are getting better, our unemployment is now at only 10 percent and China is giving 30 grace period on paying back the enormous debt we have. . But you liberals are twisting yourselves into pretzel like shapes with your ridicules logic defending the indefensible. Carry on, you’re really doing a great job. I’m glad I could help clear this up.
If there are any more name you wish to call me please go right ahead. I love your new aliases, nicknames, working names, pen names, maiden names or whatever.
Mal: I really feel sorry for you and your pal in Long Beach New York. You jokers are so bereft of ideas you made up a lefty character with this coolmind "thingy."
ReplyDeleteI've played your game becuase I took pleasure at watching you patheticness Mal. Now come clean cause your shtick is getting boring. Just how many of you are there in the Long Beach gang. Is it just you are are you and Professor of Life buddies with lots of email addresses to create right leaning blog characters?
Do you meet in someone's house or at a library or Subway?
Come clean with us Mal. It's Valentines Day man.
And if you really think you're fooling anyone, how's about Pamela checking her feedjit counter to see who's IP shows up at the time your coolmind character showed up.
I trust Pamela. Do you?
I'm going to go ahead and say this one last time.
ReplyDeleteUntil we can replace the emotional content of words with their real, factual meanings.. until we can deal in objectives instead of subjectives.. until we can present rational, substantiated arguments to support our position, we are just perpetuating ignorance and carrying ourselves down an endless path to nowhere.
Words are irrationally laden with emotional context that removes all trace of reality from them-yet they continue to be used as if they represented their actual meanings.
There is no 'debate', no cogent discussion, no rational presentation of ideas with objective facts to back them up. All there is are spins, misinformations, the ignoring of reality when it is presented and endless subjective, vitriolic rhetoric.
I've mentioned this twice before and both times it's been ignored.
Third time pays for all, and I'll be done.
I've been hoping for some actual discussion and debate, with real, coherent dialogue and exchange of ideas.
It hasn't happened. I'm disappointed, but then again, who am I?
It's a damn shame, though.
Saty, 90% of the folks that post here are paid political hacks out of Long Island, New York...
ReplyDeleteIts a blogging sweat shop....
There job is to spread deceit, anger, and make the right appear bigger than they really are....its that "shock and awe" thing.
Its not about the debate of ideas but rather to see who can yell the loudest and post the most hate...
They do not want to debate you they want to silence you....
But do not take it personally, its just a job they got to do and they have to follow orders...
They do get weekends off and holidays...
Mal: With all due respect, Truth wasn’t the one who posted as “Coolmind”, which I deleted by the way because it was a bunch of drivel. But one thing I do know about Truth is that he has never posted as another moniker as he’s never been one to hide behind an “anonymous” name and always posted as himself. I just thought you should know.
ReplyDeleteFolks, no matter how hard Pamela tries to promote civil discourse, there are Internet terrorists who come here to distract, disrupt, stir the pot, and sow discord. Every time we start a civil discussion, there are hotheads, brats, and hacks that come here to blow it up. E-NUFF!
ReplyDeleteThe only way to insulate ourselves from Internet terroristism is to go private … meaning we should join a private blog … members only … conservatives and liberals alike … where we can meet in peace without harassment.
There are conservative and liberal folks alike who are sick and tired of the BS … sick and tired of being treated as voting meat by both parties. It is time to hold both parties, Democrats and Republicans, accountable. We don’t owe the two party system a damn thing; but they owe us … they owe us an honest discussion and a return to the fine art of building a civil consensus that has sustained our country since the beginning.
If anyone here … meaning conservative and liberal alike … is interested in joining a private forum away from Internet terrorists, please contact Pamela or me. You know where to find us.
Great blog you got here Pamela! Please feel free to check mine out anytime and follow if you'd like.