Ettinger, 28, who doesn’t have health care, “I can’t afford it”, thinks Obama should have waited to tackle the enormous health care legislation that has been blamed for everything from Democratic in-fighting to the lost Kennedy Seat. “It’s definitely a distraction because of the economy being as bad as it is,” said Ettinger, “I know he’s getting a lot of flak for things that he’s not doing. In my opinion, I feel like he should be focusing a lot more on jobs and the economy. He did create some jobs, but most of them were government jobs and that doesn’t really help the middle class. But it helps a bit.”
On Hannity, the host, Sean Hannity, asked Amber if she had fallen out of love with Obama and she said, “I just don't have that big crush like I used to.”
When Sean said, “It’s gone.” Amber replied, “Yeah, I mean it was two years ago. If I had this crush on him the same way as I did in the beginning, I'd be the fool. You know, it's like a relationship. When you get into a relationship with somebody, they are great and perfect. They say all the right things. And then once you're in the relationship, it's like, okay, they're not that perfect.”
Hannity asked Ettinger if it was similar to your boyfriend lying to you and Amber replied, “Sort of.”
But Amber’s “line of the year” was, “Well, at least I wasn't the Edwards Girl, right? That's one thing I know.”
I am in 100% agreement with the former Obama Girl! I can’t imagine anyone aspiring to be an Edwards Girl! Although his illegitimate daughter is stuck with the title whether she likes it or not as John Edwards has finally acknowledged the fact that he sired her with mistress Frances Quinn Hunter while his wife, Elizabeth, battled with cancer. In my opinion, Edwards’ infidelity tops all Republican Cheaters combined.
I'm not really sure why this girl's opinion is at all relevant apart from being someone else Hannity can exploit to push his POV.
ReplyDeleteShe wasn't really relevant when she was making cheezy youtubes about how much she loved Obama. She's not really relevant now.
What she thinks either way means very little to me and certainly doesn't influence my opinion in any way.
In other news, we've got a right mess here with the weather and I think I'm going to end up staying at work tonight. So have a good day and if I don't come home, I'll catch up on all this tomorrow.
It seems to me that this blog is no longer a blog of substance but rather a blog for people to name call each other.
ReplyDeleteThis blog has gotten to be a place to voice complaints. Maybe it IS because the author Pamela IS on both sides of the fence. I'm not saying it's so, but I am suggesting that maybe that's the reason.
I have found this entire process to be rather eye-opening. I know a couple of people on here who I will no longer waste my time with, and I have incentive to check out a few blogs where I know I can read, comment, and have assurances from the authors that my comments won't be deleted unless abusive. I still maintain that a blog is like a Open House. You have to deal with people's comment whether you like them or not.
I have nothing against these liberal people personally. I don't even know them. What I do know is that they engage in censorship and name calling . That said, I can't think of any good reason to delete a polite, on-topic comment merely because the writer happens to disagree with the author of the post on some issue. Further, I still think deleting stinks. And the COWARDLY Liberals that continuously do so, also stink. I'm pretty tame in my comments; if somebody has deleted one of my responses, you can rest assured that they deleted it because they didn't like what I said not because it was abusive or rude. Let me add that there is so much bullshit going on around here that I wonder what the point of even having a subject on your Home Page! Why not just make it into a Complaint Department Blog. My personal take on this is simply this: If you can't take the heat, don't blog!!!!!
But with so many gifted (Conservative) people posting here, I feel privileged just to be here. But thanks for allowing me to voice MY opinion.
I am simply reporting that here. I never do that in my blog, as is my right - just as it is their right to delete my comments in their blog. But that's my 2 cents and don't forget...
I ToldJah So.
As for that pretty bimbo called the "Obama Girl" she should have stuck to giving Lap Dances, instead of helping that pathetic liar get elected...
I ToldJah So: This was the comment you left on my blog under the “Cindy McCain Supports Gay Marriage” topic.
ReplyDeleteI think that you have gone so far to satisfy your liberal friends that you have RUINED a one time very good blog, and I also suggest that republicans go some where else to post.
This place has become a Lib love nest.
I did delete your comment because as my rules state, I RESERVE the right to delete any comments I FEEL are off-topic and insulting. I THINK telling me that MY blog is RUINED warrants an INSULT not to mention you were completely OFF-TOPIC.
Why you have come back to complain yet again after you have already told me that my blog basically sucks is beyond me. You will have to make a decision if you are that unhappy with how I run my blog because I am quite happy with it and have no intentions of changing.
So, it appears that another lame-brain has grown a brain. It's nice to welcome another convert to the land of common sense.
ReplyDeletePoor little pee-brained ObamaGirl she barley survived her Obamalotaby and she is already disenchanted.
ReplyDeleteshe is one of those Jersey girl types, like the girls on that show is it called the Jersey Shore?? Not sure I don't watch such trash. But I agree with Satyavati, why would Hannity even give her air time??
ReplyDeleteAs for Edwards, he's not worth having his dirty laundry aired on TV either. I feel so sorry for Elizabeth, she is a good person and deserves much more than what her X did to her. I say X because a divorce is in the works I hear.
I hope she gets all the riches he earned from filing and winning frivolous lawsuits. So far, he's a bad guy who's been winning.
ReplyDeleteHE IS A BAD GUY AND I HOPE THAT HE FAILS! THE OBAMAGIRL is a self promoting jackass. I heard that she was trying out for American Idol ..
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled on this blog and Yes I hope the president fails
I am rooting for the USA, which means I am rooting for freedom, free-market capitalism, and prosperity. Barry stands for none of these, so I hope he fails. You and your liberal buddies DID hope Bush would fail. You hoped the “surge” would fail in Iraq, which meant you hoped our troops would die. You are correct that Barry is President. And so far, he is doing a lousy job. If you’d like to work together to oppose his dumb-ass ideas, I’m right there with you. If you want me to work with you to support policies I know to be harmful, then I’ll respectfully decline.
There are people like Sxxx Xxxxxx who are STILL blaming Bush for everything that Obama louses up.
HOPE BARRY HUSSEIN FAILS. Why? Not because we are the angry, rigid, bitter, fools that Liberals so readily depict us as but because we are profoundly concerned that this empty suit, this inexperienced and ill-suited man, has the power and the inclination to strip us of our property and to deny us our Constitutional rights. I HOPE HIS POLICIES FAIL BECAUSE THEY ARE DISASTROUS FOR AMERICA.
His socialist ideas are going to destroy this country.
There is nothing we can do to change that for about 3 years or so.
A Guy From Brooklyn,
ReplyDeleteHis Oness has cratered as fast as his meteoric rise.
The next US Senator from Illinois will be blue; Pelosi might very well lose her speaker ship and Nevada will surely oust Harry from the Senate.
The mid-terms will be a major blow to the secular socialists; so do not give up hope and think it will be 3 more years of unmitigated fraud and abuse my friend.
The country is waking up to the smoke and mirrors that once enamored the young opportunistic NJ girl....
Lost that loving feeling, seems to be a common theme developing...M
ReplyDeleteI think the Obama girl is a hoot - not news, but a funny side show.
ReplyDeleteAnd Edwards is a low-down, lying, dirty dog - but as a NC resident I can say that he was a better Senator than Kay Hagan will ever be. He always answered my questions/concerns very timely, thouroughly, and respectfully (even though we were most always in disagreement). Whereas the the KayHag has completely ignored all of my many calls, letters, and e-mails.
As for Elizabeth, being sick or being married to a jerk does not a princess make. I have heard from those who know the Edward's personally that they deserve each other in many respects. (I am not saying that she deserved the utter disrespect he has shown her, just that she may not be a saint either.)
I ToldJah So: "And the COWARDLY Liberals that continuously do so, also stink ... you can rest assured that they deleted it because they didn't like what I said not because it was abusive or rude."
ReplyDeleteYou contradicted yourself. First you stereotype and make blanket statements about people with words of vilification such as "cowardly" and "stink," which by themselves are abusive and rude, and then deny that you are abusive and rude. No cigar. You can't have it both ways. This makes you not only abusive and rude, but also a rank hypocrite.
Who cares? This woman makes me physically ill. Not only did she try to capitalize on her first 15 minutes of fame through that ridiculous video, she is now trying to add another 15 minutes because she has probably been paid off by Fox News. Pathetic and ignorant. "And then once you're in the relationship it's like, OK, they're not that perfect." What a quote...could she be any dumber?
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you've noticed it or not, but there's a rising tide in this country, and it's about to overtake a good many democrats, hopefully before they get a chance to sink this great country for good. In fact, I'll venture to say the 2010 mid-term elections will be a blood bath.
I guess Pam didn't like the post I made about her liberal friend Octopuss, as she deleted it.
The dems are done, with or with out the Obamagirl... But it looks like Ms. Bimbo has woken up.. It is just a matter of about three more election cycles. They are not a political party. They are a coalition of fringe nut groups. They will agree to any hare brained scheme if the other schemers will agree to theirs. That's how they conclude that the key to better jobs is to punish small business and give away services by mandating that they be purchased
ReplyDeleteI see nothing wrong with a hot celebrity chick being asked her opinion. Look at the response it's gotten here.
ReplyDeletePamela is hot and we all want to know her opinion.
And I was moved by the words of Brother Toldjah.
I will never vote for a person who destroys any part of the Bill of Rights, as the weasel Barack Obama did with his "yea" vote on HR 6304. He's a messiah in hawk's clothing. Another back-stabber with sweet wooing words but an obvious contempt for the system of self-governance that is dependent on the sacrosanct nature of the document penned by Mr. Madison. I am stunned, first, by the lack of knowledge of the fact that we no longer have a working fourth amendment, then to hear time and again the excuse that he had to vote in the manner he did to get elected. My god! So if murder were as contentious, then he'd have to kill someone to get into office like some sort of gang banger eh? And last, the majority of the people I talk to seem to have no concern for this fact, if they have prior knowledge of his vote last month at all, that we are now liable to all-out surveillance by the Feds without much legal recourse... So Amerika has quietly turned Stalinist, and no one pays it any mind, except those in free speech zones that Michael Mukasey now wants to digitally rape for the exercise of that likewise foregone right. So sheeplettes, I'll have nothing to do with either corporate approved candidate in this dog-an-pony show election (I'll be casting a ballot for either Nader or McKinney). Because you can pretend this country will resume normal functioning once either ascends the throne, but the indulgence of plenary power granted to the Bush presidency will be far too tantalizing for either of these potential hegemons to return to the people. Your a fool to think otherwise. We need one big one to help those who would utter dismissive and placating cake eating comments to those who suffer at their metaphorical feet, remember THEIR place.
ReplyDeletewell! The chickens coming home to roost?
America…this man cares about no one…black…white…liberal…conservative…progressive…you name it…he doesn’t care about you!
He cares only about what “he” wants and, of course, he is the puppet of the puppetmaster…the Bilderberg Society!
He has an agenda from them…destroy the American economy and take down America from within so that we can usher in “The New World Order”! That is what he cares about, America!
He didn’t care about his father, his mother, his grandmothers…no one! He appears to have some allegiance to his immediate family, and even that I question, if it is real or for appearances only! He is a chameleon…he tells each group what they want to hear to appease them and get them on his side.
He did it all through the campaign…it is no secret…wake up and see!
When he spoke to the Jewish group…he said Jerusalem would remain with them…the next day he told the Arabs…it was negotiable.
How stupid does he think we are? We can hear, we can see, we can perceive, we can understand what he is doing!
You are all now discovering what many of us have been predicting if he ever, ever gets near our White House…and now the nightmare is coming true.
But we are fighting back, millions are waking up and recognizing the enemy within and speaking up and speaking out!
Good always triumphs over evil, America, never, ever forget that!
We wear the “white hats”…we are in the right…and we are in the majority…and we…like our founding fathers will fight for our freedoms and liberties to the death…and we will not be silent! So it's not surprising that even the Obamagirl has deserted him.
Even The DEMORATS are jumping off the sinking ship “obama” with Captain Pelosi at the helm.
They will all pay in November.
How about I’M cranky and if anyone gets on my last remaining nerve--it’s trash can time. Then y’all can have a party there!
ReplyDeleteSomewhere along the way the right managed to make "liberal" a dirty word in the minds of the republican base of bigots, homophobes and idiots. And what they've also managed to do unwittingly is make the word "conservative" a far dirtier word.
ReplyDeleteAnd the truth of the matter is that "conservative" is a terrible thing. It connotes backward thought. And hatred of all that is not simply explained.
"Conservative" is an apt description of many of the evil bastards that have disgraced the world with their presence. Ayatollah Khomeini was "hard line conservative." The Taliban are "conservative." Warren Jeffs was another "conservative,"
I'm proud and humbled that "Found on Truth101's blog" saw fit to share my wisdom with Pamela's readers.
ReplyDeleteObama Girl is going from the infatuation stage to the real getting to know your partner stage. She realizes the monumental task facing President Obama and thay her "crush" will have to take a back seat to our nation's problems.
"back seat" ?? oh my.. was that a pun???
ReplyDeleteEverybody knows you go from infatuation to really getting to know your partner in the "back seat"...
You ARE truly the fountain of TRUTH!!! Even your unintentionalisms are true....
LOLOL! Bravo!!
Found: I can maneuver my way around the blogosphere so you didn’t have to cut and paste part of Truth’s blog post here because I would’ve read it when I clicked his link.
ReplyDeleteMy tip for you is to try scrap booking. You can actually “cut and paste” for REAL!
So truthless thinks that "Conservative" is an apt description of many of the evil bastards that have disgraced the world with their presence.
ReplyDeleteVelly interesting...
Truthless never ceases to amaze me with his wisdomless sayings...
With each one of your amateurish putdowns, my power and legend continue to grow exponentially Malcontent. You may have to add a few members to your LB Boiler Room Society to keep up with me dude.
ReplyDeleteAnd my thanks to Pamela for leaving up the Truth 101"s blog thingy. It is because two powerful bloggers like us can also be respectful of one another that I believe nations can also work together.
Obama Girl is not even close to being as smart or as hot as Saty.
What amazes me is that conservatives are so certain what will happen 3-4-5-6-7-8 years down the road with Obama policies in control.
ReplyDeleteYou are real fortune tellers, mind readers, doom sayers.
To bad you did not have the same insight about Bush and his policies, that have brought us to this point (deep financial and unemployment hole).
At least show the insight you seem to have for things that have not happened yet, for things that have happened and the lessons we should learn from those mistakes.
Obama gir5l got dissed and changed her tune.
You Republicans got dissed by your leaders, and the result was, your leaders were tossed out of office and you lost the majority.
Learn any lessons? Change your tune? No, the Republican party is still pushing the same policies that got them tossed out of power.
Take a lesson from Obama girl. Once dissed, get pissed.
I would like to ask a fair and honest question without triggering a cascade of rants and taunts.
ReplyDeleteWhy are liberals and conservatives bashing each other? Bush this ... Obama that ... ad infinitum like immature children.
Has your bank upped the interest rate on your credit cards recently? Has your health insurance company increased premiums recently? Disallowed your claims? Do you know anyone whose job has been eliminated and moved to Asia? Is your paycheck keeping up with cost of living increases?
I understand anger, and all citizens, liberal and conservative alike, certainly have a right to be angry about the state of the union, about TARP, about bank bonuses at taxpayer expense ... but direct your anger where it belongs.
Frankly, the system is broken. No political party is serving its citizens. I remember a time when people had a "conscience," when there were businesses that were "ethical," when the code of Madison Avenue was "truth in advertising," when political influence peddling was called "graft."
What we have today ... in our politicians and political parties ... and in our major corporations .... is chicanery and corruption.
Here is a conservative idea that liberals can embrace, and a liberal idea that conservatives can embrace. How about a return to good old fashioned values ... starting with honesty and integrity and a demonstration of true citizenship.
ReplyDeleteIf the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the
lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.
In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is: " I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th".
I’m not the one that said this!
ReplyDelete“This is quickly coming to an end though because the Tea Baggers say exactly the same bullshit as "conservatives." They just call themselves tea partiers.”
And I’m not the one who said this!
“The republicans have realized that conservatism is akin to prickism so they have made efforts to switch their pet word "conservative" to something else. The new word(s) for them are now "Tea Partiers."
Or this!
“The republicans have successfully bamboozeled millions into thinking it's the party of national security. Two wars and occupations unfinished by Bush. The Walter Reed scandal proved they care not about our Veterans. These jokers are high in their praise for generals that obey stupid orders without question while firing generals like Shinseki who spoke the truth.”
And YOU have the BALLS to talk about I”MY AMATEURISH PUTDOWNS”
I won’t even waste MY so valuable time or energy to continue this stupid claim of YOURS!
Pam, lets see if you delete MY post without deleting the OUTRAGEOUSLY stupid post of this ego maniac. Who is also a piece of LIBERAL worthless waste matter! Because he kiss’s your behind at the end of each of his posts... that contain nothing but foolish ideas and nonsense.
PS If you leave his garbage here and delete mine, after all you have said about your ” Rules” then you will really disappoint me!
As someone who is very conservative minded (politically) I must confess that I don't often read liberal minded blogs, but after reading what malcontent said, I did take a short visit over to the TRUTH 101 blog, and I must say that I was horrified ar the things he said and the responses to them as well. But as far as criticisms goes in regard to this blog, I do not understand why some of the people say that this is a conservative blog. It looks to me as if t appears to be geared almost entirely to the liberal side. And the people that post here are certainly of the democratic, or liberal persuasion. As for comments on a blog, while it is unfair to say a specific comment represents the views of its host if surely seems as if it does represent the fact that she is not only a liberal, but a staunch liberal. I find that a large swath liberals here who often reflect the tone and ideological bent of this site. And in fact the left is generally more dominate here.
ReplyDeleteMy Thoughts said: "I do not understand why some of the people say that this is a conservative blog."
ReplyDeleteAre you referring to this blog (Oracular) or Truth 101's blog?
Dmarks: “My Thoughts” was referring to ME because I allow Liberals to post on my blog so that must mean that I’m a Liberal! And a “staunch liberal” at that! This person came to this conclusion by reading the Liberal comments and ignoring the fact that I allow ALL political opinions as long as they are civil but doesn’t bother to judge ME on MY comments or MY topics. That’s priceless!
ReplyDeleteAs to the liberal comments here.. These posts don't mean a thing to me..
ReplyDeleteIt's strictly a beat down aimed at Conservatives...
Their agenda is the same socialist crap as Comrade Obama's..
Us Conservatives are smart enough to know they are liars and we can’t vote them out fast enough. Hopefully independents have figured them out too.
As we know, it's typical of liberals to resort to name calling and insults.
My Right View: "As we know, it's typical of liberals to resort to name calling and insults."
ReplyDeletePamela, there was NO name calling or insult in my above comment. There is no gesture of friendship and neighborliness than counts for anything anymore.
These days, if you don't express the RIGHT thoughts or associate with the RIGHT people, there is NO room for discourse, civility, or mutual respect. This is NOT the America I once knew. I give up.
Pam - All this inspired by the Obama Girl? One has to wonder.
ReplyDeleteAttractive, sexy, a young single man's dream who came to her senses. At least partially.
A flash in the pan. She made a splash, got some press, and she will likely vanish almost as quickly as she got notice.
she is doing smart thing for herself -she is getting popular being nothing but pretty girl. coz she choose right subject at the right time. and its smart.
ReplyDeleteIf you come here to “cut and paste and copy or refer to comments” from another blog your comment WILL be deleted. The topic is THE OBAMA GIRL. NOW GROW UP, FOLLOW THE RULES OR GO SOME WHERE ELSE!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog you have here... I have nothing to say about the Obama girl, but I get sick of Obama talking crap about the healthcare system. He acts like if we are a third world nation instead of the country with the most advanced healthcare in the world. What a f'en idiot that guy creep is.
ReplyDeleteEdwards is a scum bag...but he is running neck to neck with Newt Gingrich....
ReplyDeleteThey both are low lifes!
The Obama Girl? Well, has anyone heard from Joe the Plumber lately?
To all the conservatives who feign indignation that Pam excercises some basic democratic principles in regards to posting on her blog...
Well, welcome to America!
Now, quit whining its so unbecoming!
By the way, take me to your leader!
I want to know who you all work for because you all are so one dimensional and you keep repeating yourselves!
Now, go on and try to have a nice day before the world comes to an end...
"Chairman TAO." God I almost wish I was a righty so I could use that.
ReplyDeleteWhile trying to find the source of Truth's consternation I found my way here. I've been her before but never commented. An obvious oversight on my part and worthy of an apology.
Isn't it funny how an amusing post can generate such vitriol? I enjoyed the post and I choose to stick up for the Obama girl in this regard. At least she has some mild talent. Paris Hilton has no talent, no looks, and only survives on daddy's money. I thought she was kind of funny in a ditzy, clueless way. Harmless for sure. I'll make more frequent visits in the future.
Obamagirl - well - thea less said, the better.
ReplyDeleteSandy: "I have heard from those who know the Edward's personally that they deserve each other in many respects."
Ah, assassination by backyard over the fence gossip. "She's not a saint." Neither am I. Are you?
You're doing a fine job Ms. Pam.
Conservative: You are not permitted to cut and paste, copy and/or write the comments and/or topics from another blog in my comment section. and I would like for contributors to stay on topic and I reserve the right to delete your comment without notice if I feel it doesn’t contribute to the topic at hand.
ReplyDeleteThose are 2 of my rules which are posted at the top of my blog and you appear to be ignoring them therefore your comments are deleted and I won’t argue this any further. If you want to discuss another blog then please go there and discuss it. This is my blog and the topic is Obama Girl.
Debbie: You'll need to post your comment to Octo where the original comment was originated. My blog is not a venue for other blogs. Thank you.
ReplyDeletePam, it was placed here because this is the place where he has been guilty of behaving badly and disrupting the subject and turning everything said into his own personal vendetta against republicans and conservatives.
ReplyDeleteBut I can see as others have said that you are very partial to liberal posters comments.
So I wont' continue. But thanks for the time and once again thanks to Octopus for her effort to put Truth101 in his correct place.
Something you might think about doing.
After all, we all can't be wrong!
PS I didn't enjoy seeing you delete my previous comment where I complemented Octo for her/his effort.
"Taunting people and laughing at them, while these may seem amusing and entertaining to you, antagonizes others and accomplishes nothing."
As the previous commenter said before you delete his post.
It seems that only republicans comments get deleted here. The liberals can say the most vile and ridiculous things and you allow it.
I will also cease form posting my comments here.
Thank you for your time.
You've proved that you are not fair and balanced.
Debbies Choice said...
ReplyDelete"You've proved that you are not fair and balanced."
Pamala, I must confess how I truly feel.
I think that in your effort to be "fair and balanced"
Thank you for your effort in doing so and its really appreciated, but...
You have bent over backwards to the left and you are much to hard on conservitives that are expressing their opinions.
This constant deleting their posts and you have *every* right to do so.
However, unless it crosses the line into obscene or abusive, I say, let freedom of information and thought flow freely. When I posted a comment that was both polite and on-topic it was still deleted and it made me very angry as I see it is doing to the others.
You may judge me however you wish, of course, but I for onw am done posting here. Have fun with your insulting and anme-calling liberal friends..
In essence, you are attempting to censor others, in reaction to your being censored. This is not a practice I would endorse.
ReplyDeleteI just started blogging or should I say commenting on this site. Previously I was posting as Anonymous, I write to have an outlet and I read to learn the experiences of others. To censor is losing the whole point. I've read the comments to your post and all I can say is wow.... I never claimed to be a good writer, so there is the proof when all I can say is WOW!
I understand and acknowledge the “the blog belongs to the blogger” but the public is invited to join in, there is no registering here. If one blogs and then invites comments…it is another thing altogether. There should not be any need to delete!
This as in any other blog should be a place to voice your opinions, and not to censor them. Rules or no rules.
I was warned immediately upon my arrival "this is like high school"... it is. There's the popular group that picks on the groups that they oppose for fun and their own amusement. Then they defend themselves as nice people.
That said, I can't think of any good reason to delete a polite, comment merely because the writer happens to disagree with the author of the blog or another persons comment on any issue.
"Obama Girl" was a flash in the pan. I think she was more interested in fame than in Obama.
ReplyDeleteI agree with "Rational Nation" in his opinion that at least she has more talent than Paris Hilton--even if that's saying very little for her.
Her 15 minutes are up--they should have been up in 5 minutes. LOL!
Ooops! I meant Law and Order Teacher. Sorry about that, LaOT.
ReplyDeleteErica Mae said: "In essence, you are attempting to censor others, in reaction to your being censored. This is not a practice I would endorse."
ReplyDeleteOne quite simply cannot censor others by definition, in one's roll of running a blog. Removing comments is an expression of "freedom of the press", not a denial of it.
It is no different from the time-honored privilege of the New York Times to pick and choose what articles appear in its sections, and what letters appear on the Op-Ed page.
Anyone whose comments get clipped here is perfectly capable of going to the blogger/blogspot screen and creating any number of their own blogs, with the types of comments and posts that they want, allow, or disallow. Moderation (an expression of freedom-of-the-press should not be confused with censorship.
Pamela and I may have very different political views but we are friends. We do not view politics as a prerequisite for friendship. We have conservatives and liberals within our respective families, our neighborhoods, and our circle of friends. There is certainly more to life than politics, and politics is not a measure of the person (although some of you treat Pamela or me as if politics is everything).
ReplyDeleteWhile our politics may not be the same, Pamela and I share a lot of values in common. Speaking for myself, I regard myself as somewhat traditional and old fashioned in the sense that I remember a time when our country was not as bitterly divided, and polarized, as it seems today. It hurts to see our country this way. It bothers Pamela. It bothers me. I value honesty and integrity, and quality in the work that I do.
My oldest daughter serves in the military as a commissioned officer at the Pentagon. Three times in Iraq, she has missed almost every holiday and family milestone for the past 8 years. This is my family’s contribution to our country. You really wouldn’t want to make blanket stereotypes and call me names like "traitor." People who know nothing about me have said things like this … just to be mean ... just for the hell of it.
Right now, I am in the same deep doo-doo with some of my liberal friends as Pamela is with some of her conservative followers. Same reason, I criticized a fellow liberal for conduct that I thought was unbecoming. Sound familiar? Why can’t we have a civil conversation without mutual recriminations, without antagonizing people. Is that too much to ask for?
There are actually good reasons for having conservatives and liberals talk to each other (if you can get them to talk). Its called “citizenship.” Mutual understanding. A better way to serve our country. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
Reading Octo's comment, the term "un-American" came to mind. Not to describe Octo, his views, or even President Obama.
ReplyDeleteNo, but to describe those who can't "have a civil conversation without mutual recriminations, without antagonizing people".
This country's best moments have come about when there is some sort of standard of mutual respect which is "a better way to serve our country". Surely this standard isn't so hard that we can't meet it in mere blog comments. As Octo said, is that too much to ask for?
No Octopüs there is Nothing wrong with that,I agree 1,000 percent.
ReplyDeleteI know exactly how you feel.
Thank you for that fine post. And thank you for posting such a thoughtful post..
Conservatives are called many names by the left and the uninformed. The favorites are "Nazi," "fascist," "racist," "bigot," "alarmist," "neo-con," "mysogonist," "homophobe": you name it, we've been called it. I take those names in stride knowing full well that the historical knowledge necessary to use big words like "Nazi" and "fascist" are beyond the mental capabilities of 97.4% of libs. When they put down their coloring books and crayons, and turn off Air America or The Teletubbies, they tend to whine and whine and whine, get in touch with their feelings, eat tofu, and yell "it's not fair!" for hours on end. After all that hard work, they don't have a lot of time left to read and think and analyze -- not that they'd have the inclination to that in the first place, of course.
ReplyDeleteBut to get back to Octopus's post. If her Liberal buddy Truth101 ever grew a pair and he put away the scotch, weed and beer and would get a sudden attack of civilalitry, perhaps Octo's post would be meaningful.
But I doubt it.
The first time I ever commented on a blog; Dmarks started swearing at me, calling me names, and attacking me. He had never spoken to me before, and I surely had never spoken to him before and wondered what I had done in my mild comment to earn his hate. I had done nothing to earn his hat.
ReplyDeleteYet, he is here wondering why simple civility is not part of blogging. What a hypocrite. You Demarks are a big part of the problem.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTOM said...
ReplyDeleteDmarks started swearing at me, calling me names, and attacking me.
Yet, he is here wondering why simple civility is not part of blogging. What a hypocrite. You Demarks are a big part of the problem.
Yes Tom, I agree, I stopped post in a lot of bogs for that reason, this one included.
There are a handful of liberal bloggers that are beyond
nasty and are the poster people for hypocrisy, Demarks is one of them as are TRUTH101, TAO and Shaw.
I would love to be able to have a civil debate with some people of the democratic persuasion, but the people I mentioned are impossible to get along with.
I know that there are a handful of token repubs that they accept, but they are really impossible.
So, so be it!!!
OK, family counseling is clearly indicated.
ReplyDeleteHere are jbuckley (conservative) and TOM (liberal) each recalling past bitter experiences and internalizing this anger and carrying it around with them. Equal and opposite, yet the same.
Yes, there is a huge inventory of bitter feelings about past Internet encounters, which brings me to these questions: Shall it end here with a handshake, or do you want this to continue ... forever? Would you like to set a new course and be part of the solution, or continue ... business as usual ... as part of the problem?
Another point. Like TOM, I have had more than a fair share of arguments with dmarks but dmarks and I hang out in the same places, and dmarks has gotten to know me better, and vice versa. There is no longer the rancor and bitterness that we once had. These days, we do talk to each other, even exchange e-mails, in a new atmosphere of civility and respect. So my point is: It takes time, but give it a chance. Don't expect miracles, but don't give up.
My thoughts, for what its worth.
BTW, jbuckley, I forgot to mention. I am a male octopus.
ReplyDeletePam does not want me getting into this demark thing on her blog. That's fine, but I could not pass up his comment about blog civility.
ReplyDeleteI did post a couple hours ago about this subject.
As far as Pam goes, I think the old saying applies to her.
When both sides are mad at you, you have probably done something right.
Tom: I don't agree with your side of it, but I did apologize for it. And you quickly forget the positive and/or constructive comments I have left on your blog. I apologize again.
ReplyDeleteAs Octo said: "Shall it end here with a handshake, or do you want this to continue ... forever?"
What Was I Thinking: I'm not a liberal, sorry.
TOM: "When both sides are mad at you, you have probably done something right."
ReplyDeleteOf course, there is always another way of looking at it. If both sides are friendly towards you, that can be right too. We don't need to emulate the sausage-makers of media and Washington. There is no reason why we can't travel a different path. In fact, some folks might call it "innovative" and "pioneering."
Tom, I started you on off on the wrong foot in the blogging world with that harsh reply to your first comment. Sorry about that, and it won't happen again.
ReplyDeleteTime for pioneering. Shake?
dmarks said...
ReplyDeleteTom, I started you on off on the wrong foot in the blogging world with that harsh reply to your first comment. Sorry about that, and it won't happen again.
Time for pioneering. Shake?
Yup, I saw this. It didn't totally surprise me.
ReplyDeleteThe cult worship of Obama was so intense that there had to be a letdown. Expectations where so ridiculous that reality had to set in.
As it is Obama hasn't simply not lived up to expectations, but has shown himself to be utterly incompetent. Look for more "Obama Girls" to lose their lovin' feelings....
ReplyDeleteIt's always easier to respond to people who express themselves with friendliness. The reality is, these people have expressed themselves in anger.
Point taken. Easier said than done. I have tried, with negative results. To keep trying, there has to be a receptive attitude on their part, or I'm wasting my time.
A very interesting topic has arisen here .
ReplyDeleteOcto is correct, but in Truth101's case, this will never happen. It it my contention that Truth101 enjoys the disharmony. He relishes in the state of disagreement and looks to state his opinion in a way that upsets and often baits his fellow opponent. This is why left-liberals like him are so often reduce a serious discussion to hominem assaults or plain smearing. Rather than engage with an argument he’s afraid and know the’s going to lose, he will instead try to suggest that his right-wing opponents are so morally reprehensible that his every word is insulting, tainted and wrong.
And don’t get me wrong, he is not the only guilty one, there are those just like him on both sides especially his loyal followers. Strangely enough, the first response I get from one of the resident Trolls when I post on his or her blogs will be an automatic attack that include name calling at it’s highest degree, as if I were on a street corner. Then the smears come from the right and the left like lightening.
As for Pam's responses the last few days have been very eventful for her I know. But I think and I agree with some of the folks that she had their posts deleted, she has been going overboard in by trying to show how "fair and balanced" she is and thus bending over backwards to the left like Truth101 and TAO.
As for my own experience here whenever I try to have to have a reasonable conversation here with other posters, .... (and will continue to do so) -- some people gang up on me so badly that it jus isn’t worth my while.
And since the Scott Brown victory, and Obama’s speech at the SOTU, the Troll attacks are at their highest and meanest.
Maybe Pam should put up an “Open Thread” for ta day, and we can fend for ourselves for the day. We’ll miss her, but I guarantee that with the perceptiveness, compassion, and enthusiasm of your followers we will all survive.
The professor is in dreamland. Perhaps conservatives are happier because they don’t care about anyone other than themselves. Poverty, racism, sexism and the general suffering of others is not really on their radar. Being human is a messy business. And the conservatives have proven that they just can’t handel that. Don't compare conservatives with normal thinking people. The only thing they know is being truly disruptive. In my community they have even banned the conservatives from playing in the sandbox.
ReplyDeleteI suggest that the professor get his head out of the KoolAid jug. He is coming unraveled just like the rest of the neo-cons here. You can almost hear the quiver in what he is writing. These Republican tactics are genius in their own minds.
congratulations Napqueen, you have really validated the point made by the professor.
ReplyDeleteYou can always count on the stupid to prove your argument.
If that's the best you can do is imitate, then there isn't any hope here.
Nap said: "He is coming unraveled just like the rest of the neo-cons here"
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen any evidence of "neo-cons" in this post, and we've had many many comments.
dmarks said...
ReplyDelete"Nap said: "He is coming unraveled just like the rest of the neo-cons here"
I haven't seen any evidence of "neo-cons" in this post, and we've had many many comments"
I guess she was referring to me. I've been called worse.
We liberals have no intentions to bow down those conservative idiots
ReplyDeleteIf people like Octo wants to then let him, but don’t go and tell everyone else to. We have taken their crap long enough and we are not going to take it anymore. Truth and Shaw a a few others have stood up to them and we are not about to back down to them and kiss their behinds now.
They’ve screwed up this country over and over again and now that we are in control we aim to stay there. We don't need a fat idiot like Rush limbargh or Glenn Beck to show us how to run America, they already had 8 years to try and look at how they fucked it up. So if you post at Pam’s or not let’s not let a turn coat like Octo to lead us into their cow pasture. Think for yourselves. Regardless of their good intentions they are destroying America. ... It's the racist conservatives who are ruining America. It’s that loudmouth group of angry Tea-party goes that are the hypocrites. These Racist, conservative, are backward people and they do not represent me. Dear Conservative Movement: Stop Ruining My Life, and My Families Life.
So Octo, you can take your advice and stick it where the sun don’t shine. And stop giving others you kissie advice. We don’t need it and we don’t want it. Leave it here at Pam’s door step.
Lets see, Pam has a blog roll of 11 liberal blogs and over 40 conservative blogs.
ReplyDeleteYet, while enjoying an obvious overwhelming majority inregards to fans of this blog and posters to this blog it is always the liberals who destroy everything!
It is those liberals who ruin all intellectual discussions with their name calling...especially those two leftist liberals, Truth and Tao...
This is only my second comment on this blog in MONTHS...and yet the good Professor wants to claim that I am one of the two reasons for all the incivility on this blog....
Whatever incivility their exists on this blog is not due to me....not with my record of comments.
I find it humourous that you always overlook the uncivil comments of I toldjah So and A Guy from Brooklyn to name just two who slander everyone they disagree with....
Thats okay to you, you will disregard that because they are on your side....
Now, you can drop me out of your little world because I don't post enough here to make any difference and I do not post to blogs that you read on a regular basis...
Personally if you want to discuss health care reform or economic policy then I can hold my own just fine but if all you want to do is lambast Obama and this thing you call "liberals" then be my guest...
That is not an intellectual debate...
TAO said...
ReplyDeleteLets see, Pam has a blog roll of 11 liberal blogs and over 40 conservative blogs.
Yet, while enjoying an obvious overwhelming majority inregards to fans of this blog and posters to this blog it is always the liberals who destroy everything!
It is those liberals who ruin all intellectual discussions with their name calling...especially those two leftist liberals, Truth and Tao...
Hissy Fit?
ReplyDeleteNot quite...I find it funny that two bloggers can cause so much anger and frustration against such overwhelming odds and obviously superior intelligence....
So, Things That Piss Me Off...you got the weekend shift this weekend?
Do you get time and a half for working weekends?
TAO said...
ReplyDelete..So, Things That Piss Me Off...you got the weekend shift this weekend?
Do you get time and a half for working weekends?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Not at all. I do it Gratis ... I chalk it up to providing my good deed services without compensation.
And I'm glad to help..
Things that Piss me off...
ReplyDeleteYou are such a little liberal!
I bet you hum "We Are The World" too when no one is around...
TAO said...
ReplyDelete"Lets see, Pam has a blog roll of 11 liberal blogs and over 40 conservative blogs."
Don’t you just love it when TAO counts the score!
One day he counts the amount of trolls on a blog, the next day he counts the amount of his traffic feeder identifies the people from New York or from Calcutta. The he counts the amount of times a poster posts on a particular blog.
And today he counts Pam’s blog roll and gave us the results as 11 liberal blogs and over 40 conservative blogs there.
We owe this guy a great deal of gratitude. I can deal very easily with SARCASM when I see it.
But did you REALLY expect us to be impressed with stupid JUVENILE, ASININE, LUDICROUS, PERNICIOUS, IMBECILIC, LAME things like your counting?
Are you that Mentally Challenged? Or do some people get their rocks off by counting things! I'm counting on Barack Obama's policies failing. And I’m counting the days until he leave office. And I’m counting on his health care bill to be defeated.
This site is censoring free speech.
ReplyDeleteMy posts are always being deleted.
How many times is this going to be allowed to happen? I am sick and tired of the politically correct attitudes oozing up through the cracks. Thanks for giving a very concrete example of how the conservative system works.I hate all forms of totalitarianism.
Anonymous said:This site is censoring free speech.
ReplyDeleteMy posts are always being deleted.
Anonymous: It’s “unfair” to accuse me of ALWAYS deleting your comments and post as “Anonymous” because I can’t refute your claim as I don’t know WHO you are so you COULD be making a false claim.
However, since you brought up censorship I will address it as Erica Marie also mentioned it in this comment section.
It is NOT censorship to want a civil blog. Maybe you and some others could read these blogging etiquette sites here and here to see that I’m not the only one who feels that off-topic comments, insults and one-liners are not productive to the topic.
Sarah G said: When I posted a comment that was both polite and on-topic it was still deleted and it made me very angry as I see it is doing to the others.
ReplyDeleteSarah: Here was the comment that I deleted:
SarahG has left a new comment on your post "Congratulations Scott Brown":
Pamela D. Hart said...
Satyavati: I don’t believe you are un-American or unpatriotic because you desire those things for America and Americans.
Hummm. Well I do...
Posted by SarahG to The Oracular Opinion at January 20, 2010 9:53 AM
So, Sarah, if you can explain to me how telling someone they are un-patriotic is “polite” and how that pertains to Scott Brown, the topic under which the comment was posted, I will be more than glad to repost it, however, I deemed it to be off-topic and impolite therefore I deleted it.
Nice try Octopus, but no cigar... unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteI count the obvious, you know things like "all the liberals on this blog" which then comes down to two...
You are on the other hand hoping:
You cannot count that Obama's policies fail...but you can hope...
You cannot count the days that Obama is in office because then you would have to hope that he either serves one term or two...
You cannot count on his healthcare plan failing but rather you can only hope....
But it is great to know that someone such as yourself Hopes that Obama's policies in regards to Iraq and Afghanistan FAIL....
Thats a real patriotic American....
Am I mentally challenged? No, not normally but then again I normally do not attempt to have a civil discussion with the likes of you...
Debbies Choice said: It seems that only republicans comments get deleted here. The liberals can say the most vile and ridiculous things and you allow it.
ReplyDeleteDebbie: It may SEEM that way to you since you are not privy to ALL the comments therefore I will give you a little sample of Republican comments I’ve deleted. [I save ALL comments even if they are deleted, by the way]:
gunslinger said: FUCK YOU! You Lefty ASS-HOLE Psychopath
Debbie: Would you kindly tell me how THAT comment is polite or how it could even be remotely on-topic in ANY blog? Would YOU keep THAT in YOUR comment section?
Here’s another one:
PSI BOND said: Thanks for that post Truth101, I'm convinced once again, TRUTH 101 has proven to be an IDIOT.
A brainwashed freaken Idiot.
Comment by Libs are good for nothing but to get a few laughs from.
Have fun with that you Village Idiot.
Debbie: Would you explain to me why PSI Bond HAD to bring Truth into his comment? Was it REALLY necessary? It doesn’t matter if he likes Truth or not because there are some readers whom I don’t care for but I don’t address them because that’s the MATURE way to conduct oneself.
This one is a real gem! Here’s someone responding to Tom but was such a coward he/she had to use a fake name:
You want fried with that? said: Well Tom, Hopefully they can find more important things to deal with like traitors and war criminals at Guantanamo Bay, fags getting married, and hiring libtard bitches like Ruth Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor to sway decisions.
And, B- Enough of your p.c. bullshit already..
My quote for today is
"You're gonna run into jerk offs. But remember, it's not the size of the asshole you worry about, it's how much shit comes out of it."
I will Meticulously categorize your post under: Fucking Demo-socialists, Trolling morons
Debbie: Now, “fags”, “libtard bitches” and “fucking demo-socialists” may be appropriate for YOUR comment section but they are NOT appropriate for MINE. THAT comment is totally disgusting and out of line!
Obviously these are just a few of what I’m up against, Debbie. I have many, many more. In my post “7 Lies of Obama” I had to play Mediator between 3 readers because 2 of them didn’t like that the other gave me some advice on spammers. It was not their business! These antics are juvenile. Then I had an “Anonymous” person chastise ME on MY blog about something I did on a completely different blog! But I’m supposed to KEEP these comments JUST because they are FROM Conservatives? I don’t think so.
In short, I AM fair but some people will perceive me to be otherwise because number one, they don’t have ALL the facts and number two, I am NOT the status quo. However, I will NOT change simply to follow the pack. I am who I am and as long as I am true to myself I WILL be able to look myself in the eye and NOT flinch. The question is can everyone else…
Pam I read your post directed to Debbie and I must say that I agree with that.
ReplyDeleteBUT, I don't think that is what people are complaining about. You SHOULD definitely delete posts like those, but not the ones that do not contain those vile words.
Good luck
well Pam you must admit that truth gets away with murder here, he gets to say whatever he wants to and never seems to get deleted. i've seen him say the most disgusting things as well. and when he does, people take it with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeletewhat's fair is fair... of course you were right in deleting the comments you just posted.
People insulting others on the blogs is really starting to get old and boring as well as being rude...
They think just because they're anonymous they can say whatever the heck they want, but it's still just as rude .
And as far as Obama is concerned, keep protesting and criticizing and calling the administration out. And let’s hope Obama will gain the title of “first biracial president to serve one term.” There’s no guarantee that a Republican will protect the freedom of the American people and the integrity of our system of government… lets face it
Americans elected a man who, despite having taught constitutional law, doesn’t seem to get the Constitution’s elegant simplicity and clarity and what it takes to protect our rights
But... but... but...but I’ll take my chance
There will always be a minority of people who make such comments.
ReplyDeleteBut you can't punish the majority because of the minority.
As for truth101, well I won't waste time or space on commenting about him and his posts.
There will always be a minority of people who make such comments.
ReplyDeleteBut you can't punish the majority because of the minority
Pamela quoted a deleted troll who said: "....and hiring libtard bitches like...."
ReplyDeleteThat word is a shortened version of a bit of hate speech that Rahm Emanuel was called out on a few days ago. I wonder if this troll, apparently conservative from the context of the quote, thinks it is bad for Rahm to use the term, but not himself.
Rahm Emanuel called liberals planning to run attack ads against Obama "f---ing retarded," Sarah Palin caught wind of the statement. Saying she heard about it from a "patriot" in Andover, Mass., Palin excoriated Emanuel on her Facebook page and called for his resignation.
ReplyDeleteIf Emanuel really said that,he should at the very least publicly appologize.I thought Palin had called Emanuel Retarded when I first heard of this.If I got it wrong then I will say Palin has every right to criticize Emanuel for saying that.
Mal: Yes. And I've read comments on liberal blogs that strongly defend Emanuel on this....excuses including that it's OK to use desparaging hate speech like this if the specific recipients aren't in fact mentally disabled.
ReplyDeletePolitical correctness is one thing. Using hateful names that degrade an entire class of people is another thing entirely.
(Sorry Pamela. This is way off topic).
I am a friend of Truth's and have read his comments here and elsewhere continuously. While he may have gone off a few times, it wasn't until he was attacked ((first)). And I think it was rarely on the same crude and vulgar level as I have seen from the right (not conservative) or as in the comments Pam reports above.
ReplyDeleteI also have serious problems with anyone - left or right - who makes disparaging problems about an individual on another blog. Not only is this cheap and classless, it is bad netiquette and borders on slander.
There are rules - written and unwritten - about civil discourse, politeness and consideration for others. I think for anyone to tell the owner of a blog how to run their blog, what rules to set or not set is totally unacceptable. It's like going to some one's house and not respecting their customs.
Being an "older" person, I have to wonder if people were taught any manners and to respect other people's differences and beliefs. After all, isn't that the American way?
All this ugliness and childishness is ruining an enviably good blog.
At the very least, out of respect for Pam, it needs to stop.
tnlib said...
ReplyDeleteI am a friend of Truth's and have read his comments here and elsewhere continuously. While he may have gone off a few times, it wasn't until he was attacked ((first)). And I think it was rarely on the same crude and vulgar level as I have seen from the right (not conservative) or as in the comments Pam reports above.
I also have serious problems with anyone - left or right - who makes disparaging problems about an individual on another blog. Not only is this cheap and classless, it is bad netiquette and borders on slander.
Yeah right! What an unexpected and bloodcurdling surprise,
tnlib said...
ReplyDeleteThere are rules - written and unwritten - about civil discourse, politeness and consideration for others. I think for anyone to tell the owner of a blog how to run their blog, what rules to set or not set is totally unacceptable. It's like going to some one's house and not respecting their custom
Wow, how shocking!...Now if you'll excuse me, my salad's getting cold.
Okay everyone the OPEN THREAD that the Professor suggested is on its way.
ReplyDeletePamela D. Hart said...
ReplyDeleteOkay everyone the OPEN THREAD that the Professor suggested is on its way.
OK, excuse me while I change into my Boxing Shorts..
By the way, I look very sexy in them..
the malcontent said...
ReplyDeleteOK, excuse me while I change into my Boxing Shorts..
By the way, I look very sexy in them..'
Do I have to turn around? by the way, Boxers or Briefs?
the malcontent said: OK, excuse me while I change into my Boxing Shorts..
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I look very sexy in them..
Mal: Wait 'til you see the pic with my post you're gonna crack up!
I'm waiting on Pins and Needles..