I was given an incredible compliment this past week by fellow blogger Les at Rational Nation USA. He asked me to contribute as an author at his blog where he displays independent conservative insight and wishes to expand on these values and opinions by adding “unique and independent thinking skills” and believes I fit that description.
I am truly humbled that Les feels I’m an independent thinker as well as a creative writer and he also complimented me highly when he told me he was impressed by my attempt to retain my conservative values while engaging those with a Liberal ideology. He said he believed this to be true bipartisanship and something he would like to achieve at Rational Nation USA.
Les’s blog has undergone some cosmetic changes as well as some user friendliness via Wes Messamore, who does the techno stuff professionally. But Les’s vision doesn’t stop there. He wishes to broaden the views at Rational Nation USA so that they encompass a wide range of rational political ideas and opinions because he believes, as I do, that this type of discussion is constructive.
I would like to say that I admire and respect Les and I’m proud and honored at his request. It is my hope that, with my assistance, Rational Nation USA will rise to new heights.
I’m looking forward to this new adventure, so wish me, and Les, good luck!
I am truly humbled that Les feels I’m an independent thinker as well as a creative writer and he also complimented me highly when he told me he was impressed by my attempt to retain my conservative values while engaging those with a Liberal ideology. He said he believed this to be true bipartisanship and something he would like to achieve at Rational Nation USA.
Les’s blog has undergone some cosmetic changes as well as some user friendliness via Wes Messamore, who does the techno stuff professionally. But Les’s vision doesn’t stop there. He wishes to broaden the views at Rational Nation USA so that they encompass a wide range of rational political ideas and opinions because he believes, as I do, that this type of discussion is constructive.
I would like to say that I admire and respect Les and I’m proud and honored at his request. It is my hope that, with my assistance, Rational Nation USA will rise to new heights.
I’m looking forward to this new adventure, so wish me, and Les, good luck!
Congrats Pam...
ReplyDeleteThank you, Dave! I'm excited!
ReplyDeleteNow if I may, I'd like to address Ms. Michelle Obama who has recent said that:that her year as first lady has allowed people to finally get to know her after the combat of a bruising campaign turned her into a “caricature” to some voters.
Michelle can do no wrong in the eyes of the "Liberal Fools" media. Just be happy you don't have to wake up and listen to her negativity 24/7. I've been in the White House twice-years ago, once Reagan and Bush 41, and I can't wait to see the "green room" (Jefferson's favorite) transformed into the Zulu Room!
Everything Barack Obama learned about diplomacy he learned in kindergarten and it is us, the Americans who are paying for him not learning good lessons in the childhood. Hope his putting America on the path of "set a good example and others will follow" philosophy works!
Pamela - I to am excited. I look forward to a GREAT year and a great partnership.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Pam! Not surprised. Sending you good wishes for continued success in your blogging career.
Why would Michelle Obama turn the Green Room into the "Zulu Room?"
Michelle Obama was born and raised in America and educated at America's finest schools. She's 100% American. I don't understand your comment, unless you intend it to be demeaning. But why would having Zulu ancestors be anymore demeaning than say, having Cherokee ancestors?
Would you try to make a joke out of a First Lady turning a room into a Native American Cherokee room if she had Native American ancestors?
What's your point? Is it to make fun of Africans and the First Lady's race?
Congratulations Pam!
ReplyDeleteI do hope all the 'conservative' bloggers follow you over to Rational Nation...
Les is a good guy Pamela. Anyone that loves good wine and fine cigars can't be all bad. Of course I'll be reading your contributions to Rational Nation.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Pamela! Enjoy the ride and we will be following with bated breath :-)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on being RN's first round draft pick!
Good luck. You are eminently fair; that's a rare quality.
Cynthia: You are off-topic, as you’re aware, but I’ll permit it as I’d like to address your complaint.
ReplyDeleteFirst Ladies have been the topic of scrutiny for quite some time and Mrs. Obama is no exception. Personally I don’t like to criticize First Ladies as they didn’t choose to be in the public eye, their husbands did. With that being said, First Ladies, since Eleanor Roosevelt, have taken up some type of cause. Laura Bush, a reading and literacy mission as well as an advocacy for breast cancer; Pat Nixon, volunteerism and historic collections for the White House; Nancy Reagan, the war on Drugs—“Just say No”; and who could forget Hillary Clinton with her efforts on Health Care. Now we have Michelle Obama whose cause is childhood obesity, and in my opinion, it’s something that is noteworthy and commendable.
But what does Mrs. Obama’s cause and President Obama’s political agenda have to do with decorating the White House? As I’m sure I don’t know. I can only assume this is a slur against their African-American heritage. I say this because the Obama’s have given no proof that they have any intentions of transforming the White House into an African Adobe and to say that they are going to turn the “Green” room into a “Zulu” room is quite unfair.
If you have a specific grievance about President Obama’s policies or a particular complaint about Mrs. Obama actions, then by all means, tell us about it. But, please, don’t make up false allegations about the Obama’s decorating the White House like an African Village as it gives no credence to you or your comment.
Shaw: Thank you very much. I’m really looking forward to it and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteTao: Thank you! But I can’t allow ALL the Conservatives to leave my blog. Who will you argue with? :)
Truth: Through the blogging experience I’ve had the opportunity to meet some great people, Les being one of them. This new endeavor was quite unexpected but very welcomed! I’m glad you’ll be reading Rational Nation as it’s our desire to have some good, rational debates there!
NFO: Thank you. I’m so glad you stopped by! I hope you’ll visit over at Rational Nation.
Oso: Thank you. You always have something nice to say to or about me. What a gentleman you are!
Congrats Pam, nicely done. This is a hard-earned reward for all of your patience and tolerance here!!
ReplyDeleteI know you'll do well. And since between you and Shaw, the House Beautiful Department is taken care of, I'll just leave that part be.. I do agree with you 100% that I am glad that Michelle is addressing childhood obesity, which is a huge (ack, no pun) problem that we face now and will be paying for down the road. So many children are being diagnosed diabetic and with high blood pressure at ridiculously young ages. And yes, obesity does disproportionately affect poorer socioeconomic classes: eating well is expensive-seems like as a rule, the more chemicals it contains, the cheaper it is (Ramen Noodles anyone?) and it is dangerous to let your kids run outside anymore (regardless of what Patrick and his Free Range people say).. especially in the inner cities with drive by shootings, gang violence, drug problems and of course the problem of kids being stolen happens everywhere.
It isn't so many years ago that the school systems were trying to call ketchup a vegetable. Michelle's focus on this will hopefully continue and accelerate the trend of schoools these days to bring in healthier options (some schools are even offering vegetarian options by student request). But this sort of paradigm shift takes time and the type of impetus that a First Lady's focus can give. I can't think of a better thing for her to focus on.
Pam it may be true that Cynthia’s post is a slur against Mitchell Obama’s African-American heritage ... How ever it is also true that the Green Room of the White House has been freshly redecorated with African American paintings etc and many of the paintings of previous “White” presidents etc. have been removed. ... You can make anything you or other want out of the, but it remains a fact. “You can’t change the facts”.
ReplyDeleteI redid my basement a while back and went with an African flair Happy guy. I'm very happy with it. In fact my next decorative piece will be a portrait of President and Mrs. Obama.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm going to spend the rest of the day watching the "Shaft Trilogy." I not only get the pleasure of watching three great movies. I get the pleasure of knowing that deluded fools that hate President and Mrs. Obama because they have more melanin in their skin than they do, also hate Shaft for kicking a bunch of white a$$.
Just like Pamela D. That Shaft was a baaaad m.............
Oh, I’m not saying that Michelle Obama’s a racist. On the contrary, her husband’s campaign seems to value white people. When Mrs. Obama spoke at a rally on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania her staff rearranged the crowd’s seating so a white person could have an Asian woman’s spot. “Get me more white people,” one of her event coordinators said. “We need more white people.”
ReplyDeleteBut to answer your question , YES, she is a racist, and a devout one. She is a hypocrite, who is all about herself and her race. It’s more of a tragedy to have her as first lady than her naive husband as president. The fact that she has teeth like a horse has nothing to do with anything!
I am so glad to know that Rational Nation is thrilled by your ability to maintain your conservative ideology under an overwhelming onslaught of liberal ideology...
ReplyDeleteHmmm, a vast majority of your comments come from Shaw? Tao? Truth? or Saty?
At BEST you are visited by five to six liberals and all the other comments, THE VAST MAJORITY OF THEM, are conservative commentators!!!
So, Pam, how do you maintain your conservative values with the onslaught of comments from the likes of Cynthia?
Or do you and Rational agree with that train of thought?
Did any liberal, of which there are only about 10 on the whole internet, ever comment about GWB and Laura turning the White House into the OK Corral?
Seems to me the real issue is how do Conservatives maintain their values in light of all the STUPIDITY of those who claim to be conservatives?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for you.
Someone, or maybe more than one person, was awful to you in your life, how else to explain your bitterness and distress over our First Lady, whom you've never met.
There's no point in answering all your racist slurs against Mrs. Obama. That would be a waste of time and possibly further feed into your resentment of this woman.
I'm sure we all sincerel hope that at some point in your life you seek help to find out why you are so consumed with hatred and envy over a woman who has done nothing to you or your family.
Your comments here show everyone that you, Cynthia, have a broken heart.
And Michelle Obama isn't the one who broke it.
Sometimes religion or reading poetry can give people who are full of hostility and unhappiness the comfort they so desperately seek through calling attention to themselves and behaving so wretchedly.
ReplyDeleteI went and looked for pictures of the Green Room in the Whitehouse....
Nothing has changed...no transformation to a 'Zulu Room'
Nice try...so, why do you lie so much?
Aurora: I suppose what the Obama campaign did is similar to what White candidates do who position Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and handicap people to the front of the row during their press conferences, etc. No difference, as far as I can see; they are ALL looking for kudos from the crowd and the MSM.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that she has teeth like a horse has nothing to do with anything!
You are absolutely correct. My question would be, why write it at all? It makes me realize you are just like so many other immature people who bring Mrs. Obama’s personal appearance into the discussion. That type of behavior is very juvenile and counterproductive to a political discussion. Her teeth, or the teeth of any candidate or candidate’s wife, are irrelevant. It would be nice if all we had to worry about today were teeth. But the truth of the matter is this: We are in a lot of trouble and discussing teeth isn’t going to solve anything.
Happyscrapper: I don’t see anything wrong with hanging some African Art in the White House. I do believe that most First Ladies put personal touches in the White House. It is, after all, their “home” for at least 4 years. It is my understanding that anything they “replace” is not thrown in the garbage but stored so that when they leave the original is replaced. So, again, the White House is not undergoing any major restoration, only a few pieces of “Art” are being replaced with other pieces of “Art”. I don’t see anything wrong with this. In my personal opinion, anyone who would use “rational” rather than “emotional” judgment wouldn’t see anything wrong with it either. We have much more pressing matters facing our country today than “Art”, don’t you think?
Cynthia: Your last two comments have been deleted. I requested for you to state your specific grievances about the Obama’s, which in all honesty, you did. However, I have a blogging policy, which you might like to read, because I require civility and respect on my blog and your comments, in my opinion, didn’t fit the bill. I suggest you rephrase your complaints about Mrs. Obama without all of the disdain and considering you’re a “Christian!” woman, that shouldn’t be difficult. As far as bringing other bloggers and their blog into the discussion—that is a total violation of my blogging policy.
ReplyDeleteAlso a little fact checking is in order because you stated that ALL First Ladies had ONE staffer/personal assistant. The truth of the matter is, Mrs. Obama has between 22 & 24; Mrs. Bush had between 24 & 26; Lady Bird Johnson and Betty Ford had 30; and Jacqueline Kennedy had 40. I am no expert on why First Ladies need so many staffers, and quite frankly I think they could do with less, but facts are facts and yours seem to be a bit skewed.
Here are the results of my investigation.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Obama has staff of 22 assistants which cost the American taxpayers $1,256,700.
Laura Bush had 17 staffers which cost the American taxpayers $764,900.
A difference of $491,800.
Anonymous: Again, I’m no expert on First Ladies’ staff and as I said I don’t know why any of them need so many staffers/personal assistants. My information came from snopes.
ReplyDeleteBut from Fact Check: The chain e-mail’s author claims that "[t]here has never been anyone in the White House at any time that has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady’s social life." The author claims that "even Hillary, only had three; Jackie Kennedy one; Laura Bush one." But the counts for those first ladies are incorrect – and they’re way off.
And also from the same Fact Check report: Kim Coryat, an archives technician at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library, told us it can be difficult to nail down a precise count of staff considering "White House staffing for all offices ebbs and flows with time."
I suppose it’s all in what we find on the internet. However, I will say this, we are in a recession and if I were the First Lady I would “cut back” considering most Americans have and I would want to do my share to help save money, especially “tax payers” money.
Tao: I do believe that Les wrote that he wanted to “ broaden the views” on his blog, so he searched for individuals who possessed “unique and independent thinking skills” and who were able to “make their points succinctly and drive them home by using good information and a sharp ability to reason.” He felt that I fit that description and considering how I “rationally” and “civilly” responded to Conservatives like Cynthia, Aurora and Happyscrapper, I believe that I have proven he did not make a mistake in choosing me.
ReplyDeleteIt is true that those Conservatives mentioned above did not reference GW or Laura Bush, however, their points had absolutely no rational, therefore, my intellectual reasoning kicked in and I was more than capable of maintaining my Conservative values despite their irrational onslaught. Being an independent thinker I have no intention of permitting anyone to deter me from my core beliefs.
I am in no way a sheeple, as you are very much aware, and that fact is regardless of the number of Conservatives or Liberals who visit. Although I am probably the only Conservative blog in our blogging community that has so many Liberal followers/commenters and actually encourages more, and being a Conservative blog, that is an accomplishment that I am quite proud of and I’ll not allow you, or anyone else, to diminish it by stating that there are ONLY 4 Liberals who post here because that is simply not true.
Les is also impressed by my bipartisan endeavors, which he should be, as I am too. It has been my goal since my blog’s inception to have Liberals and Conservatives debate here in a civil manner. While I still have a little way to go, I believe I have accomplished something that very few bloggers have yet to achieve. And again, I will not permit anyone to diminish my achievements.
So, while it may be your belief that since I am a Conservative I will agree with all Conservatives, that isn’t the case. If I don’t agree with someone, I will most definitely state my opposition whether it is favorable or not, and THAT is HOW I will maintain MY Conservative values—by being TRUE to MY beliefs regardless of the discussion or with whom I am conversing.
As to your question: “…how do Conservatives maintain their values in light of all the STUPIDITY of those who claim to be conservatives?”
I will say that we will handle the Conservatives who act this way in the same manner as we will handle Liberals who act this way—with civility and rationale, because as an independent thinker, rational and respectable human being and a woman who values her Conservative beliefs, I feel this is the fair and just way to conduct one’s self.
The blog you once remembered cannot be found here any longer.
ReplyDeleteLooking for a conservative blog? Look somewhere else!
These commentors are hurting my head both literally and figuratively.
This blog has undergone a rapid and stunning evolution from True Conservatives to far left fanatics. The majority of posters here are dingbats .
Tis a pity..
Lonely Conservative: Why would I be a “dingbat”? Because I wish to engage in civil political debate rather than disparaging the First Lady’s physical appearance? If it hurts your head to actually THINK and be RATIONAL, then you are most certainly correct, this blog is NOT for people such as you.
ReplyDeletePamela - Your response to TAO just proves once again I made a wise choice asking you to join RN USA.
ReplyDeleteIrrespective of whatever else TAO may have to toss out he is out matched in both wisdom, rationality, and class.
TAO - There you go again proving once again your ability to use generalities to characterize everyone and everything you disagree with as lap dogs to the republican party or just plain stupid.
ReplyDeleteWell done TAO! You continue to show your snobbish elitism and disdain for those who disagree with you.
My judgement in choosing Pam was based on the criteria she so succinctly just explained to you.
With that aside TAO misrepresentation such as you seem to be prone to do will result in comments made on any of my comment streams at RN beng ignored.
Good Day
Awakening: It is wise to read the comment section before you post “I don’t know where you get your facts…” I listed 2 links when I responded to Anonymous showing EXACTLY where I received my information. I also stated that if I were the First Lady I would “cut back”, but hey, don’t allow any FACTS to get in the way of your little rant.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you are maintaining YOUR values...and rest assured I to will maintain mine.
When you and rational comment about 'liberal ideology' then understand, as a liberal that you are attacking me and my values.
When you catergorize everything evil as "liberalism" then you are calling me and my values evil.
I do find it humourous at how thin skinned you and rational get when I turn take the shoe that you both use so effectively and put it on the other foot...
I will defend liberalism and liberals just as much as you will defend conservatives.
Now, I realize that both you and rational separate yourself from the conservatives in power and from the republican party as a whole...but when you talk about "liberals" you do not do the same thing.
Now, if you believe that you are somehow different from GWB and all the other various degrees of conservatives that exist out there don't you also believe that you should extend the same courtesy to those of us who are identified as liberals.
When you plan to defend your principles from the onslaught of liberal ideology remember you are attacking Shaw, Truth, Octy, Saty, and myself.
You list us as "liberal blogs' and then you malign liberalism...
The truth of the matter is that your conversation is full blaming 'liberalism' for everything....and the whole time you want to claim that Shaw, Tao, Truth, Saty, and Octo are your friends.
Rational, your elitism comes out when you believe that only you have values and that no one who is a liberal can have values...
Trust me I have values and I have beliefs and I found them being attacked by people who claimed to be 'conservatives' all the time over the last 30 years.
I have spent 20 years building up a business that now has over 300 employees and rational calls me a collectivist and a leninist....
If you want respect for your values and for whatever label you want to claim you are then return the favor...
The whole last 30 years have been nothing more than a bunch of statists who claimed to be conservatives used the term 'liberals' and 'liberalism' to form a boogeyman of fear amongst the masses while they went off and enriched themselves and their special interests.
If it makes you angry, if it makes you defensive THEN GOOD...
Remember that the next time either one of you blindly type "liberals" because don't forget...some very decent people call themselves liberals and they are dear friends of yours...
If you value smaller government, balanced budgets, and individualism then it would seem to me that 'conservatives' which is what GWB and that whole crew called themselves were a greater threat to your values than any liberal ever was....
Even with the new projections from the CBO it is obvious that most of our deficit today and in the future will be due to Bush and not Obama...
That is the sad reality that we all seem to miss in our desire to constantly blame liberalism for everything.
So, using 'conservative' in a deragatory manner hurts your feelings? Well, then why not quit using 'liberals' in the same manner....
TAO - I have addressed each of your assertions several times, so I will limiting comments.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are many liberals who are good people, my brother being one. I was a liberal 30 years ago, until I identified the fallacy that is modern day liberalism IMO.
Angry, defensive... not at all. Just matter of fact and unemotional.
Sound like you might be showing a tad bit of the emotionalism liberals are so noted for.
As to values, you have yours and I have mine and I am perfectly okay with that.
Now I have business to take care of as my grandson is requesting my attention and he certainly deserves it by far more than responses to your ramblings.
Rational Nation USA, I could not possibly agree with you more. You have nailed it.
ReplyDeleteYou can not argure or disagree with people like TAO
If you disagree with them you are either:
1. Stupid
2. Racist
3. Extremist
4. Stupid
5. Uncaring
6. Stupid
7. Racist
8. Uncaring
9. Racist
Or all of the above.
Call me what you may, my opinion still stands. I don’t care.
Reading some of the comments here make me proud to be an American.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Rasmussen predicted that if things keep going the way they are that he will end up with the lowest ratings in the history of any president. Carter had horrible ratings and I know Obama is going to be the worst ever!! The problem is, the mindless midgets and the lamestream media still think he is qualified for the job.
Mal - I see you have identified as well just precisely the modus operandi of elitist liberal such as as is TAO.
ReplyDeleteMy experience is also that he is very god at the "bait and switch" tactics as well.
Tao: I would like to address each issue in your comment; however, before I do I would like to set something straight. My comment to you is from ME as I speak for no one else. You brought up a few people, Shaw, Truth, Octo, Satyavati and Les and I want to make it perfectly clear that I do not speak for them. If ANY of those people have an issue, they are free to contact me and I will most definitely address it.
ReplyDeleteRetaining our values, Tao, I would think is a given—something we have grown to expect from each other over the last year. Why you feel the need to express this to me now is unknown as I have given you no reason to think I wouldn’t expect you to retain your values. Just as I have given you no reason to think you have any reason to defend them as I have never once attacked or maligned you or your values. Truth be told, I have been attacked by some on the Right for defending YOU, as you are aware. As far as you finding humor in my being “thin skinned”, I don’t really believe you think that at all because you know me too well, and considering how many times I’ve been attacked by my own party, I think everyone knows I have very “thick skin”. But again, both of us can agree that defending our beliefs and values is important, BUT as I’ve stated more times than I can count, it can always be done with respect and decorum, as I have demonstrated quite consistently.
I don’t recall commenting or posting about “liberal ideology” or the “onslaught of liberal ideology”, as that isn’t terminology I use, and I most definitely don’t categorize Liberalism as EVERYTHING evil. As a matter of fact, I have NEVER once branded Liberals or Liberalism as ANYTHING bad or evil, which has dubbed me a “traitor”, a “lib lover”, and a “full pledged card carrying liberal ass kisser”. So to say that MY conversations are “full of blaming liberalism for everything” is totally untrue. And to say that I “claim” certain Liberal individuals as my friends was a low blow, because I do consider them my friends, Tao, and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt them and you are very much aware of that fact. It’s also unfair to claim I’m attacking my friends when I disagree with a Liberal view. That’s like claiming a Liberal friend is attacking me when they disagree with a Conservative idea. That is simply false and in my opinion not rational thinking.
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt that you have values and convictions. I also believe, as you, that regardless of “label” respect should be granted if it is given—“return the favor” you said. Yet how did you return my respect TO you? I will grant that at times you have been attacked by some on the Right when visiting my blog; however, I defended you. Yet you stated on Truth’s blog, “I used to post over at Pam's blog and I did so to share information to broaden the discussion but then no one responded to my posts but rather to the fact that they considered me a liberal so I do not post over there any longer, except for a smart ass comment from time to time.” You returned my respect to you by baiting the trolls. So much for favors—much obliged.
You also stated a falsehood when you claim that I don’t extend the same courtesy to those who identify themselves as Liberals when separating “people” from those “in power”. I most certainly do. I can’t count how many times I have distinguished between Liberal blogs, Liberal politicians, Liberal friends, etc. I am probably one of the few who does extend this courtesy as I don’t want to be associated with those “in power”. I do not appreciate you boxing me in with the majority on the Right who don’t extend this courtesy. But Tao, you have told me countless times that I am NOT a “Reactionary Rightie”, that I am a rational, reasonable person. So now I am not? Which one is it? Is it only when you are happy with me that I am reasonable and courteous but when I say something you don’t like then I’m like all the other “bad” Righties? That is unfair. Either I’m reasonable and courteous or I’m not, regardless of your emotional state.
I’m not angry or defensive because I have done nothing wrong. I consistently state my opinions in a civil and respectable manner. I may not always agree with everyone but I have always disagreed with dignity. There isn’t anyone in the blogosphere who can deny that—not even you. So the crux of the matter is you are angry and defensive, but for what exact reason, I’m not sure as I haven’t attacked you or your beliefs and I have never created “bogeymen” or “fear amongst the masses” by using Liberals or Liberalism. I also don’t ever recall posting about Liberals or Liberalism being a threat to me or my values. As a matter of fact I DO recall telling a few on the Right, who don’t want me to have blogoships with Liberals, that I have no fear of Liberals and I welcome Liberals on my blog. I have a specific category to promote the Liberal Blogs where I visit regularly and comment. So, how, Tao, is that maligning Liberals and Liberalism? And where, in any of my posts, have I done so?
There are blogs and bloggers who do use the term “Conservative” and “Conservativism” in a derogatory manner, however, it doesn’t hurt MY feelings as I am confident in myself and my beliefs plus I don’t take it personally. I also don’t participate in that type of behavior and I dare anyone to prove that I have.
With all of that being said, I expect you to stand by your values and convictions and I will stand by mine. That is the way it should be. But in the end, Tao, we are Americans first and foremost, as I’ve stated more times than I can count. I will respect you for being an American first and whatever “label” you care to use to describe your stance on the political issues is your choice and I will respect that, too. I won’t malign it as that is not in my nature. I may not agree with your choices or views and I don’t expect you to agree with mine, but I do expect us to do so with civility.
I hope I have addressed everything in your comment. If not, please let me know and I will be sure to do so.
I LOVE the smell of desperation in the morning!!
ReplyDeleteTAO'S argument is failing and failing BIG. It's just about time for his name calling.
This is to answer the commenter who calls itself "Obammy is a Shammy," whatever that means:
ReplyDeleteJanuary 18, 2010
Obama Averages 57% Approval in First Year in Office
Barack Obama averaged 57% job approval during his first year in office.
Compared with the first-year averages of other presidents elected to office since World War II, Obama's average ranks on the low end, tied with Ronald Reagan's, but better than Bill Clinton's historical low of 49%.
So according to Gallup, Mr. Obama is doing as well as Mr. Reagan did in the first year of his presidency.
BTW, I checked out OiaS's blog, where he's photoshopped Mr. Obama as a pimp, and has another photoshop of Mr. Obama with a PLO headdress on him.
You can't any more juvenile than that, but I'm betting Obammy is a Shammy will try.
Obammy: Frankly I DO care what Shaw thinks as she is a regular commenter here. And referring to anyone on MY blog as “warped” is NOT permitted. So YOU will show some courtesy or you will be banned. I hope that is understood as I’m not in a very good mood right this moment.
ReplyDeleteWordsmith: Desperation? I’m sorry, but I don’t quite follow your thought process. It’s now considered desperation when two people have a misunderstanding? When you’ve been blogging as long as I have and have formed relationships you are bound to have misunderstandings and if YOU relish in THAT then shame on YOU.
ReplyDeleteYou do realize Pamela that Right is Right is back thanks to TAO. Feuds are good for traffic.
ReplyDeleteAsk yourselves; is nice TAO going to generate traffic that adds up to ad dollars? Or Kind and Gentle 101 for that matter?
Rational Nation USA said...
ReplyDeleteTAO - I have addressed each of your assertions several times, so I will limiting comments.
Yes, there are many liberals who are good people, my brother being one. I was a liberal 30 years ago, until I identified the fallacy that is modern day liberalism IMO.
Angry, defensive... not at all. Just matter of fact and unemotional. Sound like you might be showing a tad bit of the emotionalism liberals are so noted for
Hardly a day goes by when I don't hear another "Liberal Fool" like TAO sounding off about something they know little about or worse yet, have no experience with.
It's So True! Those "Liberal Fools" can't get enough of themselves.
Pam it IS Desperation as The Wordsmith stated when all they can do is Blame Bush, Blame Bush,and Blame Bush!!! No, they'll never forget Bush. I say let 'em keep going. It just makes them look even more foolish.
ReplyDeleteI think The Wordsmith is correct...
ReplyDeleteliberals like Tao are desparate: The current administration is desparate, and the democrats in congress are desparate...
We are on the verge of establishing America's greatness once again and returning this country to its rightful path!
It appears that the original topic has been forgotten. Let us take a moment to familiarize ourselves with my blog post so that we are all on the same page, so to speak.
ReplyDeleteYour cooperation is appreciated.
Pamela D. Hart said...
ReplyDeleteIt appears that the original topic has been forgotten. Let us take a moment to familiarize ourselves with my blog post so that we are all on the same page, so to speak.
I do understand your point Pamela, but the subject leaves little to speak about.
I think that we did say what we felt about that and there is not much left to say.
TAO has brought in a new subject that seems to have gotten many of us upset and by the looks of the comments here it seems to be the way the people want to go...
It's very hard to avoid answering, but some of the hatred kind of hatred spewing from the festering pie-holes of some on the left such as TAO must be noted, denounced, and rejected by all Americans.. Clearly he lives in a small, nasty world bound on all sides by the paranoid and petty monsters of his own, hate-encrusted sick and jealous mind. .
Obammy Shammy said: Reading some of the comments here make me proud to be an American.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Rasmussen predicted that if things keep going the way they are that he will end up with the lowest ratings in the history of any president. Carter had horrible ratings and I know Obama is going to be the worst ever!! The problem is, the mindless midgets and the lamestream media still think he is qualified for the job.
Obammy: I do believe THAT was your first comment here. So, to say that you think “we did say what we felt about that” isn’t quite true, because YOU never addressed the original topic.
Your opinion that the subject leaves “little to speak about” is noted, however, my stance is firm and I will not deviate from my position. As there maybe others who might wish to comment on my original topic even if you don’t wish to.
Tao’s comment was directed toward me and I addressed it adequately so there is no need for anyone else to comment any further on that subject.
Pamela said:
ReplyDeleteTao’s comment was directed toward me and I addressed it adequately so there is no need for anyone else to comment any further on that subject.
Thanks so much for responding. I’m glad you brought this up. With ALL Due Respect Pamela, and I did get a college education When someone makes a comment on a blog, it is out there for anyone to reply to. It wasn’t exactly hidden inside of a Fortune Cookie. Even if it was addressed to you or someone else... The reason why we comment on a particular blog is we want to share basically our thoughts with others.
As for the original subject, everyone did congratulate you on the New Blog you were invited to participate on and I do as well. I SERIOUSLY wish you all the best of luck over there.
You know Pam, one of the things I find fascinating is how conservatives always believe that 'their values' are being threathened by "liberals" and or "liberal ideology" you yourself have claimed as such in your post.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly are your values? Representative democracy? Lower taxes? Less government intrusion in our lives? Balanced budgets?
Now, look at the facts....
Which presidents have expanded the size of government? Conservative Republicans have.
Which presidents are most responsible for our current deficit? A Conservative Republican.
Who was wrote and passed the patriot act? A conservative republican.
On and on it goes...
Michelle Bachmann, who Rational Nation finds promising receives 25,000 a year for a total of over 260,000 in agricultural subsidies from the government...thats socialism...thats welfare.
Her husband also owns a rehab clinic and since most people with drug and alchol problems are not working most of his income is derived from medicare/medicad.
Yet, everyone at Rational Nation was SHOCKED to find this out...information that is readily available throughout the internet.
I do believe that, if your values are important to you then the first line of defense needs to be against those who claim to be conservatives like you...
Right now the conservative republicans are proposing a bill that would make it illegal to cut medicare expenses via the reconciliation process. Because they want to stop the healthcare reform bill they will now offer up a bill, THAT WILL MOST LIKELY PASS, that will mean any future cuts to medicare will need a fillabuster proof majority of 60.
Why are they doing this? Because "entitlements are too important" to be subjected to the whim of 51 votes. What this will do in the future is make it impossible to to curb entitlements.
You can forget about ever balancing the budget.
I am just glad that it is not liberal ideology that came up with that one...
The real threat to your values and those of Rational Nation is not liberalism but rather conservatives.
Ronald Reagan came to office promising to disband the Department of Education and then 20 years later we have another conservative president giving us "No Child Left Behind"
Yes of course we want to say, "forget about Bush..." or "he wasn't the conservative I voted for...."
So, then I have to ask, why vote republican...which of course I will be told that it is none of my business who you or rational voted for....
Or you can claim that you voted for the lesser of two evils...
I think that if you are concerned about your values then you should focus your efforts on ensuring that conservatives stay true to their values rather than fearing this thing called 'liberal ideology'
Call me elitist or whatever but to sit here and claim that the only threat to your values comes from "liberal ideology" is kind of like a person who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones...
It should be obvious to everyone after the last 20 years that the conservatives, when in power, have not done much to live up to your values either...
Good luck on your new venture! I hope that you and Rational go off and change the world...
It does need some changing...
Obama is rotten to the core. His list of "advisers" avowed communists, avowed socialists, people who publically hold up Mao as their hero, and so on. And what about Obama's election? Remember the campaign office with the Chevez posters? Remember Obama not saluting our Flag? Remember 5 days before the election when he said he was going to "fundamentally change" America?
ReplyDeleteThis is the Fine Man you are defending!
Hi Folks, I'm at work right now so I'm not ignoring anyone and as soon as I'm able I'll address your comments.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your patience.
Well, I am glad you do not have time to attack me...
ReplyDeleteBecause you just might want to go over to Rational Nation and read the link that he has and also read the link that Carl adds in his comments...
After you read both of them then please feel FREE to rip me a new one if you so desire!
It ain't liberal ideology that threatens your conservative values!
There's a very strange thing going on in the blogsphere.
ReplyDeleteI found the EXACT same comment posted above by "American Yankee" posted in the comments section over at "New Busters," and the date stamp on the commenter (whose comment name is shown as "ThisnThat") is 10/18/09.
A couple of days ago, a commenter "The Skepdick" came to my blog and did the same thing--used someone else's comment and posted it under his/her name. I visited the commenter's blog and discovered that every post that I researched was written by someone else from some rightwing source, but "The Skepdick" never attributed any of the plagiarized work or link to the original source.
I've also found, over the past few days, some commenter here who called himself "Le Jimbo" to be a fraud and using someone else's facebook name and link.
This has happened before over at my blog, and I've called the frauds out on it.
All of the commenters involved in this mickey mouse chicanery pass themselves off as rightwingers.
They do not do their cause any favors by being so deceptive and dishonest.
Why would anyone take anything seriously they have to post when all they're doing is stealing from other people's work and putting their names on it?
I'm almost to the point of believing that these types of bloggers and commenters are paid provocateurs. The two mentioned here set up their blogs--"The Skepdick," a few weeks ago, and "American Yankee," just last month.
The "American Yankee" blog is curious because it says under her picture that she's been an artist for 30 years, but her "photo" looks like she's in her 20s!
I bring this up, Pam, only because it has happened at your blog and at mine, and there seems to be a pattern to it.
It's just plain weird.
Tao: I haven't attacked you and I don't intend to, whether I go to those sites before or after I reply to your comment. I also believe that you know me, my character and my integrity well enough to realize that no amount of reading will influence my response to you.
ReplyDelete"I also believe that you know me, my character and my integrity well enough to realize that no amount of reading will influence my response to you."
ReplyDeleteSo, if I translate this correctly, and feel free to correct me, but you are going to say whatever it is you want and no amount of additional information is going to change that...
That is exactly the reason I quit blogging and why I have nothing to do with Rational Nation...
If facts do not enlighten and make one question ones own core beliefs then obviously facts are just something that are an inconveience that must be denied.
Now, of course we all know that at one time we all believed in Santa but the facts became obvious and while we still think fondly of Santa we know he does not in fact exist.
Claiming that 'liberal ideology' is a threat to your conservative values is like arguing that gay marriage threatens your own hetrosexual marriage when the 800 lb guerilla that threatens hetrosexual marriage is divorce.
If you check out the recent battles in the Oklahoma State House you will note that they are debating their divorce issue and there appears to be alot of conservatives in oklahoma that do not like the fact that government wants to stick their nose in their personal lives....but these same people will stick their noses in the personal lives of gay people...
tao - In respect to Pamela's wishes all I shall say is... "there you go again."
ReplyDeleteShaw Kenawe said...
ReplyDeleteThere's a very strange thing going on in the blogsphere.
Are you accusing me of being of a clone of this ""The Skepdick" person?
You should have been a detective.
I think that YOUR comment has been circulating around for a while. It was previously used psychiatrist in that new hit movie “Shutter Island”
This has happened before over at my blog, and I've called the frauds out on it.
All of the commenters involved in this mickey mouse chicanery pass themselves off as rightwingers.
But Calm down, and take 2 aspirins, you'll be okay in the morning.. Those EVIL rightwimgers are only a it's only a dream or and illuscination
often experienced by a delusional psychotic patient.
The "American Yankee" blog is curious because it says under her picture that she's been an artist for 30 years, but her "photo" looks like she's in her 20s!
Ah, Thank You, see that you can say something nice afterall.
Shaw Kenawe said...
ReplyDeleteThere's a very strange thing going on in the blogsphere.
I found the EXACT same comment posted above by "American Yankee" posted in the comments section over at "New Busters," and the date stamp on the commenter (whose comment name is shown as "ThisnThat") is 10/18/09.
A couple of days ago, a commenter "The Skepdick" came to my blog and did the same thing--used someone else's comment and posted it under his/her name. I visited the commenter's blog and discovered that every post that I researched was written by someone else from some rightwinger
The first experiences I can remember happened when I was about 3 years old. I remember sensing other presences periodically and hearing people other than my parents calling my name when I drifted off to sleep, etc.
When I was about 7 we moved to a newly built home on property that had previously been undeveloped fields. Shortly after we moved in, I saw the figure of a young (10-12 years old?) girl in the family room for several minutes during the day. I was eating my snack and watching TV, and just "noticed" her there all of a sudden. I spoke to her but when she didn't respond, I went back to my snack and cartoons.
Shortly after that, I noticed objects moving on the dresser in the guest room on the second floor of the house, also during the day. My dreams became very disturbing and the house seemed unusually charged with negativity, particularly at night. My parents fought more and more with each other and with me and my brother. Within the first year or so after moving into that house, I saw two additional figures which I can remember clearly to this day, though I must have seen them 20 years ago. One, which I saw during the day, was in the guestroom (which seems to channel a lot of these negative feelings and events into the rest of the house), literally looked like a demon reaching for something in the dresser (it was bright red, burnt** looking, and had the most grotesque looking face and body imaginable). This thing actually turned its head to look at me and gave me this hideous smile, if you can believe that, and I ran screaming down the stairs.
I began sleeping with my 5 year old brother after this and crying a lot to my parents, who did not (and to this day do not) believe me. I continued to have terrible nightmares .
Though there have been signs that a ghost is around, nobody has approached me in any other way.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou know Rational...
ReplyDeleteI am proud to help you achieve your goal of dominating the blogworld!
I am doing everything I can do to get people to think you are sane and rational....
I am saying all the crazy things so everyone who reads this blog will follow you and Pam on your new adventure...
I think that I have done enough to ensure that conservatives race to your blog in droves and support you and Pam...
At least you could show some appreciation.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTao: No, you did not translate it correctly. I had absolutely NO idea what links you referenced as I had not read them and since you said for me to read them then I could “feel free to rip you”, I wanted to assure you that no matter what I read I had no intentions of attacking or ripping you. And THAT is what I meant by my character and integrity.
ReplyDeleteNow I will dedicate the time to re-reading your comments and replying.
American Yankee wrote:
ReplyDelete"Are you accusing me of being of a clone of this ""The Skepdick" person?"
No. You misread what I wrote.
I found that your comment was copied from a New Buster's comment posted in Oct. of 2009. And I linked to where it was. I said nothing about your being a clone of anyone. But it is interesting that YOU make that connection. Very interesting.
You presented nothing to explain why your comment is a repost of something from News Busters. All you did in your last comment is deflect attention away from what I presented with proof, hoping no one would notice that you did not deny a single thing I wrote.
No. Thank YOU! Yours was the "illuscination," whatever that is.
To "What Was I Thinking:"
I didn't direct any of my comments to you. Your comment to me is meaningless.
Obammy: I wasn’t questioning your intelligence and if I somehow came across superior please accept my sincere apology as that was not my intention.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely correct that one’s blog and comment section are out there for the world to see and where applicable, to reply. However, I have a blogging policy that I would like followed so that my comment section is a hostile free environment.
I understand that some issues have come up since my discussion with Tao. But words like “his own, hate-encrusted sick and jealous mind” are not terms that I would define as “civil” or “respectful” and I believe you can get your point across without them.
Oh, Pam...
ReplyDeleteLet them say what they want...
It makes them happy...
They can think or not think what they want...
Anon can read or not read what he wants...
It really doesn't matter...
Or as I like to say, "...they don't pay my bills!"
Tao: I’m going to begin this reply with: Any issues you have with Les and anything HE wrote on Rational Nation are subjects you’ll need to address with him as I only speak for myself.
ReplyDeleteThis sentence from my post, "...he told me he was impressed by my attempt to retain my conservative values while engaging those with a Liberal ideology" is NOT an insult to Liberals OR you. I could say, Tao is able to retain his liberal values on my blog while engaging those with a Conservative ideology, which, by the way, you have done, so that would be a compliment. Why are you taking that ONE sentence and turning it into me threatening you, Liberals, Liberalism and Liberal ideology?
Again, my Conservative values are as important to me as your Liberal values are to you. However, the first line of defense is Americans uniting-- then educating ourselves against corrupt Government which has pitted Americans against one another. I’ve said it before, Tao, it’s not Conservatives vs. Liberals. It’s us vs. them! I’ve posted and commented about that. I don’t post about Liberalism threatening my Conservative values. I’m not a cookie-cutter blog and you know that. So to tell me that I need to find my first line of defense is a mute point, because I KNOW the enemy and it’s corrupt Washington.
As far as GW Bush goes, I never once said to “forget Bush”. I voted for Bush, twice in fact. I’m not afraid to admit it. I never said he wasn’t “the” Conservative I voted for, either. What I have said is that there were things GW did that I did NOT like. I will stand behind my vote just as I hope everyone who voted for Obama will stand behind their vote for him.
I haven’t called you an “elitist”, as a matter of fact, I never called you anything, except “friend”. But yet you have been accusing me of being afraid of Liberals and saying that I feel “liberal ideology” is a threat to my Conservative values when I have never claimed any such thing. This specter you have created in my name is irrational and I will ask you to please stop as I am deeply disheartened that you would charge me of a transgression I have not committed.
I don’t believe there is anything that will threaten my values. There is a threat to OUR country, however, and that is the politicians in power who have taken advantage of the American people. Who have used and abused their power and our money. They ARE the elitists who have chosen to forget the Joe and Jane Citizen and those are the people I rant about—not liberalism and liberal ideology threatening me or my values.
ReplyDelete[for your 2nd comment]
Of course I wish to be enlightened by facts. I also wish to be enlightened by others from the opposite side of the political aisle therefore I encourage Liberals on my blog. I promote bipartisanship, which is something that Les said he admired about me hence my new contribution at his blog. If you choose to quit blogging, that’s your choice but don’t insinuate that it has anything to do with me or that I have tunnel vision because nothing could be farther from the truth.
And once again, “liberal ideology” is NOT a threat to me or my values. And your analogy is EXACTLY correct because I used your analogy that “gay marriage will not threaten my heterosexual-marriage” when I posted my Pro-gay marriage post. You see, I support gay marriage. It’s one of my “Liberal” views. So, for you to say that I am threatened by EVERYTHING Liberal is a total fallacy because I DO have some Liberal views. I realize that “gay marriage” isn’t a “Conservative” value, but it is a “value”, and it’s one that I believe in, therefore it is MINE, hence it’s not a threat, therefore I can’t possibly be threatened by liberal ideologies.
I hope I have addressed everything to your satisfaction, Tao, as I’m tired and need to respond to a few other commenters before I watch my favorite show, “Castle”. But if there is anything else, please let me know.
Yes, TAO can say what ever he wants to!
ReplyDeleteAnd he can believe whatever he wants to. BUT, he is never going to be able to convince anyone with the BS he spews and the name calling he uses that Obama is any good for the USA.
And the proof of this is shown in his poll numbers that continue to plummet and his inane policies that continue to fail, and the race card will be played with increasing frequency as all these come into being..He has ruined any chance of bipartisanship, changing the tone in Washington and his own party has become disenchanted with him as well.
These Liberals/sorry I meant "These Progressives" are stupid but what is truly sad, is how many people that claim they are Conservatives Pissed all over George Bush All because the alphabets they don't watch and the liberal rags they don't read told them President Bush was a bad guy. These are now the same idiots that claim they are "Hoping" for a leader to get them away from this scummy Marxist. Of course they only want a Candidate that the Democrats will approve of, so Sarah, Mitt, and anyone the Left might trash need not apply. Some of us actually had the brains enough beforehand to realize Obama was all hype. Elections have consequences, but somehow I think all that is lost on morons that switch with the wind direction!
ReplyDelete. If Bush had been treated like Obama, the world would love him. But wait, the world does not love Obama. They are laughing at him. How can this be?
Thank you Pam...
ReplyDeleteWe all have values and realistically they are neither 'conservative' or 'liberal' but rather they are 'personal' values.
When one talks about politics one is talking about ideology and that is either conservative and or liberal...or someplace in between.
You do not have conservative values....because if truth be known your personal values are quite similar to those held by liberals...
Thus you have personal values but you follow a conservative ideology....and someone with your same personal values can follow a liberal ideology.
IF there is going to be any sense of bipartisanship then we need to realize that our politics do not dictate values....
Ones political beliefs do not make ones personal values superior someone elses...
Ones political beliefs do not mean that conservatives have values and liberals do not....
It should be obvious that politics and values can be mutually exclusive terms....with all the scandals and corruption in politics it would also be logical to assume that politics destroys personal values...
That was my point.....
Humm... It seems as if Mr. TAO has changed his tone. Just like the boy-”president"
ReplyDeleteThe problem with libs is that they have been taught to believe, not and not to think.
Just Billy and Namaste...
ReplyDeleteFirst off, GWB did enjoy popular support during his term...and then he squandered it...his poll ratings were his own fault.
Right now, Obama is sitting with the same poll ratings after his first year that Reagan enjoyed after his first year...
...and now everyone wants to put Reagan on the 5o dollar bill or carve his likeness onto Mt. Rushmore...
So, relax and let history play its self out....
As far as claiming that liberals were 'told' that GWB was a disaster is laughable considering that on the right you have limbaugh, Fox News, and whoever your employer is attempting to tell you that GWB was the second coming of Ronald Reagan and that Obama is a socialist....
If anyone is drinking koolaid nowadays it would be you two...
So why not give up the koolaid and take a couple of laps around the yard like Michelle Obama recommends....exercise will not turn you into a socialist and a little exercise and fresh air just might boost your IQ and improve your disposition.
TAO said:
ReplyDeleteAs far as claiming that liberals were 'told' that GWB was a disaster is laughable considering that on the right you have limbaugh, Fox News, and whoever your employer is attempting to tell you that GWB was the second coming of Ronald Reagan and that Obama is a socialist....
If anyone is drinking koolaid nowadays it would be you two...
So why not give up the koolaid and take a couple of laps around the yard like Michelle Obama recommends....exercise will not turn you into a socialist and a little exercise and fresh air just might boost your IQ and improve your disposition.
Nice post and great depiction of the donkey party, TAO. Your nasty and wise ass attitude was not appreciated !
I had to laugh when I was reading your post TAO.
I really could not make decide if you were serious or this was satire.
But you know what? Obama can do and say whatever he wants to It’s not working anymore.. America is wise to this Clown.
No one is spending because the future looks uncertain. The only one spending money is the government and the government produces nothing. Taxing us to death doesn’t create prosperity, it creates a depression.
I have been embarrassed by this administration long enough.
The Democrats have created a society of moochers and enablers.
They can’t succeed if people are doing well so they keep them down so they can throw more crumbs their way. Remind you of the Marxist dictators? It reminds me of Kim Jong, Hugo Chavez, Castro and friends.
Yoh, Crazy lady who is fed up...
ReplyDeleteWelcome to blogging...I see you got your start this month! The pay is good and the hours are great!
"Moochers' and "Enablers" started long before Obama came to office so your point is?
I don't blog to achieve your appreciation but rather because of your partisan stupidity...
You were not ashamed of the last administration so this one won't hurt you much....
Your taxes have not increased and in fact, if you had had a real job you would realize that this administration lowered your taxes and as far as the depression goes you should have been out blogging back in 2007 when it started...
As far as dictators goes its always the right that demands respect for the commander in chief when it is a conservative president....so, that makes you the dictator lovers...
TAO said...
ReplyDeleteYoh, Crazy lady who is fed up...
YOH, TAO Person, You know it's people like you that make me SO fed up!
Welcome to blogging...I see you got your start this month! The pay is good and the hours are great!
Well, Get used to me, I'm going to be around a lot!
Glad to have you Crazy lady...as an employed blogger that lowers our unemployment rate and means lower taxes for everyone...
ReplyDeleteSo, go ahead and blog to your hearts content...
I do believe around your office I am known as Chairman Mao...
Technically, Rational Nation USA is correct (that is, implying that anyone who dares to disagree with the mighty Rahm Emanuel is naïve). But it's worth noting that this entire scenario--that is, the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama and the effort to reform our health system--is an act of naïveté.
ReplyDeleteHad the naïve grass roots supporters of Barack been more pragmatic (back when he was being elected), then we wouldn't be having this debate.
The issue is not whether taking it to the blue dogs is an act of naïveté, rather, it's where you are willing to set the goal posts. If winning this debate on health care means setting the expectations so low that the eventual bill is meaningless, then what's the point?
Since Rahm seems to be a big fan of profanity to bulldoze his points across; I'll have to agree with the majority of the other posters here. Fuck him. He needs to understand that he's working for us, and letting the blue dogs water down a bill as critical as this one will do far more damage to the Democratic Party than a few blue dog bruised egos. They'll get over it.
Yes, that makes me naïve as well.
Rahm understands that he is working for America dirty mouthed homefrie guy. That's why he tells righties (To paraphrase your words friend) "fuck you."
ReplyDeleteHey, Pam,
ReplyDeleteI started a new blog (I just couldn't resist)
If you can't have a little fun in a day then why wake up!
I am dedicating my blog to Rational Nation...
TAO said...
ReplyDeleteHey, Pam,
I started a new blog (I just couldn't resist)
Whoa dude...you've already learned two or three new words today...don't try to over load your brain by extruding your thoughts process into complete sentences.
ReplyDeleteI usually try to not talk in complete sentences so as to NOT overload your ability to think...
From your comment it is obvious that you appreciate my effort to make things easy for you...
Language people, language. I don't have to ability to wash anyone's mouth out with soap--being on a computer and all, so let's refrain from the "F" word.
ReplyDeleteSorry Pam, When I began to research the meaning of "Stupid person" in Webster's New World College Dictionary, the Definition that came up was "TAO"
ReplyDeleteFrank: When people look up “respectful” they find my blog, right?
ReplyDeleteAnd Frank, you didn’t congratulate me on my new gig! What’s up what that? My feelings are hurt!
I'm sorry that I was late in my Congratulations to you Pam..My warmest, sincerest congratulation and all the very best wishes !
ReplyDeleteThanks, Frank. I hope you know I was just joking around with you. I'm not always a "meanie".
ReplyDeleteI was thinking that a guy who calls himself "thinking man" could come up with some better put downs.
ReplyDeleteWhen will your first post on RN appear? What will you write about?
ReplyDeleteTRUTH 101 said...
ReplyDeleteI was thinking that a guy who calls himself "thinking man" could come up with some better put downs.
Well Mr. Truth101, yours wasn't exactly the best of "Put Downs" either...But remember...a sharp tongue is no indication of a keen mind.
But I must admit, after having a blogging relationship with you, I've decided I am now in favor of abortion.
Wow Truth101, that was really clever! I know that what you say must have some sort of has merit, I just hadn’t been able to find any as yet.
ReplyDeleteBut keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent. And maybe, just maybe Barry will invite you and your inner-circle to his place for a beer! Why not send him a line! I hope you keep us posted!
By the way, I'm a blond, what's your excuse?
Tom: I have a couple posts in the works. It’s been a little difficult to get anything accomplished with 2 sick kids, as I put them first. However, one post is regarding the 2010 Census and the other is regarding political and personal ethics. I’m hoping to have one or the other done by Thursday, but considering how meticulous I am, it would be safer to say Friday night.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with it Pam... I'll be waiting and looking forward to it,
ReplyDeletewith baited breath.
How can anyone really support this healthcare bill that Obama, Nancy, and Harry Reid want to shove down our throats!
ReplyDeleteIf you want it then it is clear you haven't read the bill or you are stupid or both..!..this bill does Not lower cost...!...Only an Idiot would believe you can add 30 million People and not raise the cost..!..The health care bill is not About your health but control..!..And to take away freedom.. it is all about power. Socialism. Marxism.... mainly though, pure power. It’s clear that they want to change government to rulers over the people.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait.
Hope your kids are not real sick, just run of the mill stuff?
"Only an Idiot would believe you can add 30 million People and not raise the cost..!.."
So true. But what then? Do you not think there is a health care problem?
It is the 45 million uninsured that is causing a big part of the problem. We are paying for them anyways. Every family pays about $1,100.00 a year for that expense. It would be cheaper to pay for their insurance, than their actual medical bills.
We are 13 trillion in debt. Talking tax cuts at all, seems counter productive. From WW II till 1983, we paid at a tax rate of 70-90%, but we had little debt and built the best society in the World.
Yes, it is not cheap. Why are we no longer willing to pay to be the best in the World?
It is a proven fact of American financial History that, higher tax rates do not inhibit growth, and tax cuts do not generate enough income (tax revenue) to pay our bills of government.
Cutting spending would help, to bad Republicans have not done that in decades.
It's pretty simple Math.
I take offense at leaving future Americans such a heavy debt. It will effect what they can do, or not. They will be strapped.
This debt is less than 30 years old, not something passed on to us, but something that is this generations selfish fault.
We should pay it off, before we die off.
TOM Said:
ReplyDeleteSo true. But what then? Do you not think there is a health care problem?
It is the 45 million uninsured that is causing a big part of the problem. We are paying for them anyways. Every family pays about $1,100.00 a year for that expense. It would be cheaper to pay for their insurance, than their actual medical bills.
We are 13 trillion in debt
Gee, you mean that, ultimately, universal health care might be cheaper? So we should add to the problem? Is that your solution?
Just tack the bill onto our debt.... or maybe the debt our great grandchildren now owe.
Guess who is paying for all this. The money has to come from somewhere mine and your pockets perhaps?.
I am particularly irritated by the claim “If you like your insurance, you will be able to keep your insurance”, we all know what a lie that is!! It is a stupid statement, because most of us don’t have any guarantees of keeping our insurance. If we switch employers, or our employer switches plans, we will not be keeping our insurance
I’ve heard enough lies and and double talk from Obama. And I'm sick and tired of listening to his BS speeches almost every night..., I plan to take my family out for a nice steak dinner and help stimulate the economy. Something that President Obama’s 800 billion dollar stimulus package failed to do. Bon appetite.
PS. Don't take a shower with Rahm Emanuel in the room.
I agree with you Malcontent. Us Americans are buying and don't want reconciliation - so what are President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid going to do? Shove reconciliation down our throats. Only 25% want the democratic health care bill passed. What's the President's response? "These dumb people don't understand it, so we'll talk louder." Well, President Obama, we actually do understand the bill, but we think that your approach will bring great harm to our country. A big deal has been made out of the polls that say that people like the individual provisions in the bill, they just don't like the bill. Well, there are some good provisions in the bill, but that does not make the whole bill good. This is a 2400 page recipe for disaster
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats never stop campaigning. Fact is the Obama's plan is very unpopular and yet he wants to ram it down America's throat. If the GOP caves in they can kiss any type of November wave goodbye. The Dems are on the run and should stay that way. Finally, they can't hid the fact they are truly radicals and want to socialize every aspect of this country.
Democrats like to refer to themselves as progressives. I'll agree with that. They are progressively more Socialist, progressively more Communist, and progressively more Fascist. Democrats want to control everyone and all the economy from cradle to grave. Watch what they do and not what they say. That is exactly what this so called healthcare reform is about--it's about tyranny of Democrats.
Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
These dumbasses forgot who they work for. Instead, they think the call the shots despite the
overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose Obamacare.
Obama is going to do the jam-job regardless of the consequences. Obviously it is time for everyone
who votes this thing through, to have their career ended in any elected capacity.
Remember, November is coming.
And We The People are COMING AFTER YOU at the polls. That means you Harry Reid an friends And Obama along with Nancy will be next.
Now that Frank is pro choice my work with him is done. His evolution to marxist liberal welfare whore is irreversible. Congratulations Frank. An open mind is a wonderful thing you will soon see.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Big Girl, hey baby. If you want to raise your dress and show me what you got you can say anything you want.
Neither of you offered any helpful ideas, or solutions just false attacks, name calling, and complaints. That helps nothing, but thanks for trying to play. You have protected the Republican talking points and their position, which is to do nothing. You deserve to be left behind and not listened to.
ReplyDeleteTom, I thin it was a mediocre joke aimed at the wrong audience. That's it. Get a life, pal.
ReplyDeleteBut on the serious side.. . How do you liberals all sleep at night? This health care plan that YOUR President is trying to push through is not acceptable to any American.
He is a one term President, make no mistake about that! . And removing Harry Reid is a start, but not the end. Plus all these CZARS, are you people in the Senate Crazy. Don't you understand you can't control what they do, they do not report to you. If I were you I would not trust YOUR President..
And by the way, the government just spent $20,000,000 of your money to move members/supporters of Hamas, a terrorist organization, to the United States; housing, food, the whole enchilada. Something happened.... H.R 1388 was passed, behind our backs.
This is what did not make the news - Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA.
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza.
The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States, was signed and appears in the Federal Register.
Let's review....itemized list of some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since his inauguration:
1- His first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.
2- His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.
3- His first executive order was to fund/facilitate abortion(s) not just here within the U. S., but within the world, using U. S. tax payer funds.
4- He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.
5- He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.
6- He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the "terror attack" on 9/11
American Girl@4:51:
ReplyDeleteYou combined your screed with two other people's comments that you copied and pasted into yours.
As I told Pam earlier in this comment section, there seem to be an endless number of conservative commenters here who use other people's words as their own without attribution.
American Girl copied and pasted the comments below from here:
President Obama did not come to listen - that is evident. He used the republicans in a cynical way to try to get a bigger audience so he could sell what very few Americans are buying. 52% don't want reconciliation - so what are President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid going to do? Shove reconciliation down our throats. Only 25% want the democratic health care bill passed. What's the President's response? "These dumb people don't understand it, so we'll talk louder." Well, President Obama, we actually do understand the bill, but we think that your approach will bring great harm to our country.A big deal has been made out of the polls that say that people like the individual provisions in the bill, they just don't like the bill. Well, there are some good provisions in the bill, but that does not make the whole bill good. This is a 2400 page recipe for disaster.
BY Steve on 02/25/2010 at 14:55
The Democrats never stop campaigning. Fact is the Obama's plan is very unpopular and yet he wants to ram it down America's throat. If the GOP caves in they can kiss any type of November wave goodbye. The Dems are on the run and should stay that way. Finally, they can't hid the fact they are truly radicals and want to socialize every aspect of this country.BY Jim on 02/25/2010 at 14:49
So American Girl sneaked other people's comments into her comment, without attribution or using quotes, so that it would look as though they were her words.
If you did this in college, you'd get an F. If you earned your living as a professional writer, you'd be disgraced and lose your job. But I guess bloggers can cheat and use other people's words with impunity.
And this sort of thing is a constant behavior with the very people who scream at the top of their blogging lungs about how awful the Liberals are?
ReplyDeleteH.R. 1388 Passed “Behind Our Backs?”
May 5, 2009
Q: Was H.R. 1388 passed "behind our backs"?
A: This latest e-rumor is a double-header. It recycles one false claim and alludes to another. We’ve debunked both before.
Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U. S. needs to know….
Something happened… H.R. 1388 was passed yesterday, behind our backs. You may want to read about it. It wasn’t mentioned on the news… just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen.
Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA. This is the news that didn’t make the headlines…
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza.
The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States, was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.
Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
Let’s review…itemized list of some of Barack Obama’s most recent actions since his inauguration:
His first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.
His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.
His first executive order was to fund/facilitate abortion(s) not just here within the U. S., but within the world, using U. S. tax payer funds.
He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.
He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.
He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the "terror attack" on 9/11.
Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to, and live in, the US at American taxpayer expense.
These important, and insightful, issues are being "lost" in the blinding bail-outs and "stimulation" packages.
Doubtful? To verify this for yourself: www.thefederalregister.com/d.p/2009-02-04-E9-2488
WE are losing this country at a rapid pace.
No Secret
To start, the claim that H.R. 1388 was passed "behind our backs" is false, and the bill had nothing to do with Palestinian refugees in any case.
H.R. 1388 actually expands AmeriCorps and other federal public service programs, more than tripling the total number of positions to 250,000. It got lots of publicity as it worked its way through Congress, including a widely reprinted Associated Press story on March 31 when the House cleared the final version for the president’s signature. The headline: "Congress Expands Ways for Americans to Help Others."
President Obama later signed the measure at a public ceremony that also got plenty of publicity. The idea that Congress was trying to slip something through unnoticed, or that the news media ignored it, is wrong.
No cj you don't get it.
ReplyDeleteI have been against this health care bill from the beginning. I am against Obama's bailout bills, just as I was against Bush's bailout bill. In fact, there are a lot of things I don't like about the decisions Obama has made. What I like less, is people like you who have nothing but hate to offer as an alternative.
You party hacks just lump me in with the delusion of your liberal hate. Your liberal hate is irrational and helps solve no problem.
Since you obviously know nothing about me and are not interested about serious discussion, just keep making Obama the focus of your hate.
God forbid you would do anything about serious problems except spew falsehoods about the President. That of course, will solve everything. Right?
Shaw: Thank you for the clarification. When I blog or comment and “quote” from someone else, e.g. another blog or a news source, I use links. I think that it makes me look more credible and it also gives my readers factual information. That’s not saying that I don’t use my “opinion” in my posts, because I do, however, I think it’s pretty apparent when it’s my “opinion”. I’ve actually been told once or twice where I made a mistake on a “fact” and I immediately corrected it as I don’t want to be known as someone who misquotes or writes false data. I wish more people cared enough to do the same.
ReplyDeleteSo, Pam you want all your little troll buddies to start linking to the posts they cut and paste?
ReplyDeleteTAO said...
ReplyDelete"So, Pam you want all your little troll buddies to start linking to the posts they cut and paste?"
Take heart, dear people,. Take heed, my brothers and sisters, The Peanut Gallery has spoken
I can't imagine three people I trust less right now than Obama, Pelosi and Reid. When they win America loses.
ReplyDeleteAnd slowly but surely, the Democrats are now starting to wake up to the fact about Obama.
Obama wants a straight UP or DOWN vote on the health care bill as it now stands. It's like he's still in denial, he can't believe it's happening but it shows him as the true elite he really is. I mean if you're not swayed by public opinion poll after public opinion poll that goes against your vision you pretty much feel your position is a part of Revealed Truth...it's interesting because it's mental. Why don’t he just go home and have angry sex with his wife. - And so life goes on.
ReplyDeleteDad's sitting in a darkened living room around midnight, head in his hands rubbing his brow with his tumbler with a quarter of Beam still left in it making water rings on the small mahogany table next to him. TAO over at Pam Hart's blog said that ultimately in the end politics at least the way it works in a democracy is all about compromise as it should be, "the moderation of ideology" as he calls it. Tell HIM that, hasn't even glanced at tort reform or anything else on the Republican menu. He's gone on the record as having problems with anyone that thinks Obama is going to be a one-termer. That's right, the "O" in "Obama" may stand for "One Term." For starters, there's a strong chance that when voters head to the polls on Nov. 2, 2010, they likely will still think the economy is awful, vote the bums out. But TAO still won’t be convinced because he is just thick headed.
ReplyDeleteThis sort of dishonesty has happened on my blog as well. we bloggers have no problem, as you point out, with people giving their opinions in the comment section, but when time after time we get nothing more than warmed over screeds from stolen comments, we're getting nothing but spam.
In addition to plagiarized comments and posts, I've discovered that a lot our commenters use other people's identities from social networking sites.
This all points to the sorry fact that many of our commenters are deficient in the ability to write cogent arguments so they're reduced to stealing other people's words and ideas, because they have nothing but recycled blast-emails and comments from rightwing sites to contribute.
We need to take this into account when people come to our blogs and do nothing but rant--it's a good bet that their rant is nothing but a coped comment from someone else's site.
That is dishonest and lazy and it doesn't advance anyone's position, it only makes people who do that look like dishonest clowns.
BTW: The commenters who wrote "Get a life," and the remark about a peanut gallery don't refute a thing I've written.
I think that the Queen of Progressive has the scenario down perfectly. And what she says should prevail. This may be your blog Pam, but when the Queen speaks everybody MUST listen! Like Obama, I bow at your request, even though we the people of America don't like to bow.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone, besides me getting a sense of an orchestration drama with this story?
I've had many cases of love that were just infatuation, but this feeling of hate I feel from her towards me is very depressing.
But pardon me, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn about what you say or think!!.
ReplyDeleteJust so you understand reality:
When I wrote that your remark about the "peanut gallery" did not refute anything I've written about spamming and plagiarizing, that does not translate into a "feeling of hate."
Your attempt to characterize my remarks as "hate" is dishonest and the proof is there for anytone who is fair-minded to see.
Pam and I wish to raise the level of discussion on both our blogs, but it seems there are too many arrayed against this goal and who continue to sabotage our efforts.
In any case, I was addressing Pam, not you. You inserted yourself into the discussion, not I.
Shaw Kenawe said...
Just so you understand reality:
When I wrote that your remark about the "peanut gallery" did not refute anything I've written about spamming and plagiarizing, that does not translate into a "feeling of hate.
Oh, I understand completely, I also understood all the comments made about me on you blog as well. Don't think for one minute that just because I haven't responded, I "Don't Understand Reality"
But let me say this...If this is the best sort of criticism and If these are the best attacks the left can do they really are scraping the bottom of the barrel. But keep talking, I always yawn when I'm interested, don't get insulted and don’t take it personally.
But I’ll excuse you because I realize that all of America is suffering from Obama fatigue.
In any case, I was addressing Pam, not you. You inserted yourself into the discussion, not I.
Oh pardon me again, but I was under the impression that this was a public forum and that anybody was free to join into the discussion. I didn't know that my opinion had to be approved by you
Hey Pamela-
ReplyDeleteTo each their own but your blog is infinitely more interesting than Rational Nation USA.
Signing up with that guy is no promotion.
Les regurgitates endless reams of 'conservative' boilerplate with an undeservedly high level of self-regard.
And he definitely can't spell.
For Zman...who obivously is doing a little cutting and pasteing...
ReplyDelete"TAO over at Pam Hart's blog said that ultimately in the end politics at least the way it works in a democracy is all about compromise as it should be, "the moderation of ideology" as he calls it. Tell HIM that, hasn't even glanced at tort reform or anything else on the Republican menu."
Z...we are on Pam's blog...
Here is everything you need to know about tort reform:
Over the last 25 years jury awards have been dropping for medical malpractice both in the number of cases and in the amount awarded...
Even insurance carriers admit that tort reform isn't going to make a difference with the risisng cost of healthcare...
But Obama did offer to consider the Repbulican concept of an independent panel to review medical lawsuits to keep them out of courts and away from juries...
So...any other complaints that you are searching for answers for?
Aaron. Aaron. Aaron.
ReplyDeleteFeel better now? All that shouting can be cathartic.
For what it's worth I have every confidence Pamela and/or Les can handle what I posted.
I'd be very surprised if Pamela needed you for any of the heavy lifting around here.
We've met?
I'm sure I'd remember. But I can't.
I don't think I've visited your blog much Arthurstone. But if Aaron doesn't like it it must be good. I'll head over there straight away my friend.
ReplyDeleteAh hell. Arthur is a commenter only. I was really looking forward to some Nihilist incest and abortion posts to. Danggit!
ReplyDeleteMy blog is down for repairs.
ReplyDeleteBut check back.
Spring is nearly here. Who knows.
I may kick things off with some incestuous/progressive/commie propaganda.
Or a book review.
Shaw: I deleted "Aaron's" posts as they were completely out of line. I also deleted your comment where you “quoted” him as I don’t want any trace of his offensive comment on my blog. This is in no way any reflection of you or how I feel about you.
ReplyDeleteArthurstone: As you said, to each his own. Or in this case her own.
ReplyDeleteAaron or are you spelling it Aron now? Either way, YOU are not welcome here until you learn some manners, which include controlling your potty mouth. And in case you aren’t aware, spelling in all capital letters is considered SCREAMING
ReplyDeleteand it’s rude.
Now I realize you can waste your time and mine by posting under Aaron, Aron or silly names you can think up, even the infamous “Anonymous”, but I assure you, you may win the battle, but I most definitely will win the war.