With the passage of the Health Care bill, Americans are angered, frightened and disenfranchised. They feel as if Congress is not attuned to the average American; they feel as if Congress has trampled on their rights; and they feel as if Congress renounced their oaths to uphold the Constitution. Americans fear for their future and the future of their children and grandchildren as the debt of our country has reached overwhelming levels and will probably extend to levels that will be impossible to maintain. All of these fears are understandable; the anger and hostility as well.
It’s in the darkest sky that we see the brightest star. It is during our most difficult ordeals that we find courage to face our challenges. Without trials and hardships we would never know our grit, resolve, and convictions. It is when we are tested that we discover our TRUE selves and whether we can withstand the onslaught of perceived impasses.
So, like the Phoenix, let us rise from the ashes. We must remain strong and not lose our resolve or our convictions, but most of all, let us not lose hope. With hope, we will not lose ourselves and we will not lose our country.
This is still the United States of America. We are still Americans. So, like the Phoenix, let US rise from the ashes. Let us become more informed, more educated and more united than ever before. This is OUR country. Let us not retreat silently into the night. Like the Phoenix, let us glow brightly and may the flame blaze forever.
Looks like a '77 Trans-Am, but your message rings true.
ReplyDeleteShine like a blazing fire.
So, like the Phoenix, let us rise from the ashes. We us remain strong and not lose our resolve or our convictions, but most of all, let us not lose hope. With hope, we will not lose ourselves and we will not lose our country.
ReplyDeleteLet us not lose hope? I have not lost my hope but I have gained rage... Our side has got to start being unapologetically but become outraged!
Since throwing shoes at President Bush was met with so much glee by the left, I am praying that the shoes are thrown at BO as he tours the country trying to sell his Bend Over monstrosity to the public. Being a Muslim, he would certainly understand shoe throwing. I foe one will not rest until these traitors are thrown out of office on their ass's.. I can't get that smug ranting idiot Pelosi's face out of my mind, walking down the street like the Village Idiot with her mallet in her hand.
But I must admit, reading some of the comments by my fellow conservatives on your previous thread made my heart good feel . I'm glad that some of us are not going to rest with this so called vote result. That arrogant bunch is headed for a gigantic fall.
I find it ironic that the political party that supported, made money from, and supported slavery in the USA as a means to ending the civil war, is the same party that has SOLD us all into slavery.
ReplyDeleteLets see, 47% of Americans support Obamacare, 13% want NO healthcare reform and 40% believe that Obamacare does NOT go far enough!
ReplyDeleteYep, a MAJORITY of Americans are anti-Obamacare....
But only 13% agree with those of you who want government to do NOTHING....the majority of those who are against Obamacare are against it because it is NOT single payor/medicare for all!
Looks to me like the Democrats went off and pissed off more liberals than they did conservatives!
Yeah...vote the bastards out of office...they are NOT LIBERAL enough!
Blue: ’77 Trans Am’s rocked!
ReplyDeleteRight Way: Throwing shoes at people doesn’t solve anything. It just proves that the person throwing the shoe is uncivilized and rude.
If you think anger and rage will solve something then that is your opinion. I don’t’ think anger and rage solves anything because it leaves a person blind. Knowledge arms us with power. I am suggesting that the American people become MORE educated and MORE involved and with those we will become stronger as a nation.
ReplyDeleteDid you dream that number?
New CNN Poll: 59% Oppose Obamacare
• 62 percent say the amount they pay for medical care will increase.
• 47 percent think they’ll be worse off when it becomes law.
• 70 percent believe the federal budget deficit will go up — contrary to repeated claims from Democrats.
• 56 percent view Obamacare as creating too much government involvement in health care.
Looks a little different.
You can joke about it all day long TAO, but it's true, the MAJORITY of Americans were and still are anti-Obamacare. Despite strong opposition by the majority of Americans, Obamacare was passed and signed into law today.
ReplyDeleteThis hugely unpopular bill that President Obama signed today is the result of the brutal reality of what the President along with Congress has forced down our throats....
Abortion coverage Americans don't want
Exorbitant costs Americans don't want
Mandatory participation Americans don't want
New federal bureaucracies Americans don't want
A vast expansion of IRS power Americans don't want
Our Constitution is being subverted right before our eyes.
The "checks and balances" our Founders gave
us are being systematically overpowered and dismantled by the Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis. Never before has the will of the people been so completely ignored and marginalized.
ObamaCare is unconstitutional! Congress has FORCED each person to have health insurance, then individual liberty is totally meaningless.
And now MOST, yes, TAO, MOST Americans have lost confidence in the legislative process. At every step of the way in ObamaCare's long march through Congress, the liberal Democrat leaders used trickery, overt manipulation, and out-and-out vote buying to thwart the American people's clearly expressed opposition to their socialist takeover of our medical system... Because the bill that passed Sunday, and that was signed today mandates individual coverage and requires private employers to provide coverage, Liberty Counsel is FILING SUIT IN FEDERAL COURT THIS WEEK to challenge the bill's constitutionality! Nancy Pelosi promised and Obama proved they were willing to do ANYTHING to get this government takeover of our medical system. And by hook and Crook (mostly Crook) they did.
For the life of me I really do not understand how either the President or Congress can lead like this. You have to wonder if we are living under the Soviet Union style of govt. Are the leaders that out of touch or insane that they are willing to disregard American values and traditions? Do they not feel remorse to those that have given the lives for our freedoms? This is bad…very bad and just plain unfair! Is this “still” America?
ReplyDeleteSometime I wonder.
And it's pretty hard to understand what kind of convoluted thinking people still blames our Republican Congress and Bush, with the sins of those of yesteryear whom are no longer sitting in the White House or Congress . But they don’t have anything bad to say about the fools sitting there now.
Funny how this crowd doesn't seem bothered by the fact 'future generations' are on the hook for the cost of a couple of wars and the subsequent associated expenses which we've put on the family credit card.
ReplyDeleteBut spend money on domestic programs which actually help the nation and the economy and it's socialism/Leninism/Maoism, sapping our strength and breaking the bank.
Oh well.
Some things never change.
Oh...I totally wasn't gonna bite, but how, just how does this benefit the country? By expanding an already oversized central government?
ReplyDeleteBy letting them into state business over regulation of cost and benefits? How exactly?
Arthurstone said...
ReplyDeleteFunny how this crowd doesn't seem bothered by the fact 'future generations' are on the hook for the cost of a couple of wars ..
Are you referring to the war that Both the Clinton, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy , Al Gore, Edwards, Biden, Dodd, Nancy Belagosi
ALL agreed with?
Is that the war. The war that I volunteered to enlist in to protect MY country? Is that the war you are referring to?
Or are you talking about the same war that we have been fighting to defeat the people who are dead set in killing us Americans?
Which war ARE you talking about Mr. Arthurstone
Well it's Obama's war now, so why don't HE end it like he promised her would? All he has to do is sign one of his "Famous" executive orders. He's had a lot of practice doing that in the past. So why not now? Why not today?
ReplyDeleteIf you do not believe my numbers then go back to the poll you quoted and read the data, especially the respondents responses to WHY they commented the way they did...
Study the data and don't grab the headlines!
The big issue with healthcare is as it consumes our GDP, especially in light as the increases in the percentage of the GDP that healthcare makes up comes from increases in premiums and not in payments to healthcare professionals and the fact that the government is soon to be over half of the total that means the our healthproviders are hurting and as the government spends more for medicare/medicad that leaves less for the military...
With healthcare premiums increasing annually even companies are forced to choose between eating that cost or giving payraises and passing along the increase...
Its all math...
13% against still counts as against. And the 13% in that poll were those that thought it didn't go far enough. There were no numbers indicating 40% thought it didn't go far enough. Perhaps you should read a little further.
ReplyDeleteYes. Those wars.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes. The health care overhaul is a major step in the right direction.
But the actual question was why folks don't get upset spending money they claim we don't have on war (let's call a spade a shovel and dispense with the defense of the nation nonsense) versus programs which in fact will help vast numbers of our fellow citizens.
Sadly it's always easy to goose up public opinion to go and blow stuff up.
We're Americans after all and blasting third-world weaklings to smithereens is ingrained in the national character.
I said earlier not to compare two separate models, so your argument has no substance. Your congressmen voted the wars into existence with full knowledge of what evidence there was.
ReplyDeleteSo, unless you want to sound like a broken record...
bluepitbull typed:
ReplyDelete"I said earlier not to compare two separate models, so your argument has no substance. Your congressmen voted the wars into existence with full knowledge of what evidence there was."
Golly I thought I was posting at The Oracular Opinion. I guess I didn't receive your guidelines blue. And bye the bye neither my congressman nor one of my senators voted 'for the war'. The other Senator voted for the resolution.
The question wasn't who voted what based on false intelligence, unkept promises and outright lies.
The question was why didn't the powers that be and their enablers not insist we pay for the enterprise as it unfolded?
Why not a tax increase? Why no war bonds?
I mean if it's wrong to 'bankrupt' ourselves (as the alarmists claim) it really shouldn't matter the excuse for the spending.
So? Why does it not matter that we spend money we don't have on the war?
Seems a simple enough question.
I would gladly support a tax increase so my Nation could pay it's bills. Fund health care for all Americans like Debbie and keep the promises we made to those who chose to serve in our armed forces like Bluepitbull.
ReplyDeleteThank you as always BPB.
The Republicans have burned themselves and the country.
ReplyDeleteThe 12 trillion dollar debt and high unemployment is the result of Republican policies.
The Republicans do need to rise from the ashes. The question is will they rise in anger (as they have been doing) or will they rise to correcting the mistakes they made and start offering fiscally sane and mending policies for the country?
The answer given in the last 45 hours, is they continue their continued obstructionism.
McCain says he will not work with Democrats on anything. A helpful attitude?
Focusing on defeating the President and all Democrats, fine.
NO focus on policies that help America, NOT fine.
Republicans deserve the political hole Americans have put them in, sine Republicans are the leaders who put America in the financial hole it is in, with the high unemployment.
Republicans say stop blaming Bush. Maybe Americans will stop blaming Bush and the Republicans when the effects of their irresponsible policies stop ruining their lives. But those effects will last for decades. Republicans should get used to being on the political outs with Americans for a long time.
Americans did call their representatives about this health care plan, and it was passed by majority.
The only poll that counts, and whose numbers cannot be debated, or spun, is the vote taken in the House Sunday night.
So Republicans, do nothing, don't work with Democrats. That's what you have been doing and look where it got you. Worse, be angry, show violence like you have been and make your party more irrelevant, than it is already.
It's a complete difference. The war as you call it was a preemptive strike. Healthcare is to cause dependency on a giant central government. And the obama deficit outpaces the last president.
ReplyDeleteYeah Arthur!
ReplyDeleteIf I am going to be broke I want to go broke getting healthcare, plastic surgery, and have a huge stash of viagra, oh and maybe a little aroma therapy...
Fuck the Iraqi's and WMD and their damn democracy....if democracy is so important let them work for it....
Are swedish massages covered under the new healthcare bill?
Pam? Would you kindly ask Tom to knock it off since I can't talk to him anymore? He loves attacking Republicans and calling them the party of hate, but offers no proof rather trying to incite people to be angry so he can have an 'I told ya so' moment.
ReplyDeleteCHAIRMAN TAO said...
ReplyDeleteBluepitbull, If you do not believe my numbers then go back to the poll you quoted and read the data, especially the respondents responses to WHY they commented the way they did..
I don't believe you numbers either, if fact I know that they are way off in "LEFT" field..
And to add to that bargain...
Most of that 39% that approve of the bill, either don't pay taxes, are not citizens, or are just looking for someone else to pick up the tab on their health-care.
And as for the stupid nut leftist jerk who knocked the people that served in the military, you know where you can go don't you!
224 days and counting 'til the mid term elections. 224 days 0bama and his thugs can do more evil the the USA. 225 days and we can hope the government. Am I cynical? I suppose so. We got what we elected and you must agree that 0bama is doing exactly as he said he would do (during his pre 2008 campaign). No one paid any attention, and we got the bottom of the barrel. .
Obama has committed America to a period of division, political strife and hard feelings, the likes of which have not been seen since the aftermath of the Civil War.
File this revelation under no *bleep* Sherlock.
And y'all wonder how we got where we are... sigh... ALL that is going on is finger pointing, nobody wants to own up to actually supporting this pile of crap; much less actually WORK with anyone else to correct what is wrong. One thing for sure, President Unicorn has definitely divided this country more in 1 year than any previous President... And today will be remembered as a black day in our history... It is up to the PEOPLE of the United States to take back control of this country. Preferably though the ballot box...
ReplyDeleteCommunism, socialism, fascism, Obamaism, and all the other isms,all have the the same bottom line.. the disregard of the will of the people
ReplyDeleteLatest Gallup poll"
ReplyDeleteThe findings, from a March 22 USA Today/Gallup poll conducted one day after the bill received a majority of votes in the U.S. House of Representatives, represent immediate reactions to the vote.
Americans' emotional responses to the bill's passage are more positive than negative -- with 50% enthusiastic or pleased versus 42% angry or disappointed -- and are similar to their general reactions.
So the meme that Americans don't want this law is no longer operative.
Pam says she wants a blog that educates and informs and then fools like Crazy Lady O shows up...
ReplyDeleteHere is another link...
I know you think YOUR OPINION is important but it is not...facts matter...
But then again you get paid to have an opinion not to be knowledgeable of facts...
Tom said: "The Republicans have burned themselves and the country.
ReplyDeleteThe 12 trillion dollar debt and high unemployment is the result of Republican policies."
A large proportion of that is from Democratic policies. Not most, but if things continue like now (one all-time record deficit year under Obama's belt and an even worse one proposed by him this year), the Democrats' share of the entire debt will be majority share by the end of Obama's term, or terms.
"The answer given in the last 45 hours, is they continue their continued obstructionism."
Are you always against obstructionism? Or only when it suits your political bias.
Here is an informative chart about the national debt. Sure, I'll give Clinton credit for running his constant deficit years lower than the other presidents. but the debt still climbed under him, every year. After Clinton left office, it climbed steeply. Now under Obama, the trend line is nearly vertical. I suppose the chart makers will have to resort to some sort of logarythmic representation thanks to Obama's policies.
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! A whole 1005 people sampled for that poll. Wonder where they did their sampling?
ReplyDeleteGallup is one of the most unreliable sources as far as polls go.
Tough Marine BPB cries,
Mommy, Mommy
Please tell the bad man to stop telling the truth about Republicans.
Don't know why you can't talk to me, you have all along insultingly.
Here's today's Harris poll results on what Republicans believe about Obama.
Not only does it show hate, it shows anger, bigotry, and stupidity.
Harris poll:
57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim
45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president
38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did
Scariest of all, 24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist.
Check out the full poll - Google it
I wasn't a Marine. And I don't need mommy. If you need proof of how nasty it can get you moron, keep talking.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, lackey, I don't need to google like the lazy person you are. I can search JSTOR and Searchlight and get real results.
ReplyDeleteGet the information anyway you want. Just trying to be easy on you.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, I was told by Malcontent and others, that the people living off government benefits are lazy bums. Of course, they cannot be wrong. You might want to ask them, if you fit that description.
ReplyDeleteSo someone that serves in the military is a bum? Let's make sure that we have this straight. That's what you are saying. I'm just a bum?
Those are your words, not Mals. You are one of the most angry and hateful people I have run across.
You do have trouble reading don't you. Let me copy what I wrote:
ReplyDelete"I was told by Malcontent and others, that the people living off government benefits are lazy bums."
Just check previous comments by Mal and others.
Tom: This personal grievance you and Blue have needs to be expressed through a different venue as my blog is not the proper place. Would you please stop with the bickering back and forth as it is counterproductive to my topics and causes me undue stress. I would be very appreciative.
ReplyDeleteYour opinions are welcome, however the barrage of generalizations of how it’s always the Republicans’ fault for every ailment of our nation is quite unfair. I believe I’ve mentioned to you before that there is plenty of blame to go around for both parties. If you feel the need to prove the Republicans are responsible for certain issues then may I suggest you back these allegations with facts and links.
Thank you. I appreciate your cooperation.
I'm too fed up hun..it's so hard not to just give up!!
ReplyDeleteI guess it's fine for Malcontent and other conservatives to come on your blog and claim Obama is a Socialist destroying America, people living off government benefits are bums (Mal said that-just using his words)Obama is responsible for our huge debt-no proving link, you claim bribery by Democrats-linked to what proof? It's a fact Reagan and Bush ran up an 11 trillion dollar debt-the proof link is-treasury.gov-I have given that before. I do give links for my opinions, which is more than I can say for the conservative rants on this blog.
ReplyDeleteI just gave a Harris poll for statistician proof of what I said about Republicans.
My current blog post gives evidence. The evidence, is what elected Republicans say themselves. Is the news lying, or do you choose to think they are lying?
I have been commenting here for months. I never saw BPB comment here until last week.
He commented about not using vile words, when I pointed out that he did that to me (along with attacking my blog)I called him a hypocrite.
He is, and I told you about that when it happened (see my comment section of our conversation about it).
BPB sends me an email two days ago claiming I am someone I am not, and after insulting me at your blog, wants to help me. Help me what?
When you asked before (last post) for us to stop it, it was he who first came back insulting me. If you let his insults to me stand, I feel I have a right to respond.
It is BPB that keeps egging on the fight. Re-read the comments.
Yet no chastise for him. Then he uses his friendship with you to chastise me. It's your blog, you can be as unfair as you want.
Obviously my opinions backed up by statistics, the words of Republicans, factual news reports, and government statistics are not welcome. By.
I hear a lot of screaming about how the government's taken over healthcare and it's socialist and blah blah blah.
ReplyDeleteHowever, in the real world, insurance companies, one of the hugest industries in this nation to start with, are having collective orgasms over the fact that they've now got 30 million new subscribers coming down the pike.
Their stock has gone up in drooling anticipation.
They're going to be hiring more people to handle the influx. (30 million is a lot of new policies.)
So, let me think here. Because of a government reform, private businesses, owned by private people and stockholders, who employ other private people in their private businesses, are expanding.
And this expansion of private business is socialist? Expanding private business is a 'government takeover'?
I'm going to start passing out PDFs on Socialism 101 or something. There's a lot of folk who need it. Bad.
"I'm going to start passing out PDFs on Socialism 101 or something. There's a lot of folk who need it. Bad."
ReplyDeleteYes. Socialism 101 needs pictures of Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mao in it. The real poster boys.
And quotes such as this one from de Tocqueville, who really nailed it:
"Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man, while socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.
Yes, he has it right. The equality of the prisoner. Of the concentration camp victim.
Tom said: "Please tell the bad man to stop telling the truth about Republicans."
ReplyDeleteWell, based on that, you are one of the good guys.
Doesn’t it sound all wonderful? Only problem is, where is the government getting this money? Where are they getting all the money to do these things? Taking from Peter to pay Paul?
ReplyDeleteOr taking from me to pay you! Why can't some Americans see through Obama? Are the that blind and weak that they need a socialist to lead them? Didn't take their meds before entering the voting booth? They can’t be just plain stupid?
Thank God for your blog Pamela, thank God I'm not the only one that thinks this way. As I read thru these comments, I scratch my head and say to myself. Wake up you Zombies, Wake up and see waht’s going on here in our beloved country. Obama has you fooled and you just walk the line because of what? Because he’s a liberal? Because he’s black? Or because you want these hand-outs that he is baiting you with. He is a socialist that is taking this nation (or should I say USSA) to communism. Everybody knows that doesn't work. but I don't know why they can't see that he is about as close to being a communist without actually saying he is. The time is getting short people - it seems that the powers to be - Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama - are attempting to transfer this country to a Socialist Nation right before your eyes. But it looks as if your eyes will open, when it is too late.
Again Pamela, thank you for the opportunity for me to speak out. And God bless.
TOM said...
ReplyDeleteI guess it's fine for Malcontent and other conservatives to come on your blog and claim Obama is a Socialist destroying America
Obama was voted in by disgruntled Bush supporters who actually believed his words - the words of the Teleprompter. He was voted in by the Unions and their supporters and he was voted in by giving the promise of all kinds of goodies and “entitlements” to those “less fortunate” - to the illegal immigrants, to the minorities, to anybody BUT the hard working, middle class taxpayer - to us he says “bend over, it won’t hurt a bit” - ouch! Here come the taxes.
Obama is a disgrace to America and the Constitution. He hates America, Capitalism and all it stands for. Nothing Obama does has to do with the Constitution - he hates the Constitution and has even said it is simply a “document of negative liberties, telling what the government can’t do for you, rather than what the government SHOULD do for you”. And yes Tom, HE IS A SOCIALIST . His childhood mentor was Frank Davis, member of the US Communist party. He is inspired by Saul Alinsky, surrounds himself with people like Jeremiah Wright, and believes the Constitution is "inherently flawed".
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck. So you can call him a Socialist I have said this many times, some pple want to use the word progressive but it is Socialism, verging on communism. The health care BS is just a way to begin to control " us " you dems just won’t admit it. I really am angry and I can't understand why the people who voted for the commander in charm are not ashamed of themselves. Oops did I just answer myself.
Satyavati devi dasi said...
ReplyDeleteI'm going to start passing out PDFs on Socialism 101 or something. There's a lot of folk who need it. Bad.
No thank you, save your time and paper. We don't need no stinkin PDFs on Socialism 101!
I'll stick with good old American Capitalism. It works just fine for me.
JULIES JEWELS WROTE: "...and he was voted in by giving the promise of all kinds of goodies and “entitlements” to those “less fortunate” - to the illegal immigrants, to the minorities, to anybody BUT the hard working, middle class taxpayer - to us he says “bend over, it won’t hurt a bit” - ouch! Here come the taxes."
ReplyDeleteWhat you wrote is not quite factual, Julie. Mr. Obama gave a TAX CUT to the middle class:
BIGGEST. TAX CUT. EVER. "We talked a week ago about the tax-cut provisions of the economic stimulus package, and how it turns out that President Obama proposed and passed one of the largest tax cuts in American history -- $282 billion over two years -- without Republican support."
It's misinformation like what you wrote, Julie, that gets spread around the internet and repeated that keeps people ignorant of the facts. Do you believe that when Mr. Obama gave that TAX CUT to millions and million of middle class Americans he was "telling them to bend over?"
I'm curious to know why you completely misrepresented this.
And Mr. Obama's health care reform, much to the disappointment of many Liberals, allows the PRIVATE BUSINESSES, the insurance companies, to sell insurance to the 30 million Americans who were not insured. Only this time the private business insurance companies cannot deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, cannot throw people off coverage because they get sick, and will cover young adults as part of a family plan until they're 26.
Could you tell me how it is "socialism" for the private insurance companies to acquire 30 million new customers?
Tom: My computer crashed so I'm writing this at work. As soon as I'm up and running I will address your comment. I apologize for the delay.
ReplyDeleteThe de Tocqueville is a little long for a bumper sticker but the impulse is the same. Find a single quote one agrees with (the briefer the better), wrench it free from any context then etch it in stone and admire it.
ReplyDeletePersonally I don't believe 1830's America was the high-water mark of 'Democracy'.
Oy, here we go again folks! you obviously don’t have a good understanding of the tax code. What box of cereal did you get that from?
ReplyDelete“The One" giveth and "The One" taketh away...
Please do some research before typing your anti republican diatribe. Try it just for once, and try doing it somewhere other than you Socialist “So Called” sources where everything there are quotes from Marx to Mao.
Illegal immigrants are not turned away from medical care–it is already against the law to do that.
Who pays for it? Oh brother, here we go on the ol’ guilt trip about Racism and Discrimination. Well screw it, call me a racist, you already do anyway.
And if you Libs are so generous…why don’t you start cutting a check every month and send it to La Raza so that they can start up an “undocumented workers health fund”. Or are you only generous with everyone else’s money…like the typical liberal politicians are. .
And don’t kid yourself, Obama and crew may have won this one (by whoever crooked tactic’s they used) but mark my words, this will be Obama's Waterloo!
The members of Congress who voted for it will soon see their lives become unbearable. They'll soon learn that their arrogance didn’t really pay. “REAL” Americans will not tolerate these people telling them what to do and what not to do, when to get up in the morning, what to eat, when to use the restroom, and when to go to bed at night and with who!.
Of course Jewels and Mal you have links to prove all the garbage rants and accusations you claim against Obama?
ReplyDeleteThe members of Congress who voted for it will soon see their lives become unbearable.
ReplyDeleteThis has already happened.
Several Congressional Democrats' offices around the country have bneen vandalized and their children threatened with assassination.
"No one was inside when the brick was hurled through the Democratic Patry Headquarters on University Avenue. Attached was a note quoting conservative Barry Goldwater: “Exremism [sic] in defense of liberty is no vice”. [...]
[Rep. Louise] Slaughter has been at the center of the push for reform. Last Thursday she received a chilling recorded message at her campaign office. “Assassinate is the word they used…toward the children of lawmakers who voted yes.”"
The FBI is now investigating.
So certain members of the conservative crowd/tea bagger crowd believe in threatening with death, Congressional Democrats' children in defense of liberty?
And because the exercised their Constitutional right in voting for this bill, conservatives believe it is their right to vandalize and threaten people's children with death?
People complain here about this country turning into a Communist/Nazi state? These are the EXACT tactics those criminals used on people whose politics they didn't like.
Threatening to kill politicians' children: A new low in our political culture.
Marx and Mao have what to do with 'the tax code'?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it's obvious but I can't quite grasp it.
Which cereal box are you referencing mal?
And here's another one:
"Law enforcement authorities are investigating the discovery of a cut propane gas line at the Virginia home of Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-Va.) brother, whose address was targeted by tea party activists angry at the congressman’s vote for the health care bill.
An aide to the congressman confirmed to POLITICO that a line to a propane tank behind his brother's home near Charlottesville had been sliced.
The FBI would not disclose the details of the incident, but said that they have been to the home.
“This is very preliminary at this point, so we’re not making any comment at this time,” local FBI spokesman M.A. Myers told POLITICO."
Going after Congressmen's families--in this case Congressman Perriello's brother? Cuttinng gas lines to his home?
So when a US Congressman uses his Constitutional authority to vote on something he believes in, the tea baggers, like mafiosi, go after his family.
Arthurstone said...
ReplyDeleteMarx and Mao have what to do with 'the tax code'?
I'm sure it's obvious but I can't quite grasp it.
Which cereal box are you referencing mal?
The day I start proving ANYTHING YOU will be the day that I give up... And I have no intentions of giving up.
As someone else would say, You can put that in Bold!
Heh. Heh.
ReplyDeleteDon't give up!
Malcontent said:
ReplyDelete"The day I start proving ANYTHING YOU will be the day that I give up... And I have no intentions of giving up."
I admire your new found intellectual honesty Mal. I look forward to more of your not proving anything.
Truth-less#1 said:
ReplyDelete" Malcontent, I admire your new found intellectual honesty Mal. I look forward to more of your not proving anything.
It has been a long time since I have sat down and let my words spew the rants that make me so warm and cuddly, but I just got the urge to do so after reading your sweet post to me. .
That was a wonderful thoughtful and yet witty post, there aren’t not enough adjectives or superlatives that could express how wonderful it was and how gifted and brilliant a writer you are.
Why thank you Mal. And I see you included my witty prose from my previous comment as proof. Of course Arthurstone will be disappointed but he'll have to deal with that.
ReplyDeleteArthur: The context of the quote in no way detracts from the erudicy of de Tocqueville's prescient statement about the dominant form of 20th century fascism.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of context and quotations, there's also Karl Marx. The man who more than anyone else turned the idea of socialism into the most effective tool of oppression in practice in history.
He said: "What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general."
It fits in perfectly with the context of socialism, and its obsession with the material (money) and its extreme covetousness and desire to demonize and rob those considered to be too "well off")
Update: To my utter disappointment, frustration and vexation, my computer has been declared fried. My boss, a computer whiz, bless his heart, did everything possible, to no avail. My computer was attacked by malicious malware Tuesday, and although deleted, it must’ve done some serious damage to my hard drive before hand. Those companies should be tarred and feathered for the stress, anxiety, time, and money they cost people. I think it should be considered an internet crime.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, I am now typing on a new computer, thanks to my wonderful, supportive and loving husband. He didn’t want me to have to wait for a hard drive to be ordered, delivered then installed, which would have lost me days of blogging time. I will NEVER complain about him not making the bed EVER again--not that I ever complain TO him, but I mumble to myself as I perform the task. I do however, complain TO him about not filling my gas tank, therefore I will NOT nag him about THAT EVER again! He earned some major brownie points with this one. Madea will be SO jealous!
So, forgive me for neglecting my comment section, my posts and anything else because I now have to download software and figure out what I lost. Ugh. I didn’t back-up for about 2 weeks, so I’m really kicking myself right now. I won’t neglect THAT again --always remember to BACK UP your data!
Thank you for your patience and I’ll be back as soon as I‘m through with all this downloading, etc.
Great Post!
ReplyDeleteSure stirred up some fireworks.
Don't hold your breath on the lefties behaving themselves for long as you requested though.
I have found it is not in their nature to do so.
The day I start proving ANYTHING YOU will be the day that I give up... And I have no intentions of giving up.
ReplyDeleteMal, this is so priceless I put it in bold for you.
This is the most Freudian-slip, most nakedly honest, and most hilarious (yet strangely sad) thing I've ever read here.
Of course you don't want to prove anything. You can't prove anything. You can insinuate, you can suggest, you can yell really loud and hope that people are so intimidated that they don't really listen to what you say, but you can't really PROVE anything.
And this is why, when I ask how expanding the already-enormous part of the private corporate sector known as the insurance industry to the tune of 30 MILLION new policyholders is socialist, no one can answer it.
Because it isn't. It's an expansion of private business, a business owned and operated privately. It creates jobs: you cannot bring in 30 million new policyholders without hiring at least a few more people. By bringing these people into access to healthcare, more jobs are created for people-phlebotomists, technicians, ward clerks, respiratory therapists, physical and occupational therapists, all kinds of medical and nursing personnel.
You want to claim it's Socialist, but you can't... and of course you can't prove it isn't.
Thanks, Mal, for setting the record straight. We knew it, but it's good of you to step up and say it yourself.
Lets see, Rational, since the election of one liberal black man as President, we have witnessed the rise of bloggers such as yourself popping up all over the internet stirring up stree thug hooliganism for no other reason than to replace democracy with one party rule.
ReplyDeleteFor those of us who put up with the last administration for eight years it is real hard for us to remain silent as you hide your support for the incomptency of republicans behind you sweet talk about our Founding Fathers.
Now you are advocating death threats being made to elected officials and their families.
Yes, we all know that you were dissatified with the election results of 2008...sorry you lost but have stepped over the line of loyal opposition and are becoming anti-democratic rabble rousers...
Apologists and pamphleteers for the hooligans...
Its time for all freedom loving Americans to stand up to the strong arm hooligans parading themselves as conservatives and hiding their true intentions behind a love of our Founding Fathers....
The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at the thought of being associated with what passes for conservative opposition nowadays...
If you want to know what happened to the greatness of this country well, it was hijacked by the arrogance and anger of conservatives who are intent on making a mockery of the democratic process.
Here comes the Queen "Bold" The Queen of repeated mantras.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about her gibberish is that you can delete it or just not read it as I chose to do after reading the first two lines. It was of course inevitably that she would disagree with anything that I say and that makes me proud.
The Queen of shallow gibberish has called my posts hilarious, well "Your Highness", I'm glad that I lighten up your day. Needless to say that I find every one of your posts “HILARIOUS”.
But once again Queenie, you seem to either miss the point of ignore the point. Your interpretation of my comment was way off base. And truly inspired gibberish. But let me bend my rules and try to bang something into your (head?) My whole point was that I won't waste my time explaining anything to a Fruit Cake troll like AuthurStonehead. Who seems to have a thing about attempting to use lame comeback insults all over Conservative blogs.
The similarity between you and he are not as distant as you may think, the main difference is that you have the ability to put a sentence together.
ReplyDeleteAre you aware of what the founder of Protestanism, Martin Luther, wrote about the Jews? It is so repugnant, that I will not post his anti-semetic words here. Just Google Martin Luther and "On the Jews and Their Lies." And see what this man of God had to say.
All this bashing of Socialism makes no sense to me, since some of the most successful western democracies practice it, and are thriving, free nations.
We, ourselves, practice forms of Socialism.
Funny but I read where "This Man of God" Marty Luther called the Jews "brood of vipers"
ReplyDeleteFolks, it’s not over yet, write and Thank you Republican Senators. And write the Democratic Senators and tell them they are History. WE THE PEOPLE DON’T WANT THIS TAKEOVER OF OUR HEALTHCARE......wake up..
ReplyDeleteNothing is a done deal until the fat lady sings, and she's too busy bashing Israel
Thanks for the quotes from Marx. Interestingly enough they were pulled from a pamphlet he wrote arguing for the economic & political emancipation of Jews. Odd behavior for an anti- Semite. Regardless On the Jewish Question is readily available and well worth a read. There is a rhetorical device known as irony. Marx used it extensively in his work and the lengthy rabbinical tradition in his family provided a basis for his insights. Of course the fact that Lenin turned Marxist theory upside down is also useful to consider. Lenin & his henchmen were tyrants from the get go and that they misappropriated the theories of the old guy working to mitigate the very real horrors of the Industrial Revolution in mid 19th century England is also worth considering. And, for what it's worth de Tocqueville is mentioned in the essay.
ReplyDeleteYou can do better than 'fruitcake'.
Come in. Apply yourself!
Arthurstone said...
You can do better than 'fruitcake'.
Come in. Apply yourself!
No question about that!
BUT, I must abide by Pam's rules...
Plus, I'm still in awe over the fact that you were able to write a whole paragraph.
And don't bother to thank me. It was my pleasure
You know, I always gave the Jewish people a lot of credit for being very smart, so with that understanding I can not for the life of me understand why they voted so heavily for Obama.
ReplyDeleteIt would seem that there is something in the Jewish psyche that prevents Jews from acting in their own best interest. Why else would Jews vote overwhelmingly for Democrats when the Democrat agenda is inimical to the best interests of Jews.
If Jews abandoned the Democratic Party, it would be a long overdue development, but I’m not sure it will happen too soon. But I do hear Jews griping about the policies of this administration, lets face it Obama is not exactly a friend of Israel.
However I feel that If Jimmy Carter could not kill the Jewish love for the Democrats, this guy won’t either
"You know, I always gave the Jewish people a lot of credit for being very smart, so with that understanding I can not for the life of me understand why they voted so heavily for Obama."--malcontent
ReplyDeleteHere's your answer: They're smart.
People with the highest degrees in education overwhelmingly voted the Obama/Biden ticket.
People with the least amount of educaation overwhelmingly voted the McCain/Palin ticket.
Simple. The smarter your are the MORE LIKELY you were to vote for Obama, the opposit of that, the MORE LIKELY you voted for McCain.
Those are the facts.
Jewish voters overwhelmingly are Democrats. Can you guess why?
Remember malcontent.
ReplyDeleteLess can be more.
Shaw Kenawe said...
ReplyDeleteJewish voters overwhelmingly are Democrats. Can you guess why?
No, I can't guess why.
I do agree that Jewish people are very smart, but not for the reason you think.
I find it unthinkable how so many Jews flocked to Obama’s side to support him, Obama just can’t seem to mask his anti-Semitism. Yet liberal Jews continue to endorse him despite that almost all his advisors are pro-fakestinian and hostile to Israel.
As we sit here Hillay is spitting in Netanyahu's face.
I wish them the best, with Obama in office, they are going to need all the luck they can get.
Why would they vote Democratic when almost every Dem is a Anti-Semite!
I guess that Israel continues to deny that Obama is the messiah, and Obama don't like that.
Hey, Malcontent,
ReplyDeleteNext time you are sitting around with a few Jews and they are trashing the policies of the current administration why don't you ask them why they support democrats?
Tao: My brother-in-law is a Jewish Doctor. He doesn't support Obama or the HC bill that was just passed.
ReplyDeleteI'm just sayin...
ReplyDeleteHey, Malcontent,
Next time you are sitting around with a few Jews and they are trashing the policies of the current administration why don't you ask them why they support democrats?
Ya know tao, I reprimanded my son for mimicking you. I told him not to act like a fool.
Pamela D. Hart said...
ReplyDeleteMy brother-in-law is a Jewish Doctor. He doesn't support Obama or the HC bill that was just passed.
I'm just sayin
Pam, My Wife is Jewish and she does NOT support Obama or the HC bill either.
Personally after the Rev. Wright thing, I can't understand ANY Jew supporting Obama.
ReplyDeleteWhen Malcontent says he talks to Jews and then goes on to say he doesn't know why they support the democrats...well, then ask them...
Now we find out that his wife is jewish....then obviously he knows that not all jews support the democrats...
So what was the point of his original comment?
As far as your brother in law being jewish what is the point?
Lots of retired folks hate socialized medicine but they love their medicare...
My doctor is jewish and he hates my insurance company....
Used to drive poor old Dick Nixon to distraction.
It really isn't any big mystery why Jewish voters prefer Democrats. The GOP does that to people.
Tao: I was just trying to be a pain in the butt. After the last 2 days and all the crap I’ve had to deal with I wanted to dish out a little. ;)
ReplyDeleteThere's a Jewish guy in the group I play golf with and a couple guys that might be Jews in my tennis group but it may be that their last names just sound Jewish. I never asked them if they're Jews cause I didn't care. Funny how everyone knows a Jewish doctor around here. The Jewish guy I play golf with works at a local seed plant. I don't even know what his job is but we play at a public golf course so either he's frugal or he's a grunt like me.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if Mal just goes to a Synagogue and asks a bunch of Jews what they think of Obama and the health insurance bill? Or maybe a circumcision. I here that Jews like talking politics at those and Bah Mitzfahs.
Forgive me if I spelled Bah Mitzfah wrong. I don't know any Jews well enough to ask them how to spell that. Let alone talk politics with them.
But I do like Jews. There are two ways to make any joke funnier. Either put Jesse Jackson or a Rabbi in the punch line.
That reminds me of a good one: Bluepitbull and Malcontent wanted to marry Jewish ladies so they decided to get circumcised...
Better wait for Pamela D. Hartberg's approval before finishing up. Shalom.
Look Dick-Head, you can fool around with your Ass-faced buddie TAO about me or anyone else you want too and I’ll do the same but! Even You who’s parents were siblings are not going to talk /write about my Wife and get away with it. Trust me you are F”ing with fire!
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't appreciate the "JEW" Jokes either.
Trust me My name is not BluePitbull. I won’t that the shit from you two that he does. Now knock it off.
Truth: The ironic thing is my brother-in-law married my sister, who is a Catholic. They have 3 children. My brother-in-law agreed to baptize them as Catholics, however, the 2nd child who is the only boy, is going to “Hebrew School”. So, he knows both religions. My brother-in-law is pretty cool, he celebrates Christmas and Easter. My nieces and nephews have it pretty cool too, they get Christmas AND Hanukah presents! Good thing he’s a Doctor cause it gets expensive, especially since my sister likes to shop as a hobby!
ReplyDeleteWhy you hatin on me and Bluepitbull Mal? I can undestand me because I'm always exposing some silliness you espouse. But BPB?
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't believe 97% of what you post anyway so your capital letters aren't making me feel that guilty.
Hi Pamela! If you want I'll email you about the guy my Catholic sister in law married. He's a great guy also but I refuse to use him in a discussion as a matter of taste and privacy. I also find it disingenuous to think that being related to someone of a certain ethnicity or religion automatically makes one and authority or beacon of tolerance and goodness.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and vent...
I believe it is my patriotic duty to support my fellow Americans anyway I can...
Poor Malcontent thinks he is kicking ass when he capitalizes stuff....
Looks like a little anger management therapy is in order...
Go ahead Mal let me have it...its better me on the internet than you going home and beating the wife or kids...
Are you angry because you hate your job?
TAO Said..Go ahead Mal let me have it...its better me on the internet than you going home and beating the wife or kids..
ReplyDeleteReally a cute come back stupid.. Is that the best you can do? Insult my wife hiding behind a computer! Keep talking. I'll tell you when I'm interested.. You know you used to be stupid and obnoxious. But now you are just the opposite. You are obnoxious and stupid.
And tell your friend it sounds to me as if you could use lessons in creative profanity and insults. I've always admired people who went beyond the old worn out cliches. They put me to sleep....
TAO - Keep on a blogging your fool a*s off. If you weren't so comically hilarious I might be upset.
ReplyDeleteActually keep on pressing on, I am loving it! The more you misrepresent the the less intelligent you seem to be.
Thanks for providing the comic relief of the day.
Blogger the malcontent said...
ReplyDeleteLook Dick-Head, you can fool around with your Ass-faced buddie TAO about me or anyone else you want too and I’ll do the same but! Even You who’s parents were siblings are not going to talk /write about my Wife and get away with it. Trust me you are F”ing with fire!
And I don't appreciate the "JEW" Jokes either.
Trust me My name is not BluePitbull. I won’t that the shit from you two that he does. Now knock it off.
I have had it with the way you and your half-wit buddies treat me, Mal. I'm starting to think you're a phony as well. Tao did verbally and mentally kick the shit out of you. You are an embarrassment the way you let them bait you. Don't beat the wife? I could see that happening.
Why not go back to your leader Heil Helga and get in step with the rest of the regime?
Oh, and ps...eat a _____
ddlTAO - Keep on a blogging your fool a*s off. If you weren't so comically hilarious I might be upset.
ReplyDeleteActually keep on pressing on, I am loving it! The more you misrepresent the the less intelligent you seem to be.
Thanks for providing the comic relief of the day.
TRUTH101 said: I also find it disingenuous to think that being related to someone of a certain ethnicity or religion automatically makes one and authority or beacon of tolerance and goodness.
ReplyDeleteTruth: Was that directed toward me?
Boo freakin' hoo! Grow a pair already BPB. Geeeeeze, what a girly-man you are!
ReplyDeleteBPB, You are not only a Coward, you are a Pathetic Coward
No Pam. It was directed at malcontent. You were just trying to diffuse a situation. I dig maturity.
ReplyDeleteLooks like things are stirred up enough now anyway. Good luck to BPB beating down the Long Beach boiler room.
Little man, not only am I not a coward, but I would love very much to demonstrate to you the implications of calling me that to my face.
ReplyDeleteYou are the coward for trying to use Helga tactics to bait me. You have no coherent reasoning in all of your incessant ramblings. We are all dumber for having listened to you. May God have mercy on your soul.
Let me also add that Helga and the Nazis wont be missed at rational blogs. You people that follow her and don't have an original thought in your empty heads deserve each other. Remember, think small.
ReplyDeleteAlso mal? If that is you in that picture, that shirt makes you look like a real man's man. I'm cool with that, just don't repress it.
ReplyDeleteI have tangled with you before and you are a lightweight...
Once you become something other than a very miserable person and develop a little seriousness then I will reward you with something other than smart ass comments...
Until then please don't play in the street...
I'd say that was a call to the floor girlie man Mal.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you should choose your battles. Oh...that's right..Marines follow orders, not think
Blue: There are A LOT of “righties” that follow orders! This week there were 25.
ReplyDeleteI'd say that solidifies my argument that there is one person driving the machination to boycott our blogs.
ReplyDeleteI believe it's a crazy person that hates their life and can only be happy temporarily by inflicting hurt.
Perhaps I should publish those deleted Helga comments.
I think it would be safe to assume that now that healthcare reform has passed some major employer of trolls lost their funding and pulled the plug on their operations...
ReplyDeleteLooks like the country is finely settling down to the idea of a liberal black President...
Disappointing I know...
Nope. Wrong. But the effects of this won't be seen quickly, so I guess it's OK to pretend...even if it isn't in your own head.
ReplyDeleteWe shall never give up the fight for American values and The Constitution you pinko commies. Except the general welfare stuff in The Constitution that is unconstitutional.
ReplyDeleteAnd Malcontent shall continue to excersize his freedom to do what Right is Right tells him to do and wear nice American capitalist tight shirts and not commie tshirts!
And don't make me come back here and type in bold or capital letters!
Hi everyone. Has anything particularly irksome happened while I was away?
ReplyDeleteTeabagger? Sad....
ReplyDelete" Except the general welfare stuff in The Constitution that is unconstitutional."
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing "general welfare" about so many features of this bill, such as tanning salon taxes, or tipping more families toward bankruptcy by forcing them to give large amounts of money to insurance companies to buy insurance plans they don't want or don't need. But it does indeed provide for the welfare, power, and privilege of the rulers. As John Dingell says, it's all about "controlling the people", after all.
Yeah, Dmarks!
ReplyDeleteWho needs health insurance anyway? If you get sick they gotta treat you anyway and besides having health insurance when having a major medical problem is the number one reason that people declare bankruptcy!
Since medical costs are the number one reason reason people have to declare bankruptcy and if it makes no difference if you have insurance or not...then why have it if you are going to end up bankrupt!
Might as well take those monthly premiums and have some fun with that money!
And John Dingell is right, it is all about controlling the people .. power and control by controlling their health care and their every other aspect of their lives and getting the power to do whatever they want to, it makes no difference how they get it done (as we already saw) as long as they do.
ReplyDeleteThese snake-oil salesman politicians race-bait to create mayhem as we saw in Washington this week with that phony “N” word and spitting incident that either never happened or if it did it was probably a planted set-up.
Obama is a real control freak who wants to control the world.
...Ah Malcontent...
ReplyDeleteSo one side uses fear and the threat of terrorists and or communism to control the people and the other side uses entitlements and 'gimmes' to control the people...
Not much difference between the conservatives and or the liberals is there?
As far as 'staging' things to create outrage...well, hell, the original tea party, where tea was dumped in Boston Harbor was a staged political event...
...thats been going on before we were even a country....by the way, Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are the GODS of that type of political campaign...
Its what political parties do...what other purpose do the two parties serve but to stir up shit?
Actually the best way to 'control the people' is, was and always will be waging war. America has done it over and again since the Founding Fathers invaded Canada.
ReplyDeleteFind a foe. Exaggerate the threat. Make certain to choose a pokey third world country unable to mount much of a fight. Invent a pretext and there you go.
The Global War on Terror is perfect. The rationale for war keeps changing. The opponent keeps morphing into something different, there is no possibility of surrender by the enemy and hence no actual 'victory', voila, war without end.
A politicians dream come true.
Pamela, my suggestion is to erase Mal's comments since they normally don't make any sense. And to think I stuck up for the guy and his asshattery.
ReplyDeleteWell, there's been a whole lot of fracas, a whole lot of namecalling, a whole lot of non-concrete, verbose distractions from the actual issue and a lot of just plain noise.
ReplyDeleteBut I notice that STILL. NO ONE. has answered the question of how the privately-owned insurance companies expanding exponentially with their privately-run, privately-administered policies is Socialist.
I kinda feel like this is a tactic that some folks and some groups use... when there's a difficult question, scream names and stuff at them, and then in the distraction everyone forgets that a valid question got asked and didn't get answered.
So, still no answer, but a lot of screaming and distracting.
Arthur: This hardly ever happens. Rarely is there any sort of false "pretext". And it would be quite easy for aggressors like bin Laden to surrender. Or at least put down the weapons and take up gardening.
ReplyDeleteNice complete change of subject. From the draconian measures of the healthcare plan to your alternate history accounts.
Chairman said: "Who needs health insurance anyway?"
ReplyDeleteMost people do. Some do not. There are actually many who for different reasons choose not to buy it.
It's inexcusable that this healthcare bill forces them to waste money on it, against their interest. Not on actual health care, but on an insurance plan which might not have anything to do with their needs.
bluepitbull said...
ReplyDeletePamela, my suggestion is to erase Mal's comments since they normally don't make any sense. And to think I stuck up for the guy and his asshattery.
How would anyone expect someone who lacks intelligence to understand anything that makes any sense. The ability to understand things are obvious only to people WITH common sense
Pamela, my suggestion is to erase BluePitbull's comments since he is too stupid, too immature, and too naive to understand anything that makes any sense..........
However if you chose not to, I promise that I will ignore that nincompoop and anything he says in the future. As I have pity on the bonehead simpletons that lack the intelligence to understand .
Mandatory automobile insurance is no big deal.
ReplyDeleteWhy not mandatory health insurance?
As for 'government control of the people'. malcontent broached that theme. I expanded.
Are you approving comments now?
Aww...You boycott sites along with the pretender Right is Right, whom I think I know who it is now, and then threaten Pam? Please.
ReplyDeleteTime to get your dogtags bent, Marine.
Arthurstone Some how I knew you would bring that up, everyone uses that as an argument. Your analogy not hold water. You are comparing apples to oranges..
ReplyDeletePut it this way, First of all, all states have different policies on that matter, but I can choose not to drive and therefore need no car insurance. Evens so, mandatory automobile insurance is a state law, not a Federal law. The federal government has never mandated auto insurance. Plus one is not required to own a car, it's your choice. No one is forcing anyone to drive a car, and if you do, you're putting others at risk.
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting.
No need to trouble yourself.
Mike the Actuary writes:
However, I prefer to approach the idea from a different direction:
Every consumer of health care services should have the means to either pay for services received, or have the bills paid for them by a third party.
If a would-be health care consumer is not able to pay for such services (or have the bill paid on his/her behalf), services shouldn’t be rendered.
However, as a society, we are unwilling to be quite so…harsh. As a society, we believe that some level of medical care should be available to all.
This is reflected in laws which generally prohibit ER’s from turning away anyone, and the availability of funds (via federal/state grants, and inflation of other patients’ bills) to foot the bills for indigent patients.
Therefore, some mandate for citizens to have health insurance should exist…and in a sense, already does exist.
Well Aurthur you can always find some one that will that the opposing side.
ReplyDeleteTry this one!
Thanks for the link malcontent. The article is yet more conservative boilerplate. But there is a very good post down the comment thread:
ReplyDelete"The comparison between "mandatory" health insurance and "mandatory" auto insurance doesn't hold all the way down to the fine print. No comparison between X and Y does; otherwise X and Y wouldn't be different things in the first place.
But the basic principle of the two are quite similar: "Mandatory" auto insurance says that it is in the interests of both society as a whole and drivers with good driving records who can afford to pay retail for auto insurance to subsidize those whose could not otherwise afford or get auto insurance. Why? Because we all drive on the same roads, and uninsured drivers are an economic danger to everyone (i.e., you get into a accident with one and you're either on your own in terms of recovering damages or you've paid a lot more in your own insurance for six-figure uninsured motorist coverage.) The same with health insurance: society as a whole and the majority with health cannot afford tens of millions of uninsured people who avoid the doctor, get more seriously ill than they'd have to with insurance, or get sick and lose their jobs, homes and businesses because of it.
What the-free-market-solves-anything conservatives don't understand is that in the 21st century, a totally interconnected industrialized Western democracy is hardly off-road. We're all on the same highway system and it's best that, metaphorically speaking, we subsidize auto/health insurance for everyone."
Arthur: You've made a pretty good argument for Medicaid there. Healthcare for the poor and indigent. Not sure how you can fit free government healthcare for the quite well off (a cornerstone of Obama's health care policy) into that.
ReplyDeleteWhat well off people are getting free health care Dmarks?
ReplyDeleteActually, who's getting free healthcare at all?
ReplyDeleteTruth asked: "What well off people are getting free health care Dmarks?"
ReplyDeleteOne example is SCHIP, which is deceptively marketed as being a program for needy children. It has been expanded to cover upper middle class adults.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteArthur, you gave me the inspiration to write a blog on this subject
ReplyDelete"mandatory Automobile insurance vs. mandatory Health insurance.
Take a peek and give me your comments. Most of it I covered here but I added some of my other thoughts.
dmarks typed:
ReplyDeleteArthur: This hardly ever happens.
Hardly. Ever.
Mexican American War Border dispute
Spanish American War 'Remember the Maine'
WWI Sinking of the Lusitania
Pearl Harbor !!???
Bay of Pigs, Operation Northwoods
Diego Garcia
Vietnam, USS Pueblo
Grenada (Cuban troops (construction workers), US students in danger of enslavement)
Panama (Hey! Drugs are still available on US city streets. Who knew?)
First Gulf War
Iraq Invasion
I'd have to say the Global War on Terror is the real breakthrough though. A war against a tactic rather than a nation.
The GWOT will never, ever end.
Mission Accomplished!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for proving my point. Most of those were not the US attacking anyone under some false pretext. Only a very few were.
ReplyDeleteYes, indeed. "Hardly. Ever", as you said.
(Not sure of your point in Grenada. You got kind of odd there, detailing the makeup of some of Castro's occupation forces which had conquered the island. ie. the military construction battalions). And the GWOT is specifically against the terrorists who have attacked us. You seem to get confused by the use of the word "terror" as an abbreviation for them. And it is a war which will end soon, since it is effectively dealing with the root causes.)
Forgot Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.
ReplyDeleteAs far as GWOT is concerned.
It's established beyond a doubt Saddam Hussein was no threat to the United States. Our leaders knew that and lied to the American people, congress and the rest of the world to justify their actions. The folks who pulled off the 9/11 atrocities didn't come from Afghanistan or Iraq. If destroying their actual base was the real objective we'd have invaded Saudi Arabia.
As far is Granada is concerned there were something on the order of 800 Cubans on the island 700 of whom were construction workers.
This is the first I've heard the island had been conquered and occupied by the Cuban military.
But then I hear a lot of things for the first time when you share your take on history dmarks.
There are some countries there I have not studied. The Dominican Republic is not one of them. So you may be right. And depending on how you figure it, you may be right about Nicaragua in the 1930s.
ReplyDelete"It's established beyond a doubt Saddam Hussein was no threat to the United States."
Irrelevant. You don't let an aggressor keep attacking us, and violate cease fires just because he does not meet some arbitrary threat level. There's just no excuse for the actions, period. As I pointed out earlier, Bin Laden was not considered to be a threat by Clinton or the early Bush administration. 9/11 taught us it was a big mistake to ignore terrorist threats.
"Our leaders knew that and lied to the American people,"
Yes, many leaders did lie. People such as Senator Dennis Kucinich. And they still lie about it.
"The folks who pulled off the 9/11 atrocities didn't come from Afghanistan or Iraq."
Afghanistan? Actually, they DID come from there. That is where the Al Quada command and control system was based, with the blessing and cooperation of the Afghanistan government at the time (the Taliban). So that is exactly where they came from.
Iraq? The 9/11 terrorists did not come from there, but numerous other terrorist aggression was based from there, in violation of the Gulf War cease fire. So it was quite reasonable to end it.
"This is the first I've heard the island had been conquered and occupied by the Cuban military."
Just shows you know nothing about the place and its history. Like I do about the Dominican Republic. But at least I admit it, and don't deny the facts about the place. You are probably one of those who is unaware that Cuba after the Soviet conquest has been a complete totalitarian military dictatorship. Castro's "construction workers" (aided of course by actual armed troops) were no less a part of Castro's imperial military machine than the Seabees are part of the United States Navy.
"But then I hear a lot of things for the first time when you share your take on history dmarks."
Glad you are getting educated. Maybe some of your whoppers will thin out over time.
Oops. Forgot Hawaii & the Philippines.
ReplyDeleteThis discussion underscores what I find one of the more striking inconsistancies in American conservative thought. In that view, repeated over and again, government is predatory, tyrannical, incapable of acting in good faith or truthfully. And yet. And yet. That same crowd has mo compunction swallowing whatever feeble excuse our government can cobble together when it's time to flex our military might and blast the bejabbers out of some alleged enemy.
Hook. Line. And sinker.
Go figure.
Oops. Forgot Hawaii & the Philippines."
ReplyDeleteThose are probably good examples, actually. I've mentioned the Phillipines elsewhere.
I don't swallow any excuses. But nor do I reject everything based on a simple unintellectual theory of 150+ years of pure unbroken US foreign policy evil. I look at it on a case-by-case basis.