Harrison Ford has been one of my favorite actors since Star Wars. He’s also a pilot who owns seven airplanes. Tuesday on Capitol Hill, where he was speaking about general aviation, sponsored by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, he told environmentalists, who were giving him a hard time about flying the friendly skies, that he would walk everywhere when they walked everywhere!
Way to go, Harrison!
As far as I’m concerned, he’s RIGHT! One thing I cannot tolerate is a hypocrite, i.e. Al Gore, who preaches about the environment and how air travel is bad for Mother Earth, yet he owns a private jet. Um, if it’s SO bad, Al, why, number one, do YOU fly in a plane? And number two, why is it a PRIVATE jet?
One thing I have always tried to do is walk the walk and practice what I preach, and I MOST certainly don’t tell someone to do something I wouldn’t do myself.
So, if you want ME to stop flying, YOU stop flying. If YOU want ME to stop using gasoline, YOU stop driving. If YOU want me to read in the dark, YOU use candles!
Practice what YOU preach or shut the heck up already. For those who DO, well, we’ll have to disagree with dignity, because I don't believe in man-made global warming. [There I said it] There are scientists on BOTH sides to counter one another, so for those of you who DO believe in man-made global warming, we’ll have to agree to disagree.
h/t CNS News
The Art Of Stage Makeup
1 week ago
Gore doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. The president doesn't think he's doing anything wrong when he fires up AF1 every five minutes.
ReplyDeleteThis is the type of thing that needs to be addressed when discussing the difference be between being and doing. These people up in Washington are great at being people who give lip service to saving and conserving, but are horrible a doing what they talk about every day.
Ford is right.
ReplyDeleteThe Enviro wacko's like Al Gorelione are hypocrites as well as fabricating some of their data. Or at the very least intentionally misrepresenting it.
If you check out what the cost of all the energy Gorelione uses you will find he is way above and beyond most Americans.
With the further sreading of wealth in favor of the wealthiest it is only a matter of time before most of can't afford to fly anyway.
ReplyDeleteAnd because of environmental "wackos" people can now swim and fish in the Great Lakes RN. Nice use of a misleading label though. The political hack in me appreciates that.
It would be naive to think that Dems/Libs have a monopoly on hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteThe Christian GOPpers who've cheated on their wives come to mind.
TRUTH - I specifically said "Enviro Wackos" not all environmentalists.
ReplyDeleteI am well aware not all environmentalists are wackos. Al Gorelione is IMO.
I appreciate that you appreciate the use of the label. Somehow I knew you would. :-)
Hypocrisy is a splendid garment everyone chooses to wear at one time or another, when defending/justifying why rules, opinions or judgements have no relevance to them. Could be the second oldest self-profession known to the inhuman race.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet it seems that the higher the standing in a given society the higher the level of hypocrisy is condoned because it is generally a great publicity tool and hence greater revenue gains for the perps.
Me, I'll stay in the trailerhood, when we git caught screwing someone, we just buck up and pay for the child support with our own wages.
Harrison Ford's political contributions list is interesting.
ReplyDeleteHey! Did I see the name Gore there? :)
Al Gore doesn't own a private jet.
ReplyDeleteBB-Idaho - Indeed... Mr.Ford's contribution list is interesting.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this.
Since the time of FDR, presidents have been flying on AF-1s or their equivalents. Let's see if we can figure out why. Altogether now:
ReplyDeleteSecurity. That's it. Flying on commercial flights has too many risks for our presidents, regardless of who he is or what party he represents.
tnlib said...
ReplyDeleteSince the time of FDR, presidents have been flying on AF-1s or their equivalents. Let's see if we can figure out why. Altogether now:
Security. That's it. Flying on commercial flights has too many risks for our presidents, regardless of who he is or what party he represents.
Sure...because Earth Day was much more important than the giant f'n oil spill that he finally got a around to dealing with after a week. He and the vice-jester took AF 1 and 2 to two separate Earth Day venues. Strange...doesn't seem that important.
I'm always a little surprised when bloggers like BPB actually know what our president and his administration do on a daily basis. How is it you know what President Obama did and when he did it concerning the oil rig disaster, BPB?
ReplyDeleteHi Pam, hope you're having a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteBPB made the very first mention of the spill I've read on my favorite conservative blogs.
ReplyDeleteGood on him.
He was completely wrong describing the President's response to the disaster but still deserves an honest "E" for effort.
I searched far and wide and couldn't find a single mention of Bush going to Texas City or to Alaska after their oil spills. This should indicate that he simply did not go.
ReplyDeleteInstead he announced that he was going to relax environmental restrictions.
Given the fact that it's the largest natural disaster currently going on, I think that it certainly deserves his attention, not a flyover, but...nice try.
ReplyDeleteAnd stop blaming Bush for every thing. The reign of neo cons is over. Get ready for true conservatism. Starting in Britain...
I don't mind conservatism - just not your kind. My husband was an astute honorable conservative. He would be repulsed by what has happened to his party.
ReplyDeleteI guess you missed my point in making an icon out of your husband.
ReplyDeleteI may have. I'm never sure what your point is.
ReplyDeleteOf course not. It's easier to ignore logic than reinforce your argument. I fail to see what 'my kind' of conservatism is. Perhaps you will define it for me.
ReplyDeleteI'll wait.
Truth: There is a distinct difference between enviro-wackos and environmentalists. I do believe we need some laws to ensure that companies and/or people don’t pollute our waters. But we have a problem these days because the enviro-wacks are trying to blame “global warming” for everything from pimples to mental illness.
ReplyDeletetnlib: I have to agree that our Presidents must be safe therefore AF1 is a necessity.
Arthurstone: I stand corrected, Al Gore USES private jets.
I know oil is a natural thing BPB, but just what makes this a "natural disaster"?
ReplyDeleteObama sent three cabinet members to the Gulf. He offered assistance almosst immediatly and it was the big evil corporation, BP, that said it was only a thousand barrels a minute.
How can you in good conscience, in any way, blame Obama for BP's being too cheap to get the cap that is required offshore in Brazil and Venuzuela? Oh, that's right. You and Reagan believe voluntary compliance will keep our shores and markets safe.
I was truly hoping you would be on the side of right and place the blame where it belongs. BP.
Obama is not responsible for the wind or the tides despite what Limbaugh would have you believe.
Global warming, climate change, whatever you want to call it, is a complcated subject. I see things regarding the weahter and river now that I didn't see even ten years ago. Something's going on. I hope it's not too late to fix or that we can adapt to it if there is no way to fix it. And the latter is what I suspect.
Let's see...it took him a week to respond, and the elite staff of three determined that it was BP's fault. Hell, I coulda done that from my couch.
ReplyDeleteThe oil is hitting the Gulf Coast. Wanna talk about a bad time to wait. People might want to swim there this summer, so how many businesses will be affected in this already stagnant economy? Not to mention wildlife and marine life. My point is, even the appearance of decisiveness would be better than nothing.
You bashed the neo con Bush during his presidency for doing nothing during Katrina when he couldn't and you come to the defense of an impotent leader who's greatest accomplishment so far is Iraq...no, wait...we're still there. Oh, I know, Afghanistan..no..that's not it. Is it GITMO? No....The prosecution of Yoo? No...
I know, the chick he may have bagged in a hotel. That's it. When all else fails, pull a Clinton to get those plateauing approval ratings going.
Not sure what Limbaugh has to do with it, but keep going with that theme.
Truth - The progressives 16 months after Bush left office are attempting to tie this one on him as well.
ReplyDeleteWill, in your opinion, King ObamaMao be responsible for anything?
Just asking... Bush is no longer the proper focus for the left hate. He is gone, having passed responsibility to his replacement.
Look at it as business. The reigns of power changed hands. Obama is now the responsible party, along with his chosen minions in high places.
Did I miss where Obama embraced deregulation RN? Did I miss where Reagan and Bush disavowed "voluntary compliance" and say we need to make sure these oil companies are drilling safely?
ReplyDeleteDid I miss where obstructionist republicans in the House and Senate decided protecting our waters was more important than obstructing for political gain RN?
Now I'm happy for you and BPB that you got Monday's talking points a day early. That doesn't change the fact the the republicans are the party of deregulation. They are the party of hope though. "Lets deregulate and hope an oil or financial company doesn't screw us." That's republican hope for you boys and girls.
Oh please....if you can't do anything better than call me the 'talking points' guy that's sad. Go to Tha Malcontent site for the talking points. He's a plant and a parrot of the talking points.
ReplyDeleteRefute any point I made, please.
I'd still like to know from tnlib what 'type' of conservatism I preach. No help from the peanut gallery.
I figured with all you college educated your mind would be opened to what Bush really did to America BPB. You go to Liberty University online?
ReplyDeleteI am open to what Bush did. Don't think that I'm not aware of what Bush did to this country. Spending, spending, spending, keeping the borders open while telling people to fight to protect us from terrorism, spending and more spending. Guess what? He ain't in charge anymore.
ReplyDeleteInsulting me changes nothing.
Truth - I am still waiting for an answer to my simple question. So I ask again...
ReplyDeleteWill, in your opinion, King ObamaMao be responsible for anything?
I have stated repeatedly I hold Bush responsible for his profligate spending, open borders, interventionist foreign policy, and love affair with huge corporations.
But, as always nothing matters to the hackish left other than their agenda.
Obama has only had sixteen months to work on the mess left by Bush RN.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course he will be held resonsible should his policies fail. If health insurance reform fails it will rest with Obama. If we're not out of Iraq and Afghanistan before he leaves office I will consider that a failure. I pretty much think our still being there is a failure but I will give him time.
You forget that I've been tough on Obama for pandering to righty RN. Giveaways in the health insurance bill. Coming out for more offshore drilling. I wouldn't have a problem with that if enough safeguards are in place. BP proves there weren't.
Granted, and I think we for the most part agree that there are 535 members of Congress, most of whom are useless corpoarte hacks that obstruct or screw up legislation so it favors special interests that are keeping Obama from pursuing his agenda faster. Not that you agree with Obama's agenda. But that your opinion of Congress is at leats as low as mine.
Only 18 months? He made promises he couldn't keep. What are the statute of limitations on those promises?
ReplyDeleteBush was handed a S__t sandwich by BJ Clinton in the way of security and at least he tried. Now we have nothing but the impending doom of higher taxes, and now a SECSTATE that divuges how many nukes we have to the world. Sad, sad...
@ Truth - "... favors special interests that are keeping Obama from pursuing his agenda faster."
ReplyDeleteObama is A SPECIAL INTEREST voice for the extreme leftists worldwide. Thankfully there are those who have the courage and forethought to apply the brakes to much of his agenda.
Not that it will stop it, but hopefully it will delay it long enough for a leveler headsto prevail.
Yes, we do agree that congress is in need of a good dusting and cleaning. For the most part a slight shift to the libertarian conservative landscape would be just about right.
With any luck we will see it in 2010. And in 2012 I hope we are singing America has finaly come back home. Home to it's constitutional roots.
"... If we're not out of Iraq and Afghanistan before he leaves office I will consider that a failure. I pretty much think our still being there is a failure but I will give him time."
Since I am quite sure you believe your beloved leader will be in office for eight years, are you saying you will give him six and a half more years before you are critical?
The slopes keep getting more slippery, and the roads more rocky. Lets hope a leader with principals that can get elected surfaces soon.
The health and security of our nation depends on it.
RN said: "Obama is A SPECIAL INTEREST voice for the extreme leftists worldwide."
ReplyDeleteIf so then why is he keeping our troops over seas and drilling off our coasts? These are hardly extreme leftist policies...time to start calling him a centrist like he is - though I realize that this hurts your typical name calling.
Mopper - Beneath Obama's rather few centrist gestures he is a progressive/socialist at heart.
ReplyDeleteThis is not name calling. It is my opinion and it is the truth.
BTW... some of the finest name calling and most vulgar use of the English language can be found readily at liberal blogs. I am sure you have seen them.
Good Day Sir
The J Mopper said...
ReplyDeleteRN said: "Obama is A SPECIAL INTEREST voice for the extreme leftists worldwide."
If so then why is he keeping our troops over seas and drilling off our coasts?
OOOHH!!! I know. Because much like his predecessor, he doesn't study issues before he opens his big mouth?
"Bush was handed a S__t sandwich by BJ Clinton in the way of security and at least he tried." If you care to google 'Bush Admin
ReplyDeleteignored Clinton warnings', you can pick from any of over 2 million articles on why you may be mistaken...
And I could also google the words obama and madhi and come up with something, too. You are silly dude.
ReplyDeleteRN wrote: "BTW... some of the finest name calling and most vulgar use of the English language can be found readily at liberal blogs. I am sure you have seen them."
ReplyDeleteIndeed I have. Mostly from right wing trolls. That's my opinion and that's the truth.
In defense of Al Gore he has to get from place to place. I don't expect him to walk. If faced with a choice of flying in the cattle cars that are the commercial airlines, or the private jet services, I am opting for the private jet services. I mean what is the difference? Both planes will be flying. To parse the mode of transportation based on who owns what or who has the ability to do what others may not diminishes the message. Al Gore is invaluable to the environment. I could care less whether he flies in a private jet. It will get him there faster so he can get his important message out that much faster still.
ReplyDeleteHis important message of falsified weather data while sipping mint juleps by the indoor pool where he uses more electricity than the state of Tennessee? After all, he is a Nobel Peace Prize winner and they don't give those away to just anyone.
ReplyDeleteOh wait....they do. :(
bluepitbull - LMAO. Great comment.
ReplyDeleteamadmike: I don’t have a problem with flying. Gore can fly all he wants. I think he should keep his pie hole shut about everyone else flying if he’s gonna fly around though. Miss Hart is right on the money practice what you preach. He’s an A1 hypocrite. But if it’s about him getting his message there faster, I want him to crawl. because his message is bogus as hell and he's laughing all the way to the bank.
ReplyDeleteJust noticed. Where'd Malcontent go? Did that mean old Bluepitbull run him off? Wouldn't that be great irony if the legitimate righties like BPB aND dMARKS succeeded in getting legitimate righties to stop following the Long Beach NY righties? Poor Helga. Her last bog entry will be "I'm melting! I'm melting! AAAAaaaaaahhhhh....."
ReplyDeleteHarrison Ford made some good movies.
He's too busy copying talking points.
ReplyDeleteEventually he'll put on the wig and make the comments for the RiR site.