For years-- literally, I’ve asked why we haven’t clamped down on fraud, waste, abuse and just plain THEFT of our welfare and food stamp programs, until it became quite apparent that the Federal Government didn’t WANT to do anything about it, so I stopped beating my head against a wall. Not asking, however, never stopped my anger or frustration, though.
I have to say that Governor Jan Brewer has impressed me yet again and given me some hope. First with her immigration bill, which proves she is at least trying to help her state of Arizona and its residents, something the Feds should be doing but have neglected for decades, and now with her new program to stop fraud within the food stamp program.
By stepping up to the plate and tackling fraud and abuse in the food stamp program, Governor Brewer is once again in the news and the topic of something controversial. The new fraud prevention unit, which was launched July 1st, was assembled to ensure that people who receive food stamps aren’t using them illegally. The Trafficking Detection Unit (TDU) will investigate people to make sure they aren’t purchasing items other than food or trying to convert their benefits into cash, a common fraudulent practice. Arizona saved 9.5 million dollars between 2008-2009 by denying people who weren’t “eligible” for the benefits. Imagine what our federal budget could “save” if it would implement such a program! Maybe Governor Brewer could give them a few lessons on how to use one’s “back-bone”!
I’m sure once this goes viral, Jan Brewer will be called a racist—again, and it will be said she hates poor people. But this has nothing to do with skin color, ethnicity, sex, religion, or creed and everything to do with CHARACTER. If you are cheating the system you are a dirt bag and should be thrown off, and have to pay back what you STOLE! But I’m sure that won’t happen, unless our politicians grow back bones or at the very least find the ones they left at the door when they checked in.
But for starters I’d be happy if all 50 states hopped on this bandwagon and tackled this problem which is a dis-ease that has infected our system for decades. Maybe once the feds see that the states aren’t afraid to implement something and that the people are willing to back their governors, they will finally step up and do the right thing!
I can dream, can’t I?
I have to say that Governor Jan Brewer has impressed me yet again and given me some hope. First with her immigration bill, which proves she is at least trying to help her state of Arizona and its residents, something the Feds should be doing but have neglected for decades, and now with her new program to stop fraud within the food stamp program.
By stepping up to the plate and tackling fraud and abuse in the food stamp program, Governor Brewer is once again in the news and the topic of something controversial. The new fraud prevention unit, which was launched July 1st, was assembled to ensure that people who receive food stamps aren’t using them illegally. The Trafficking Detection Unit (TDU) will investigate people to make sure they aren’t purchasing items other than food or trying to convert their benefits into cash, a common fraudulent practice. Arizona saved 9.5 million dollars between 2008-2009 by denying people who weren’t “eligible” for the benefits. Imagine what our federal budget could “save” if it would implement such a program! Maybe Governor Brewer could give them a few lessons on how to use one’s “back-bone”!
I’m sure once this goes viral, Jan Brewer will be called a racist—again, and it will be said she hates poor people. But this has nothing to do with skin color, ethnicity, sex, religion, or creed and everything to do with CHARACTER. If you are cheating the system you are a dirt bag and should be thrown off, and have to pay back what you STOLE! But I’m sure that won’t happen, unless our politicians grow back bones or at the very least find the ones they left at the door when they checked in.
But for starters I’d be happy if all 50 states hopped on this bandwagon and tackled this problem which is a dis-ease that has infected our system for decades. Maybe once the feds see that the states aren’t afraid to implement something and that the people are willing to back their governors, they will finally step up and do the right thing!
I can dream, can’t I?
One defense contract has ten times the fraud and abuse contained in it. But hey, lets avoid the facts, because one issue is more popular than the other.
ReplyDeleteAttack the poor of our society, not the military and it's abuses that add up to 100 times more waste of tax money.
There is waste and abuse in EVERY government program. The fact that you chose this one (as many Republicans do) just shows the political games people play. If you want to rid the government of waste, start with a department that wastes way more than the food stam program.
Tom: I want to attack EVERY system/program of our government that has fraud and abuse in it.
ReplyDeleteWriting this article isn’t attacking the poor, it’s giving credit to Brewer who has decided enough is enough, which is something ALL Governors should be doing, whether they are in financial trouble or not.
The food stamp and welfare programs were designed to help the helpless, which I‘m in full agreement. It’s those who try to cheat the system I have no use for and with AZ denying almost 10 million dollars in a year’s time it appears there are a lot of “cheaters” out there. Imagine how much each state could save if they implemented Brewer’s stance.
As far as military fraud and waste, that’s a federal issue, but YES, absolutely let’s stop it. Tell me, why aren’t they? Why do our officials sit back, knowing full well we are hemorrhaging fraud year after year for military programs, weapons, etc., but do nothing to stop it?
It's easy to attack the poor in society. Not so easy to attack the military, the Congress, the Education Dep., the Interior Dept., etc., etc.
ReplyDeleteIt's popular (from Republicans) to attack the waste in social programs. Most Republicans would rather not have social programs, they are the ideas of their opponents. They don't think it's governments job to help the people.
The food stamp program is a federal issue. Just as Medicare is a federal issue, but administered by the States.
I can't answer for the current administration on why theyv are not attacking waste in government. I wish he would do more. He will have to do more , if he wants to not raise taxes and still afford his programs. The idea that he can finance government health on the savings from the waste of another program, is his delusion. That's where he claimed he would get part of the funds to pay for his health bill.
You would have to ask Republicans who have been in power the majority of the last 30 years why they never even investigated the problem of waste and abuse in government. Seems it's only a problem now, that they are not in power (majority).
I've talked to you before and read your blog. I know youb are serious about cutting waste in ALL government. I'm afraid your fellow Republuicans are not so serious and only choose now and the food stamp program, to make political points.
There is a call these days to end some of these social programs, and the waste and abuse is a reason for doing so. I reject terminating federal programs on the basis of waste, because then every program should be eliminated.
Even with abuses, social programs serve millions of our citizens well, and is well worth the expense. The % of waste in these social programs, is far less than the waste in the Defense, or State departments.
Go back before the social safety net programs and see how people survived without them. Many did not, which is why a majority of Americans have supported theses programs for almost 80 years.
You are a rare republica/Conservative who actually wants these social programs.
I used to spar with a blogger who called himself "Senor Badass." He was as vulgar and despicable a righty as has evr lived. But we did come to an agreement over food stamps. He demnaded the recipients only be given healthy food, delivered to their homes. I said I had no problem with that but it would mean more government workers. Senor said the cost savings would more than make up for it so he agreed. Then he called me a faggot and teatsucker. I can't sya on Pam's blog what I called him. Local bloggers were wise to never allow us to be in the same place at the same time. She may wack this for what Senor called me. But at least we came to an agreement.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Tom that in the big scheme this is a drop in the bucket. But as Pam says, waste and fraud are no good no matter how much there is. And being mean to the poor makes Righties happy and perhaps easier to deal with on the major waste and fraud issues.
I would argue that fraud in programs such as this is fraud of the worst kind. Those who are cheating the system and taking money they don't deserve are reducing what is available to those who truly have needs. They are stealing from the poorest of the poor.
ReplyDeleteWaste is prevalent in all government programs. The government tries to do to many things at too great a distance and thereby loses focus and precision at the task at hand. The nation was originally setup where churches were the social network that cared for the poor and the needy. Community groups and organizations also filled this bill. They were directly in contact with those who were in need and could meet that need in both substantial and unique ways. Taxation was well below 10% in total (all fees and taxes both direct and indirect) allowing freer flow of cash and charitable contributions to flow into the churches and organizations to fulfill this task.
It isn't that the republicans have no compassion. It is that they remember and know how to meet the needs of individuals through community and not vast programs prone to waste and corruption. Individuals need one on one care and compassion not bloated programs that reduce them to a number with no individuality left.
I’m sure once this goes viral, Jan Brewer will be called a racist—again, and it will be said she hates poor people.
ReplyDeleteBy some, yes. There has been an avalanche of such commentary about the illegal-alien law, but polls show that the law is broadly popular nationwide and that Brewer's chances of re-election have improved since signing it.
(A friend of mine had a good idea for dealing with the racial-profiling issue. Require the cops to check the citizenship status of everyone they stop, regardless of ethnicity. A third of illegal aliens are from places other than Latin America, so ethnic profiling would miss a lot of illegals anyway.)
Trying to eliminate fraud from the food stamp program is not "attacking the poor" any more than trying to eliminate fraud in military contracting is "attacking the military". $9.5 million in savings in Arizona extrapolates to a potential of ~$500 million savings nationwide, which is not much out of two or three trillion in total government spending, but on principle it's worth doing.
If spending cutters really want to go after a huge, wasteful, useless welfare program, two words: farm subsidies.
Ablur: You brought up a point that I was going to make:
ReplyDeleteThose who are cheating the system and taking money they don't deserve are reducing what is available to those who truly have needs. They are stealing from the poorest of the poor.
THAT in and of itself is MORE reason than any to catch the CHEATERS. Even if, as Infidel and Tom say, the total amount of waste won’t “dent” our national debt, that shouldn’t stop us from going after those who cheat the system based on principle, because then it leaves money for other programs, etc.
Truth: I would have no problem with delivering food to people on food stamps if it would ensure they received “healthy” food. Too many people on the food stamp and WIC programs don’t use them wisely and the children suffer. I was very angry at Rush Limbaugh and his insensitive comments about the “free lunch” programs. He doesn’t realize that it’s not the kids’ fault that some of the parents are “dead beats” and the children are victims of their parents’ decisions and consequently the children suffer due to those decisions. Children should never go hungry because the parents are out selling their food stamps for beer, cigarette or drug money. Those “free lunch” programs are sometimes the only hot meals those kids get.
Tom: It’s easy “political” rhetoric to say “abolish the social programs”. Sounds good, too—but not realistic. There are too many people today who actually NEED, and don’t abuse, those programs and it would be cruel to cut them off. I’m too compassionate for that because I believe in helping the helpless. However, I abhor the lazy and will not lift a finger for them. That's why I'm all for finding the fraud and waste and if there is a way to find it in EVERY government department, then let's do it, and if we can prosecute those responsible, I'm for that, too.
ReplyDeleteRev. Gregori: The system(s), wrought with fraud, has been going on for decades, probably since they have been instituted. I wonder sometimes if some of the fraud is the pockets of the politicians and that’s why nothing has been done. You can’t help but wonder about that considering how much we hemorrhage “waste” every year in just about every department.
Blue: Yes, it’s always easier to spend someone else’s money! I’d love to go on a shopping spree with OP’s money! What FUN!!
ReplyDelete"The nation was originally setup where churches were the social network that cared for the poor and the needy. Community groups and organizations also filled this bill."
ReplyDeleteYes, but it was clear that these groups could not meet the needs of so many in need. Especially during the Great depression. That's when the American people decided they would be willing to pay more taxes and have the government set up programs available to all citizens. As I said above, reread the History of suffering before the government safety nets were enacted.
That is still the case today. Religious and fraternal groups cannot handle the number of people in need.
Why isn't the Gov. making public statements about the much higher waste and abuse in the Defense Dept?
Why is she not attacking her fellow Republicans for the new drug policy passed by Bush, that is full of waste and monetary favors to the drug companies?
Why is the Gov. not livid over the 12 trillion dollar debt built by Republican irresponsible fiscal policies?
I question her priorities and her motivations for picking out fraund in Food Stamps, to go public about.
She is making a political statement, not a statement of serious concern for government waste and abuse.
She is trying to look good in the eyes of her fellow Republicans, not her fellow Americans.
I wouldn't want to see the social safety net in the hands of churches -- I don't trust them. Every time a new gay-rights law is enacted, we hear about churches fighting tooth and nail to preserve their "right" to discriminate. Who's to say they wouldn't do so again, given the power they would have over poor people who became dependent on them in the absence of government assistance? The safety net needs to be in the hands of the government, which is obligated to serve everyone.
ReplyDeleteGoing after fraud and abuse in safety-net programs has the added benefit that the public is more likely to continue supporting those programs if it sees that the government is not tolerating such abuses of them.
Should Billionaires Pay Lower Taxes Than Everyone Else:
ReplyDelete“The latest list of richest people published by Forbes magazine includes 27 American billionaires who made their fortunes by managing private equity investments (…) Is it fair that they pay tax on their extravagant incomes at only a 15% rate when everyone else in the country has to pay up to 35%?”
Closing Tax Loopholes for Billionaires:
“Who could be opposed to closing a tax loophole that allows hedge-fund and private equity managers to treat their earnings as capital gains -- and pay a rate of only 15 percent rather than the 35 percent applied to ordinary income? (…) Answer: Some of the nation's most prominent and wealthiest private asset managers, such as Paul Allen and Henry Kravis, who, along with hordes of lobbyists, are determined to keep the loophole wide open. (…) The House has already tried three times to close it only to have the Senate cave in because of campaign donations from these and other financiers who benefit from it. (…) Closing this particular loophole would net some $20 billion.”
A Ponzi Scheme that is Bigger than Bernard Madoff’s:
“The key players in this scheme are 20 or so mega-billionaire hedge fund managers, who operate with a supporting cast that includes not just market makers, but also smaller hedge funds, rogue prime brokerages, corrupt lawyers, dishonest journalists, bogus one-man credit rating agencies, dubious index trackers, bribed “experts,” skalawag statisticians, compromised professors, private investigators, crooked financial researchers, captured government regulators, hustlers, felons, thugs and Mafiosi.”
There are 2 million people who lost their jobs through no fault of their own and are now about to lose their unemployment insurance, which means they will soon be homeless … because of ruthless thugs like the above who wrecked the economy. Yet Congress refuses to pass an unemployment insurance extension bill ... or fix the tax loophole for billionaires. Meanwhile there are politicians who demonize the unemployed as ‘lazy’ and deserving of ‘mandatory drug testing.’
Who advocates on behalf of the unemployed who actually paid for their unemployment insurance? Yes, that’s right. Its called an ‘SUI’ deduction on every paycheck. Or is this too much ‘socialism’ for you? These days, however, it has become fashionable to despise and demonize anyone suddenly been made poor by the recession … by the very same politicians who protect the privileges of billionaires. What kind of social justice is this? I’m incredulous!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJan Brewer is a governor of a State thus only the power and authority to address State issues. Defense waste is a federal issue therefore your argument has no validity based upon the issue of Pam's post.
Welfare issues are within the jurisdiction of State authority.
Right, like Gov.'s never get involved in Federal issues.
ReplyDeleteShe's playing politics with the issue, and I find that sick given the sad circumstances millions of Americans find themselves in today.
ReplyDelete"Right, like Gov.'s never get involved in Federal issues."
show me a time when any sitting governor has a vote in the passage of any federal law as they do in regards to State laws and you will have justified your rebuttal to Pam's post.
it is you that is avoiding facts not Pam.
Of course Gov.'s don't have a vote in Congress, but if your saying they don't get involved, stir up public controversy, or raise the poll levels of a federal issue, then your just playing games like the Gov. of AZ.
ReplyDeletein the sense that you refer to, yes and that is the right of every citizen in this country regardless of his role in society. that is the nature of our political system in this nation.
ReplyDeletebut by the job description of her office and the reason she was voted into office was to deal with the problems and to enforce the laws of her State and fraud is a law that she is obligated to enforce.
it is the job description of the President of the United States to enforce the federal fraud laws of the nation. so when you use defense contracts which is governed by federal laws as a means to rebut Pam's post you are saying that President Obama is not doing the job he was elected to do, not any governor of a State.
fraud is a crime and those who commit fraud are considered as criminals once judged to have committed the crime. and the laws should be enforced regardless of who committed the crime.
Pam's post exemplified a person who is doing the job she is obligated to do by law. your rebuttal exemplified a person who was not doing the job he is obligated to do by law.
those are the facts.
thus it is you that is ignoring facts and playing political games not Pam
She is playing political games to stir up public opinion. I guess you don't understand that's how politics works.
ReplyDeleteTake a small problem and make it seem huge, ignoring the really huge problems.
The Republican party created this serious financial mess we are in, so naturally they want to pick on Democratic policies and claim that's the problem with our country.
All federal programs have waste.
ONLY the Republicans have built a 12 TRILLION dollar debt and brought America to bankruptcy.
Yet the Gov seems it more important to scream at her bully pulpit how the food stamp program is ruining her State.
She is playing political games with this issue. I find it sick when so many are in need.
ReplyDeleteohh i understand politics and poltical games.
i also understand the difference between the idea of being a group and being an individual which you apparently do not since you are trying to associate an individual to a group she is not a part of and attacking her for something that the group did.
but more important is the fact i understand the difference between State Rights, individual rights and Federal Rights which apparently you have no idea of since you are attempting to get me and everyone in here to accept that there is no division of Federal Rights and State Rights in this debate.
i also understand the difference between an argument of emotion and an argument of logic which you apparently do not since you are attempting to use the argument of emotion when an argument of logic is called for.
and last of all, i can understand when a person is attempting to change the subject in order to protect his own political ideology
rather than addressing the issue presented for his rebuttal if he can.
every one of these accusations can be applied to you and proven on this post by Pam.
that makes you the one that is playing political games not Pam or the Governor.
You obvioously do not understand given your last comment.
ReplyDeleteDo you understand that the Constitution gives the authority to the federal (Congress) government for making and enforcing immagration laws?
Thought not.
You obviously do not understand the insinerity of the the Gov. avoiding the gigantic mistakes of her party, and trying to make Democrats look like their destroying America with her little issue (food stamps) which has had waste issues in every State since the program started. Nothing new here.
Check out my new post.
Pam's post is about welfare fraud not illegal immigration so this is another case of your attempting to change the subject and avoiding the issue as presented, Tom.
ReplyDeletethus another example of your fallacious argument.
Tom and my other friends:
ReplyDeleteWhat we have here is a perfect situation to make lemonade out of wee wee.
Arizonans and Governor Brewer want to enforce immigration law? Fine and dandy. You go tell Arizona taxpayers they need to fork over the money to hold, investigate and deport all these illegal aliens. Tell them they need to raise taxes to build a big fence. Tell the business people who hire undocumented workers to get used to paying the ederal minimum wage plus workman's comp and payroll taxes cause their cheap, undocumented labor days are over.
When Arizonans are told they have to pay the bill for their legislation I imagine it would be quickly repealed.
"I have to say that Governor Jan "Brewer has impressed me yet again and given me some hope. First with her immigration bill, which proves she is at least trying to help her state of Arizona and its residents, something the Feds should be doing but have neglected for decades, and now with her new program to stop fraud within the food stamp program."
ReplyDeleteI believe I spoke to the food stamp program 99% of the time. I mentioned the immigration issue once, and as you can see, so did Pam.
You can't seem to debate without a snide, insulting attitude so bring it to my blog, otherwise it's over.
Tom: I’m in no way “playing politics”. However, our politicians on BOTH sides play all the time and we ALL know it. You show me ONE politician who really gives a crap about a starving person or a person without a job and I’ll kiss his/her butt. They care about VOTES. They didn’t start these social programs because they care—they started them for votes, and you know it. You and I care, like a lot of other Americans, but don’t hand me a bunch of crap that anyone on the hill has compassion! They want to know where their next vote is coming from, not a poor person’s next meal! And that’s why they want amnesty for the millions of illegals—without securing the border first! It’s all POLITICS—NOT humanity!
ReplyDeleteI’m not familiar with defense contracts so I would sound like a fool writing a post about it—but I am knowledgeable about fraudulent social programs. I write about what I know so I don’t sound like a complete dolt. I’m sorry if that doesn’t appeal to you, however, if you have knowledge of defense contracts then by all means, write a post so that I can learn and I will be more than happy to comment. I can say this, though, if there is fraud, and I’m sure there is-- as there is fraud in EVERY government program, then it SHOULD BE STOPPED!! Period.
The Gov. of AZ is playing politics with this issue, and so are other Republicans.
ReplyDeleteI believe I stated above your sincerity, and only wished your fellow Republicans would do the same.
As I also stated above, fraud and waste should be stopped. I wonder why (after being in majority and the White House for decades-21 out of 29 years) we are hearing Republican concerns about fraud and waste NOW.
I believe representatives who vote for social programs DO care about people.
Very few Congresspeople make a vote based on one issue, except the recent Republicans who no matter what the bill, vote against it in block to obstruct Democratic policies.
That includes the many issues Republicans voted yes on before Obama was elected, now vote no on the very same issue.
That's playing politics, but then, they are politicians.
Pamela D. Hart said...I’m not familiar with defense contracts so I would sound like a fool writing a post about it -
ReplyDeleteThat's OK because Tommy boy knows nothing about them, either. Some defense contracts are in place because it requires techs to babysit sensitive software.
I will say this: They need to get rid of contracts such as taking out the garbage and cleaning latrines while in theater. Those are a clear waste of money.
Thomas, in all of your angry rants against republicans you fail to understand this about the party you venerate and hold so dear:
1. They've divided the country along racial lines and done so for quite a while.
2. The social programs do more to give the poor an excuse rather than improve their lot in life.
3. They are name callers and finger-pointers as are you.
4. They are out-of-control spenders of our money.
5. No matter how hard your cronies in the media try to hide facts, people are generally pissed off at democrats and the president and his mediocre cabinet are at the top of that list.
6. They've shown their impotence in getting simple tasks done when a natural disaster happens.
7. They have divided the country along class lines when the race card didn't work. The rich may pay less a percentage, but they still support the brunt of the tax burden.
I can see that you have way, way too much time on your hands, Tom. I know that you were alluding to the fact that you stopped blogging for a while due to people like me. Perhaps if I hang out here for a while you will go away permanently.
What angry rants?
ReplyDeleteI stopped blogging because I had surgery for brain cancer.
Your a sick bastard !
I wont bother responding to your FALSE points.
You are the bastard who was attacking my blog last year, just because I posted a reasonable question to you about the President.
Your the angry blogger, who I have been informed attacks everyone, uses fake names, and loves to hate.
What angry rants?
ReplyDeleteI stopped blogging because I had surgery for brain cancer.
Yeah? Glad you're still here (and I do mean that sincerely), and still angry. Earlier you said this: I've had a lot of time to sit with my own thoughts. Thoughts uninterrupted by inane criticisms of those who think I should think like them.
It's a personal, alone experience to think and write one's own thoughts; but share them, publish them, then you experience a different kind of personal experience.
Of course one chooses to expose there thoughts and opinions. Seeking reactions from agreement to being told your nuts.
I'm all for everything I wrote above and enjoy blogging for those reasons, unfortunately I have found a level of immaturity higher than I expected, especially given the supposed adult ages of these bloggers.
Too many times it's more like Junior High School antics, and I include some of your readers in that behavior, because of their negative reactions to my simply expressing my opinion.
It's a compliment to you, that so many read and comment on your blog; but I don't envy you the childish conversations that occur.
Your a sick bastard !
ReplyDeleteAm I? How so?
I wont bother responding to your FALSE points.
No false points there Thomas Tank Engine. All are true.
You are the bastard who was attacking my blog last year, just because I posted a reasonable question to you about the President.
You did? Must not have been very memorable. Besides, even though you are entitled to your strange and uninformed opinions, I don't need to publish or listen to them.
Your the angry blogger, who I have been informed attacks everyone, uses fake names, and loves to hate.
No you haven't, and I've always only been Bluepitbull even though you'd like the other to be true. I'd love to know who informed you of this. I don't hate, I correct when you are being dishonest.
Frankly, the republican party holds no more allure for me, either. But, since you aren't going to discuss my points and only want to rant and lie, so be it. Republicans are determined to hang onto their old guard idiots, just as your beloved demorats are. There are many people tired of this stagnant competition, but since you don't want to talk about it, try not to get so angry at electrons.
"I know that you were alluding to the fact that you stopped blogging for a while due to people like me"
ReplyDeleteNot only were you wrong (why I stopped blogging) but you are a selfish egomaniac to think I would stop because of you.
You are a sick bastard to make fun of my cancer, which you obviously knew about since you read my blog (you quote it here).
You are a gutless blogger (thank you for stopping your blog) you won't even comment on my blog, which you seem to disagree with so much.
No sense debating an asshole.
Yes, I heard about your attacks on Progressive Eruptions (when she had an illness in the family) and on TAO, and others.
I'm surprised Pam considers you a friend. She impressed me as having better taste than to be friendly with an ass like you.
Not only were you wrong (why I stopped blogging) but you are a selfish egomaniac to think I would stop because of you.
ReplyDeleteYou are a sick bastard to make fun of my cancer, which you obviously knew about since you read my blog (you quote it here).
What the hell are you talking about? I said I'm glad you are OK.
You are a gutless blogger (thank you for stopping your blog) you won't even comment on my blog, which you seem to disagree with so much.
I don't need to go to your silly blog when you post here so often and I stopped my blog because I was bored, but I can bring it back if it makes you mad...
No sense debating an asshole.
Takes one to know one.
Yes, I heard about your attacks on Progressive Eruptions (when she had an illness in the family) and on TAO, and others.
I knew nothing of her problems, and we've covered this ground. I even told her I was sorry here about her troubles. I don't read her blog very often because it makes no sense.
I'm surprised Pam considers you a friend. She impressed me as having better taste than to be
friendly with an ass like you.
Now Tom...Pam may or may not consider me a friend, but do you really need to reduce the argument to so many ad hominems?
Funny how you libs limp like wounded animals when you can't counter an argument. You externalize quickly when you can't control the argument and attack mercilessly until you are countered and then act hurt. Sad, sad, sad.
Tom and Blue: I consider both of you my friends because BOTH of you have always been nice TO ME. What happens between you and/or others is not my business and I don’t want anyone hashing out controversies about other blogs here either. Okay?
ReplyDeleteSend em my way Pam. I love a good feud.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe I was feuding. I was debunking what he was saying. I've never once said anything ugly about his condition. He started the name calling, which I find most on his side turn to quickly when they don't have answers.
ReplyDeleteNotice I didn't call him ugly, an asshole or any of the things he called me and then accused me of impersonating people which I haven't.
I simply got tired of his angry rant against republicans alone which has now carried on for two of your posts.
If he doesn't want to answer my questions, then there is no argument, but I won't have him badmouthing me and then in the same sentence saying, "Oh, poor me!" Gimme a break. Tell ya what, I just won't comment here anymore and then it can all be a one-sided comment section.
The application for Food Stamps used to be a book thirty-six pages long, asking for information and documentation,(certified), the State of Arizona already had at its disposal.
ReplyDeleteDuring the time Jan Brewer was a professional bureaucrat, common citizens fought her and her cronies to streamline the process. It was a hard fight, but the citizens won.A signature alone gets you help.
Then, the Americans wanted to get rid of the ‘stamps’ issued that were easy to sell. Another dogfight with the bureaucrats. Now there is a card which makes it hard to sell the benefits. Not impossible, but hard.
We have been trying for years to bring back the Bracero Program; work nine months here, go home for three months. The Participants remain citizens of their home country.
Why does Jan Brewer and the supposed anti-illegal crowd not support this program? They would lose their cheap source of labor.
When Dateline News asked Sheriff Joe Arpaio why he chased illegals but lived in a home and neighborhood built with illegal alien labor, Mr. Arpaio got real quiet.
One government bureaucrat in Arizona had eighty million dollars in funds to help homeless women and children. Who did he help?
His family members.
And our women and children wander the streets of Phoenix, within view of Jan brewer’s Office, pushing shopping carts.
My point is this: if we want justice, we gotta work for it ourselves.
I don't approve of fraud, but I'm suspicious of this "crackdown". I suspect it very may well have something to do with the GOP's prejudice against the poor. I think Tom nailed it. It's a political statement. There is a reason Republicans hate fraud when poor people are involved and tolerate it when rich defense contractors are the culprits.
ReplyDeleteAs for Brewer's racial profiling law -- it is racist, although the Obama Administration lawsuit seeks to strike it down for another reason...
According to AG Holder: "The law effectively skirt's the federal government's constitutional purview over foreign affairs. ...[Holder] maintained that the lawsuit was filed because the law is unconstitutional.
Using the police to go after illegal aliens is a VERY bad idea. Because it will make them targets for criminals, and make it harder for the police to solve crimes (you know, their REAL job). Because they will be afraid to cooperate with the police.
You may think that's a good thing, but it will allow criminals to get away with crimes. This is not a good thing in my book -- regardless of whether the victim is a legal or illegal resident -- we should never give a green light to crime.
Your the one using Pam's blog to continue your lies and vulgar attacks.
ReplyDeleteWhy won't you just come to my blog(second time I asked)?
Don't make it sound like you are just responding to attacks by me, I NEVER ATTACKED YOU.
But I won't sit back and not say a thing while you attack me.
And others.
Seems you like attacking people with cancer.